The Day I Died: Chapter 1

Published Jan 22, 2017, 7:39:49 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 22, 2017, 7:56:03 PM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

(Complete)I was in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, in some country I couldn’t even spell the name of trying to make my way anyway I could. I thought I was smart, at least smart enough to take care of myself. Now I was standing under an overpass, freezing my ass off in the snow. I knew was face was bruised up and the only one who seemed to care about me was the drug dealer on the corner who thought I was junkie. This was it for me, just another street girl frozen to death on a cold night. “You look cold…”

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

How did I get here?

Seriously how the hell did I get here?

I was in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, in some country I couldn’t even spell the name of trying to make my way anyway I could. I thought I was smart, at least smart enough to take care of myself. I still found myself taken advantage of by some guy who barely spoke English. He was nice to me at first, letting me crash with him, getting me food, then he started asking me to do things in return.

The short of it was he asked me to sleep with some of his ‘friends’, I said no, he beat me up and kicked me out. Can’t say I was that surprised, guess part of me always knew what this was leading to. Now I was standing under an overpass, freezing my ass off in the snow.

I knew was face was bruised up and the only one who seemed to care about me was the drug dealer on the corner who thought I was junkie. This was it for me, just another street girl frozen to death on a cold night.

“You look cold…”

I glanced up, I hadn’t noticed him standing there until he talked to me. He was tall and bald looking like some Matrix reject in his leather coat and combat boots. He was even wearing sunglasses at night, what a douche.

“…no shit assclown…” my teeth chattered.

He chuckled taking a drag off a cigarette, “Quite the mouth on the kitten…”

“Fuck off…”

“I could do that or I could offer you a place to stay and a warm meal if you want it” he went on.
I rolled my eyes, “In exchange for what exactly?”

He shrugged, “The usual, I scratch your back, you scratch mine…”

“I’m not a hooker” I said flatly.

“You say that like I give a shit” he smirked.

Dammit…this was just the situation I was trying to avoid and now I was considering sleeping with this guy, who I was surprised even spoke English, just so I wouldn’t die of exposure.

“…why do you want me anyway?”

“Hey, I could pay a junkie to blow me in the alley over there but you look like you’d be cleaner…put up more of a fight…” he added the last part with a grin.

Stay here and freeze or go home with a stranger and have sex for food and shelter. Either way I was pretty sure I was gonna die tonight so better to do it warm and on a full stomach.

“Fine…but you can’t hit me or anything like that…no drugs either…”

“I can agree to that” he smirked.


I couldn’t believe I was doing this, it was the one thought that ran through my head, over and over as I changed my clothes. He’d given me a white button up sailor dress and said he wanted me to wear when he fucked me. It wasn’t like I was in any position to refuse.

I looked at myself in the mirror over the sink, I looked like a fucking kid. When I finally mustered up the courage to leave the bathroom, he was waiting for me in a chair by the window.

He whistled, applauding me like I was some sideshow act.

“You’re an ass”

“You look great”

“I look ridiculous”

He pushed himself up coming towards me, he circled me like he was examining how I worked.

“…you look good enough to eat…” he hissed, sniffing my hair. He pushed it off my shoulder, running his tongue up the side of my neck, he pressed a kiss there. I shivered but it wasn’t in complete revulsion.

“…can’t wait to play with you…”

He lifted me up tossing me onto the bed.

“Watch it…!”

But he merely smirked at me, finally taking off that stupid jacket and sunglasses. I was taken aback for a minute, his eyes were so blue they were almost translucent and his black t-shirt was stretched taunt across his muscled torso. Okay, I can admit I was little bit turned on by that.

