Child of Dark Propecy

Posted Sep 15, 2007, 8:34:43 AM UTC

'Born of dark blood to know only abuse and cruelty.'

The bastard son of the Mystic Kingdom's princess and a desert bandit, the weakest of a set of twins, and the least favored in the household. Tobias, or Averroes, was born into a family life that functioned much the way a pack of wolves might. With no clearly established heir or heiress, the twelve children of the house were constantly trying to establish their place within the household. The most bold of the lot, Autumn, made sure to keep her siblings in their place and give them constant reminders of her power. Tobias, unfortunately, was often used as a warning to the others. He grew under the abusive hands of his siblings, comforted only by the man that his mother betrayed to conceive himself and his sister.

When the war began, the family was broken and scattered. Micheal Parker seized the throne of the Mystic Kingdom, and Autumn, his beloved daughter, reaped the benefits. Tobias alone returned to stand against Micheal, slaying him. Autumn fled upon her father's death and Tobias seized the crown for himself, seeing it as the only solution to his family's corruption and dark hold over the kingdom. Unfortunately, it remains an uphill struggle. The mystics have never been completely accepting of those of mixed blood, most especially Parker half-breeds.

It was Tobias who ended the war, slaying Dyzm himself, and Dyzm's chosen 'back-up body'...his  own mother.


Another sketch I worked on. I really like doing these, mainly because I only really use two colors- the base color and a grey set on linear burn to add another dimension (like on Ambiant there). Everything else is completely done with the burn and dodge tool.

Anyway, Toby's a bit older. Both he and Ambiant are growing out their beards though... that's about as much as Tob's ever gonna get. XD

The sketch was done in mechanical pencil, the rest was added in Adobe Photoshop 7.0.

Tobias, Ambiant (The kirin), and Stormwind (The falcon) are all my original characters. The Mystic Kingdom, family, and setting was created and played between Erin Quirk and Daniel Spangenburger.

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Constructive Critique requested.

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  • Sep 15, 2007, 11:02:38 AM UTC
    The hand looks okay to me, considering the stylization of the piece. I really don't see what you want people to roast, either. There's NEVER anything to roast, with you! For crying out loud, I can't even yell at you for using the burn and dodge tool so liberally, because for once it looks GOOD! *smack* How dare you? xD

    If I were to critique something, it would be only that I'm wondering where the rest of his left leg is. It should be hanging down the side of the kirin, even if he's tucked it underneath its belly.
    • Sep 23, 2007, 3:37:16 AM UTC
      XD I like to offer the option of any critique. Sometimes it can be a bit harsh but it really helps you spot what needs to be improvement. :3 I do have a bad habit of drawing hands larger, I find them fascinating so I tend to kind of zero in on them when I draw. XD

      I used to use the burn and dodge tool, never did very well with it, but I kind of wanted to play around with lighting more than anything. :3 I think it's a good and quick was to play around with it.

      o_o Gah! I completely missed his leg. XD Thanks for pointing that out hon! I would have missed that.
      • Sep 23, 2007, 7:34:02 PM UTC
        I think the reason it turned out well is because of the grungy, rough feel of the picture, like there's a lot of ash or smoke or something in the air. And no problem with the leg. ^^
        • Sep 24, 2007, 6:05:11 PM UTC
          X3 :nod: I was trying to capture that feeling of tension. A grungy, rougher feel can sometimes speak volumes more than a smooth, clean looking picture. At least from what I've seen.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 5:54:14 AM UTC
    I don't see what's to roast. I really like it, but the only thing that caught my eye as werid is his right hand. It looks like the size of his head. Overall, very good pic. ^^
    • Sep 23, 2007, 3:38:11 AM UTC
      Yeah. XD I have a problem with hands. I can draw them fine but I tend to focus on them. I love drawing hands, they can be expressive. X3 But I'll definitely try to scale them down. Thanks for the comment!



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