Royal Blood: Chapter 9

Published May 31, 2006, 10:31:31 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 6, 2007, 6:49:32 PM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

Find out what happend when a sinister alien named Cooler comes to earth with an evil plan in mind for a certain Saiyan Prince and his family!!

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Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 9.




Cooler walked calmly with a content look across his cold features and sat down slowly in a chair opposite a huge T.V monitor. Many of his minions fussed over the Ice-Jin Tyrant, trying their best to please him but hastily made a sharp exit as he waved his hand in annoyance at how irritating he was finding them all.


“ Lieutenant, you told me the boy had succeeded. So? Where is he?” Cooler said as he looked up at the big screen in disappointment.

 The lieutenants eyes widened in dread, as he realized that Trunks had not appeared on the screen. He scurried over to one of the soldiers that sat at the control panel and shoved the man in alarm. Before Cooler became really annoyed the screen before him buzzed into life. Cooler sat forward in anticipation and smirked as the unrecognisable image of Trunks appeared on screen. His eye’s narrowed in interest as he took in the sight of the young boy before him. He noticed how very different he looked compared to the last time he saw him. Coolers smile widened at the thought that he had done this to the young Saiyan. He had reduced him to look like an android, a boy without a soul. Yes this pleased him no end. Vegeta must have been completely destroyed when he witnessed the deterioration of his first-born son.


“Well then boy, I hope you have some good news for me?”


Trunks stared back into the camera with cold emotionless eyes for a minuet or two and then began to slowly speak. “Yes my Lord, the mission was a success. The Saiyan Prince is carefully locked away here in this very ship awaiting your attention upon our arrival.”


Cooler smirked and clasped his hands together; finally things were looking up for him. His father and little Brother would be back with him soon, congratulating him on their revival. “Excellent! Show me!”


Trunks nodded slowly and sat up out of his chair and made his way over to a darkened corner of the ship. Cooler watched intensely at every movement on the camera and sighed in relief as he caught a flash of white from Vegeta’s breastplate. Trunks dragged the injured Prince across the floor to the camera and he held him up for cooler to see like some trophy he had just won. “My lord, I give you, The Prince of all Saiyans.” He said in an almost cocky tone and then proceeded to dump his father’s body on the floor. Cooler realized in slight dread that his prize looked almost dead, he sat up in his chair and began to panic. Maybe the Nanites had made him a little too powerful.


“He is alive, isn’t he boy?”


Trunks smirked, “Yes my Lord, he is alive, injured but not dead…yet.”


Cooler sat back in his chair again and grinned, “Good work boy, very good work. I wait anxiously for your arrival.”


Trunks bowed and the screen went blank throwing the room in which the evil Ice-Jin sat laughing in glee into darkness.




Trunks exhaled suddenly feeling very tired and light headed and walked over to one of the ships chairs. He carelessly slumped into one of them and felt sleep take him almost instantly.


Vegeta still lay on the floor forgotten, bruised and battered and barely breathing he clung onto his doomed life as the ship which carried him to his death blasted through space with intense speed.





Goku slowly opened his eyes and knotted his eyebrows as he saw a very eager set of blue eyes staring back at him. He sat up slowly and felt confused as to why one minuet he was fighting off an evil Trunks and the next he’s waking up on one of Bulma’s laboratory beds.


“Bulma?” Goku slowly swung his legs over the bed and began to scratch his head as he tried to fathom what had happened.


“It’s ok Goku, I gave you a Sensu Bean, so your ok” Bulma said as she fumbled around with something on her desk.


Goku watched her for a moment until he could find his bearings. Suddenly as he stared off into the lab, flashbacks of Trunks landing a hard punch and his body being thrown from the ship right before it blasted off ran through his mind. His eyes widened in sheer panic as he realized that Vegeta was gone and turned his attention back to Bulma. But she was nowhere to be seen. Goku frantically lifted himself up off the bed and called out to her.


“I’m in here Goku.” He followed her faint voice to a room next door and quickly walked in. He prepared himself ready for the tears and depression from his long time friend but was surprised to find her kitted out in a full space suit.


“What’s going on? Why are you dressed like that Bulma?” He stared at her back for a second before she twirled round wearing a very pissed off look on her face. She was angry not sad, not depressed or sobbing her heart out in disappear. Goku was even more shocked as she picked up a large laser gun and held it firmly against her.


“No more tears Goku…” Goku swallowed in shock as Bulma cocked her gun back and smirked a smirk not so different from Vegeta’s, “ It’s payback time!”