“When I was a kid, after my daddy offed my mom, I was sent to live in an orphanage” he began, loosening his belt. “Now I don’t know if you know about Czech orphanages but they’re fucking hell”

He pulled his belt through the loops with a soft snap, I jumped a little and he grinned, “In that place my childhood was stripped away I learned the horrible truths of the world. Like if you wanna survive, you gotta be strong”

Using the belt, he bound my hands together, my throat clogged with fear. “Every day they let us out into the yard, but on Sundays I’d see this girl walk by the gate with her family and she was the prettiest little girl I’d ever laid eyes on…”

He reached over for something on the end table, moving on top of me “She always wore this…white dress all innocent and what not. Now I was a boy just comin’ into my adolescence and all I could think about was ripping that dress right off her”

He lifted the object and I could see it was a switch blade, my breath hitched.

“Now I never knew what I would do with her after” He lowered the blade, sliding the tip over down the curve of my breasts “…if I would fuck her or kill her or both.”

His slid a sharp edge under one of the buttons that lay there, slicing it off. I gasped a little, and he grinned at me. “All I knew was I hated that goddamn dress”

This was crazy, it was absolutely insane, but for some reason me being immobile, him towering over me and slowly undressing me with a knife was turning me on.

He snipped away two more buttons before he just tore the dress open with his bare hands, I squealed in surprise.

“…I like that…” he rumbled “But she screamed louder then you”

He slipped the blade between the cups of my bra, easily cutting through the fabric. “…her body wasn’t as nice as yours though” he rumbled in approval. He leaned over me then and I shut my eyes. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. I was caught between fear and desire, hating myself for feeling either.

Something wet flicked my upper lip and I could feel his teeth biting it gently, I gasped and his lips descended on mine. He worked his tongue into my mouth, wrestling with mine, shoving as far into my mouth as it could go.

His free hand dove into my panties, quickly spearing two fingers into my weeping entrance. I whimpered into his mouth, arching under him as he stretched me with his fingers, he pulled back from my lips laughing.

“Damn you’re tight…”

“…I’m…a virgin…” I whimpered. Something wicked gleamed in his pale eyes, something I didn’t absolutely trust.

“Even better…”

He pulled his hand away, sitting up to undo his pants. “I’m gonna fuck you now, nice and hard so be sure to scream good and loud for me”

His zipper went down and I lost my voice.

Holy shit.

There was no way that thing was gonna fit.

“…y…you’re too big…” I stuttered out and he grinned.

“Let’s just see about that shall we?” I didn’t have time to protest as he suddenly thrust his entire length inside me, my eyes went wide and I did actually scream.

His eyes rolled back and he groaned, “…ugh…that’s it kitten…like that…”

He started to pound into me and I thought I was going to pass out. The pain was quickly being overwritten by such and intense pleasure I swear I was about to die.

He was like an animal, some of sounds he was making wasn’t exactly human. I moaned as he lifted my leg over his hip going into me even deeper.

He grunted above me, moving in and out of me so fast and hard I was already about to come.

“…mmm…I…I’m close…I…oh, God…!” I moaned.

“…comin’ already? …Shame…you’re a good lay…” he grunted. I knew what he said was odd but I was too far gone to care. I screamed again as I came, arching up into him. He leaned over me, kissing my neck and shoulder in a way that was almost comforting.

My comfort soon turned to horror when I felt him sink his teeth into my shoulder. My eyes widened in sudden pain and I gasped. I tried pushing him back with my bound hands but he stayed latched onto me, swallowing mouthfuls of my blood.

He hadn’t stopped or pulled out and I was getting dizzy from the mixture of pleasure and blood loss.

He finally pulled back, my blood dripping down his chin and he gave a contented sigh, “…I was right…you are sweet…”

That was the last thing he said before his hand closed around my throat. I gapped like a fish out of water trying to take air in but failing miserably. He groaned above me, thrusting harder still into my body as if the act of killing me was the biggest turn on of the night.

I scratched and tore at him with my nails but it was no use, black spots were filling up my vision. I’m not sure if he was just that good or my body giving its last but I climaxed a final time before I felt my heart stop beating.

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