Royal Blood: Chapter 2

Published May 31, 2006, 10:31:31 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 6, 2007, 6:49:32 PM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

Find out what happend when a sinister alien named Cooler comes to earth with an evil plan in mind for a certain Saiyan Prince and his family!!

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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2.


The guards dragged Goku and the others down long dark corridors still unconscious. Only Piccolo was awake being pushed along and dreading where they were being taken.

Goku began to stir. He opened his eyes slowly but couldnt make anything out through his blurred vision. He could vaguely feel his body being dragged along the cold metal floors like some piece of unwanted trash. He snapped open his eyes in an instant when he could finally make out the anxious face of his friend Piccolo.

Piccolo!!..Whats happening?..Where are they taking us?

You better be quite, you dont want to annoy our master further! So keep your dirty little mouth shut until we get there! The strange creature didnt even look around at the prisoner he was dragging behind him.

Piccolo didnt say a word he just starred down at Goku and for the first time since he knew him, Goku could see fear in the Nameks eyes.

Suddenly they came to a stop. The creature that was dragging him typed in a code for the door they had stopped at and carried on walking through. Goku tried to struggle but couldnt put any kind of power into it because he was still wearing the collar that had been clasped on him earlier.

~ Oh man..Ive gotta do something..and quick!~

Goku suddenly pushed his body up off the floor and flipped over to give the alien dragging him a harsh kick to the head. The creature didnt even see it coming, the kick sent it flying forwards towards another creature that was standing guard at a doorway.

Quick piccolo! Goku lunged towards the guard who was pushing Piccolo but before he got within punching distance a loud voice boomed from behind.

I wouldnt do that if I were you!



Goku turned around to see Cooler staring back at him from the dark doorway. His very presence making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

You CREEP!Why have you bought us here? Goku was enraged at the calmly smirking monster before him.

Cooler quickly signalled to one of his soldiers to grab Goku. The soldier ran over to get a hold of the Saiyans chains but Goku quickly punched the unsuspecting soldier to the floor.

Cooler nodded his head and waved a finger from side to side sarcastically. You naughty little Saiyan, you should have learnt by now that you shouldnt disobey me! and with that Cooler held up a small remote and pushed the button.

It sent a small voltage through Gokus body, but it was enough to knock the poor Saiyan from his feet. Goku gritted his teeth and slumped to his knees as Cooler roared with laughter.

Piccolo began to growl at the icy tyrant, he was growing ever more anxious as to what plans lay ahead for them. Cooler obviously took great pleasure in seeing the mighty Saiyan and his friends in pain and yet, he hadnt took any of their lives. So it was clear to Piccolo that he wanted them alive for something? But what?

Dont worry my green will be over soon! Cooler glanced over at the Namek, almost as if he were reading his thoughts.

Now bring them over to the restraints at once! Cooler snapped at his obedient soldiers, sounding a little more hasty. He wanted to know which ones blood he needed and fast! He never did like to be kept waiting.

One by one the Z fighters were strung up to shackles that were hanging from the ceiling in a small darkened room. Trunks and Gohan were giving the soldiers a bit less hassle as they were still unconscious. Goku and Piccolo on the other hand, struggled and growled at their captors making it harder for them to be restrained.


Now this is where it gets fun! Cooler gave an icy grin, his eyes showed a dark intent towards the helpless fighters.

Cooler walked up to the two unconscious young Saiyans and began slapping Trunks around the face.

Wake up young one, I have a special bone to pick with you boy!

Trunks began to wince in pain and slowly opened his eyes. It took him a while to adjust his vision. His head felt like it had been put in a vice.

He groaned in pain and quickly looked around for the others once he realised where he was.

Its ok Trunks! Goku said trying to calm the panicking teenager down.

What happened where are we? Trunks suddenly glanced over at the evil monster in front of him, You!

Yesme! Looks like the tables have turned! Your gonna regret the day you messed with my family, you dirty little Saiyan! Cooler put an icy cold metallic hand underneath Trunkss chin and raised it up so he could glare murderously into his eyes.

Oh but thats where you are wrong Cooler! Id never regret taking out your pathetic family, it was one of the most enjoyable battles Ive had! If you could call it a battle! Trunks smirked back at Cooler who was now shaking with rage. Cooler couldnt stand it anymore, he lunged forward and punched Trunks so hard in the stomach it took the young Saiyans breath away.

