true life videogame: Chapter 2

Published Dec 9, 2007, 10:29:19 PM UTC | Last updated May 23, 2010, 7:35:24 AM | Total Chapters 19

Story Summary

Bulma invention and Trunks' new videogame have clashed. now all that were in the briefs home are stuck in the videogame. with no ki and strange weapons they must use. can they escape or is this there new home?

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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

“Okay. . . .One more time.” Trunks eyes twitched hard. It was the seventh time he explained this. Was it that hard to understand or were they trying to annoying him. Because if that was the case, it was working.

“We and the monsters have what are called hit points. When the hit points are gone the creature dies. Then you get experience points. When you get enough experience points. You level up.” He turned to all of them. “Is everyone getting that?” Krillen raised his hand before asking.

“What does level up mean?” Trunks slapped his forehead hard.

“Just was it sounds like. We go up a level.”

“So we are on some kind of elevator?” Both Trunks and Goten’s mouths dropped, eyes twitched, before they turned away for the moment.

“Never mind.” Both turned seeing wolf cubs charging.

            Marron flew from her mother’s hands. She voice upbeat and excited. No really understand the situation.

“Look mommy. Puppies!” Trunks and Goten charged them. “They’re going to hurt the Puppies?” Eighteen pulled Marron back gently by the wings.

“Those aren’t real honey. And they are attacking us. Now stay here.” Eighteen place her down in Krillen’s hand like a look that said ‘if she get hurt, you get hurt,’ and ran to the other looking for some kind of weapon on her. Couldn’t find one. There weren’t many places to hide one.

“Where’s my weapon? Do I not have one?” She patted down her hips and looked inside her shoes even.

            Trunks leaped and slashed one of the cubs, who turned and attacked him. Goten bashed the same one from behind.

“Come on.” Trunks said to the others. Goku stepped up pulling his little knife out. He was a little confused before deciding to go with it. Eighteen finally found her weapon, in her metal and leather bra. A beast dagger, that was more handle than blade. It was made were you had the small blade between you’re fingers while hold the black handle in the fist. It was a pathetic weapon by any means.

“What am I suppose to do with this? Give it paper cuts?” She said as Chi-Chi rushed forward spinning her staff like a helicopter blade. With a battle cry she wailed on the other wolf cub all the while screaming at it.

“Do you dare hurt my Goten. Take this and that. And one of these and this.” Wounded to tried to escape. “Oh no you don’t.” She jumped in the air and landed on it depleting all the health it had left. It yelped and fell over before melted into the virtual dirt. She stood above where it was moment ago heaving lightly. Krillen moved over to Goku.

“Hey buddy. The next time a evil villain come down to take over earth. Just sick her on it.” Goku laughed quietly with a hand going behind his head. A typical Goku pose.

“Hey.” Chi-Chi stood and showed a small tooth and a few coins. “What are these for?”

“Great. Now we get money and materials.” Eighteen moved closer.

“You mean we can buy stuff here?” Trunks nodded to her.

“Sure. In the towns you can buy spells, weapons, items, and armor.”

“You mean I can get some different clothes?” Trunks giggled out of nervous habit.

“Maybe. If we have enough money.”

“And how do we get more money?” Trunks strangely felt shorter by the minute in this conversion.

“Fights, quests if are any in this game, selling useless items. Stuff like that.” Eighteen moved ahead determined to find more enemies so she could get so different clothes.


How long they been walking was hard to say. The sun didn’t set and the woods didn’t look any different. It was all the same. Did this forest go on forever? Was that possible in a video game?

“Trunks? How long are forests in these kinds of games?”

“Depends. Maze forest can be long and confusing others go straight through. If it a world map thing them . “

“Okay. I think you lost us at maze forest. But that is okay. Let’s just kept going.”

“Easy for you to say!” Bulma was in the back of the group. Her movements were sluggish and bulky. She couldn’t move well in the armor but taking it off could be possible suicide here. Goku smiled as if that helped. Going back to her he put her metaled arm over his shoulder.

“I’d switch with ya if it was possible.”

“I know. We are stuck with what the computer gave us. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”


Eighteen stood on top of a huge boulder. Seeing a sight that made her smile. Finally they found it. It was about time.

