Life Is But a Dream: The Truth

Published May 7, 2012, 6:06:20 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 30, 2012, 9:14:53 PM | Total Chapters 14

Story Summary

(Complete)Fawks and Sessho-maru live a happy life surrounded by their children. But a violent act of revenge causes Fawks to become unhinged. As her nightmare get more vivid, she begins to wonder if her perfect life with the man she loves is even real.

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Chapter 3: The Truth

“You are well aware that in taking you as his mate, Sessho-maru broke off a previous engagement his father had arranged when he was but a pup” Sachiko began once the two were alone.

“I am aware…” Fawks nodded.

“It was quite a foolish move. The marriage had been arranged in order to settle a feud between our family and another Inu-youkai clan. Sessho-maru almost started a war over you…” Sachiko smirked.

“Is there some point to you telling me this?” Fawks raised an eyebrow.

“That same clan has redirected their hatred towards you. I have heard whispers on the wind that they intend to make their move very soon”

“But why now? I’ve been Sessho-maru’s mate for over sixteen years…” Fawks began.

“Hm, so Sessho-maru’s kept it hidden that well, has he? This won’t be the first attempt they’ve made on your life…” Sachiko went on.

“Eh?” Fawks began. Sachiko turned from her so the she couldn’t read her expression.

“They weren’t of any consequence. Sessho-maru managed to kill any and every assassin they sent. It was the last assassination attempt that pushed him over the edge…”

“I don’t understand…” Fawks said slowly.

“…That time they tried poison…” Sachiko glanced back at her, “Haven’t you ever wondered why you went into labor when Yukinatsu herself wasn’t ready to be born?”

Fawks’ hand flew to her mouth, tears flooding her eyes.

“Poison, of course, has no effect on a fire demon like you. Even Yuki was protected in some small way because the venom she inherited from her father counteracted the toxin somewhat…”

“…I’ll kill them…how could they…” Fawks gasped in rage.

“There’s no need for that, dear…” Sachiko sighed, taking the younger woman’s face in her hands. “Once Sessho-maru found out what had been done to you, to your pup, he went on a rampage, massacring the clan. But it seems he was not as thorough as we had hoped…a few of them escaped and are planning their revenge…”

“…Then…it appears I’ll have my turn at them as well…” Fawks muttered, pressing her hand against one of Sachiko’s that rested against her cheek.

The female Inu smile, pressing a kiss to Fawks’ forehead, “Now you can never doubt how much my son adores you. He nearly started a war and massacred a whole clan for your sake…”

“…I’m sure you know this…but I’ve never doubted Sessho-maru’s love for me, not even for an instant” Fawks replied regaining some of her composure.

“Hmph, that’s not cute at all” Sachiko pouted.


Fawks sat in the outside corridor staring idly at the waning moon and watching the stars do their dance.

“I didn’t think you would still be awake” Sessho-maru remarked.

“Yuki is asleep now, I just needed some time to think” she sighed.

“How is she doing?” he asked, sitting down beside her.

“Her fever’s gone down, she should be as good as new by tomorrow…” Fawks replied, leaning her head against his shoulder. He took her hand in his and she smiled.

“How is Sensuke doing?”

“Quite well, I am impressed with the rate that he is excelling” Sessho-maru conceded.

“You should tell him that, you know he works very hard to please you”

“Hn…Tensei told me you had a conversation with my mother”

Fawks face fell, “Mm…”


She looked up at him, her gaze resolute, “…Why didn’t you tell me about the assassination attempts?”

Sessho-maru gaze at her with unfathomable eyes, “…Is that what you two talked about…”

“You’ve been straight with me about everything before, Sessho-maru. Shouldn’t I at least know when my life is in danger?!”

“…Fawks-chan…” he sighed.

“Answer me!”

“Because you are my mate, the mother of my pups, is it not my duty to protect you?” he asked, caressing her cheek. Fawks pulled away from him, “I can take care of myself, isn’t that one of the reasons why you fell for me?”

Fawks stood, turning away from him, “Before you loved me…at least before you knew you loved me, I was your sword and shield. You swore that wouldn’t change if I became your mate. I trusted in that”

“…I apologize if you ever believed I betrayed your trust…” he began.

“I love you, Sessho-maru and I don’t doubt that you love me but…sometimes I wish you would think of me more” She sighed, leaving him alone in the outside corridor.

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