
Open group | 555 Members

How to Use the New ARPG Queue System

Submitting your Art & Writing Submissions

Last Revised 4/19/23


  • Submit your artwork to PaperDemon.com

    • If you have art or writing older than 8/28/2020 and posted on deviantART or another site that hasn't been counted or rolled yet please submit them through the offsite queues. You can learn more about how to do that here.

  • Tag your image or writing with the ID numbers of ALL stryx involved. This will allow the image to show up at the bottom of the Import (Character Sheet) which automatically snag all of your stryx's AP to log in their import with no extra work for you or for admins!

    • Format: DS[ID number] Examples: DS 8863, DS12300, DS24, DS4, ect. The tag can be found here after you click on your character's sheet.


The owner of the stryx in the entry needs to submit to queues to be processed.

There are THREE different ways that you can submit your entry to the queues to get processed.

The 1st option is to submit it upon upload. You do have the option to not submit it right away if you are not ready to submit your entry.

After you hit submit when you fill out the information to upload your entry you will be automatically promoted to this popup screen


If you are ready to “Add to ARPG Queue” you will click on that. You will then be directed to this page.


Click on Dracostryx and a search bar will show up and you can click on the queue that shows up and you will be able to submit your entry from the queue itself. Then you will follow the guide and rules of that queue. The queue page will have this and you can click on it and fill out the form below and then click on submit after you have double checked it.


The 2nd option is to go to your entry and looking on the right hand side right under your submission you can see the "Add to ARPG Queue". You can click on that and then follow the prompts to submit it through the queues below.



You will be brought to a new page with a menu that looks like the following image.


Click on Dracostryx and a search bar will show up and you can click on the queue that shows up and you will be able to submit your entry from the queue itself. Then you will follow the guide and rules of that queue. The queue page will have this and you can click on it and fill out the form below and then click on submit after you have double checked it.

The 3rd option to submit to the queues is from the queue itself. The Queue Key can be found below and you can either click there or you can find it via the PD group page

  • Make sure you are logged in

  • You will click on your user icon in the right hand side on the top and a drop down menu will show up. It should be the first option for you with the building. 


  • You will be directed to this page and it will be on your left hand side. You will click on that and it will also bring you to the front page of our group that is hosted on PD.


  • Click on the Dracostryx name. Then you will be brought to the Group’s page. The queues are in different categories. You will scroll down until you find the area labeled Events and Guides. 
  • You will be able to find them under Miscellaneous Queues, Achievements, Recurring Activities, Offsite Queues and Events.
  • Click on the Dracostryx name. Then you will be brought to the Group’s page. The queues are in different categories. You will scroll down until you find the area labeled Events and Guides. 

  • You will be able to find them under Miscellaneous Queues, Achievements, Recurring Activities, Offsite Queues and Events.



  • Once you click on the appropriate queue you will see this on the page. You will click on the entry that you are submitting and then you can fill out the form at the bottom and submit it once you have double checked everything. 



- Queue Key-

  • Arena Battles- This queue is for the OPTIONAL entries to be approved and counted for an extra chance of dealing more damage. Arena is not rolled here.

  • Bonding- This queue is to bond a stryx to another stryx, rider, companion, and ect. These are to get approved to see if the bond was successful or not. This also goes for breaking the bond as well. They are not rolled in this queue.

  • Careers- This queue is to get your career entries approved and counted to see if you have successfully got the job. They are not rolled in this queue.

  • Event Rewards- This queue is only for getting rewards from older events before 11/28/2021.

  • Fishing- This queue is for getting your fishing entries counted and rolled.

  • Healing Tree- This queue is for getting your healing entries counted and rolled or to use mashes to heal your stryx.

  • Hunting- This queue is for getting your hunting entries counted and rolled!

  • Monthly Challenge- This queue is for getting your monthly challenge entries counted and rolled!

  • Offsite Trackers- This queue is for all old art of your stryx. If you have old art please compile them into an approved tracker (if you haven’t already) and submit it here.

  • Offsite Art- This approval system is ONLY meant to handle art created by users who do not have PaperDemon Accounts.

  • Offsite Redemptions- This queue is only for getting your offsite art that was counted to be rolled.

  • Quests & Side Quests- This queue is for getting any quest entries counted and rolled!

  • Scavenging- This queue is for getting your scavenging entries counted and rolled!

