The Link: Snake and Fox: Neji's Dilemma

Published Jan 20, 2006, 9:41:36 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 20, 2006, 10:00:22 PM | Total Chapters 17

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"We...are in a serious shit." Jiraiya nodded. Kakashi slapped his forehead. He seriously needed some painkillers.

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Chapter 13: Neji's Dilemma

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The Link

Chapter XIII: Nejis Dilemma



Sakura had been keeping herself busy, in order not to wallow in the pitiful Christmas and New Year she had. The pink-haired kunoichi unconsciously ran a gloved hand down her left arm. She had never felt so...alienated by anybody. It was as if Hinata had told everyone behind her back to avoid her and stop being nice to her. But Hinata wasnt like that. She couldnt even string two words together without stammering, blushing, fumbling and choking all in one go. Everything started in the Christmas party. Sakura wished she did not go there. Hinata had been pointedly ignoring her and the Hyuuga heiress refused to speak as long as she was in the vicinity. And then everybody seemed to have followed her example. Shikamaru still spoke to her, thank God, but then his conversations tended to short, cold and hurried. Chouji and Kiba werent on speaking terms with her on the first place, but they did eye her strangely when she passed. Worse was Sasuke. The Uchiha had been avoiding her the most, and Sakura thought her heart had bled enough over him. He paused in his tracks and went the other way when theyd meet in a street. Sasuke left whatever place and stopped whatever he was doing when she approached.


She would have gone mad if it wasnt for Rock Lee, Ino and Tenten. Really, they were the only remaining ninja that she had friendship intact with, although Rock Lee only managed to talk to her when Shikamaru and Sasuke were out of earshot. Sometimes she woke up and wanted to bash her head with a rock for ever taking part in this ridiculous thing. She wanted to tear her hair and scream at them that this was all childish, idiotic and stupid Sakura blinked. She was sure her fingers touched something in this rubbish pile of a box. She eased herself for a moment to remove the tension that had begun building up in her thighs and resumed her fumbling...yes, there it was. Her velvet-covered digits closed over the damn thing, and she pulled it out without effort.


It was a brown, soggy folder. Sakura flipped it open as she rose, ignoring the sudden pins and needles in her thighs. Even the paper was soggy and looked ready to crumble into dust any minute now. It was filled with the Yondaime Hokages neat writing that her eyes had learned to appreciate and recognize. Sakura turned on her heels and read it with great difficulty because of the wan lighting and the huge coffee stains on some parts.


The linking I have done was severed at exactly four days, three hours, nine minutes and three seconds upon placement. Though I must say that this time really hasnt proven anything in my hypothesis because I was already close to the person I linked with in the first place. Uchiha Obito suggested that I try the link to someone I barely knew, not to my students such as himself...


Sakuras emerald green eyes widened. Uchiha Obito. She had found the man whom the Yondaime had linked with! Excitement brimmed inside Sakura, only to dissipate when she realized that it was still a lost cause. Uchiha Obito had been Kakashis teammate, and if what she knew was correct, he died during a mission. Sakuras shoulders fell. He was the reason why Kakashi had the Sharingan today. And she thought they were any closer to helping Naruto out of his dilemma...!


But Tsunade did say that all kinds of information were welcome, however annoying it was. Clutching the folder to her chest, Sakura ran out of the musty and stinky storeroom and back to her mentors office.



The group of suspiciously-clad men had finally arrived along the borders of Kikuyu, excited. Their journey from the Rain had not been an easy one due to the winters. It was lucky that the snow was starting to thaw and spring was unfurling the first of her fingers across the country. The men surveyed the little hamlet. It was the perfect hiding place if you hoped to conceal some of your dirtiest linen. It did not take them long to find the house. It was standing precariously at the edge of the tallest cliff that overlooked the deplorable hamlet. One of the men squinted over to see better. There were clothes hanging out on the line to dry under the sun. There was also smoke coming out of the chimney.


Is that the boy? the tallest of them asked, his voice rough like a rock.


I suppose it is. The rat-faced one answered.


True, the one putting up blankets, shirts and boxers to dry was dressed in black mixed with glaring orange. And a certain raven-haired and pale person clad in a maroon yukata was helping him out by handing wooden clippers. A third person emerged, a young one with long black hair it must have been a girl; rat-face was sure hed never see hair so beautiful on a boy and called the two. The yukata-sporting man answered, and the girl disappeared back into the house. And then windows slid open. A silver-haired nin looked out of the window, clutching an infamous orange book while stretching his arms and yawning behind his mask.


Wait. Nobody said copycat Kakashi was with them. Rat-face exclaimed.


