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X-Men 3

  1. Posted on Jun 12, 2006, 6:07:25 PM UTC
    ID: 9937 | #31
    Level 115
    On Jun 12, 2006 8:02 am, WildeKarde said:

    Yeah I have to agree Marvel get complicated because they have like 5 storylines for the same Charactor in as many comic books. I think its just to sell more books.

    But on the other hand what I don't like about DC, Mind you my DC collection is huge. DC every few years changes everyones Origin in this huge Crisis. The History changes for everyone. Its insane. How many Flash, how many Green Lanters, Hawkman, and the list can go on and on.

    As for Cable, I never really got to into him. Whats he Got a Big Gun? Mind you I don't think Heroes should have guns, Except for Punisher. Thats all he's got. But if your a Mutant. Lets list off who I would wanna see in the X-men

    • LongShot
    • Havoc
    • Bambit
    • Jubilee
    • Boom-Boom
    • quicksilver
    • nimrod
    • Miss Marvel ( so we can get the Rouge we all know and love
    • Banshee
    • I'm sure there are allot more that be cool to see


    Doesn't Cable have somekind of mind power like Jean since she is his mom?? and don't forget that glowy eye he gets from Scott...but that's really kinda useless lol still looks cool though.

  2. Posted on Jun 12, 2006, 9:14:06 PM UTC
    ID: 9940 | #32
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    The familys in DC aren't really any worse than the masses in X-men. The big problem with DC is that every now and then, the writer poops out with a storyline that only vetran readers would know the full extent on- like Hal Jordan's come back when he punched Batman in the face, and Guy Gardener started worshiping him- this was cause in a Justice LEague international book ages ago that I *happen* to own for some reason, Batman knocks out Guy with one punch and becomes the laughing stock of the JLI.

    In jokes can be REAL good, but frustrating to newbees ^^;

    They don't have more than 5 or 6 in any familr though. The Wonder woman, Green Lantern, Batman, and Superman families are the biggest, but that's cause they are the big names. There's not that many once you get to know who they are (different names and costumes though- that's hard to keep up with ^^; Wondergirl=Darkstar=Troia=dead= reincarnated into someone else I'm not sure who yet...)
  3. Posted on Jun 12, 2006, 11:51:31 PM UTC
    ID: 9944 | #33
    Level 81 BETA

    The think with the Phoenix. It never was Jean Grey. In the marvel world anyway...

    Jean got in contact with the phoenix while in space. The spaceship where she and the x-men were wasnt safe anymore to protect them against solar radiation, so Jean locked the x-men in a safepod and decide to pilot the space ship using her telekinesis to protect her against the radiation. But piloting, controling the ship and protecting herself was too hard for her and she 'called' for help, and so the Phoenix came to her. That's the thing right here, The phoenix took Jean and place her on earth in a deep sleep and he took the appearance of Jean, you guys follow me? Afterward, it's the phoenix looking and acting like Jean, so when 'Jean' dies , killing herself, its the Being of energy who is the phoenix who plays dead...and the real Jean awoke on earth....Tadaaaa....Marvel and their famous ressurection.

    Cable...He's a telepath, telekinesist (is that a word). He has a metal arm because he's suffering from a metal-organic virus thats eating his body, he uses his telekinesis to keep the virus at bay. Also, cable his a time traveler and dimension too... And by the way, his mother is not Jean Grey, it's Madelyn Prior...a clone made by Sinister. But his father is the real Scott... :lol: confusing...a little.

    Last edited by Lilimayhem on Jun 12, 2006, 11:54:00 PM UTC. 1 total edits.

  4. Posted on Jun 13, 2006, 12:27:53 AM UTC
    ID: 9945 | #34
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    Yeah- they did this to Hal Jordan with the Parralax, but did an awesome job of it (which irks me) where Hal was taken over by an impurity , and it forced him to kill off all the guardians in the universe and destroy OA- the center of the Guardian's ring, and then was killed by the good guys. Hal then faught off the parralax and saved the world by reigniting the sun when it was destroy in the Final night. Then when he became Spectre and made a perfectly awesome spirit of redemption, his PArralax and Spectre side finally got a little too... annouying for him, so he purged them from his system and became mortal.

    Damn huge comic book companys for doing this!!! *shakesfist*
  5. Posted on Jun 13, 2006, 1:59:01 AM UTC
    ID: 9947 | #35
    Level 21

    See even the comic book writers don't even know whats going on so they change everything to suit them. Drives me nuts. They should go read back issues, instead of changing the story line.

    Well, the glowing eye and his Telepathic powers don't do him much good. The time travel was tech from the future and so is that big gun. With-out it he's just a big guy. He needs some real mutant powers.

    And as we are talking about the biggest switch-o-roo. What about Spiderman? Thats not the real Peter Parker that we been reading all these years. Confused Its a clone. Back in the day some eveil mastermind cloned Spiderman from his blood, and in some way the clone kept the memories. What we thought was The real one was the clone. The other went off to live a normal life.

    Someone has to stop them before they change Superman. Oh wait they did. Thats why I stopped collecting.

    BoosterGold is the Bomb

  6. Posted on Jun 13, 2006, 3:14:43 AM UTC
    ID: 9948 | #36
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    On Jun 12, 2006 6:59 pm, WildeKarde said:

    BoosterGold is the Bomb


    He IS!!! He's such a dork that he's awesome!! I love im for the same reason I thing Guy Gardner is cool :) Him and Blue beetle (before they killed him >: (  ) were the BEST team up!!! XD
  7. Posted on Jun 13, 2006, 4:54:12 AM UTC
    ID: 9949 | #37
    Level 115
    You know...I just realized something. Comic books are just soap operas with superhero's. Think about it people die then come back and they die again and hey! they come back again. There are crazy relationships crazy storylines. Drawn soap operas I tell you lol...well I still like comics anyways soap opera or not ^.^;;
  8. Posted on Jun 14, 2006, 12:44:31 AM UTC
    ID: 9967 | #38
    Level 81 BETA
    :lol: amen to that. I still love comic too... Professional wrestling is also a soap opera for where men were muscles men wear tight speedo but a soap opera nonetheless...Sorry a bit off topic but i couldn't help it! :grin:
  9. Posted on Jun 14, 2006, 2:11:13 AM UTC
    ID: 9968 | #39
    Level 21

    "when you are a man, sometimes you wear strechy pants in your room...its for fun" Nacho

    The truth is you women like men in strechy pants...

  10. Posted on Jun 14, 2006, 3:23:22 AM UTC
    ID: 9969 | #40
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN
    On Jun 13, 2006 7:11 pm, WildeKarde said:

    "when you are a man, sometimes you wear strechy pants in your room...its for fun" Nacho

    The truth is you women like men in strechy pants...


    David Bowie in Labyrinth. NOT ALWAYS *shudders*

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