The Wraith's Lament: Chapter 2

Published Jul 10, 2021, 7:27:35 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 7, 2021, 7:41:05 AM | Total Chapters 5

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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Prompt: The Wraith's Lament Chapter 2

Featuring: Azeryth, Kira (rider), Aleksandr (Other Creature)

Wordcount: 1006



Az lowered down his neck, leisurely stretching. As much as he loved the honours of being one of the most celebrated creatures in the camp - for catching that wild enraged stryx - he had to admit that things were becoming a bit boring and repetitive. The camp quieted down and no more erratic beasts were spotted, which meant that he and his rider had plenty of free time. The patrols still took place, but with each passing day, the need for them seemed to diminish. 


Azeryth perked up as a familiar figure slumped against his neck, leaning against his soft feathers. Kira did not share his attitude. Az was inclined to relish the moments of peace (not to mention all the attention), but the rider claimed that it felt like the calm before the storm - like something was supposed to happen, soon. 


Azeryth raised his neck, narrowing his eyes on a bunch of wood that served as the improvised fireplace. He took a breath and spewed out the purple flames that ignited the timber. The fire threw soft light onto their surroundings; the quiet crackle was the only thing disturbing the silent night. He and Kira claimed this piece of land for themselves as soon as they arrived at the camp, although no one protested against that. Few could see what the dry piece of land on the edge of the camp had to offer, but both Az and his rider came to the mutual conclusion that peace and quiet were just as golden as recognition. Few things could seemingly disturb the leisurely satisfied calmness that weighted onto the clearing every night after the two came back from a patrol - tired, grouchy, with eyes stinging from the smoke - but ultimately happy to finally escape their troubles in the mainland. Only one creature was insistent on crossing the undeclared boundaries: another feline that the pair had the luck to meet. 


The said niravar now stretched out on the opposite side of the clearing, the soft yellow glow from his underbelly clashing with the violet light of the fire. Ranaari, the other niravar, was prompt to disappear a week after they captured the wild stryx, deeming her help enough to rid herself of that promise. However, as it turned out, the winged feline did not return to her homeworld, as another one came searching for her. Although at this point, Azeryth was sure that the last thing Aleksandr cared about was the other niravar - he was far too busy charming his way through and chatting with the locals. This time, Kali refused to acknowledge another visitor from the foreign world, correctly predicting that Aleksandr wouldn't be of much help unless he actually wanted to aid them. Most of the time the niravar was either napping, entertaining the locals with his light magic or chatting with Kira. The last one was something that Az in particular was not happy with. 


Az swished his tail in an annoyed manner, his gaze still glued to Aleksandr's hide. That pesky feline just rubbed him the wrong way. The niravar seemed to have felt the stryx's gaze on him, and he opened one eye to look at Az pointedly in returning. After another moment, Aleksandr stood up and stretched, throwing another lingering glance at the stryx before turning to look at Kira. She did not notice the growing tensions right away, already slowly drowsing off on the improvised cushion that was Azeryth's shoulder. 


Aleksandr shifted his eyes to Kira. "I'm afraid your little bird is rather insistent on burning a hole through me with his glare."


Azeryth was quick to rile up, flaring his crest feathers as he arched his neck, still not quite bothered to stand up. Finally, that pesky feline has bothered to notice him. Az's mental voice reflected the annoyed hissing notes that would have appeared in his real one. "Me? Little? You are the one who is nothing but a tiny house cat. And mind you - I will burn a hole through you at this rate, but that hole would be very real."


Aleksandr turned to Kira, once again dutifully ignoring the angry stryx as playful sparks ignited in his eyes. "Kira, your birdbrain mount who can't aim to save his life is threatening to blast me with fire."


"It was just that one time and I can defintely prove to you that I can aim; why don't we try my skills on a live target?" Az returned the toothy grin.


Kira was quite unsuccessful at trying to block out the conversation; it didn't help that the creatures insisted on using different communication - Aleksandr was chatting in the physical world while Az was intent on driving her crazy in the mental space. Unfortunately, both creatures were able to understand each other quite well. Kira herself have connected those two telepathically - something she had regretted greatly. Finally, she let out a groan and raised herself to frown at both of her companions. 


"For the love of... are all niravars from your world this annoying?" She pointedly glared at Aleksandr before shifting her gaze to Azeryth, who was ready to fuel the fire, having opened his beak for another tirade. "And you - you don't even get to say anything - both of you are just obnoxious," she fumed, in rapid motions walking away from the fireplace. This dynamic between Azeryth and Aleksandr drove her crazy, even if the two creatures loved every moment of this empty banter. Nearly every single moment of free time was spent arguing. 


Az and Aleksandr watched as Kira angrily walked away but halted at the edge of the camp, unsure of what to do. For a few moments, Azeryth entertained a possibility that his rider would decide to run away to the quieter part of the camp. However, after another moment, Kira overpowered her pride and walked back to the warmth of the fireplace, unceremonially slumping on the farthest log and glaring at the pair. She did not say a thing, just quietly fuming in her corner for the rest of the night. 


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