Rough-voice was just about to answer when a fifth person emerged from the back door. Even from here they could see the blinding green of his spandex suit and his trademarked thick eyebrows. The Beast was clutching a mug of hot chocolate or coffee as he greeted the sunshine and the world in general.


That spells trouble. They have new company, it seems. Rat-face went on.


A domestic scene such as this doesnt suit Orochimaru. Rough-voice grunted. And then his eyes saw the distinct white-haired Sannin emerge from the front door, also yawning and stretching his arms. Tsk, a lot more problem for us, boys. Two of the Legendary Three are present.


We only have to deal with one of the Three. Stick-man pointed out.


No. Rough-voice snapped. Though Orochimaru lost his jutsus doesnt mean hes no longer lethal. He still has that sword in his stomach.


Weve to plan.




The men vanished in a blur of movement.



Look closely at this, Tsunade-sama. Shizune said, giving the piece of coffee-colored paper to Tsunade. Another riddle, but it seems to be more direct now.


Tsunade took the piece of moldy note paper and smoothed it out on her desk. She had to squint several times to finally see through the stains and patches of mold. The neat handwriting of the Fourth greeted her eyes.


The link can only be severed until such time that a strong, indestructible bond replaces it. This new bond will stand time, conflicts...and maybe even death.


Yes, youre right. A clearer riddle, but this brings us another set of questions and new frightening possibilities. Tsunade frowned. Does this mean that the link evolves? I havent heard of a Chakra string that evolves, no, not in my whole life.


Shizune paused. It might be that the Yondaime wasnt referring to just a jutsu in the first place.


Tsunade eyed her sharply. Explain.


Shizune sat down and gathered her thoughts about her. She was just beginning to put the pieces together herself. We have observed that the link was done with no hand seals. It was only done when Naruto concentrated his Chakra into a string and struck Orochimaru in the chest we know that theyre linked in the chest area by Nejis Byakugan. I know this might sound mad, but...what if the Yondaime consciously invented a technique to possibly...uhm...induce friendship?


Induce...friendship? Tsunade repeated slowly. A jutsu that actually induces friendship?


Shizune nodded feverishly. Weve found this out from his preliminary notes. He did say that the link brought us closer and mentioned about the mutual feeling of wanting to keep each other safe.


Impossible... Tsunade breathed, hazel eyes widening.


Oh, but it is possible, maam. Its already unfolding before our eyes. Shizune said eagerly as she shifted on her chair. Regular reports from Jiraiya-sama told us much. Orochimaru Jiraiya-sama put it, Orochimaru has grown soft. He also observed that Narutos anger for the Serpent has abated. He also said that they were more at ease with each other now. Orochimaru has long stopped complaining about his predicament. What could have done this except the link? I was thinking that Yondaime thrashed this jutsu and never introduced it to the public because of ethical reasons. He could not simply link with all of the enemies and expect a rare positive result such as what were seeing now. It would also be seen as treachery by the other allied nations Yondaime always had put Konohas general welfare forward even though he did love his weird experiments.


Tsunades right hand flew to her forehead. It all sounded...absurd...but...


So you mean that the link... the Godaime said.


Shizune nodded. ...yes. The link will dissolve by itself when it is replaced by indestructible friendship between the linked ninjas.


Tsunade rose and started pacing the room, frowning deeply. The Yondaime IS mad! How can he possibly invent such a technique its never heard of before Naruto and Orochimaru... Everything made her want to look at the door and check if Orochimaru wasnt really there, actually surrendering himself. The prospect made Tsunade swallow. The link coupled with Narutos special gift...what could possibly happen? Thinking of the possibilities made her brain sag with thoughts. She needed a good shot of sake to clear her head. No, this is all absurd... but it WAS happening! It WAS all unfolding before her in reality!


A knock made Tsunade jump. Enter! she said shakily.


The door opened and Sakura entered, panting. Ive...found out...who...who...the Fourth...linked with...!


Who? Speak! Tsunade demanded.


Sakura swallowed and clutched her chest. Uchiha...Obito...but...


But hes dead! Tsunade exclaimed. She clutched her head with both hands. Argh! This is all annoying me! For a while there was only silence in her office, her two students looking at her, at a loss for words. And then, just as suddenly, the Godaimes head snapped up. All right, get your things ready. Were going to see them. I want you both at the village gates at exactly twenty minutes from now!


Shizune and Sakura both looked surprised.




Naruto burst into the kitchen rather violently, causing the adults to look up at him in surprise. Neji had been long relieved of his duties on the kitchen by Kakashi, who currently stood before the stove, armed with a cream-colored apron and wooden ladle as his cooking simmered lightly on the fire, causing a very pleasant smell to pervade in the room. The Hyuuga was currently sitting on the table, playing chess with Orochimaru and losing for the ninetieth time, thanks to the uncalled for tips from one green man named Gai. Jiraiya was standing by the window with his usual supply of coffee and newspaper.


