The Link: Snake and Fox: The House

Published Jan 20, 2006, 9:41:36 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 20, 2006, 10:00:22 PM | Total Chapters 17

Story Summary

"We...are in a serious shit." Jiraiya nodded. Kakashi slapped his forehead. He seriously needed some painkillers.

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Chapter 3: The House

The Link

Aiya, thanks for all the reviews! By the way, I made a deviation featuring O-chan in her kimono. It can be found here:


The Link

Chapter III: The House


Orochimaru had barely re-closed his (he still views himself as a guy, no matter how his anatomy changed drastically) eyes to take whatever sleep there was, when he was roused by Naruto. He wasnt given a chance for a well-deserved nap; he and Naruto had been awake for four days straight since re-entering the border of Konoha. Grumpily, he sat up and took the piece of stick Naruto had given him days ago from his sleeve, and in one swift and deft movement gathered his sleek hair into a nice twist at the back of his head. Naruto knelt before him and wordlessly started to remove the sodden bandages on his hands to change it for fresh ones.


When was the last we changed your bandages? Naruto inquired.


I dont know. He answered shortly.


Your hands look worse, Naruto frowned thoughtfully.


Orochimaru stopped himself from retorting, and instead watched how Naruto cleaned his hands in annoyed silence. The brat had always been like this since he had been kidnapped he seemed to take it as a personal mission to take care of him and his hands. Orochimaru could not understand why Naruto was taking his time and even bothering with his hands, but then, the brat gave him a very surprising answer. You wouldnt want it to be infected, was what Naruto said. And he did pout exceedingly whenever refused with the honor of cleaning and changing bandages.


Does it hurt? Naruto asked as he dabbed some clear liquid on the dark, rotting flesh. The concoction hissed and frothed madly. Well?


No, he snapped. Hurry up, will you?


Jiraiya was watching the proceedings with amusement and disbelief on his face. Oi, oi, Naruto, I cant understand why youre bothering with cleaning and dressing up O-chans hands. Sandaime made sure her hands will never heal all of thats useless.


Just because. Naruto replied. He reached for a fresh roll of bandages from the medical kit Shizune gave him, and started the meticulous and slow process of re-wrapping Orochimarus hands and arms.


Jiraiya found himself giving a long breath. Naruto, youre too damn nice for your own good. If it were me, I wouldve kicked his hands and spat on his face. Why are you doing all this? Are you thinking of changing Orochimaru? Its too late to do that. He wont change, no matter what kindness you show him. Just like your father...


There, were finished. Naruto said happily as he stood up.


Orochimaru wordlessly flexed his hands and stood up as well. Jiraiya walked behind him and secured a blindfold over his eyes. And then the frog hermit turned to Naruto and asked him to change his appearance, an order which the Jounin obeyed.


Its no use blindfolding me; I know where were going. Orochimaru smiled. Do you honestly think isolating me will keep Kabuto and the rest of my village from finding me? It was stupid to discuss the house in front of me in the first place. You could have put cork in my ears.


Jiraiya frowned, and had Orochimaru been in his original form, hed have gladly slammed his fist into the serpents head. Or maybe thrust a kunai into his neck. However, his position behind O-chan provided him an excellent view of her rounded breasts. The perverted hermit smiled inwardly to himself as he pretended to check the blindfold for any loose spots, when in fact he was just feasting his eyes on the snowy view.


It wouldve been a nicer view when this happened to you when we were younger, O-chan, Jiraiya cackled inside his own head. He wondered how those white mounds of flesh would feel like under his hands. And I must say that if Sandaime were alive still, hed have bled himself dry if he saw you!


Naruto surveyed himself in front of the mirror, disgusted. I look like Shikamaru! He poked his nose. And my nose is too flat. Then he lifted his gaze and saw just exactly what Jiraiya was doing, and he coughed. Jiraiya jumped and surreptitiously cleared his throat and stepped away from Orochimaru.


Right. Were going now. Jiraiya announced.


He led the way out of the room, followed by Naruto and finally Orochimaru, who had his right hand clamped tightly onto Narutos shoulder.




Uchiha Sasuke was getting more and more frustrated with each passing day. He scratched his nose and cast a furtive look around the greenery surrounding him, and he sneered. Youd have to move more silently than that if you want my bells, he thought. Konohamaru and his teammates thought they were good enough in concealment, but they were sorely wrong. Sasuke could point them out even if they were a mile away.


Sasuke sighed and looked at the pair of bells tied tightly onto the index finger of his right hand. He smiled faintly as he remembered the not-so-faraway time when he had been a Genin with Sakura and Naruto. Hatake Kakashi had given them the same training. He chuckled lightly as he remembered Narutos face when he got tied onto the same log Sasuke was crouching on now.


The raven-haired young man sighed some more and tried to remember the reports given by Chouji and Kiba. Neji still had not sent back any news regarding their own private search for Naruto. Sasuke was getting slightly worried; Naruto missing was one thing, and if Neji vanished as well...he would have loved to storm Godaime right now and yell at her until she got annoyed, but that was just not his way. Naruto-ness rubbing off him.


Right side, kunai approaching! Sasuke did not even blink as he tilted his head backward to avoid the kunai thrown at him. Come on, you can do better than that! he yelled to nobody in particular. He stood up and performed the hand seals for his Katon Housenka no Jutsu. Turning to his left, Sasuke fired fireballs from his mouth at the clump of bushes in that direction. A terrified yell broke out and a certain black-haired ninja came jumping out of the bushes, clutching his smoking butt.