That will silence your wretched blathering! I think we should test his blood first, insolent little beast! Cooler signals to one of his scientists who had been standing off in the distance.

The scientist quickly came scuttling over with a trolley. Goku and Piccolo gasped as they clearly saw what was on it. Four syringes and 8 or 9 test tubes.






The scientist began to tie a rubber band around Trunkss arm.

Trunks who was still very badly winded by Coolers last blow didnt put up much of a struggle.

The scientist quickly picked up one of the needles and pushed all the air out of the syringe, with that he plunged it into the youngsters arm. And quickly began drawing blood into the syringe.

Trunks winced and tried to pull his arm free but the surprisingly strong scientist held his arm there tight. He felt too weak to put up much of a fight.

What are you doing to him Cooler? Goku growled.

Youll see, stop being so impatient Saiyan! Cooler watched Trunkss blood filing up the test tube with utter desire. Soon hell find out whos it is, soon hell have his family back and his revenge!




By the time Vegeta had reached the large Capsule Corp grounds he sensed almost immediately that something was definitely not right. He looked down over Capsule Corp and could see a couple of large holes in the ground and the twinkling of shattered glass scattered the ground.

~ Either that dimwit Kakarot got a bit too carried away partying with his stupid friends or something really bad has happened! ~

Vegeta pondered as he circled the grounds and eventually landed. He began to slowly walk towards the front door when something stopped him dead in his tracks.

There seemed to be some strange creature lying on the ground just to the right of him. Curiosity got the better of Vegeta and he approached it cautiously.

It didnt seem to be moving so he shoved it with his foot. Still the thing didnt move. Vegeta slowly bent down to get a better look at it. Its head was twisted at a funny angle.

What the hell is this thing? Vegeta said poking at it with his finger.

Well what ever it was, it sure isnt alive now! He said as he inspected its broken neck.

Before Vegeta stood back up to find Bulma and the others he had the sudden urge to see what was behind the mask. He reached out his hand and tugged at the mask, it took a bit of pulling but it eventually peeled from the skin.

Erghh.Gross, what in the world is it? Vegeta quickly stood up and stepped back from the creature now staring up at him through glassy yellow eyes.

But before Vegeta could tear his gaze away from the grotesque corpse he heard scuffling and yelling coming from behind.

Vegeta quickly turned around to see an hysterical Bulma and some very grim faces coming towards him.

OH VEGETA!Where were you? We needed you! They needed you! Bulma flung herself at the dazed Saiyan Prince.

Woman, what in the hell are you blubbering about? Vegeta catches the very emotional woman and she buries her face into his chest.

She didnt respond to him as she began to burst into tears. Vegeta clearly stunned didnt know what to do with her, he had never seen the woman this upset before.

He knew he wasnt gonna find anything out from her while she was sobbing her heart out so he turned to the others who had now surrounded them.

Can any of you please tell me, what happened here? And why she is so hysterical!?! Vegeta stared down at Bulma and back up at the rest of the Z gang.

Vegeta I think we should go inside, something really bad has happened and I think you need to sit down for this! Tien exclaimed with a deep sadness and desperation he couldnt hide.

What? Why? Just tell me whats happened you idiot!..and what happened to you? Vegeta felt agitated now, he just wanted to know why Kakarot hadnt come out with them and why the big guy had his arm in a sling.


Vegeta please! Bulma stared back up at Vegeta her eyes bloodshot and smudged in makeup.

The others took that as their cue and began to walk back to the house. Vegeta still being clung to by Bulma tried to move but couldnt. He grumbled quietly and with one quick swoop picked her up and carried her to the house. Bulma clung onto him with her arms around his neck and enjoyed her first bit of physical contact with the Saiyan prince since Trunks had been born.

Vegeta walked into the lounge to find them all sitting down their faces a picture of pure grief. He begins to feel anxious now and quickly walks over to the sofa, softly seats Bulma down and walks over to a chair opposite.

Now tell me what in the worlds going on, you all look like someones just died! Vegeta impatiently asks.