You all right, Naruto-kun? Orochimaru asked, rising.


Am not! the blonde declared loudly. Im bored! I want to do something! He eyed Orochimaru eagerly. Why dont we train outside? Please? Please?


Orochimaru blinked and tilted his head sideways, thinking. True, Narutos boredom had been bothering him since morning. He had to do something if he wanted to stop himself from being grumpy and causing unnecessary damage not only to the house but to their companions.


All right. Give me a moment. That was all and the Serpent went to their bedroom. Naruto jumped up on his heels.


Kakashi quickly stole a disbelieving look toward Jiraiya, who gave him an I-told-you-so-but-you-dont-believe-me shrug. Neji leapt to his feet as well and looked hard at Gai. The green man acknowledged his student.


Like what Lee said, youth wont wait for us! he said, baring his teeth.


Neji smiled and quickly followed Orochimaru. A minute later and the four were walking out of the house, Neji and Naruto side by side and ten meters ahead of their mentors. Gai had a bulging pack of dinner on his back, grinning smugly as he watched the young Jounins arguing lively ahead of him.


Ahh, youth! The epitome of ones existence! Gai took a sidelong look at the silent Snake Sannin beside him. He swallowed. He still hasnt forgotten the punch that Orochimaru gave him even until now his jaw creaked ominously whenever he yawned too widely. Ashes, the man was quiet. And only now was Gai starting to fathom how he ever became so pale. The man rarely spoke to him at all. It was as if Orochimaru decided he was invisible and therefore not worthy of any attention. Gai wanted to strike up a friendly conversation. What do you think of youth, Orochimaru-san?


Orochimaru did not look at him. Everybodys youth is a dream; a form of chemical madness.


Gai stumbled for a moment and gaped at the pale man. He had a great difficulty shutting his mouth. He fumbled for a few words. Isnt it that almost everything great is done by the youth? he countered. Hah! He cant be able to refute that! Gai thought.


Orochimaru gave a dry laugh. Its all that the young can do for the old, to shock them and keep them up to date. I see no greatness in that.


It took him a few moments to realize that he was gaping at the Sannin like a goldfish, and that they had arrived in the same dell where Naruto mastered Senei Jashuu. With the snow fading, the dell looked a nice place of freshness. Little green signs of life were poking through the ground, waiting for the further touch of spring. Even the dead pines exuded a musky feel the feeling that they were starting to breathe again.


A good spar between you two will be in order, Orochimaru instructed. Do not hold back.


Naruto scratched his head. What if Neji hits me? You get hit too.


As long as you dont hit Naruto in the face, Neji.


Understood. The young Anbu said.


All right! said Naruto, tumbling backward and assuming his usual fighting stance that of a fox ready to pounce. Red Chakra flared around him while Neji activated his Byakugan and unsheathed his katana.


Power to the youth, Neji! said Gai, doing the nice-guy pose.


The two Jounins launched themselves against one another and the spar began. Orochimaru sat down on a piece of flat rock jutting out from the thawing snow, golden eyes following the fast blurs that were Neji and Naruto. Gai watched too, content to be standing with his arms folded across his chest. The first hour of the sparring passed by in silence, unless you counted Naruto and Nejis verbal sniping. Every now and then Orochimaru grunted, telling Gai that Naruto was hit. And then shuriken and kunai alike flew around there were silver flashes from Nejis katana and a sudden flare of red from Naruto.


Gai looked at Orochimaru, hoping to talk to him again, when he noticed that blood was starting to drip from the Serpents bandaged right arm. He opened his mouth to call off the training but Orochimaru shook his head.


Tell me, sir, why are you sacrificing yourself so? he inquired.


...because I want to. Orochimaru replied, wondering why the hell the man asked such an obvious question.


Naruto has grown! He is in the prime of his youth, on the way to his greatness! Gai said passionately.


I surmised as much. Orochimaru said. And the fact that he once barely reached my chest and now he threatens to get past my head...kid seems to have a freaking stock of growth hormones in his body...


Gai winced as if hed been punched in the gut. He stared hard at the pale man beside him. Orochimarus face was smooth and cool as you please, but his voice was dripping with such sarcasm. Was the man insulting him?


Sir, why do you talk like me that way? Gai demanded.


Orochimarus eyes bulged for a moment and he coughed blood into his left fist. He carelessly wiped the blood on a towel he brought along. Naruto shook his head vigorously as he stood up and launched himself toward Neji again. There was the clang of katana hitting kunai. I talk to everyone this way. He replied as he reached for a bottle of mineral water and drank from it.


