April Anthology 2016: A toy adventure


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Chapter 20: A toy adventure

(something playful for a friend)


There once was an octopus plush
Who wanted to cross the sea—
And it was sure if it only could see other shores,
It would be happy as could be.

The problem with this plan,
As I'm sure you can understand,
Is that Oktopus knew
If it stepped in the blue,
Its stuffing would bloat with water and sand.
And how could a toy in such a state
Swim itself to a new estate
Without meeting a briny end?

It made friends with a child one day,
Who learned its fondest wish,
And gave it to a kind man to fly
Pocketed safe across the sky,
Where it looked down on the cold blue sea
As it journeyed to England from Germany,
Without seeing a single fish.

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