Life Is But a Dream: Grudge

Published May 7, 2012, 6:06:20 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 30, 2012, 9:14:53 PM | Total Chapters 14

Story Summary

(Complete)Fawks and Sessho-maru live a happy life surrounded by their children. But a violent act of revenge causes Fawks to become unhinged. As her nightmare get more vivid, she begins to wonder if her perfect life with the man she loves is even real.

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Chapter 13: Grudge

“Have you lost what little sense you had?!” Yasuke said in a harsh whisper. He stood over Kagura who sat at the break room table. She glared at him.

“…well you must have to be starting fights with mental patients”

“Tell me something, Yasuke-kun. Is that girl…having an affair with an orderly or maybe another patient or doctor?”

Yasuke raised an eyebrow.

“Just now…she told me Toshiro-kun had sex with her…but why would he do such a thing?” she ranted softly. Yasuke crossed his arms over his chest, “Why not? You know he loved her once, he still does”

 Kagura lowered her head, “…so it is true…”

“That’s right, and Toshiro won’t be too happy to know you got in a fight with her let alone made threats…”

“I don’t care what Toshiro would like, since he obviously doesn’t care about me…!” Kagura began, straightening her back.

“You’re right, he doesn’t”

Kagura glanced up at him in disbelief, Yasuke bent over her, leaning in close.

“Since you don’t seem to understand I’m gonna explain it to you; Toshiro doesn’t love you, he never loved you. He could have love you once, but you threw that all away just so you could sleep around”

Kagura looked away as if ashamed, “I know that…I know I made some mistakes but I’m trying to set things right. I really want to be with Toshiro-kun!”

“What you want to ‘be with’ is Toshiro’s money and the status you’ll get from marrying into our family” Yasuke snapped. Kagura stared at him as if she had been shocked into silence, Yasuke drew back, glaring at her with all of his contempt.

“If you really want to ‘set things right’ you’d officially cancel the engagement no matter how much my old man begs and pleads and leave us all alone” with that he turned, leaving her to think on her sins.


“At least this place isn’t all boring” Fawks laughed, throwing herself down on the bed.

“Well I’m glad you had fun…” Yasuke said sarcastically.

“What’s that bitch’s problem anyway? It’s not like she’s married to him yet…” Fawks shrugged, kicking up her feet.

“Feh, all that little slut cares about is money…” he scoffed. “Crazy or not, she still thinks you’re in the way…”

“Aren’t I?” Fawks smirked, “Toshiro-san and I did have sex after all…”

“…I wouldn’t know about that…” Yasuke sniffed, looking away.

“Fawkeisha-san!” Naruko cried bursting into the room.

“Eh?” Fawks began.

“I heard what happened, are you alright?!” he asked, lifting her face into his hand.

“I’m fine, she didn’t even manage to get a shot off” Fawks shrugged.

“…that’s not what I meant” Naruko sighed shaking his head.

“It’s not like I’ve never gotten into a fight with another girl before…” Fawks shrugged. Yasuke and Naruko exchanged looks.

“What?” Fawks raised an eyebrow.

“Actually…” Yasuke began.

“I…didn’t come across anything in your history that said you had a penchant for violence…” Naruko added. Fawks blinked, “…Oh…really?”

“Really” Yasuke nodded.

“Huh…well if there’s nothing else, I’m taking a nap” Fawks sighed.

“Okay, dinner is in a few hours, I’ll come get you then” Yasuke nodded. Fawks turned over, as the two left the room, Yasuke shutting the door behind them.

‘…so that’s what’s going on' Fawks noted.

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