Field Logs: Team Stardust: Mission Report: Attic Incident

Published Apr 28, 2024, 11:54:34 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 28, 2024, 11:54:34 PM | Total Chapters 3

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The written accounts of Pluto and Sunny throughout their time as members of the Explorer's Guild.

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Chapter 3: Mission Report: Attic Incident

I had my first real battle today and I don't know how to feel about it. I knew it would happen eventually, but I'm still feeling all over the place about it.


Of course, this is a report, not a dump for my personal thoughts only, so I'll go on about that later. That is the point of these, after all.


This was our third assignment while we prep for our first dungeon delve, a seemingly simple one yet again, aside from the underlying horror that I KNEW was going to sneak up on us. I had this sense that something was going to go wrong, and hey, it did.


A Noibat was consistently hearing noises from their attic but was unable to pinpoint the culprit or reason. I went right up, feeling bolder than I expected of myself- I think this body has done wonders for my will. Even though it's so alien to me still, it feels so much more... me? I want to do things and try things I never felt right about previously.


As I said, that was when I had my first battle. A Shuppet jumped me from behind with what I thought had been astonish, but I managed to shake it off in time to drop an absorb on them to get myself moving again.


I was surprised at how well I did, instincts taking over as I rained down sharp leaves on them as Sunny came up to provide support. She got the bastard stunned with a thunder shock and within several minutes, the authorities had come by to take them away. Seems like Shuppet was squatting up there, an unfortunate requirement for some to survive.


Noibat was beside himself with shock as soon as the fighting started and was glad we were there. The pattern continued, we were thanked and promised proper compensation. Sunny seemed less excited about what went down then I thought she would be, she was pretty worried about me.


I'm fine and feel pretty good. It bothers me that there's apparently some degree of a housing crisis in these parts, but at least no one ended up getting seriously hurt- and I know I can defend myself.



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