The Day I Died: You're Not You When You're Hungry

Published Jan 22, 2017, 7:39:49 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 22, 2017, 7:56:03 PM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

(Complete)I was in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, in some country I couldn’t even spell the name of trying to make my way anyway I could. I thought I was smart, at least smart enough to take care of myself. Now I was standing under an overpass, freezing my ass off in the snow. I knew was face was bruised up and the only one who seemed to care about me was the drug dealer on the corner who thought I was junkie. This was it for me, just another street girl frozen to death on a cold night. “You look cold…”

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Chapter 5: You're Not You When You're Hungry

He tossed something at my feet, it hit my shoe and rolled away.

“Just in case you were wondering how I got out of your vampire proof cuffs”

I looked down, his thumbs were lying on the carpet.

“Had to chew through them to get the damn things off. Luckily Consuela can’t read a Do Not Disturb sign” he gestured to the maid’s crumpled body lying on the other side of the bed. He flexed his newly formed thumbs at me, “Good as new”

“So? You gonna kill me now?” I grit out. It was my fault, I brought it on myself, Blade was right I was foolish.

“I think I figured out your problem with me” he went on.

“You fucked me, bit me, choked me out and left me to die” I snarled.

“Not that, well…sort of. Y’see, I’m your white dress” Reinhardt said, coming closer. I backed up, “What the fuck does that mean?”

“The thing you can’t get passed. I know the girls I fuck and eat aren’t that girl in the white dress but it makes me feel better, you know? Especially when I come” he drawled. “You’re the same as me, you’re not sure if you wanna kill me or fuck me”

My back hit the wall but I wouldn’t back down, “I am nothing like you”

“Let’s just see about that, shall we?” he smirked, flicking his cigarette onto the floor. He grabbed my face, kissing me roughly. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and I was caught off guard by the sweet, delicious taste of blood still on his lips.

I bit him and he drew back with a curse, wiping the blood from his lip. “Fuck…!”

He grabbed my chin, glaring into my glazed eyes, “…you’re fucking starving. You haven’t figured out how to feed?”

I snapped out of my trance, pushing him away, “I won’t hurt a human…”

Reinhardt scoffed, “Who the fuck have you been hangin’ out with?”

“Fuck you”

He grabbed me again, pinning me against the wall by my throat.

“…Let…go of me…” I growled clawing at his arm.

“Quit your bitching’ for a minute…you’re just mad cause your hungry” He growled, lifting his wrist to his mouth, biting down.

He kissed me again and I lost myself as the taste of blood filled my mouth. I swallowed and it felt like a feast after so many months of starving. Before I knew what was happening, I was kissing him back, his tongue wrestling mine.

He pulled back, grinning at me, blood on his fangs, “Damn that got me hard…haven’t had the taste of my own blood for a while”

“…n…no…I…” I stuttered, my head was foggy and getting foggier by the minute.

“…don’t be that way, kitten…” he growled, leaning in to kiss my neck, “Promise I won’t kill you this time…can’t promise I won’t bite this sweet neck of yours”

He softly bit my ear and my eyes rolled back. He lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he kissed me again, and I lost my reason. Right then I wanted him more then anything, even more then I wanted blood.

He carried me over to the bed, plopping me down, he sat back taking a breath.

“…not gonna have to tie you down, am I?” he asked, undoing his belt. I shook my head, my throat tight with want.

“Shame” he said undoing the button and zipper. I bit my lip, as he reached for me again, tearing my shirt. I gasped in excitement and he grinned, falling on me like a vulture on a carcass. He kissed my neck and I moaned my hands finding their way up under his shirt, I scratched him deep and he jerked against me.

“…fuckin’ tease…” he growled right before his fangs dug into my neck. I gasped but not in pain, for some reason feeling his fangs in my flesh was just as erotic as if he put his dick in me. He swallowed mouthfuls of my blood and I dragged my nails down his back, he pulled back with a bloody smirk.

“…didn’t know you liked to play rough…”

I didn’t know what happened until I flipped him underneath me, he stared at me dazed and it was my turn to smirk. I kissed him deep, biting his tongue and drawing blood, I ground my hips against his erection throbbing through his pants. He groaned eagerly, his hands slid up my waist as if it keep me moving against him.

I dug my nails, claws more like, once more into his chest. He cursed as I tore them down, shredding his shirt and leaving bloody tears in his skin. I couldn’t hold myself back anymore, I dove for the wounds, biting and sucking and drinking his blood.

He growled, laughing at me, at how thirsty I was.

“…fuck you…” I breathed when I came up for air.

“That a promise?”


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