The Day I Died: Waking Up Dead

Published Jan 22, 2017, 7:39:49 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 22, 2017, 7:56:03 PM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

(Complete)I was in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, in some country I couldn’t even spell the name of trying to make my way anyway I could. I thought I was smart, at least smart enough to take care of myself. Now I was standing under an overpass, freezing my ass off in the snow. I knew was face was bruised up and the only one who seemed to care about me was the drug dealer on the corner who thought I was junkie. This was it for me, just another street girl frozen to death on a cold night. “You look cold…”

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Chapter 2: Waking Up Dead

I woke slowly to voices muttering all around me.

“How many does this make this month?”


“Damn…! That Reinhart’s got a hell of an appetite…!”

“Yeah, but does he have to fuck them first? …so disgusting…”

One of them grabbed me and I sat up, air filling my lungs with a wheezing gasp. I felt hot and cold all at once, my throat burned and felt like death. My eyes finally focused and I was looking at two guys in Hazmat suits.

“Who the…fuck are…you…?”


“He fucking turned her? That stupid mother fucker!”

They started cursing.

“What do we do now?”

“I say we put the little mistake out of her misery…”

“I…can…fucking hear you…” I rasped.

“The fuck are you gonna do about it?” one of them said, pulling out a gun and pointing it at me. I was too out of it to care.

“…fucking do it you piece of shit…!”

This seemed to surprise him, “I fucking will you cunt…!”

There was a gunshot but instead of me, the other guy in the suit went down. The one with the gun turned towards the door just in time to have his head blown off.  Standing in the doorway was yet another Matrix reject lookin’ like a darker version of Morpheus…with hair.

He pointed his shotgun at me, I was not impressed, “You gonna…puss out too…?”

“You are going to tell me everything about the vampire who was staying here”

I blinked at him, “Vampire?”

He studied me for a few minutes before lowering his gun.

“What’s your name?”

“…none your damn business…” I shot back. He lips quirked up in a smirk, he crossed the room to sit in one of the chairs beside the window. It didn’t take me long to realize I was still naked, I pulled the blanket up over me wincing when I realized just how sticky my thighs were.

Fucking bastard came inside me, I couldn’t help but wonder how long he kept fucking me even after I passed out. I did pass out…right?

“I take it by your shocked expression that you have no idea what happened to you” he began.

I shrugged “I whored myself for food and shelter. The guy got too rough and I passed out…”

“Vampires are real. That john who left you here to die was one of them, my guess is he thought he killed you”

I blinked at him, “…excuse me?”

“He bit you when he was fucking you, didn’t he? Right there on your shoulder”

I pulled the blanket up over my shoulders, “He was a freak”

“He was a rabid dog who passed his disease on to you” the man hissed. “You’re throat hurts pretty bad, doesn’t it? Like you’re gargling with hot coals…”

I looked away, “…of course it does…that asshole choked me…”

He smiled then, like my denials were amusing to him, he gestured to the floor, “Those familiars I shot, you didn’t even blink”

“I’m still out of it…”

“Take a look at them now. How do they make you feel?”

I glanced at the bodies drenched in blood, the burning in my throat got so much worse. I felt like I hadn’t had anything to drink in months. I quickly looked away.

“…what are you my goddamn shrink?”

“Makes you thirsty doesn’t it?” he grinned.

“Fuck you”

“Cut the bullshit…!” he snarled and I saw his teeth, how sharp they were, just like…oh God…

“Holy shit…”

He sat back, unaffected, “You’re the only one he’s turned so far…”

“Lucky me….!” I laughed somewhat hysterically. “So that makes you…what? A vampire hunter?”

“As a matter of fact yes…”

“Fuck…” I coughed. “You gonna kill me too?”

“You have hope” he said reaching into his jacket and I flinched. He pulled out a vile, holding it out in front of me so I could see it.

“…what is that…?”

“The cure for the disease he gave you. It only works if you’ve been bitten”

“You’re saying…if I take that…I could be human again…?”

He nodded.

Part of me wanted to weep with joy but another part wanted something else.

“…can I wait…to take that…?”

Blade raised an eyebrow at me, “What are you thinking?”

“That I want revenge on the asshole who did this to me” I bit out.

He tilted his head at me, “And just how are you going to do that?”

“I’m a vampire now right? I can tear that ass wipe to pieces” I growled.

“And how will you find him?”

I faltered, fuck. He was right, I didn’t even know where to start to look for him. One of the dead guys called him Reinhardt but I didn’t know if it was a first or last name. I couldn’t just let that motherfucker get away with what he did to me.

“He has to pay” I hissed.

“I agree” He stood, adjusting his jacket. “Well let’s go”

“Go? The fuck where?”

“Somewhere I can teach you everything you’ll need to know in order to get that revenge” he smiled. I stood up but I guess it was too quick because Blade had to catch me. My throat burned and felt like I was gonna pass out.

“…I can’t…” I gulped, “I need…”

“I know what you need” he said sitting me back down on the bed. He reached into his coat, pulling out a needle gun, loading it up with a vial.

“…What is that?”

“This will either help you control your thirst or it’ll kill you. Either way it’s going to hurt” he said. “This or the cure, you’re choice”

I knew I should just take the cure, get my ass to the Embassy and go back to the states but I couldn’t get that guy out of my head.

“…How bad will it hurt?”

“Like the blood in your veins is on fire and cooking your organs” he grinned, stabbing the needle in my arm.


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