He looks over at Bulma but her face gives nothing away. Her face is expressionless, looking down at the floor. Her mascara had all been washed down her cheeks from all her crying.

WELL?.. For crying out loud somebody tell me! Vegeta couldnt take the suspense any longer.

HE TOOK THEM.T.THAT HORRIBLE MONSTERHE JUST TOOK THEM! Bulma screamed at Vegeta barley keeping herself together!

WHOOOOOO?!? Vegeta screamed back.

Ok!! Lets just chill for a second! Yamcha stepped in trying his best to calm the situation down. Funny, he thought, it was usually him that was loosing his cool.

now Vegeta you knew Friezer better than any of us, did you know he had a brother?

Friezer? Why are we talking about him? And yes he had a brother, I never met him but I know he definitely had an older sibling! Why? Vegeta looked shocked, why were they mentioning Friezer? This didnt sound good!


Well Friezers brother decided to give us all a little visit this afternoon! He took Goku, Piccolo, Gohan..and Trunks! Tien Starred at the floor and then up at the gob smacked Vegeta.

WHAT!?! Vegeta stood up and glared at Tien, his mind a flurry of both disbelief and shock.

I tried to stop him..buthe was too strong! He took them all aboard his ship and blasted off before any of us could do a thing about it! cant be,I absolutely refuse to believe it! How could he just take them. Didnt Kakarot and the others put up a fight? Vegeta couldnt get his head around the concept, why did he take Kakarot and his son and not these weaklings..waitweaklings? Of course!

Why didnt you get taken aboard his ship? Vegeta crossed his arms, he already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from the three-eyed warrior himself, to admit that he is weak.

We all think he took Goku and the others because they were the only ones who posed a threat to him! The scary thing is.he took them alive! I dont even wanna think about what that monster might be doing to them right now! Tien gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tight, trying to block out images of his friends being tortured by the evil alien.

Which brings us to one question.Where the hell were you Vegeta? You knew he was coming didnt you? You sensed he was coming so you ran away to hide! Goku and YOUR son are probably being tortured and left to die slow agonising deaths right COWARD!! Yamcha stood up almost spitting the words out at Vegeta in anger.

But just as he finished his speech the infuriated Prince threw a punch so hard in his face his nose exploded and blood sprayed all over Vegetas gloved fist.

Yamcha fell to the floor with a thud clutching his face. Blood began to drip from his chin.

MY NOSE..MY BEAUTIFUL NOOOOOSE! Yamcha screamed in pain staring at his blood covered hands.


But Vegeta? Where were you? Why didnt you come and help us, didnt you sense him? Bulma said now kneeling by Yamcha feeding him hundreds of tissues to try and soak up the blood.

Tien and the others all looked up to see Vegetas response to Bulmas question. They too were eager to find out why the Saiyan who never normally misses the opportunity for a good fight , didnt show?

I didnt come, because I didnt sense him! Friezers brother is not all Organic you know! You might not have noticed but he is also part machine!! I was miles away training! Dont you think I would have been there if Id have known he was here!?! You really think Id let that freak take my son and my opportunity at destroying Kakarot away so easily you weaklings!?! Vegeta was furious to think that they were assuming that he Prince of all Saiyans was a coward.

I shouldnt have to justify myself to you pathetic Morons, Woman Im gonna need a space ship and fast! Vegeta turned and walked towards the door, before he hurt somebody.

What? No Vegeta you cant go, youd never find them, we dont know where he went? Bulma pleaded with the peeved Saiyan.

Vegeta stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. He looked around the room. He looked at Krillen who was sitting on the floor with a deep grief on his face, Yamcha nursing his nose and giving him evil eyes. Tien who was now standing looking as though he wanted to join him on his pointless quest and then at Bulma. He could see in her eyes two different emotions, she wanted him to go, she wanted him to find them and bring them back safe and end this nightmare, but then he could also see her pleading with him not to go and possibly get captured himself and leave her completely alone!

Vegeta walks up to her and closes his eyes. Please, Bulma, I cant just sit here while Kakarot and our son are out there somewhere being tortured..or even Killed! I need to do something, even if you think its a waste of time! Ill Go out there looking for any energys that are similar to Trunkss or Kakarots and when I find them, Im gonna make that bastard Pay!


Bulma stares at Vegeta, he actually looks concerned and did he just call her by her name?!

Ok VegetaI understand why you feel you need to go.Ill get the ship ready, but it will take time! if these guys cant get a power level reading from any of them from here it means they are very deep in space, so your gonna need extra speed and fuel, so it might take me a bit longer than usual to get her up and running ok?

Vegeta nods acceptingly and opens his eyes to look at Bulma.

Very well..


Bulma tilts her head at Vegeta who looked like he was about to say something else! It looked like for a split second that Vegeta was about to say thank you. But Bulma knew that was a bit too good to be true.

The Saiyan Prince closes his mouth and turns to walk away.


Vegeta stops at the doorway and glances over his shoulder.

I want to go too! I feel that I have failed my friends, so I want to help!

Vegeta pauses for a moment still staring at Tien from over his shoulder. Fine, just as long as your prepared to do it by my rules, whatever I say, goes! Understand?

Tien nods. He still hated the Saiyan Prince for what he did when he first came to earth and destroyed him and his friends. But trying to save Goku and the others made sharing a space ship with Vegeta a little more bearable.

Vegeta calmly looks forward and walks out of the room, leaving the others to gather their thoughts.






Back on coolers ship

Cooler stood looking through the glass screen at the helpless fighters. He kept studying each fighter with mild curiosity. He was awaiting the results of the blood tests from one of his most trusted scientists. It felt like forever waiting to find out which warrior was going to help him fulfil his dark mission. He tapped his metallic fingers at his side feeling his impatience building.

My Liege! We have the results we will need you in the lab right away. A scientist had came just in the nick of time, Cooler was about to have one of his most famous temper tantrums from being made to wait so long!

Cooler quickly followed the man into the lab and sat down. He watched the scientist scurry off to the control panel and began typing. He watched the giant screen intensely, his eyes wide ready for the verdict.

We have come across some very strange results my liege! They are all powerful yes, but as for a strong blood line there is only one. But we dont think he has what you are looking for! A picture of Trunks appeared on the screen. The scientist tried to choose his words carefully, he knew that if he said the wrong thing he would be doomed, like so many before him who have been victims to Coolers rage.

Coolers fingers gripped his chair so hard that the metal began to crumple. What do you mean he isnt what Im looking for, you said he comes from a strong blood line?

Yes but he isnt a full Saiyan my Liege, which means his bloodline has been weakened as a result!

WHAT?! He isnt a full Saiyan? Well what the hell is he??

The scientist began to tremble, Hes half human and half Saiyan my liege! Oh please dont hurt me!!




Cooler looks at the cowering scientist and then up at the image of the teenage Saiyan in disgust NO..NO,NO,NOOOO! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING! I HAD TO WASTE MY TIME WITH THOSE BAFOONS FOR NOTHING! Cooler threw his chair across the lab and it imbedded into a wall opposite him.

My Liege, we did find something that might be of interest to you! The scientist exclaims from behind his chair.

Cooler stops destroying the lab taking in what the scientist had just said. He stands up straight and calmly walks over to the petrified man. Cooler grabs him by his collar and pulls him up to eye level.

Tell me now!

We think he comes from a royal bloodline, my Liege! The scientist winced not daring to look at cooler in the eye while he spoke.

Coolers eyes widened. Royal bloodline! Really? A creepy smirk travelled across the monsters metallic face.

Well if his blood isnt strong enough, find out who his parents are and I want the results brought to me within the hour!

But my liege that means doing some extensive DNA tests and that could take..

DONT BACK ANSWER ME, JUST DO IT!! otherwise Ill have your head brought to me on a plate!!

Yes my liege! The scientist quickly gathered his equipment together and hurried off tripping over things as he went.


Gohan began to awaken from his unconscious state and started to observe his unfamiliar surroundings. He began to panic once he realised what had just happened.

Gohan! Piccolo called out to him relieved that his little pupil was ok.

PiccoloDad! Where are we?

Were in Coolers ship, so far all he has done is insult us and taken blood from us! Piccolo explained simply.

Heads up guys here comes another of Coolers minions! Trunks interrupted looking very concerned.