  • Training- This queue is for getting your training entries counted. You will have to redeem for the trophy once you are done with all required entries.

  • Tributes- This queue is for getting your tributes entries counted. To get them rolled you will have to go here to get your Eye of Galyx trophy!

  • Misc- Head shot or Full body, with or without backgrounds or even just a short story and you just want AP. Any non-activity/event art.

  • Sheets- AP Sheets, a group of headshots or full bodies with or without bgs all compiled into one image. (If it's more than a single image it needs to be in sheets)

What exactly are AP counts?

AP is short for Ascension Points (AP). AP is basically accumulated every time that you or someone else draws or writes about your stryx. The more points you get, the closer your stryx comes to Ascension, with all its perks and bonuses, and extra breeding slots! You can read more about that here.


- Adding your AP Count & Redemption Form-

  • You have the choice to either pick a flat rate of 28 AP for your entry (if it's eligible) or to count out all of the AP bonuses for more AP.

    • If you are listing out all of the AP bonuses please double check and make sure that you have everything. We will only be rewarding the AP that you list out. If you forget something you will have to go through corrections. 

  • Add the total points to the Characters and Points box with your stryx in it. You do not have to do other player's stryx at this time. If you forget to add the points starting May 1st, 2023 you will be asked to resubmit to the queue

                     Player New Point 3 by EyeOfGalyx


- General Form-

  • The Queues now auto-populate the forms for you depending on which judging queue you submit too! 

  • If you forget to edit the form to list out all of the AP bonuses you will automatically get the flat right where accruable. If it's not we will have you resubmit. 

  • If you own multiple stryx in the same entry please fill out the form separately so that we do not miss them.


Example of one of the forms (hunting):

Stryx ID: (List each stryx and their AP separately). This is for stryx that you own. Not every stryx depicted in the entry.

Flat Rate: 28 AP

[You may choose to list all AP bonuses instead of taking the flat rate. If you do so, list all bonuses along with their points and add necessary links.]


Biome: (Cavern, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Grasslands, Volcanic, and Settlement)

Companion: (List which companion to roll, if you have multiple, pick one)

Are you a Survivalist: (yes/no, link to confirmation comment)

Flock Mate: (If a Flock mate is included in the entry, link their import)

Partnership Boost: (If a non-ascended stryx is boosted by a Partner's status)

Basic Training: (Yes/No)

Leasing Permission: (if applicable)


- Breaking Down of the Example Form-


Stryx ID- This is where you would put your Stryx’s name and ID number.

Flat Rate vs All AP Bonuses- The form will prompt you to use the flat rate. This is encouraged but completely optional. You are also welcome to add all of the AP bonuses like we have been doing to get even more AP. You can learn more about the differences here.


Biome- Pick which biome that closely matches the background of your activity. Different things are rolled in different biomes. 

Companion- List out all of the companions but if one has the same effects just list the one you would like to be used. The list of companions are here.

Are you a Survivalist?- This is where you would link your approved Survivalist Career link. Learn more here.

Flock Mate- Link the Stryx that is in the same flock as yours. You can learn more here.

Partnership Boost- Link to another player’s Stryx of higher rank in activity entries will give them a Partnership Boost and allow your Stryx’s entries to be rolled at the Partner Stryx’s rank. If your Stryx is Omega and pictured alongside an Alpha Partner, your Stryx can be rolled at the Alpha success rate. The same is true of Legendary and Ascended.

Basic Training- If they had completed their training (Basic and Blind if blind) say yes or no. We will check their import. 

Leasing Permission- This is where you link your leasing permission of the stryx that you do not own in the entry. You can learn more about leasing here.


- Forms filled out both ways-


Flat Rate Form

Stryx ID: Gidget Digit #ds12465

Flat Rate: 28 AP

Biome: Forest

Companion: Anaruq

Are you a Survivalist: No

Flock Mate: n/a

Partnership Boost: n/a

Basic Training: Yes

Leasing Permission: n/a


Full AP Form

Stryx ID: Gidget Digit #ds12465

AP Breakdown:

Fullbody +7



Background +14


Total= 39 AP


Biome: Forest

Companion: Anaruq

Are you a Survivalist: No

Flock Mate: n/a

Partnership Boost: n/a

Basic Training: Yes

Leasing Permission: n/a

Once you're ready, click submit and you're done!

                     Player New Point 4 by EyeOfGalyx