Field Logs: Team Stardust: Mission Report: Soothing Stuffies

Published Apr 28, 2024, 11:54:34 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 28, 2024, 11:54:34 PM | Total Chapters 3

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The written accounts of Pluto and Sunny throughout their time as members of the Explorer's Guild.

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Chapter 2: Mission Report: Soothing Stuffies

HI HI HI!! Sunny here!! OMG it's my first time writing about our fun adventures together!


I read what Pluto wrote earlier and awww it's so cool that they think im nice to have around!! She's soooo serious about things tho >:( idk what she's so worried about!! Oh yeah they use she they, i'm still getting used to it so i'm noting it down here!! It's just SOOO awesome to be working with them and finally being a team fulfilling my dreams!!


OK so on to the report!! We took a job to help a Gallade find a lost toy for their kid! I remember being really attached to my stuffies when I was growing up so the request really broke my heart >:,( 


Pluto said it was a good job to ”continue getting ourselves on our feetβ€œ or something like that, they're so like...analytical about everything we do! Sooo much thinking before doing, it's responsible but ughhhh idk how she lives like this.


OK so ACTUALLY onto the report! When we got to Gallade's place, Ralts was really upset and clearly hadn't slept in a while, and kids need their sleep, so yikes! I tried to keep them busy while Pluto talked with Gallade and figured stuff out, and then just like with our very first mission helping Luxray with his badge, we did a full grid search!


Why do they call it that? I dunno, but I guess it's a name that works since you do like, go through in squares. The good news is that this time, we found what we were looking for!! Pluto found Ralts's toy behind the stove, which is craaaazy. No one knew why it was back there or how it ended up there, but Ralts was handed their toy and went right off into dreamland! 


Gallade was super duper thankful and we got paid and everything! I should get myself a plushie or something nice with the extra poke! 


Our first two missions went awesome, I can't wait until Pluto and I can go into a real dungeon, it's so exciting AAAAAA!!!!


Okay that's the mission report, BYEEEEE




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