“There the stupid town. Finally I can find a different outfit.”

“Same here.” Bulma smiled under the heavy helmet. Trunks didn’t want to inject but felt he had no choice.

“Don’t get you’re hopes up.” Both looked at him. “I doubt we have enough for potions much less different armors. There is no payment plan here and no credit either.” Eighteen eyes grew to impossible heights of coldness. Trunks’ insides felt like they were freezing. “Sorry but it’s true.” Eighteen decided to ignore that and hoped for the best. She jumped off the boulder and headed to town for her little breast dagger in hand.

            The clearing looked peaceful enough but looks were deceiving. Stepping cautiously they all kept moving in unison. Popping out of the ground was a bunny. It had a cute face. Eighteen moved to attack but Trunks grabbed her arm. She eyes still cold but Trunks endured it.

“Wait. I think it’s a helpful NPC.”

“A what?”

“A non playable character.” He approached the bunny, weapons half lowered. The bunny looked up.

“Hello travelers. I am your guide here. As you are new to the game I will explain. Down there is a twilight forest town. There you can rest, stocking up on items, buy new armor, take a quest, and rest. If you don’t wish to stop you can take the paths either to the left or right. The right path is shortest but has the most dangerous monsters. If you are strong, brave, or foolish. That is your way. The left is longer but the monsters aren’t as bad. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.” The bunny bounced up and down causing a small pouch to come out of the ground. “For listening to me. You can have this.” It flipped in the air making the pouch fly to Trunks. It landed in his hand without him moving his arm. “Safe travels.” A small hole appeared and it dropped into it before the ground closed up again.

            Chi-Chi just stared at where it was. It was weird, a talking bunny. A talking cat she could understand, even a talking lizard, but a talking bunny. It struck her as weird. But the more she thought about it, after everything they been through. Maybe it wasn’t so weird.

“Cool. Twenty coins. Talk about easy money.” Putting it in his pack he moved on carefully for anything else that would pop up of the ground. There was no way there was a second NPC in the same area like this.

            They entered town without a altercation. The town had other people walking around. All in the different outfits and races. Like them, all different classes here.

“We’re here. Now what?”

“Talk to the people and visit the shops.” Trunks said going ahead with Goten in tow. Goku shrugged a talked to a horse faced man that was walking by.

“Hello horse faced person.”

“Goku! That’s rude.” Chi-Chi yelled at him. Habits were hard to break.

“Hello fellow traveler. You look pretty strong. The monsters on the right should prove to be a good challenge for you then. But even the strongest warriors shouldn’t go alone. We have fighters for hire if you need someone to watch your back. Not that I need them, but if you do.”

“But I didn’t ask. . .:” He was cut off as the person started again.

“Hello fellow traveler. You look pretty strong. The monsters on the right should prove to be a good challenge for you then. But even the strongest warriors shouldn’t go alone. We have fighters for hire if you need someone to watch your back. Not that I need them, but if you do.”

“You already said that. What . .”

“Hello fellow traveler. You look pretty strong. The monsters on the right should prove to be a good challenge for you then. But even the strongest warriors shouldn’t go alone. We have fighters for hire if you need someone to watch your back. Not that I need them, but if you do.”

“But I . . .” Trunks did find it funny the first time but they were going to be at it all day if he let this continue.

“He’s said all his programmed to say. If they don’t day anything different the second time around. He doesn’t have anything else to say.” Goku smiled with a light embarrassed blush on his cheeks.

“Right okay.” He turned to the one he was speaking to earlier. “Nice talking to ya.”

 â€œHello fellow traveler. . . “

            Trunks slapped his forehead and walked away. This was worse than having a bunch of noobs on one server telling Chuck Norris jokes in bad web speak. He had to look that up at it was in the states. A big marshal artist star. Not that he would be anything like his father.

            He stopped on that last thought. What if they do die in the game? Would they die in real life or not? And if they did, what if Vegeta didn’t get away of the T-Rex? What if he was already dead? Trunks shook his head, he couldn’t think that. He had to be alive. And that, was that. He wouldn’t except nothing else but that answer.



