Attn! Private Message limit now enforced!

I have finished all of the programing on the Private message system. I did a lot of revamping of the code, although you probably wont notice much of a difference. It's mostly structure stuff. Anyway, I have now programmed in a limit for private messages. Instead of 50 messages as mentioned in the previous news post, I have decided instead to make the limit 100 messages. There is a handy graphical bar showing you how much of your inbox is full as well as a Select All button. There are 5 members that currently have more than 100 messages in their inboxes and I have contacted them and given them temporary premium accounts so that they can clean out their inboxes.

Anyway, the new Premium Account folders feature is pretty nifty. Basically you can create folders and move private messages into them. Kind of like with email. Anyway, it's really useful to the Mods and I, as we have a ton of messages from communicating with other members and such. My current amount of PMs is 540! (Moderators get free premium accounts for as long as they moderate)

I still have several other features to finish implementing before I take payments for premium accounts.

Unless I'm a total and complete nerd, this should be my last news post before Christmas. I hope most of you don't see this until next year because all of us should be spending time with our families instead of on! :lol: