In Arrears: Six

Published Nov 3, 2008, 9:35:15 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 3, 2008, 9:35:15 AM | Total Chapters 9

Story Summary

(D. Gray-Man)Handsome, smart, and powerful, General Cross of the Black Order is one of the few men capable of standing against the terror of humanity known as the Millennium Earl. He�s also a playboy extraordinaire with a nasty habit of not paying his debts. Cross is about discover, that karma can be a really cunning bastard. (OC x CM x KL) COMPLETE

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Chapter 6: Six


The door clacked open and the thud of bare feet announced that someone had entered the room. “Oh my, isn’t he a prime cut?” The voice was masculine but soft, almost delicate. “And gift-wrapped. How very sweet!” His footsteps approached quickly, then fabric rustled at Marin’s side and the mattress tilted with additional weight right next to him. “Such incredible muscles…” Smooth soft hands swept out across Marin’s chest and belly.

Marin automatically writhed under the gentle caress, tugging at the silken cords that bound his wrists to the ring bolted to the floor.

“Oh…” The patron sighed in obvious pleasure. “My…companion told me that he was eager, but I had no idea.” He scraped short blunt nails down Main’s belly. “And I may do anything I like with him?”

Marin writhed under the sensation, yet he couldn’t help but note that the last patron had asked the same thing.

“Short of blood-letting, yes.” Fox’s mildly pleasant voice came from his corner. “Considering his extensive training and years of battlefield combat, we cannot guarantee your safety should his instincts to protect himself get the better of him.”

Marin frowned. The same reply. Was it some kind of standard answer?

The patron’s hand left him. “And this is why you’re here because he’s…dangerous?”

“I will turn my back if you wish.”

“No, I don’t mind being watched.” The patron suddenly straddled Marin’s chest. His thighs were far more slender and his weight slighter than the last one. “In fact, I find it kind of, exciting.”

Marin bit down on his bottom lip. Another blow job?

“Can I…ride him?”

Marin suddenly realized that the patron was facing the other way, toward his cock.

“You may use him however you like.”

“Then don’t mind if I do.” The patron’s hand closed around Marin’s cock.

Marin dug his heel into the mattress and bucked upward, a soft desperate gasp leaving his lips.

“So hard…” The hand slid downward and the fingers brushed the metal binding Marin. “A cock ring…”

Fox’s voice softened. “You may release him, at your discretion.”

“Hmm… I think I like the idea of a man that can’t cum unless I want him to.”

“As you please.”

“Excellent.” The patron scooted back until he knelt over Marin’s face. “Lick me, handsome. Make me nice and wet.”

Marin blinked behind his blindfold. The guy was facing the wrong way of he wanted a blowjob. He stuck out his tongue anyway and encountered the guy’s somewhat hairy balls. He stroked it with his tongue and tasted of clean skin and smelled slightly of soap. This one had bathed too.

The patron sighed. “Very nice, but I want your tongue on my asshole.” He slid back a little further. “Give me a rim-job and make it really wet.”

Oh, that. Marin licked his lips. He’d done such to women before. It couldn’t be much different. He stretched out his tongue. After a couple of experimental licks, he found the puckered target. He lapped all the way around using a very wet tongue and wriggled the tip at the opening. It wasn’t much different from doing it to a female, merely missing the tang of pussy juice that normally dripped to that area. In fact, this patron’s was cleaner than many he’d encountered before.

The patron groaned and squirmed on Marin’s face. “Oh fuck… He’s good at this.” He rose from Marin’s chest. “Okay, that’s enough of that.”

Fox spoke from his corner. “I have oil, should you care for it.”

“Oh, yes! Thank you!” The patron stepped away, then returned. Fabric rustled. A wet slippery hand closed tight around Marin’s cock.

He gasped and bucked up hard into it.

“So enthusiastic…” He slathered his oil-slicked hand all the way down Marin’s cock, then up and over the crown. “Oh he’s going to be a nice ride, I can tell.”

“Just be aware that he’s very strong.”

“The patron withdrew his hand. “I’m counting on it.” He straddled Marin’s hips, knelt, and set one palm on Marin’s chest. His other hand closed around Marin’s cock. “Now take it easy at first. Let me get on you, then you can fuck me as hard as you like.”

Marin stiffened. I’m fucking him?

Holding Marin’s cock in place, the patron lowered himself down to press against the tip of his cock. The man’s body opened and practically sucked him within.

Marin gasped, heat, and slick tightness. He pushed upward slowly, seeking more.

The patron pressed downward, his butt coming in contact with Marin’s hips, and groaned. “Good… So good…” Pressing both palms on Marin’s chest, he set his knees down on the mattress on either side of Marin’s hips. He leaned back, setting one palm then the other, on Marin’s thighs, and seating himself fully. “Yes…”

Marin rolled his hips in reply. Friction… Delicious slick, hot, friction, exactly where he needed it. He sighed out a voiceless groan of pleasure.

The patron levered himself up, withdrawing partway from Marin’s cock, then sat back down, sliding his cock back in.

Marin obligingly thrust upward to meet him.

The patron choked. “Oh yes, exactly right. More!” He rose back up and came down a little faster, and harder, then again, and again, until he was riding Marin’s cock hard and fast. His moans of enjoyment gained in volume.

Marin pumped up to meet him. Unable to see anything, it was easy to imagine that a woman was seated atop him riding out her enjoyment. He had many memories to choose from, yet, he found himself wondering how Fox would look when riding him. Would he throw his head back and toss all that long black hair? Would his muscles gleam with sweat? Would his mouth strain open to moan out his pleasure?

Climax surged, tightening in his balls. He thrust hard and fast, fighting the ring that bound him. Almost there…! He panted for breath while thrusting in desperation. Climax peaked, his balls tightened… His body surged upward and held, taut as steel wire.

The patron shuddered violently. “Oh shit… Oh fuck!” He ground down hard on Marin’s rigid cock, his fingers clawing Marin’s thighs. “Ah…!” Hot thick wetness spattered Marin’s chest and belly.

Marin’s climax receded, driven back by the tight ring around the base of his cock. He collapsed, gasping and writhed in frustrated defeat.

The patron collapsed on top of him, panting, sweaty, and sticky with smeared cum. “Oh fuck, that was good.” He pressed a kiss to Marin’s damp cheek. “Thank you handsome.”

Fox rustled in his corner. “I’m glad he pleased you.”

The patron rose from his seat. “Fuck yes, he pleased me, but he looks a bit…uncomfortable.” His finger tapped the tip of Marin’s cock.

The light touch practically burned. Marin hissed and twisted. He was more than a little sensitive.

Fox’s robes whispered closer. “You may release him if that is your desire. If not, I will see to his needs afterwards.”

The patron walked toward Marin’s head. “I’d like him to see him released. I bet he’s gorgeous when he cums, but think he may be a bit too fierce for me handle. I know! Would you do it for me?”

Fox’s stepped onto the mattress and knelt by Marin’s hip. “If that would please you?”

“It would, oh it really, really would!” The patron knelt by Marin’s head.

Fox knelt at Marin’s side. “Very well then, how would you like it done?”

“Fuck him.”

Fox’s clothes rustled. “Position?”

“On his back.” The patron cupped Marin’s face. “I want to watch that lovely cock cum all over him, and do it hard.”

Something squirted close by. “As you wish.” Fox’s slick fingers closed around Marin’s cock. He rubbed lightly, slathering oil on his swollen flesh and the ring that bound it.

Marin shuddered. Fox’s light touch was almost too much to bear.

Fox gripped the ring and pulled. It slid upward, but it was very snug. After a aching eternity, it slid off.

Blood rushed into the constricted area with burning haste. Marin choked out a voiceless shout and kicked out in reaction. His foot didn’t make contact. Fox apparently dodged the kick.

The patron chuckled softly. “Oh dear, that must have hurt.”

Fox spoke from between clenched teeth. “So it would seem.” A soft slapping sound announced that he was greasing his cock.

The patron hummed with obvious pleasure. “Damn, you’re rather impressive yourself.”

“Thank you.” Fox slid his hands under Marin’s legs and pushed them up into his chest. He came up on his knees, forcing Marin’s ass off the mattress.

Marin gave out a gasping sigh. The position Fox had chosen placed all his weight on his shoulders. With his wrists tied above his head, he couldn’t even use his arms for leverage, or balance. It wouldn’t normally have been a strain, but his arms had been stretched out over his head for over an hour and he’d been tugging on the rope, tensing his muscles for about that long too.

“Oh, I like that position! I can see everything.”

Fox released Marin’s right leg. Something thick and very hard pressed against Marin’s anus. “Prepare yourself.”

Marin took in a breath and pushed out.

Fox thrust brutally hard, spearing his cock all the way in to the balls in one lunge.

Marin’s choked and stiffened in shock. Son of a bitch…! It didn’t hurt exactly, but it did feel like he had a hot steel pole stuffed itself all the way up his ass. Fox was not a small man and he was very, very hard. Clearly, Fox was not happy with him. Perhaps he shouldn’t have tried to kick him?

Fox locked his arms around Marin’s upraised thighs and dug his fingers in, holding him firmly in place over his shoulders. He rolled his hips, rubbing his cock all the way around inside Marin’s ass. He pressed up against the swollen nub within.

Intense electrical ecstasy exploded inside Marin. His mind buzzed white noise and he gasped out a silent scream. His back arched, forcing him even higher off the mattress and all the way up on his shoulders. But it wasn’t quite enough to make him cum. God damn it!

The patron gasped and moved back. “Holy shit…”

Marin writhed, his spine snaking to get that mind-blowing sensation back. He huffed out what would have been pathetic whimpers if he’d still had a voice.

He patron rose and stepped to the side. “God, he’s gorgeous, and strong. I wouldn’t have been able to handle him at all.”

Fox panted, but held on. “He has been kept close to the edge for a while, so I’m afraid that this will be quick.”

“I don’t mind. I expected as much.”

“Very well then.” Fox shifted his hips slightly, and then slammed in hard directly on target, then again and again.

Agonizingly intense pleasure exploded inside Marin burning every thought out of his head. He gasped out a voiceless scream and bucked just as hard to meet Fox’s thrusts.

Climax rose brutally fast and crested. For a breathless eternity, he teetered on the brink, his back arched and every muscle taut. Tension shattered. His balls clenched viciously. He toppled into the maelstrom screaming silently. White hot cum spattered down his belly, his chest, and his cheeks. He choked out one more voiceless scream and knew no more.

* * * * *

Marin awoke to blackness and a hot cloth sweeping down his body. Fucking blindfold… His arms were at his sides, so they weren’t tied anymore, but he was so exhausted his hands were almost too heavy to lift. “Fox?” He actually achieved a whisper, so the binding around his throat was apparently gone too.

The cloth being wiped across his brow stilled. “Yes?”

Marin took in a deep breath. “I really don’t like that cock ring.”

Fox snorted. “It did not appear that way, at least not to the patron. Despite your little show of rebellion, he was very pleased.”

Marin huffed out a tired laugh. “I’m thrilled.” He was not going to apologize for that kick. “That damned ring hurt like a mutherfucker.”

“Oh, I know.” Fox pulled a light blanket over Marin.

Marin frowned. A blanket? “Am I done?”

“For tonight.” Fox lifted Marin into a sitting position and tucked the blanket around him.

“Good.” He frowned in Fox’s general direction. “Eh, can’t I sleep now?”

“Soon.” Fox moved in front of Marin. “You need to eat first.” His clothes rustled and the mattress under him shifted. There was a clink of glass. “Open your mouth.”

Marin turned away. “I could really use a drink.”

Fox snorted. “You already know the answer to that.”

Marin curled his lip. “How about a cigarette?”

“After you eat.” Fox cupped his chin. “Look this way and open your mouth.”

Marin scowled in Fox’s hand. “Fine, whatever.” He opened his mouth for a bite of chicken and rice. He chewed thoughtfully. “So I only had two…appointments tonight?”

“Did you want more?”

Marin flinched back. “No! Two was fine!”

“Good.” Fox sounded entirely too cheerful. “Because you have two more tomorrow.” He tapped Marin’s bottom lip. “Eat.”

Marin opened his mouth to receive another bite of chicken, and chewed. “Do…courtesans normally do two a night?”

“Normally a courtesan only entertains one patron, but it is for an entire night. You are something of a specialty item, so it is expected that their time with you will be strictly controlled.”

Marin frowned. “Eh…?”

Fox stuffed another piece of food into Marin’s mouth. “A man so dangerous and unstable of temperament is difficult to obtain, so your price is high. It is understood that we will have difficulty keeping you under control so a limit to the time they may enjoy you is expected.”

Marin wasn’t sure if he should be flattered or insulted. “So I should expect more of the same for the rest of my time here?”

Fox wiped Marin’s mouth with a soft cloth. “More or less.”

Marin sighed. “Can I have my cigarette now?”

“As soon as you finish eating.”

Marin ate while his mind went over the events of the night. While it was somewhat humiliating to be used like a common whore, being fucked by men wasn’t as disgusting as it should have been. Fox had been far too right about him having a taste for it.

However, what really bothered him was how right Fox had been. If he liked having a cock up his ass this much already, how much would he like it after a full week of it?

Unfortunately, there wasn’t a damned thing he could do about it.

~ * ~

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