Comment 41687

Comment ID 41687

[Art] Almost Goal
Aug 29, 2006, 5:49:11 PM UTC on [Art] Almost Goal
Haha, very cute. I've never heard of Shoulin Soccor. Oh well. I use my little sister as a model sometimes, and I used to have one of those wooden model things (got it for X-mas a couple years ago). I named him Jim...but he wound up getting in this horrible accident and became a torso-boy. And... I had to throw him away. Sad It still saddens me. I loved Jim. Oh well, nice picture nonetheless. ^^


  • Aug 30, 2006, 4:46:00 AM UTC
    Yeah poor Jim. Hope you get another one for Christmas. Live models kinda suck sometimes.
    • Aug 30, 2006, 5:53:51 PM UTC
      I hope I get another Jim, too. You think your live models are bad? My live model's just turned 5. _ _' Oi vey.