Vegeta ducked as the tail come at him again. This thing wouldn’t just die or get lost. Out of mana and it hardly took damage, Vegeta knew this was bleak. But he wouldn’t die without a fight. He had no power and no extra physical strength, but Vegeta did keep his agility and balance he would normally have in an ki less state. So if the monster truly wanted to eat him, it was going to have to work for it. Vegeta wasn’t going to roll over and let him do it.

            In this game MP regenerated itself. One point for so many steps taken. Vegeta could felt to Mana build in his body. But it wasn’t enough for a magic attack. And if he luck wasn’t already bad, this monster was fire-resistant. The only spell he had and the damage it caused was laughable. There was no way to beat this thing magically or physically in this state. He’s only hope was escape. Normally in other games the monster would stop chasing you after so much distance but this one. There seemed to be no such rule here.

            Using the trees to his advantage Vegeta taken to lose him the thick of bush. But the T-rex use used his body to knock out the trees. Another problem Vegeta had to avoid, falling trees. Coming out of the forest Vegeta looking over his shoulder to see it was right on his tail. Vegeta took a chance and slide to a stop and turned to it. Mouth open, jaws ready top snap with body crushing force. Vegeta ran to it, calculating the timing. Vegeta handspringed over the snapping jaws and landed on the bridge of it nose right above the massive teeth.

            The T-rex stood, shaking his head violently to dislodge him but Vegeta held fast. Holding onto the one nostril, thankful it wasn’t real for once, thinking how get out of his situation . It ran forward still shaking it’s head. It lowered it head to the ground to try and scrap Vegeta off. It was smarter than your average Dinosaur.


Eighteen looked at the selection. Everything was skimpy and thin, but to mention out of her price range. Here there was no intimidation, no flirting, no I’ll pay ya later. You paid, then you get the item. She hated this world already. On a brighter note she found out a couple of things from the people in the shop. She was an rogue. she could use a lot of different type of weapons. Throwing stars and small daggers, she in later level could learn to make poisons and such. But she hoped she wouldn’t be in this game for that long.

            Bulma looked over her class selection of armors. All of them were heavier than the last. She wanted to cry, scream, do something. She couldn’t buy them but just the thought was too much. She could walk well in the armor she had, which was the bottom of the barrel kind too. The starter set in better words. Depressed, she walked to Eighteen who was figuratively in the same boat as her.


“Nothing. I hate this game.” Bulma smiled until the face guard of the helmet fell down over her face. She pushed it back up with a growl.

“I hate this thing! I hate this game!”


Vegeta was thrown to the ground with one final shake. His character hit hard and come to a stop next to a series of bushes. He lost some more hit points which translated into pain. The lower the points the higher the pain. It was strangely refreshing in some really twisted way he couldn’t understand. He also started to wonder why he was the one that decided to fight this virtual, overgrown, little brained lizard. He figured he learned his lesson on playing hero by now.

            He lifted his hand to see a red hue that turned on and off, on and off. He knew what that meant. He was dangerously low on hit points. He body was bouncing lightly with the steps the t-rex was taking. He tried to move but it wasn’t working.

“So this is how it ends. Being eaten by a virtual dinosaur.” He gave a dry laugh turning his head to the side. His eyes focused on something yellow in the green bushes. Reaching for it out of instinct, he found out it was a treasure chest. Popping up the lid he received an item. He was hoping for a potion or something to restore his hit points but no. It was an attack item. Vampire fang. Vegeta almost laughed. “What the hell. Can’t take it with me.” Vegeta gripped it hard and waited as it get closer. It jaws opened to let out a roar and Vegeta tossed the Vampire fang as hard as he could.

            Small bats bursted out the bottle, and started flying around the T-rex’s head biting and scratching it. It slightly retreated, trying to fight off the many attacker. One by one the bat come back to Vegeta giving him one or two hit points that was taken from the enemy. Vegeta finally could stand and twirled his staff. This game had limit breaks, or fury swipes. And his finally built up. The last bat came back to Vegeta, dropping off the last of the hit points. Vegeta tossed his still spinning staff. The T-rex was stopped in this tracks. It was common to have everything but the people doing the limit break to stop until was finished.

