100 shots of RukiHime: Sex Bending

Published Jun 10, 2012, 3:39:56 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 28, 2012, 10:35:10 PM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

RukiHime shojo ai. No sex. All fluffy romance. Side ships include: IchiHichi (Seme Ichi), GrimmRen (No Seme Uke), YoruHara, Hitsuhina, etc. NOTE: Pictures I edited were made by Tite Kubo and are ONLY used for the cover of this fanfic. This cover shall not give me ANY profit what so ever.

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Chapter 7: Sex Bending

Orihime was outside the Kuchiki house looking at the pool and koi fish. She saw something reflecting the sunlight as if it was glass. She picked it up to see an old music playing device. At least old in terms of her generation of adults. Not quite sure about the shinigami's though cause they make Yamamoto feel like king of oldies. "Kuchiki-san. I found something!"

"Eh? What is it, Inoue?"

"Looks like someone's music player."

"Beats me. What music does it have?"

"Let's hear it."

Rukia took the mp3 and plugged the speakers to it. After turning the mp3 on, a list of songs appeared. Orihime found it foreign. "Hangeol huh? Who knew Koreans can visit Seretei! Heh heh..."

"Um...some of the songs are in English too, Inoue. And...how would a Korean visit here? Perhaps a fellow shinigami was researching what you call, 'pop' and dropped it outside the backyard?"

"Eh? Let me see, Kuchikisan!~" Orihime said scrolling down the song list. "What's a hangover, Kuchiki-san?"

"Eh? That sounds like something you would ask Rangiku for, Inoue."

"I guess...let's play it!"

"Why not? I see no harm," Rukia said.

Orihime selected the song, "Big Bang-Hangover". Suddenly, a video emderge out as if the mp3 was a projector. The video starts playing. "Who are these human people, Inoue?"

"I have no idea! I've never seen them before, Kuchiki-san!"

"Quite catchy, I admit," Rukia said.

"Wonder what would happen if we became guys, Kuchiki-san?"

"Well, for starters, how are we going to pull that off?"

"We could just sexbend ourselves."

"Not a bad idea...but, what are we going to change our names to?"

"Hmm...I call...Oriouji."

"Oriouji, Inoue?"

"Well...yeah! Hime means princess and ouji means prince! So Oriouji!"

"Hmm...I guess I have to call myself...Rukio."


"My name according to what Kubo-sama said comes from the Italian name Lucia which means "ray of light" so Lucio would be the male name, making me considered Rukio if I was a guy."

"Makes sense...so, now we got to find a machine that could make us sexbended."

"Why not call it genderbended, Inoue?"

"Because, Kuchiki-san. Sex and gender are two separate things!~"

"They are?"

"Well...yeah it is, Kuchiki-san!~ Science has proven factors like testosterone and estrogen level for example, play a role in gender behavior while your sex remains the same!" Orihime exclaimed, hands on top of Rukia's chappy table but still behind her completed paper work pile.

"What's testosterone and estrogen?" Rukia said, clueless about such foreign terms. "Nevermind, Inoue. Let's find Urahara. We gotta keep this plan a secret though."

They went to the portal, Rukia holding a black butterfly. They even took the mp3 player with them as well. In seconds, they fell through the shop. "Maybe I shouldn't have thought about the roof of this place."


"Eh? You okay, Inoue?" Rukia said, reaching out to help her.

"I'm okay. See?" Orihime said with a smile, blood gushing an bit from her forehead.

"Inoue!" Rukia shouted in concern. "Your head! It's-"

Orihime couldn't understand her lover until she noticed blood on her right hand. She summoned her Shun Shun Rikka and formed a shield to her head. "It's no problem. Really, Kuchiki-san."

"My my. Kami sent us some angels I see!~"

The two girls looked down to see Urahara and Yorouichi standing on the ground, staring at them. "Very funny, Urahara. Can you do me and Inoue a favor?"

"What do you two have in mind?"

"Well, Urahara-san. We want to...do a sex change...to..."

"Why? You two look fine the way you two are. Why the change?"

"We want to see if altering one's sex would impact gender."

"And just for mere curiosity is all. We aren't selling ourselves for yaoi fanservice here or anything."

"Ah. I see. To prove how they're two different things, perhaps?"

"Yeah! I don't know how to explan it to Kuchiki-san since she's raised differently..."

"I see! I see! If the intention proves to be no harm, then I don't mind. But, what do I get in return?"


Orihime pulled out a coupon from the bakery store she works at and showed it to Urahara. It consisted of a card with ten different stickers on the backside, with different discount deals on candy and treats alike. Urahara took it to examine the card closely. "Buy one box, get a free box; twenty percent off; buy a cake, get a bag of candy; birthday discount, interesting...alright, ladies! Step in to the shop. If you want to keep it a secret for...how many months?"

"Oh...um...six months."

"Half a year? Kuchiki-san. Do you have any paperwork to finish off before starting the experiment?"

