PaperDemon Art RPG

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Trash Monster Boss Fight

  1. Posted on Mar 24, 2024, 2:38:21 PM UTC
    ID: 47157 | #69

    Shikun Moonstar uses a Strength Potion.

    Shikun Moonstar, Apirka Trom, and Tib "Hazard" Gray twine their elements together until they burst into a stunning cascade of Prismatic! The Trash Monster rocks in the air, taking 8600 damage!

    Trash Monster appears weakened.

    Shikun Moonstar was buffed.

    Shikun Moonstar was concentrating.

    With some clever maneuvering, Shikun Moonstar narrowly dodges the Trash Monsterโ€™s jagged appendages!

    "Holy crap balls! My best friend Tatters is bleedin'. Here, have a shenshort snack. Oh yeah! I saved the day! Am I cool now?"

    Shenshort heals Tatters by 1 HP

  2. Posted on Mar 24, 2024, 5:50:10 PM UTC
    ID: 47159 | #70
    Cover for Tales of a Southern Gentleman

    Tales of a Southern Gentleman ยป Lassos and Monsters

    The adventures of Vernon Ross, a diary of sorts. Recolections of a lost journys, stories, and tales of how a man became more than just a man. 

    Last updated Mar 27, 2024
    Total Chapters 9

    Vernon Ross charges up a powerful blast of Fire and casts it with breathtaking precision, hitting the Trash Monster for 75 damage!

    The Trash Monster releases a shockwave that knocks Vernon Ross off balance and causes 50 damage.


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