            The ground around his bursted into flames. The staff landed outside the ring of fire, and the orb on top of the staff detached from it’s base. Vegeta opened his hand and the orb set itself on his palm. The flames were drawn into it by a unseen force. Once all the flames were inside, Vegeta held it was both hands. With a smile Vegeta throw it hard and it engulfed the creature in a blaze of fire. Vegeta raised his hand making the flames up higher in response and then Vegeta snapped his fingers. It exploded.

            Everything returned to normal after the limit was over. The T-rex took some nasty damage that time but still had over half it’s points still. But Vegeta was now refreshed unlike before.

“Bring it on you overgrown lizard.” Vegeta run at it, his staff posed and ready.


Krillen looked around seeing a round ball in the middle of town. It was glowing, and was attracted to it like a insect to a bug zapper. He reached out and touched it. It stopped glowing for a few moments then it started back up again. The spell was broken, whatever it was. Krillen shook his head and walked off.


Vegeta finished his second limit Break. The T-rex started flashing red. It only took who knew how long, throwing everything he found in the field at it, making it knock itself into trees, and dancing around every attack to do it. Vegeta cast a fireball as the T-rex retreated. Vegeta clutched his fist to cancel the attack.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?! Now that your losing, you don’t want to play anymore?” Vegeta ran after it re-casting the attack. “Get back here!” The fire ball hit the mark, it damage was small but this was personal. Vegeta could chase this thing down to one-side of the virtual world if need be. He was chasing him all live long day, and it was he’s turn. “How do you like it, huh?! You like that?!” With the running, his MP regenerated. He could literally do this all day.


With only a few potions brought and little information learned. Evil tyrant was in charge of this area, taxed the people to the point of poverty and had to be stopped. A overused story line if Trunks ever heard one. He looked at the clan they formed.

“We need to level up if we are to beat this and get home . . . hopefully.”

“Leveling up . . . makes us stronger?” Trunks rejoiced inside. Finally someone understood.

“Exactly! So we got to fight some more. Our experience points are spilt up depending on how many people we have in the group. If we are to gain any levels. We need to spilt up.” Bulma couldn’t help but think of Vegeta’s words before the T-rex run off with him still on it’s back.

Damn it Bulma! Stop being annoying! We don’t know if are Bodies are in the game or just are minds. If we die here. We might die in the real world. There no way to tell!” When Vegeta was right, he was right. She hated when he was right.

“You think that is a good idea?”

“If we don’t it will take twice as long. You can’t beat these kinds of games at level one.” Goten pipped up.

“Except in final fantasy eight!” Trunks thought about it. That was true.

“Yes, but in eight the monster leveled with you. So there was no point in leveling up in that game.” Trunks looked behind Goten seeing the confused and bewildered looks. He might as well be speaking french right now. “Not the point. We need to get stronger and soon. We can’t go to the next part at our current level.”

            Bulma smiled at her son’s take charge attitude. Then again he was half her and half Vegeta. Of coarse he would be a take charge kind of person. It was also hard to argue with logic. Especially when she didn’t understand anything he was talking about.

“Okay, son. So what do you suggest?”

“Miss Eighteen, Krillen, Marron, Goten in one group, and you, me, Chi-Chi, and Goku in the other. We spilt up and fight monsters. We should be able to level up some.” Trunks looked back at the town they were just in. “We’ll meet back at the inn when we all reach level five. Then we will move on.” Eighteen brought out her breast dagger. Krillen looked at his claws. He never used them yet but now was a time to try. “Be careful. Sometimes it better to run.”


The sun was still up but according to Trunks the sun never set unless the storyline dictated it or they decided to rest in a tent or inn. Krillen decided right then, Marron was never ever playing these games ever again. He would never playing these games again for the matter. If they ever got home, that is. Both Eighteen, Goten and Krillen were at level two where Marron had yet to level up. It was Goten’s turn to guard Marron as the monster showed up.

            Goten watched as Krillen got into his role and the running on all fours and doing very all at that. Leaping like a cat he landed on the adult wolf’s back. It howled in pain as Krillen’s claws dug into it flesh. Eighteen came in picking her shots with her one inch blade. It blinked red before the final attack. It fell to the ground and absorbed into it, like all the others. Unknown to them Goten fought one of his own. It as it died, yellow flash over Goten’s body, he just leveled up again.

