Yakuza Wife: Perfect Bride

Published May 25, 2013, 12:32:43 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 7, 2013, 11:15:20 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

I do believe this is my first attempt at alternate universe :3 Fawkeisha, being the bastard child of a prominent Yakuza family, is given to the Taiyo group as a bride instead of her sister, the rightful heir. If she can succeed in becoming the wife of the heir to the Taiyo she can exact revenge against her abusive father and his wife.

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Chapter 4: Perfect Bride

“What is this?” Sessho-maru raised his eyebrow at the sheet of paper his mother had handed him as soon as she entered his office.

“It is a list of your bride’s wishes and demands concerning the marriage” Sachiko replied without batting an eyelash.

“You’re serious…?”

“Your new bride is quite the little spit fire…” she smirked, “She also wanted to make it a point to know that if you refuse even one of her demands, she refuses to go through with the marriage”

“Does she understand that if this marriage doesn’t take place it could mean an all out gang war?”

“And do you honestly think she actually cares?” Sachiko raised her own eyebrow

“…no I suppose not…” he sighed leaning back in his chair.

“…I looked into that girl’s background just as you asked, my son” she went on.


“Fawkeisha is indeed Hidenori’s daughter. Her mother was an American of mixed race, apparently on one of Hidenori’s trips to New York City, he got her, his mistress, pregnant”

“Where is the mother now?”

“Delilah Jackson has been dead for years. She died when Fawkeisha was four of cancer. Because of her mother’s untimely death, Fawkeisha was sent to live with her father who shunned her and treated her as an outcast” Sachiko finished. “Shortly after her twelfth birthday, her step mother decided to…give her to the men of the group…”

Sessho-maru’s gaze snapped to her, his mother couldn’t meet his eyes.

“…How many…?”

“She was lucky. Only one member was foolish enough to lay hands on her, he disappeared shortly after. Despite how her father and stepmother felt about her, the other members of the clan respected her, even seemed to care for her…” Sachiko replied with a faint smile.

Some of the tension seemed to drain from Sessho-maru and she smiled knowingly.

“…she was adamant about making you fall for her, perhaps she already succeeded…”

Sessho-maru raised an eyebrow, “She said that?”

“Mm, I’m sure you noticed the clause in her demands that forbids you from sleeping with other women…”

Sessho-maru smirked.

“Is the idea of a wife who loves you, who waits anxiously for your return truly so strange?”

“…I’d given up such foolish notions with childhood” he scoffed.

“She’s ready and willing. All she needs is you” Sachiko said, heading to the door.


Fawks stared out the window into the rain.

“Are you alright, Fawks-sama?” Jaken asked.

“…yeah…the rain just makes me sentimental…it was raining the day my mother died and the day I was sent to live with my father it rained.

Jaken observed her silently.

“Fawks-sama, there is someone here to see you…”

“Eh? Who could it be?” Fawks asked.

“It is Miyako Hidenori”

“Miyako…” Fawks began.

“Fawkeisha-chan!!” Miyako cried, throwing her arms around the other girl. “Are you okay? They didn’t force themselves on you did they?!”

“No…I’m fine, Sessho-maru-san hasn’t even been here for the past two weeks…” Fawks smiled back.

“Once I found out what father had done, I rushed right over…! There’s no way I could let you take my place…”

“It’s fine, if father had actually asked me, I would’ve agreed in a heartbeat…” Fawks replied.


“You’re going to school in Europe, it’s not like you can just drop everything to marry someone you don’t even know. Besides, I’m expendable…”

“That’s not true! You’re my baby sister and I love you…” Miyako cried tears sparkling in her eyes.

“I know, sis but don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine” Fawks wiped the older girl’s tears away.

“Sessho-maru-sama…he promised me revenge if I marry him. I just want you to know that I fully intend on taking advantage of that…” she said quietly.

Miyako nodded solemnly, “I understand and I accept your terms. I stopped thinking of those two as my parents long ago…”

Miyako wrapped her arms around her, “No matter what happens, you will always be my sister”

Fawks sniffled, trying to hold back her tears. “I love you, too, sis”


“I heard your sister was here…” Sachiko began. Fawks stared distractedly out of the window into at rain.

“Mmm…” she sighed, “…she’s prim and proper…just the way a yakuza wife should be…”

Sachiko glanced at her.

“…She wouldn’t have to be trained…”

“But we don’t have her, we have you” Sachiko replied curtly. “And, believe it or not, you are a girl just as fine, if not more so, then your sister”

“Feh, yeah right…I’m violent, vulgar, I like to fight and I’d know nothing about running a household if you didn’t teach me…” Fawks scoffed.

“You don’t just like to fight, you know how to fight. There’s a big difference between the two. That knowledge allows you to protect your home and children more efficiently…”

“…I want to be more then just a wife. My dream was to be my sister’s bodyguard when she returned to the gang…” Fawks sighed.

“You love your sister a lot, don’t you?”

“She protected me and looked after me. She became my parent…”

Sachiko chuckled, “My son couldn’t have asked for a more perfect bride”

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