Crystal Caves Campaign Chapter: Kassin: Kassin and Leslie Is now Flirting in the Wyrm Hole

Published Jan 24, 2024, 5:15:00 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 24, 2024, 5:15:00 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

The Tales of Kassin as he and Leslie find out the truth behind the Crystal Wyrm Rampage!

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Kassin Omaga PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd2630
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Chapter 2: Kassin and Leslie Is now Flirting in the Wyrm Hole

Lyra Campaign 2


Leslie seems unsure about taken the path that the Crystal Wyrm has taken to leave it underground prison of the mountain with one who maybe unexperienced, but Kassin seem to account this not his first trip down steep mountain path. Leslie seems relieve that Kassin does seem to know what he is doing, as they set plans for traveling down the path filled with shatter stone and crystals. There is a lot to prepare and so Kassin did not spend much thought to the idea that Leslie was perhaps putting the charm on him while they are attempting to solve a mystery. Once things were set, and the two were as confident as could be, they turned to the path ahead and mostly down, and began their dangerous trek down to the Wyrm Den. 


The path down becomes far easier if not treacherous as the lining walls have crisscrossing crystal. Aside for loose crystal and slight off edge foot hold, the two can make their way, but a little help was most welcome as when one gets ahead, they have a more stable footing for the next person. Kassin confidence but he not above help, as even if he does not need it, it will easy Leslie to know things are going well firsthand. The Wyrmling are an interesting breed and sound like they are perhaps a likely pet or companion soon to happen if the guild is planning to add them to the shop as Leslie explains about them on their route down. Curiously abound but Leslie assures him they are different species then the Crystal Wyrm and that they are of no problem, likely would-be death if they try to fly too close to the wall as Kassin nodded and continue down. 


Suddenly the Crystal Footing collapses, and Leslie footing lost under him as he starts to fall into the endless darkness below. Kassin hands was still in Leslie hand as Kassin frown, his aura getting warm as the aura around him start to get wavy as he suddenly pulls Leslie close and hold him close with his strength and start to jump with an amazing speed and power. A few crystals crumble under their weight as Kassin keep moving, keep on jumping with Leslie until before long, the two landed on more stable footing ground as Kassin stop, looking around as his tremor sense does not detect the crystal to be loose or ready to collapse. Good, look like they are safe for now, Kassin let Leslie go as the aura fade and Kassin take a deep breath from the ordeal. Ah, such a fun adventurer. 


After all was calm, Leslie just made a comment that followed by a wink, heh, a flirting attempt after danger? Well cannot say Leslie is one to let death damper his spirit, Kassin can admire that in folks, though Kassin not one for Flirty words. But he certainly can tease as he confirms that Leslie comment was mostly correct follow by a quip on how it was not followed by a chuckle. How ever Kassin has thrown in a few playful words to flirt back, he may not be the charming bar fly buy he can speak his mind when he like something he enjoys. The two had their moment of words play and jabs before the reality settled in that their trip was still not over.  


Before continuing, Leslie, in high spirits, has an offer that perhaps after all is said and done, they can head out for ice cream, good stuff and Leslie know the owner of the shop, make sure they got good seats. Kassin has thought if this place is good, would love to invite some of the other folks close to him as well, but figure it best drag folks into unstable portal. Kassin agree that he interested in this date and look forward to it, so it goes without saying, no one die on this adventurer. The two sure of their future and their date for ice cream, the two make their way down and with Leslie leading, reach a cavern. Leslie looks off into the darkness of the tunnel and seems to be taken back by what he saw. This makes Kassin Curious as he looks forth to pierce the darkness ahead to see what Leslie see. But what he sees makes him wonder more about what to come.

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