“See this won’t take too much longer.”

“It’s taking long enough. How long did these games last?” Goten avoided her cold eyes. She was scarier than his mom and Trunks’ mother put together. A Female Vegeta that was in a never-ending bad mood. A slightly funny mental image but a scary mental thought.

“A couple of months.”

“Months!” Goten pulled the Goku pose.

“Yeah but no one plays twenty-four seven. Hour wise between seventy to hundred. And without the extras, maybe less.” Eighteen nearly groaned.

“Marron is never playing these games when she gets older.”

            Krillen smiled went a sharp pain hit him all the sudden. He looked around but there was nothing there and nothing hit him. He shrugged it off and continued on. It was nothing, he was sure of it.


            Trunks saw the others coming the other way. He smiled and picked up the pace to meet them.

“Hey. You guys at the level yet?”

“No. All of us are at level three but Marron is still level one.” Krillen shrugged when the pain got worse. It took his breath away.

“Krillen?” Krillen’s body started to flashing red and he fell to the ground.

“Poison!” Trunks shouted and looked through his pack for an antidote. All potions no antidotes.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why didn’t you get at least one?”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s poisoned. His losing HP without being attacked.”

“What!? How do we stop it?” Trunks looked at Marron.

“You got to heal him like you did us.” Marron moved her delicate wings to take flight. She held her hands out and the light appeared again, like the time with Trunks and Goten. Krillen stopped flashing but the poison wasn’t gone. “We have to back to town. We need to carry him incase the poison is triggered by movement.” Deciding not to question one of only people that knew about these games, Goku picked him up. Marron landed on her daddy’s shoulder.

“You going to be okay Daddy?”

“Sure sweetheart.” He’s voice was strained despite his cheery smile. “Daddy’s just playing.”


The poison was movement activated. It was time based. Marron healed him three more times before she couldn’t do it anymore. They moved on to potions and were on there last one. Krillen was fading fast.

“Hang on, buddy. Hang on! We’re almost there.” Krillen bite off another cry of pain as he started flashing red again. Trunks made him drink the last potion.

“We there?”

“Almost.” Goku wasn’t good at lying. Never was in his whole life and he didn’t start now.

“Not even close. Just say it. I’m not going to make it.”

“Krillen!” Eighteen voice reached pentacles of emotion that were never used by the likes of her. “You. Are. Going. To. Be. Fine. Now stop talking!” Krillen smiled lightly. She cared and she was scared for him. It was touching, he always knew she cared ten times more than she showed. A comforting thought in this situation. He could die happy now. And if the pain was any indicator, death would also be soon.

            He opened his eyes not remembering that he closed them for that long. He was flashing the red light meaning he had one fourth his hit points. He looked over Goku’s shoulder. The town was so far away and his hit points were so low with no more potions are haling powers. Marron had been trying but nothing. Her Mana points didn’t seemed to recover like there’s did. The flare of paining mean more hit points were gone. He wouldn’t last another thirty some seconds. He knew it, he accepted it. He been dead before. It wasn’t go bad. The namkic dragon balls could bring him back, right? Unless he conscious was stuck in the game forever. He counted down the entire time one to twenty-five. It was terrible knowing when you were going to die.

“Bye guys. It’s been fun.”

“Krillen!” Pain flared the finally time.

            Unlike the monsters Krillen’s body turned the color of stone. Before Goku realized it Eighteen had him in her arms on the ground. Slowly his body started to fade until she was holding nothing but air.

“Krillen? . . . Krillen!” She yelled into the air as if he could appear if she yelled or wished it hard enough. Bulma kneeled down by her but Eighteen pushed her off and stood. She grabbed her breast dagger and stomped back to the town. Another wolf jumped out and Eighteen waled on it. She stabbed it many times before it could even growl. Without breaking her stride she killed it and continued on her way.

            Marron watched from Goku’s shoulder. Mommy was acting weird, didn’t daddy say he was playing? So was mommy playing? She was confused.


Bright light. Incredibly bright light. So bright, eyes couldn’t open. Pins and needles like the body went to sleep is what the whole body felt like. Then as quick as turning on the light, it was gone. Sound, touch, then sight returned to him. The eyes soaked in the sights. He was in front of the floating ball in the town.

