true life videogame: chapter 4

Published Dec 9, 2007, 10:29:19 PM UTC | Last updated May 23, 2010, 7:35:24 AM | Total Chapters 19

Story Summary

Bulma invention and Trunks' new videogame have clashed. now all that were in the briefs home are stuck in the videogame. with no ki and strange weapons they must use. can they escape or is this there new home?

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Chapter 4: chapter 4

Marron flew out of the forest and waited for the others to come too. There was no worst for ware. With Marron the maze wasn’t too hard. And the monsters were normal strength. No one leveled up due to all of them were in the team. Some were wondering why they didn’t go with Bulma and Vegeta. But it was too late now.

“There’s another town!” Goten said jumping around excitedly. Why he was so happy? No one was sure. “Wow! Look at the tents! Some kind of show?”

“No. The shops must be outside this town.” Goten started to run down. “Goten stop!” Too late as the game stopped him. There was still stuck together by that invisible force that allowed no more than fifteen feet. Goten was pulled back and knocked into Trunks hard enough to have them back flashing red due to low hit points they both had now. “Nice going, stupid!”

“I forgot. Sorry!” Marron took charge for once and held her hands up that somehow cause the healing power to come out.


Vegeta walked to every shop in the town but didn’t buy anything, yet he was checking over every item. Bulma watched go to every place doing the same thing.

“What are you doing?”

“Remembering the prices. Half these games are fight around for money. To avoid that you can’t just be spending on anything. We are not rich in this game yet. With no payment plans, you got to pay now.”


“We don’t want to stay here any longer than needed. If I am correct, and I have been so far. Kakarot will go insane with hunger and I rather not be eaten by an insane third class.” Bulma put her hand on her hip.

“Oh so being canalized by the other class Saiyans be better?”

“By choice yes. Higher classes had the decency to kill their meals before eating it. Where Third class’ tend to keep their meals alive as long a possible so the blood stay warmer longer.” Bulma felt sick and leaned against the building for support. That was sickening. “Oh yes and the worst part is. It might be possible that the game will sent us back the save point so Kakorot can do it again and again and a . . .”

“Stop!” She didn’t want to hear this. “We feel pain yes. But maybe the characters . . . are suppose too.” Half way through Bulma realized how stupid that sounded.

“Trust me Bulma. You have no idea how bad I want you to be right . . . for once.” Vegeta walked back to the Baraa outside.

“Hey! I have you know I been right more times that you thrown . . .” His ranting stopped see other coming down the hill. “Hey, the others are here!”

“I’m all a twitter.”

“Would I kill you to be nice?”

“It might.” Bulma growled at him before storming away.

Vegeta almost laughed at her but controlled himself as he walked over to the tents. The compared the prices to the one in the town. There were some okay deals here. He also noticed they were neither friendly nor cold. Just normal no matter what. So it seemed the deal were the same no matter the class. The technology wasn’t as high as it’s been in other planets. That was fine with him, he just wanted to finish this and get back to the real world. He didn’t want to deal with an insane third class or the limitations this game had. Looking over at Bulma, undress her with his eyes a bit before looking away.

“Too many damn limitations. I hate this game.”


Bulma watched as Trunks and Goten were pushing and shoving each other. Boys fought, half-Saiyan boys fought more.

“Knock it off!” Chi-Chi and Bulma’s voice rang out making the boys cringe in fear. Both stopped fight and turned away from each other.

“We have a problem. They can’t move apart more than fifteen feet before being pulled back to each other. Hard enough to lose a lot of their . ..Hit points? Right?” Eighteen was unsure on the game lingo.

“You’re asking me?”

“She’s right.” Trunks said still facing the one way.

“That’s weird. A game glitch?” Both boys shrugged at the same time.

Krillen ignoring the scene looked out seeing Vegeta going to every tent like a man on a mission. Goku too seemed to notice Vegeta’s skill and knowledge of things they never would have thought he would know about. Bulma’s voice brought the attention back.

“Vegeta explained to me. It’s called a Baraa where they sell the same things inside. But some at high and some at lower prices. He went through town and looked at the stuff there and his comparison shopping. He said part of these games is fighting for the money to go or do certain things. And wants to do that as less as possible in case. . . .” She paled looking at Goku. The thought of him eating her or anyone made her feel like she was going to throw up.

Goku looked at her seeing her withering look. He reached out a little and Bulma recoiled.


“You not feeling hungry or anything, you are?”

“A little. Why?”

“Not feeling insane or anything?” Goku grabbed her wrist and before she could scream he put his hand on her forehead.

“You don’t feel warm. You sure you are okay?”

“I’m fine! It’s you we have to worry about!” Goku moved back, hurt and confused. Bulma calmed herself somehow to ask him an important question. “Goku, how long have you ever gone without eating before that you remember?”

“Ahh. I’m not sure. Besides when I was sick. Um . . . three days, I think.”

“Did anything happen during that time?”