The scientist walked into to the room carefully scanning the fighters, making sure they were all still securely shackled. He then began to walk over to Trunks and looked at him with eager eyes. He reaches over and releases him from the ceiling. Trunks quickly stands up bewildered at first but then attempts to attack the seemingly defenceless scientist.

Hold it right there sonny! The scientist holds up a collar remote and puts his finger on the red button, threatening to push it.

Trunks quickly backs away, not wanting to experience the unbearable pain of his collar again.

Good boy, now follow me! The scientist attaches a chain to Trunkss Collar and starts to pull him forward as if he were a dog on a leash. Trunks looks back at the others looking completely ashamed that he didnt do more to escape while he could and now being degraded in front of them. Goku felt helpless for the first time in a long while and hung his head trying to find hope inside.

Where are you taking me?

You ask to many questions Saiyan! The scientist pulled Trunks down a long and winding corridor until they came to a password protected door. The scientist quickly typed in a number and tugged the disgruntled Trunks through the door into his lab.

To Trunkss shock Cooler sat near an operating table with a huge smug grin on his face. The scientist pulled a now panicking Saiyan towards a medical table and instructed him to get onto it.

Noarghget off me, what are gonna do!?! Trunks began to struggle now regretting not trying to run while he had the chance.

The scientist struggled with the chains trying to pull Trunks closer to the table but with one quick jerk Trunks pulled the chain free.

He instantly headed for the door but before he reached it Cooler quickly appeared in front of it blocking his path and his hopes of ever escaping.

Cooler smiled down at Trunks and suddenly without warning he punched the saiyan square on the chin and sent him flying through the air and into some medical trolleys.

Trunks lay there for a while dazed and tried to summon the strength to sit up. Cooler calmly walked over and picked trunks up by his hair.

He began to squirm and growl in pain but the unmerciful monster threw Trunks down on to the operating table and quickly clasped the restraints onto his writs and ankles.

Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way boy! Im going to ask you some questions and I want a straight answer, If not then expect a lot of pain!! GOT IT?

Trunks stared up at the leering alien before him with a look of terror and disgust.

Cooler grabbed a tuft of Trunkss hair and slammed his head off the table. I SAID GOT IT!! Trunks gritted his teeth in pain and nodded.

Good! Now first question which parent of yours is Saiyan boy? Your mother or father?

Trunks looked confused why was Cooler asking such seemingly trivial questions.

WELL ANSWER ME BOY! Cooler growled through gritted teeth seeming desperate now to find out the information he needed.

Why do you need to know something like that Cooler, Im curious! Trunks smirked now realising that whatever the reason Cooler was desperate to find out. Which didnt sound too good for either Bulma or Vegeta!


You could, but then youd have to wait longer to find out because Id be either unconscious or dead! Trunks played on the fact that Cooler needed this answer so bad and he wasnt going to give it to him.




Cooler looked as if he was going to loose it in uncontrollable rage but instead he instantly calmed down and looked smugly at the young Saiyan lying helplessly before him. He glared over his body and slowly put an icy cold hand over his neck. Trunks watched his hand slowly wrap around his neck trying hard to swallow the fear that was rampaging through his body.

Trust me when I say there are many other ways in which I can make you talk Saiyan! I will make you feel pain so unbearable that when your body is on the brink of blacking out from it all, ill get my friend here to inject you with something to keep you awake long enough for me to carry on torturing you so bad youll wished you hadnt existed!! Cooler said each word with utter hatred that sent chills through the teenagers body.

Trunks closed his eyes and contemplated whether he should tell him or suffer what Cooler had planned for him. Suddenly an image of his father appeared. He had his arms crossed as usual and he smiled casually at him. Then his mother appeared by Vegetas side and giggled sweetly and blew him a kiss.

~ NOmy father would never give up, no matter how bad the pain! Who knows what this monster has in store for my family if I tell him! ~

Well, are you going to tell me or are you gonna be put in your place boy?

Trunks opened his eyes, the image of is father still lingering. He looked up at Cooler and smiled haughtily. Then without warning he spat into the monsters looming face!

Theres your answer!

Cooler began to shake and a low growling noise came from him, he looked at the young Saiyan with a glint of pure evil in his eyes. He grabbed Trunks suddenly and began punching him over and over again in the face. Blood began to spray up the equipment surrounding the bed and even the shocked scientist waiting to do the tests got splattered with it, much to his horror.