"Yes. I brought tomorrow's paperwork with me so I can work on them here. I have to figure out how I can do paperwork during this experiment though."

"Not to worry. I was vice-captain and trust me, the workload isn't as much compared to a captain. If Rangiku can slack off every day, then you, my friend will have to at least tell someone who knows how to keep a secret or..."

"Or what, Kisuke?" Yorouichi asked.

"I could give them something in the disguise of medication to prevent suspicion. But..."


"It might only benefit Inoue though since her hours are fixed due to her college. Since Kuchiki-san has Kuchiki-san with her, it might be hard for Rukia to hide it. So either way, she has to tell one person or two people who won't take part of the experiment you two are planning to do."

"I could just tell nii-sama and Renji. I trust them to keep it a secret for Inoue's sake."

"Very well. Just sleep for now in the guest room."

"How do we know you won't experiment on us while we're asleep, Kisuke?" Rukia questioned.

"Simple. I'm not Kurotschi."

"Fair enough," Rukia said.

The two went to the guest bedroom for preparation of the next day. Rukia was groaning as if she had a concussion from too much sake. She went to the bathroom to see a man from the mirror. Rukia rubbed her eyelids to see if she was seeing things. Huh? My eyes feel smaller. She opened them again and touched her face. Then, opening her upper part of her shinigami uniform, she was seeing a chest of what the opposite sex would have. She felt it. It was real. She was officially sexbended. In. Her. Sleep. The now male Rukio went to wake up he-his friend, shaking sleeping body back and forth. "Inoue! Inoue!"

Rukio stopped. My voice. It's...deep. I mean, sure I had a deep voice when I was a woman. But, my voice is so deep. Deeper then any of the guys! That bastard!

pill can alter my soul state as well? Rukio went back into his gigai after Orihime woke up.

"Hn?" said the now auburn male getting up, as if he too was intoxicated by sake. "What happened, Kuchiki-"

He looked at his friend who turned into a male. "Look at me and yourself. We're...men!"

"What?!" Orihi-Oriouji felt his face and peered into his shirt to see a male chest. My voice! My chest! I-We are guys!

"Looks like it worked! You two are officially men!"

"Huh?!" Said the two at the same time.


"We better not be stuck like this, Kisuke! Otherwise, I will blow your ass with my kido!" Rukio shouted.

"Easy easy! You're practically a Kurosaki number two if you keep it up, Kuchiki-san!"

"What do you mean, Urahahra-san?" Oriouji asked.

"The pills weren't perfected to keep you temporarily male. Rather, the opposite happened. You guys are stuck as men until I perfect an antidote. I knew this after witnessing one of my gadgets that predicts time while you all were still sleeping."

"What about the rest of the pills?"

"Oh yeah...my lab blew up because of our fellow idiot over there."

"Did not!"

"Are you saying Ururu was line driving a ball towards the window, causing some chemicals to blow up my work place and data?"


"Do not argue with Urahara! If you did it, accept it Jinta!" Tessai shouted, frustrated at the boy for his stupidity causing harm for the two males.

"It will take a month or two until I fix the place and make an antidote."

"What?! You me-"

"Sorry, Kuchiki-san and Inoue-kun. You two just have to wait until then."

"Oh no! I can't go to college like this! What am I going to do? I was fine for taking pills to temporarily makes me a guy for different time intervals for half a year. But, I can't be a guy twenty four seven!"

"And I can't go to work like this either!"

"Calm down you two! Relax. You are guys now. If you react like this, it'll blow your covers. Use this opportunity to experiment being a guy. You might understand some interesting things and different treatment when being the opposite sex. Jinta, Yorouichi, and Tessai will help you. And you two can't keep names similar to your own names. That will blow your covers too."


"She...tested the pill out prior to giving it to you guys. She was curious too apparently," Urahara said, quite disappointed he couldn't be the test subject. He was curious how he'd look if he was a girl.

Yorouichi appeared from the room. Not much difference except the fitting of his clothes. "Like Urahahra said. Take it easy. I already came up with names for you guys. But first, what names did you two suggest?"

"Ummm...Rukio and Oriouji," said the two.

"Too obvious. Rukia, you will be called Hiroaki and you, Orihime, will be called Akihiko. We can hide you two around the training ground while you're experimenting in the real world. I will join along to help you guys cool it and prevent trouble. We also got to get clothes for the three of us."

"No problem, Shiohin-san! More the merrier they say!" Akihiko said.



"Yes, Urahara?"

"How come you didn't change your name?"

"Cause Shiohin-san is enough."

"Very well. Keep sure nothing slips out from the two."

"No problem."

Yorouichi turned into cat form, having a female voice and not a male voice. The trio went out of the shop, Hiroaki and Akihiko experiencing their first day as men. "Don't you have paper work, Kuchiki-san?" Akihiko said.

"I'll do them later. The fun just began so why work now?" Hiroaki said, a smile forming on his face.


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