“I jumped on a hunter thinking it was an animal I could eat. Tell ya the truth I almost took a bite even after I saw what it was.” Bulma moved back almost tripping over her heavily armored feet. The others too moved away after he said that. Goku noticed the change in them. “But I didn’t! I didn’t hurt him! Promise! I couldn’t do that!”

“I hope so Goku. I hope so.”


Bulma explained what Vegeta told her about what could happen. After Goku’s own admission, they realized that Vegeta might be on to something. If these bodies were in fact real and they were in real time. Then they didn’t have much time before the gentle natured Saiyan went into a hunger craze. But at the moment he was bugging Vegeta about it. Seemingly trying to figure out how he could avoid it. Although they couldn’t hear, it seemed Goku wasn’t getting a good answer.

Vegeta formed a fireball in his face to get him to stop talking. Goku didn’t want to go back to the last save point and clammed up.

“Unless there is a point in the game where the storyline has a feast or something. There is nothing you can do. If this was an online game you might be able to buy it but on these kinds . . . it seems our luck ran out. I haven’t seen anyplace here that has food for you.”

“So I might attack the others soon?”

“In a few days. Since we are the only things that are real here.” Vegeta saw Trunks and Goten watching with worried eyes. A very small part wanted to try to put their minds at ease, but Vegeta ignored that part, this wasn’t the time for that. It was almost never the time for that.

Bulma walked over, seemingly getting over the fact that Goku could go crazy and eat her and everybody else.

“So how’s the comparison shopping?” She was expecting a nasty reaction but Vegeta didn’t bat an eye at the remark.

“Those two tents by the wall and this one here.” He gestured to the tent they were in front of. “Sell everything except regular items at a mark-down price. The others are normal to rip-off on everything.” Vegeta reached into his bag. “Speaking of rip-offs. The green junk the troll dropped was part of a quest and this was the reward. Useless to me and no sell price.” Vegeta pulled out a solid gold dagger handle and all. Bulma couldn’t help but think how soft gold was. And how a real gold dagger would break if it hit something hard, but this was game. So it didn’t have to be accurate.

“Who uses that?” Bulma asked still not an expert on who uses what.

“Who do you think?” Looking around at the weapons, Bulma was torn between Goku and Eighteen. Their weapons were both dagger like. Seeing her indecision Vegeta held it by the blade and turned on his heel.

“It’s a thief’s weapon.” Goku reached out holding the handle. He held it in his hand trying to get the feel of it.

“I’m surprised you didn’t discard it.” Trunks said too quietly for the humans to hear. Vegeta took a step forward next to him.

“I tried throwing it out of my bag three times. It kept coming back. The inventory is very limited so it’s the only way.” Trunks laughed once seeing Goten far away. Too far!

“Goten, stop!” Too late as both were pulled into each other.

Vegeta watched the whole thing with a mild interest. They couldn’t be hurt permanently so there was no need to worry. Not even to himself.

“Stupid! Stop walking off! Do you like being crashed into me all the time?!”

“What don’t you move with me once in a while!?”

“That’s it!” Trunks raised his axes. “I’m sending you back to the save point!” Goten too raised his ready for the duel.

“Not if I do that first!” Even both mothers yelling at them didn’t stop the fight. Vegeta seeing this, for once pointless fight, summoned his electric powers. Eyes sparked as a dark cloud appeared above Goten and Trunks. Both looked up seeing that and looked over at Vegeta who eyes were white and sparking. Never did a word leave Vegeta’s mouth but both boys understood and lowered their weapons. As Vegeta’s eyes returned to normal, the cloud above them dissolved.

Trunks and Goten turned away from each other, still annoyed with the other.

“You could stay close until we figure out why we can’t move apart, you know.” Trunks re-framed from yelling but his tone was still harsh.

“It’s not always my fault. You have done it twice yourself.”

“Never said it was always your fault. Just mostly.”

“I didn’t yell at you when you did it.”

Everyone turned but the two boys turned to Vegeta. Vegeta glanced at them annoyed.

“What? Do I look like a search engine to you?”

“No. More like a tell all book.” Bulma said teasingly.


“Could it be something from the game? Like the poison that got Krillen before?” Eighteen jumped in curiosity as the rest.

“Doubt it.” Vegeta said walking away from the group over to the too still red flashing boys. Staring down at them he noticed something. The detail was very light but it was there.

“You found armor off an enemy, didn’t you?”

“Yes?” Both said in unison.

“You both killed it and tried it on?”

“Yes.” Both said wondering what he was getting at.

“Your problem is you have to different arm bands. The game can’t recognize the same double pieces of armor in two different places. The bands will always stick together. That’s why you two can’t go to far from each other.” Both boys held out their arms seeing the bands. The details were so similar and the same level. But there was a difference. Switching the bands, they ran from each other. And instead of being pulled back, they kept going.

As they were running around like little maniacs on sugar, the others went to the tents that Vegeta points out as there were deals and not steals.

“There is one problem solved but what about our hunger problem?” Bulma tried not to glance at Goku but failed.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know.” Vegeta brought a heavy chest plate and turned to Bulma. He helped her take her weaker one off. Bulma looked at him confused.