Goku and the others looked up in alarm at hearing Trunkss screams of pain. Goku tried to pull his chains towards him desperately trying to snap them but as soon as he put his energy into it his Collar sent body numbing shocks through him.

Dad!..what are they doing to him Piccolo?? Gohan said anxiously.

I dont know GohanI dont know!

We need to get out of hereI cant take this anymore, I cant just hang here not being able to do anything while that monster is in there torturing Trunks!!.ARGHHHH!!!! Goku screamed out in desperation.

His body went limp as he gave up struggling and a tear slowly rolled down his cheek.


Faint growls from Cooler and screams of agony from Trunks filled every corridor and every room in the ship. It went on into the night until eventually Trunkss voice faded away completely and an eerie silence loomed over the darkened ship.


Goku and the others were disturbed from their sleep by heavy footsteps and the faint sound of trolley wheels on the metallic floor of the corridor.

Piccolo quickly looked across to Goku who was now in a deep depressive state. It hurt Piccolo to see his friend in such desperation, he had never seen Goku this helpless and so totally crushed by what had happened. He could see how much he wanted to stop Trunkss screams last night but there wasnt a single thing he could do about it.

Goku wasnt used to being helpless he always had a plan, a way to destroy anything before anyone got too hurt. But this time all he could do was listen to the young Saiyan who he saw as his second son being put through hell!

Then it dawned on Piccolo, a plan! Of course, why didnt he think of it sooner? Well probably because its not the nicest of things to do but he had to, he couldnt see his friend like this anymore, he wanted to help give Goku a chance at saving Trunks. But hed have to wait, at least until Cooler was out of the room!

The foot steps stopped abruptly, the shadows of feet could be seen underneath the door. The sound of numbers being typed in could be heard and with that the door opened. Cooler stood there with a slightly agitated look on his face. He looked at Goku and Piccolo and signalled for someone behind him to come forward.

A soldier walked out dragging behind him a sort of thin metal frame on wheels with an extremely bruised and battered Trunks shackled to each corner of it, strung up like some religious Icon.

Gokus jaw dropped as he could barely recognise the young Saiyan.

TTrunks? Gohan said in disbelief.


Oh my god, wwhat did he do to you trunks? Gokus heart was breaking as he spoke not being able to look at his broken body.

Trunks didnt respond his head was limp hanging down towards the ground. A light patter of blood could be heard as it dripped off the young Saiyans nose. Cooler smirked and carefully lifted Trunkss head with his hand. His wasnt conscious his head lay motionless in the monsters hand. He had a multitude of deep cuts and bruises to his face. His skin and hair saturated with his own blood.

Well, arent you going to answer your friend Monkey? Cooler grinned taking a great delight in seeing Goku and the others so horror-stricken at the sight of the unidentifiable Trunks.

I swear to you Cooler I will kill you for this! There will be NO MERCY FOR YOU, I will make sure of that, you bastard! Goku spat out at Cooler making his feelings clearly heard.

Oh, Im scared Saiyan! Youre friend thought it would be amusing to disrespect me too and look what happened to him! So I suggest you WATCH YOUR FILTHY MOUTH! Cooler lunged forward and with one swift kick to the stomach Goku gritted his teeth in pain and closed his eyes.

Now then, I am very surprised at you all, the amount of pain you can take amazes me! But Im getting sick and tired of waiting for answers so it ends today! Ive been pretty nice up until now so believe me when I say you better not push your luck today!

If you think were gonna tell you anything after what you have done to that poor kid over there your sadly mistaken Cooler! Piccolo grunts, not caring what the evil alien might do to him next.

Cooler walked up to Piccolo and glared at him I thought you might say something like that so luckily I came up with a back up plan!

Goku looked up panic-stricken knowing that whatever this plan is it didnt sound good for either of them and he couldnt do a thing about it!

Cooler calmly walks over to Trunks, If I dont find out the name of this boys mother and father I will end his suffering right now, in front of you!

Cooler couldnt wait for the DNA results, he had come too far to wait a couple of weeks to get what he wanted to know. He had to know now, and besides this way was more fun to him.