Stupid idiot, I wonder how he managed to graduate from the Ninja Academy, Sasuke thought as he shook his head hopelessly. He did not say it openly, but he thought that the team he was teaching was the worst of the batch. Little midgets couldnt even substitute properly if I screamed at them, the fools. Only Konohamaru showed some potential, but even then, Sasuke knew not to get his hopes up.


Katon Housenka? Isnt that a bit too harsh?


Sasuke turned and did not seem surprised to see Kakashi crouching on ground beside him. Kakashi-sensei, what brings you to these parts? the Uchiha inquired. He would not let Kakashi lecture him on his teaching methods. The older Jounin stood up and shoved his right hand in his pockets, searching. Sasuke could not help raise an eyebrow. What is it now?


Kakashi fished out a sodden yellow envelope from his pocket and wordlessly gave it to Sasuke. The raven-haired Uchiha immediately recognized Narutos handwriting, and eyes wide, tore open the envelope and pored over the letters contents.


Best if you dont worry about him. Kakashi said. He is all right, I know him as well as you do. Tell Shikamaru and the others of this. Otherwise Godaime might not be so lenient.


Sasuke felt his eyebrows twitch. So Tsunade was aware that they were looking for Naruto. Sasuke let his inky black eyes wander over the letter again. He cast a furtive look toward Kakashis parting back. Sasuke crumpled up the letter in his fist. Poor forgery, Kakashi-sensei. Naruto never tells me he loves me.


The Uchiha waited until Kakashi was out of sight. And then he turned to the seemingly empty landscape around him. Oi! Two-hour break for the three of you! And put some ointment onto that butt!


So saying he turned on his heels and vanished as a blur.


Naruto is back in Konoha. Godaime and Kakashi...theyre hiding him from us. If they think they can keep Konoha 9 from finding Naruto, they have to think again!



Jiraiya planted his slippered foot onto the severed pine trunk before him. This place looks nice enough. Rest up, both of you. We still have a long way to go. So saying he whipped out a cigarette from his pockets and lighted it with his Chakra.


Naruto yawned and stretched his arms while Orochimaru folded his legs underneath him and sat down on the ground. The Serpent reached up and pulled the stick that held his sleek hair into a twist, and his hair fell around him like a dark cloud. Naruto walked up to him and gave him a waterskin.


Can I have a nap? Just for an hour? Orochimaru pleaded. I need rest and my arms are killing me.


Jiraiya very nearly swallowed the cigarette he had been puffing on. He shot a look toward the blindfolded woman. She was breathing harshly, and the blindfold was wet in spots had she been crying? The frog hermits gaze went downward to his former teammates hands. There were spots of red there again, this time bigger than the last. He very nearly jumped when Orochimaru whimpered and he gaped as he saw two distinct drops of tears fall from the pale cheeks and onto the bandaged hands.


Oi, you okay? Jiraiya asked. He sounded concerned in spite of himself.


Orochimaru nodded. Im fine. I just need sleep.


Jiraiya chewed his lower lip. I shouldnt pity the bastard. For all I know this could be an act an act to make Naruto and I lower our guard. But then his gaze kept flicking from the bloodied bandages to the tear-streaked cheeks. He still knows how to cry, does he? The last time I saw him cry was when we were Genins. Tsunade had destroyed his favorite kunai. And a damn racket he made, too.


This tree trunk here looks fine enough, said Naruto. Over here, if you please.


Orochimaru made his way toward Naruto and the blonde helped him settle down. Soon he was curled up beside the tree trunk, fast asleep.


Oi, Naruto.




Never lower your guard around Orochimaru. You will be surprised how good an actor or actress he can be.


Naruto nodded. But she looks...


It doesnt matter how she looks, Naruto! Jiraiya raised his voice. He grabbed the blonde by the shoulders. What matters is what she is, not what she was. Youve faced her in countless battles, and by now you should have a shrewd of measure of her capabilities. Do you understand me?


Naruto looked up at Jiraiya and did not need to answer.




Two hours later and the three continued their journey, plunging deeper into the thick forests of southwestern Konoha, all the time nearing the tiny hamlet of Kikuyu. Jiraiya led the way through the dark and shadowy trees, keeping close to the river and staying high up in the canopy of trees, where the foliage was thickest. They were ninjas, and two of the three legendary Sannin nonetheless, but bandits were nuisances and fighting them would be called bullying instead.


It was early evening when they arrived in Kikuyu, and the cicadas were only starting their nighttime singing, provided lights by countless specks of lights from fireflies. Naruto understood why Tsunade picked this place for them there were no malls nor cinemas nor arcades, and there was only a single ramen house in the village. And even that one looked close to being swallowed whole by the earth. There were very few lights coming from tallow candles.


Were staying in this place? Naruto said, his eyes narrowing, and his lower lip jutting out. This looks worse than the horror movie I saw three months ago you know, that one with the well?


Jiraiya pointed to the dark outline of a creepy-looking house that stood on a cliff that overlooked the village. That is where well be staying.


Naruto swallowed. That old crones house has electricity, right? And TV? Food? PlayStation?


As long as we have a decent toilet, everything else is fine with me. Orochimaru commented.


You cant live on toilet alone! Naruto retorted in scandalized tones.


Last time I was here, there were lights. Jiraiya said. Come on, keep up.


He led the hike to the house. The path that led up to it was rocky and craggy, and was overgrown by weeds. And then they finally came to the porch. Jiraiya pushed the door open and went inside, careful to remove his slippers before stepping on the dusty and creaky tatami floors. For a moment the frog hermit fumbled along the walls, and light flicked alive. Orochimaru had finally removed his blindfold.


So...this is where well be staying? he said in a hushed voice.


Narutos jaw could have dropped to the floor. B-but...but... he spluttered. Then he started flapping his arms. There is nothing in this house! Well go crazy in a week!



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