The Wraith's Lament: Chapter 3

Published Jul 10, 2021, 7:27:35 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 7, 2021, 7:41:05 AM | Total Chapters 5

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Prompt: The Wraith’s Lament Chapter #3

Featuring: Azeryth, Kira (rider), Aleksandr (other ARPG)

Wordcount: 1018



Azeryth once again demonstratively sighed through the mental connection that the three had shared. Their current circumstances hardly comforted the proud stryx who preferred the more luxurious arrangements. In his mind, hardly anything could be worse than trudging on earth through the thicket of a forest in the middle of the night, aside from few exceptions. It didn’t help that Aleksandr had volunteered to join them and the two would occasionally glare at each other or try to once again start the bickering. Any attempts were abolished by Kira, who despite being accustomed to the non-stop verbal combat between these two wanted to concentrate. Thankfully the rivalry between Aleksandr and the stryx existed purely as entertainment for both, as well as another way they could drive Kira insane. 


Aleksandr stopped short, crouching and sniffing yet another bush. Azeryth couldn’t help but chime in to the mental space. “Seriously, this is like a fiftieth bush we stopped at!”


“Shush, you birdbrains don’t have the proper sense of smell so you don’t get a say,” parried the feline, straightening up and looking around. 


“What did you j-”


“Be quiet, Az.”


The stryx twisted his neck to stare at his rider, his glare practically screaming “how could you? I thought we were on the same team!” Kira only shook her head and rubbed the bridge of her nose. In the past few days, she became accustomed to quickly switching from the mental space to physical; while Az could only speak telepathically, Aleksandr insisted on speaking physically despite being connected to their shared mental link. 


“Look, Az,” started Kira, “Aleksandr outmatches us both when it comes to tracking in the dark in secluded areas such as these.” She quickly switched to the mental link only she and Az shared. “Just be glad he agreed to help us and don’t cause any problems.” The last thing she needed was for Aleksandr to become unbearable from the praise as well. 


Az grumbled something, and turned away, ruffling up and looking very much displeased. He made a show of looking under a bush before begrudgingly following the feline who lead them farther into the darkness. Thankfully, the niravar was quite literally glowing, which served as the perfect beacon for their adventures. Although, Az would have easily given up the obnoxious foreigner for a chance to return home. They’ve been searching for three hours now, and his tail feathers were itching to go back to the comfort of the civilized world. Aleksandr would lead them somewhere, Az and Kira would follow, then expect the place and repeat. The endless cycle was driving the stryx crazy. 


Az let out yet another sigh and glanced up. Through the branches of the mixed forest, he could glimpse the night sky, where the stars shone brightly, calling him to follow them. The lure of the stars was nearly impossible to resist. There was nothing he wanted more right now than to stretch his wings open, to let the wind wash away the sticks and brambles that were stuck in his feathers. As long as the sky was open for him he was willing to work for hours, to fly to the edge of the world and lift mountains if that’s what it took - but here he was captured between the trunks of the sprawling trees, the branches caging him away from the starry velvet of the night. Like all those years… chained down.


“Az? Your breathing spiked.”


Az shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. “I’m alright.” 


Azeryth’s eyes met with the niravar’s and he held the unreadable gaze. It was technically impossible but Az had a feeling Aleksandr was able to sense more than he let on. 


The feline shrugged, moving farther into the woods. “If it’s the darkness that bothers the two of you, I can deal with it.” Aleksandr gave his characteristic charming smile. With every step, small flares of light started to manifest, his magic making itself known. But Kira was quick to shake her head. “Unfortunately we can’t let our presence be known to potential enemies. We have to keep searching like this.”


“Very well.” Aleksandr stopped short and all the flares stifled with his movement.


Azeryth only grumbled, “Show-off.”


Aleksandr grinned in reply and turned around, scouting yet another bush. Az was ready to move on when the niravar suddenly stilled and glanced back, outstretching his front paw. The pair squinted and upon a closer inspection, it turned out that the feline was holding something in his claws. A single black feather. 


Kira shifted in the saddle sideways to look the stryx in the eye, chatting excitedly, “Aleksandr, come closer. If this is what I think it is we might have a trail! Az, what do you say?”


The niravar came forward, raising his paw in an uncomfortable position to let the stryx take a look. Az thoughtfully inspected the feather, before nodding. “That does look like one of the scums’ feathers. It’s too large to be of a normal bird.”


Aleksandr carefully lowered his claw to look at the finding. “Do you wager we are close?”


Kira chimed in, “We could. Or the stryx could be miles away. Do you smell their trail?”


Aleksandr quietly grumbled, “Never before had I expected to become the tracking dog,” before sniffing the feather and then comparing it to the air. A few long seconds stretched on. Finally, Aleksandr opened his eyes to see the other two eagerly awaiting his answer. “It’s extremely faint but… yes, I think I’ve got a trail.”


Kira let out a little victorious whoop before stirring Az forward. “Alright, we will have to move quickly, Aleksandr, would you be able to keep up with our pace?” she asked. 


“Ha! You should ask this question Azeryth, who I very much doubt will be able to keep up with a niravar.” 


“Of course I can keep up with the ball of fur.”


“Then onwards!” commanded Kira. As if waiting for the signal, Aleksandr easily sprang into darkness, quickly picking up the pace. Az lunged after the feline, not losing sight of the niravar. 


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