It seems you are sarcastic most of the time. Tell me sir; in what way do I displease you? Gai asked.


Orochimaru did not like conversations that much. He eyed the Jounin levelly. Well...the fact that you are wearing that horrible, disgusting and blinding green spandex...merely tops the list.


Gai gaped, and there was an Ow! from the young Jounins. Neji had tripped upon hearing Orochimarus words, and Naruto was hard-put trying to stop his laughter.


Sir, dont you know that green is the color of youth? Gai declared.


Orochimaru spread his hands. Why, I can say that I am very lucky that I am old. Yes indeed.


Gai did not like where this was heading. Sir, if you are going to insult me, then do it to my face!


Perfect, one-liner black eyebrows rose. Well, if you say so. Orochimaru coughed and smiled at Gai. Get the hell off my back, freak. Thank you. And then he returned to watching Neji and Naruto, who were now rolling on the ground, all thoughts of training forgotten.


Sir, just to let you know, I dont care whether you like me or not! said Gai, pointing an accusing finger toward the Sannin.


Orochimaru threw back his head and laughed very hard; very hard in fact, that tears of hilarity trickled down his cheeks. Hmf...of course you do... He laughed. He rose. Else you wouldnt have talked to me and such. All right, were going home. And he turned on his heels and walked away.


Aww, come on! Naruto protested. Its still too early ughk! Pain blossomed in his chest, and the blonde was reluctantly dragged by his master. Neji shrugged, sheathed his sword and followed after them. Gai glowered at the back of Orochimarus head before finally following suit.


The walk back to the house was uneventful except for Neji and Narutos conversation about how much theyd progressed. The sky was starting to fade into orange when they arrived, and Neji immediately noticed three pairs of heeled sandals that werent there when they left.


WHERE IS MY PRECIOUS FLATSCREEN?! an all-too-familiar voice rang.


Neji paled. Oh...oh no...shes here! he gave a frightened squeak.


The four stood frozen by the door as Jiraiya tried to calm down Tsunade. Apparently the toad man was failing.


You see, was Christmas...and...erhm...we had our bit of fun...but...but something, well, something was an accident it wasnt the boys fault entirely...


But where are Naruto and Neji? said a voice that sent chills down Narutos spine.


Sakura-chans here! the blonde burst out excitedly. Shes really here!


WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY TELEVISION, I SAID! Tsunade screamed. It was followed by a loud crash, and Kakashi came running from the kitchen, still in his apron. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THAT COST?! THAT COST ME OVER 300, 000 RYO! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THAT?!


Whats going on, Kakashi-sensei?! Naruto demanded.


Tsunades killing Jiraiya! Kakashi answered as he dashed out of the house for dear life.


Neji was trembling behind Naruto. I...I really dont think its a good idea if she sees me here... he squeaked.


It wasnt me! Jiraiya protested from the kitchen. There was another crash that sounded horribly like Gais favorite food bowl smashing against the wall. It was the Hyuuga boy! He kicked it! Orochi-kun and I tried to do something but the screen was beyond repair and -! AAAAAGHHHH! Jiraiya burst out from the kitchen, horror plastered onto his face.


Everybody... Orochimaru said calmly. Run.


There was no need for that because even before Jiraiya showed up, they were already a good fifty meters away from the house and still running like mad. Naruto and Orochimaru were at the head of the pack, finally outrunning Kakashi as they neared the village. Naruto very nearly tripped over a rock but Orochimaru quickly grabbed him by the collar and slung the fox-boy onto his shoulder. Naruto bounced up and down wildly from his vantage point, having a good view of the shrinking house behind them.


Raging Tsunade is never good! came Orochimarus panting voice. Run while you can and never look back!


Jiraiya zoomed past them, screaming, to be followed by Gai and Kakashi. Orochimaru looked wildly around for somewhere they might hide but the only shelter was a gigantic redwood to his left. The Serpent shot out his tongue to grab a branch, and hoisted himself up to the safety of the canopy along with his student.


Neji knew he should stop the rampage or their happy house was gone forever. The shivering Anbu knelt in front of the raging Hokage, eyes shut and arms over his head. I did it! Im sorry! Ill pay for it! I promise I will, even though I have to work myself to death! Please spare the food and the PlayStation! I beg you!


Neji still did not open his eyes when Tsunade grabbed him by the collar and dangled him a few feet above the ground. Too right you will! That television cost me half of my Jounin life and I will not see it to waste! The Godaime shrieked.


That was when the poor Hyuuga remembered that his monthly salary as an Anbu was only 3,000 ryo a month. He paid for everything from his food, gear and apartment rental and this left him with a meager 200 ryo to spare. He suddenly had a very nice vision of hanging himself in the bathroom.

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