“What about you?” Vegeta didn’t even glace up as he fastened the locks on the side. This pieces opened on the one side for easy removal.

“The armor and weapons are too weak for me. After the t-rex I traded in it’s large tooth and ribs bones to the collector on the town for a mid power robe and it’s eyes for this staff. These things here, at the highest level is only fourteen. It be a downgrade.” Bulma nodded not truly understanding everything but understood just enough to get by.

“Okay. So what now?” She said changing the subject.

“ . . . . There are storylines to these things. No doubt we’ll come across it soon. The quicker we finish this game the better.”

“I agree but how do we find it?”

“It will jump out at us eventually. Yet in the mean time just talk to the people here. They are programmed to give bits and pieces of information. Clues on what will happen and where to go next.”

“I’m starting to think you enjoyed these games just a little.”

“Don’t insult me.” Vegeta folded his arms. “Yet since I had no choice in the matter. I turned it into mental training. Figuring out where to go and what to do without the game’s guide and before the others.”

“Do you do anything not training related at a kid?”

“Do I do anything not training related now?”

“Well.” Bulma smiled coyly placing her hands on his sides. “There are a few things you do.” Vegeta ignored the suggestive tone knowing it was pointless here.

“Let’s not go down that rode again we both know there is nothing we can do about it.” Bulma’s whole mood dropped remember earlier.

“I hate this game.”

“I don’t believe anything is having fun here.” Vegeta looking over his shoulder and around the area.

“What are you doing?” Vegeta turned back to her.

“That was Kakarot’s cue to run up saying he loved this game.” Bulma giggled at the thought. Vegeta’s sense of humor never failed to amuse her. When he showed it.


Everyone was upgraded and stocked up. As it was still kinda early, so they started collecting information. Everything spilt up and divided up the town. It wasn’t long when everyone in the town was talking too. Goku, Eighteen and Marron were the first to go back the inn.

Eighteen was one of the least concerned about Goku going crazy and eating them. Not that she didn’t believe he wouldn’t. She had seen him eat before. But since she was made with machine parts through-out her body, she doubted he would eat her first choice. Krillen on the other hand, she worried about him. Being fully human, he might be more suitable to the Saiyans’s taste. But hopefully they beat this game before that happened.

“Hey!” She looked seeing the boys and Bulma coming in. It was rather funny that now that the boys weren’t stuck together anymore, they did leave each other’s side. But then again that was pretty normal. Seconds later Vegeta walked in with Goku following on his heels. Vegeta leaned up against the wall, with the hood of his robe over most of his face. Only Chi-Chi was left.


If they had to guess, they been waiting for at least a half an hour. Even the calm ones of the group were losing their patients.

“Goku! Bulma! Anyone!?” Goku stood and went to the entrance of the inn. Chi-Chi was ushered in quickly but gently. The strongest man in the world was afraid of his beloved wife and her frying pans of death. He was just glad they didn’t have them in this game.

“Okay. Now that we are all here. What did you find out?” Trunks set his axes on the floor before addressing them.

“Same as before evil Tyrant taxing the people into the poor house.” Goten continued after him.

“He’s also looking for a bride and takes all the younger women to the castle if they like it or not.” Bulma stood up to tell what she knew.

“One person mentioned other continents here. That’s all he said.” Vegeta looked at her deciding to finish.

“The other continents don’t wish to be ruled by him but separate do not have the power to fight he’s armies.” Vegeta took off the heavy robe leaving him only in black baggy pants like he had before when he was level one. Expect the chains and charms were gone. “If I had to guess with the information gathered. We are to unite the two continents to one common goal and help them take down the Evil Tyrant King, Rufus.” The others including the boys just stared at him in a state of shock. Vegeta for a moment felt like putting the robe back on and the hood back up but pushed the feeling away a heartbeat later.

“How many diploic missions did you and your father do?” Vegeta turned his head ignoring them and her question.

“There is a curfew here on the town. We don’t want to create trouble yet. In these games, doing so makes more trouble for you later. Don’t wish to be arrested this early in the game.” Outside the sun was setting and rain clouds were starting to form. It seemed as good as any time to rest. Vegeta left one the room he paid for and before the others could ask Bulma and Trunks followed saying goodnight. The diploic story would have to wait.

sorry guys. I know it been a while but with good reason. One- my father was in the hospital having a 4-way bypass. They took a vein out of his leg, arm, and two from his chest. He’s home now but his like a baby without diapers and can talk. He doesn’t matter too but the body hurts to move, breath, cough, and everything else. That’s the main reason. I wasn’t home enough before to write anything,

two-I studying for my admittance test. It’s a while away but the whole bypass thing happened I missed test date and week ago. Family is more important. I’ll take it next time around.

And three my job now sucks now. The new manger doesn’t like people that were there before her. That means me. And she got the boss rapped around her little finger somehow. So I’m looking for a new job on the side here. This leaves little time for anything else. But I started this story and I will finish it! Just bare with me.

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