What? Piccolo thought out loud.

You heard me, I need to know now, his mother and father which one is a Saiyan and what are their names?

Is that what you tortured him for? To know his parents names? What is this all about Cooler?? Goku snarled at him, why had he caused Trunks so much pain over such insignificant questions.

Just tell me or the kid dies! Cooler said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly they were interrupted by faint muffling. The sound was coming from Trunks. Everyone looked at him in total surprise. He was conscious?

Trunks! Goku almost sounded hopeful.

Ddont..tell him G.Goku! Trunks struggled to say the words through his bruised and bloody lips. He wasnt going to give up without a fight.

Cooler quickly whipped Trunks around the face with his metallic tail stopping him from speaking any further.

GrrrrCOOLER YOU MONSTER, LEAVE HIM ALONE!! Havent you done enough to him already!?! Goku screams at Cooler.

No where near enough if you dont tell me what I need to know Saiyan!!!

Goku stares at Trunks and then looks over to Piccolo. Trying desperately to find the answers as to why this monster wanted to know Vegetas name! It was obviously about the Saiyan prince, he wanted to know who was a Saiyan out of him and Bulma so it definitely had to be about Vegeta! But why?

No answers? Fine! Cooler quickly walks over to a trolley and picks up a large syringe. The syringe had already been loaded with a strange substance and he was walking over to Trunks with it.

Then I will have to get what I want the hard way!! Cooler grabs Trunkss hair and pulls his head upwards.

Trunks manages to open his eyes slightly and through them Goku could see the boys pleas for someone to help him, he wanted his pain to be over. Cooler holds up the syringe and smiles before ramming the needle into Trunkss neck!

Trunkss eyes widen and he begins to cry out as Cooler pushes the plunger down releasing the contents into his jugular.

Ill leave you to say goodbye to your friend, it could have been so much more easier if you had just told me you stupid Saiyan! And with that Cooler turns his back on them all and walks out of the door with his many minions following him behind.

TRUNKS NOOOO!! Goku screams.

Trunks looks up at Goku for a brief second and then his eyes roll back as his whole body begins to shake.

Gohan begins to whimper at the frightful sight.

Oh TrunksIm sosorry! Goku said sounding like a broken man.





Trunkss body stops shaking and Trunks looks up slowly. Its ok, it..doesnt hurt anymore. Trunks smiles and a thick line of blood trickles from the corner of his mouth T.tell..mmy mother I love her..and tell my.ffather.Imgglad I got to see him.! as he struggles with his last words a tear rolls down his cheek and his body softly goes limp.

Trunks.dont worry were gonna help you get out of here! Goku I have a plan!

Goku quickly looks round at Piccolo in desperation. What is it Piccolo?


Piccolo begins to scream as he tugs at his arm. His arm begins to rip and the Namek cries out in immense pain. Purple blood begins to flow out onto the floor below him until his arm had been completely severed. Piccolos arm still hung tightly in the shackle twitching slightly. Goku and Gohan stared at the Namek in both horror and disbelief at what he had just done to himself.

Relax you guys! Piccolo smiled as a new arm began to generate.

How did you do that.I mean how could you? Gohan suddenly pipes up both sickened and surprised.

Im sure Cooler would have done a lot worse Gohan and I wished Id have thought of it sooner, now come on lets get Trunks back so we can save him, we dont have much time, his energy is dangerously low enough as it is! Piccolo began un-clasping the shackles on his feet and quickly ran over to Goku.

Thanks Piccolo!! Goku said sounding a lot more hopeful.

Once they were all unshackled they ran over to Trunks and started to untie him. His eyes were open but there was no emotion in them, the sparkle had gone almost completely from his big blue eyes.



Dont worry Trunks we will be home soon enough, were gonna get you well again I promise! Goku said picking his limp body up carefully.

But Dad how are we gonna get home we dont know where we are? It could take us days to get home!! Gohan said worryingly.


Not with instant translocation son, now everybody hold on tight, were getting out of here! Goku said putting two fingers to his forehead.

Gohan smiled and quickly put a hand on his fathers back. Piccolo did the same and they slowly began to fade.

Ill be back for you Cooler! Goku said with a focused look on his face quickly just before they faded away completely.














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