April Anthology 2016: Green Witch's Lute (Narnia/theo)


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Chapter 8: Green Witch's Lute (Narnia/theo)

Is this all?

–Is this the flight before the fall?

——Or am I waiting on the edge of something more?

————-I want to be wrong, if it means I can soar.


No empty shells, and no dry wells.

No hollow cicadas on the tree.

(Just let me be.)

If the sky won’t break, clouds part overhead,

If we mold stones and bones out of dry bread—

(And let me see.)

–Is there anything to see?


The sun, my lamp.

A yowl or lone miau a roar.

And down into the underdark we’ll go

(if you will let me go)

And wander

(And I’ll seek and find,

In truth or only in my mind)

For whatever battles are worth the fighting

And treasures are worth the torch I’m lighting,

Whether a coffin’s the final score.


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