“What? What happened?”

“Simple.” Krillen turned to the familiar voice. Vegeta pulled off his hood to the black robe now that was open in the front. He was sporting a different rod with metal wings holding the orb on top instead of the claws like before. Vegeta seemed to have survived and upgraded. “You touched the save sphere. When you died your character got saved. Everything you had and the level you were is the same when you touched that.”

“Oh. So I didn’t die.”

“Apparently not.” Vegeta said like he asked the most stupidest question in the world and walked up to the sphere. It glowed like it did with him and stopped just as quick.

“So you got away from the dinosaur?”

“No. I killed the dinosaur.”

“So what level was it?” Vegeta was so getting annoyed. He hated annoying questions as much as annoying people.


“Level one to a thirty. That’s not good is it.”

“No. Almost died. Luck and skill I beat it and gained twenty-two levels.”



Eighteen wanted to rip these fake people apart but they couldn’t be touched. Her anger reached to heights.

“I hate this game!”

“I’m sure the game isn’t to fond of you either.” Eighteen looked at the hood figure but that voice could only belong to one person in the world.


“Dad!” Bulma ran for the first time in the entire game. Her armor clanging terribly. Vegeta for once actually had to brace himself for impact and Trunks ran wide so not to mowed over her to heavy armor form. The hood felt back by the collision relieving his neutral face.

            Krillen walked from around the happy family having a moment. She smiled at Eighteen who’s eyes brightened.

“What? No hug for me?” Eighteen turned her head,

“And ruin my outfit. No.” Krillen got the hidden message as did everyone else. Bulma turned to them and smiled.

“You can let go any time soon.” She turned back to Vegeta.

“Not yet.” She leaned up on her toes to kiss him when the visor fell over her face again. Vegeta chuckled silently.

“I wonder if I can take that with us when we got out of here!”

“Shut up.” She pushed it up hard and it come back down again. “I hate this game!”


After everyone calmed and traded stories, they decided to spend the night in the inn. Getting three rooms. Room one was Krillen, Eighteen and Marron, room two was Goku Chi-Chi and Goten, and one three was Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks. Room three was the only one not sleep yet.

“Level twenty two. Wow dad! Lucky was found that Vampire Fang.” Vegeta ignored him, well tried too. “And we have limits breaks here? What does yours look like?” Vegeta got the pillow over his head. Bulma laughed lightly.

“Trunks stop asking Daddy question. Your going to make daddy’s head explode.”

“But how does he know these about these games?” Bulma decided she wanted to know too.


“No.” Vegeta’s voice grumbled under the pillow.

“Come on.”




“Pretty please.”

“No!” Bulma moved to his bed and whispered something into his ear. Vegeta rolled to the other side. “Not worth it.” Bulma was taken back. That always worked.

“Okay.” She sat down on the his small one body bed. “What would be worth it?” Vegeta sat up looking at her. He grabbed her shoulder and whispered something into her ear. Bulma face went red luckily she was facing the other way.

“Went we get home?”

“Kinda hard here but I willing to give it a try if you are.”

“No! no. no. That’s okay.” Bulma took a deep breath. “Okay deal.”

            Trunks couldn’t hear much but it seemed mom convinced dad to tell his story. His father’s past was something he liked to keep private. That’s what made it so interesting.

“Being a warrior prince isn’t all battles and war. Diplomacy was also part of the deal. Going to a planet I was expected to go with. If the planet’s ruler had children my age then I was expected to . . .” He stopped like the word he was going to say got stuck in his throat. “ . . .Play with them. Role playing games where the favorite thing to do eighty percent of the time. I couldn’t help but learn the useless facts of these things. I played over a hundred different kinds that I remember and probable more that I don’t. That’s why I know about these things. Other planets had this kind of technology for years. This is one of the least advanced game I ever seen.” Vegeta puffed up his flat pillow and pulled the covers up. “Now go to sleep already! Or I rock ya both to sleep with a virtualized real rock!”

            Bulma smiled lightly and kissed him on the temple before going bed to her small bed. Trunks wanted to hear more but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Eyes closing before he was ready, sleep over took him.  

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