Images floated around in Trunks’s head as he slept. Images of a flamed haired man swam through his subconscious mind, images turned into events and scenes and slowly he began to strangely recognize this small but built man that invaded his dreams. He watched as the man walked towards him and smirked. Trunks looked down at him-self to find he was in some sort of training out fit. There was a logo imprinted on the shirt in big bold letters, and for some reason he had heard of it from somewhere. ‘Capsule Corp?’ He thought to himself and then looked up again to find the flame haired man signalling for him to give him his best shot. Trunks frowned in confusion, why did this guy want him to fight? Was it some sort of trick?


“Come on boy, show me what you got?”


His eyes widened at the sound of the gruff voice that penetrated his puzzled thoughts. He knew that voice; he had heard it somewhere before, but where? He raised his fists ready for an attack. Maybe if he trained with this man he might get to know him a little better, and perhaps find out why he felt he knew him from somewhere. Trunks launched his fist at the man in front of him and gasped in shock as the guy caught his fist and held it tight.


“No boy, you’re doing it all wrong! Like this…” Trunks watched intently as the small man positioned his arm and arranged his fist so that the knuckles protruded out more. “This way you make more damage when you make contact with your enemy, you see?”


Trunks stared at the man for a while and then slowly looked at his arm. He nodded quickly as he realized he hadn’t shown any acknowledgment of what the smaller man had just said.


“Good, now that will be all for today. Go get some rest boy, you have a big day ahead of you.” Trunks slowly lowered his arm and looked up to see the man had crossed his arms across his chest and had begun to walk away from him as he spoke.


“But, wait! I don’t know who you are? Please tell me your name at least.” He tried to walk toward the man but with every step the shorter man went further and further away. Trunks reached out a hand and suddenly the man disappeared as if made of nothing more than mist. He stopped walking and looked around to find everything had disappeared and then a voice pierced the atmosphere around him. “You’ll make me proud, I know you will. Just remember that you are a Saiyan from a Royal bloodline, never forget that, my son.” Trunks desperately tried to find where the voice was coming from, anguish over took him and he screamed out in frustration.


Suddenly Trunks sat bolt up right in his chair and looked around frantically at his surroundings. He slumped back and let out a sigh as he recognised the ship that he held his prisoner in. The mission ran all too clear in his mind again as he pushed the button that added an extra boost to the ships speed. The dream had freaked him out and as he looked over at the unconscious Saiyan on the floor he knew that he had to hurry and get to his master quickly before he became any worse. His veins felt as if the were on fire and could feel himself loosing control. He felt scared now as he realized there was something happening to his body but he didn’t know what or why.



Goku struggled to keep Bulma back from boarding one of her father’s ships. He clung to her tightly as she screamed in anger at her friend.


“Let me GO Goku! I am not sitting around here twiddling my thumbs while my son and Vegeta are about to be slaughtered by that freak!” She scratched at Goku’s arms that held her back with ease and looked up suddenly to find that her tantrum had attracted yet more attention.


Goku looked up quickly and sighed in relief as he saw his comrades had come to help. Krillen, Tien and Piccolo all stood at the doorway looking more than a little anxious.


“Oh thank Kami you guys are here!”


Krillen looked slightly confused at why Bulma looked like a dog with rabies, clawing her way out of Goku’s grasp. “What’s happening Goku? What’s wrong with Bulma?” Krillen hiked an eyebrow as he watched her turn her attentions to him.


“ Well no thanks to you guys Vegeta and Trunks are now on their way to Cooler!!” She bared her teeth as she spoke which sent shivers down Krillen’s spine, he had never seen her this angry before.


Bulma managed to wriggle her way out of Goku’s arms and calmly arranged her space suit neatly. “Bulma please you need to calm down, I won’t just sit back and do nothing, I will do everything in my power to bring Vegeta and Trunks back.” Goku said starring at Bulma’s back as he spoke, waiting for her to twirl round at any moment ready for another round of screams from her.


Piccolo interrupted as he began to panic at the thought of what Cooler had planned with the Saiyan Prince, “ When did Trunks manage to escape Goku?”


Goku quickly looked round at the tall Namek and exhaled in frustration as he hadn’t got a clue as to how long he was knocked out for. “I don’t know Piccolo, about 2 hours I guess. Trunks managed to knock me unconscious, Bulma said I had been out for about that time, he took one of Dr Briefs ships too.” Piccolo starred at his friend watching the various emotions flutter across his face as he spoke. He knew deep down Goku was panicking and this didn’t make him feel comfortable at all.


“What’s the plan Goku?” Tien said interrupting the sudden silence in the room. Goku looked round to find everyone was looking at him with hopeful eyes. He knew that they all expected him to have some kind of master plan, that he, Goku, a super Saiyan would assure them that Trunks and Vegeta would be fine and that he would magically bring them back safe and sound. His gaze slowly lowered to the ground, as he knew he couldn’t promise anything at this point. If he was truly honest with himself, there was a very slim chance of being able to locate Cooler’s ship and transport there in time to save the doomed Prince. But as he glanced up and met Bulma’s buoyant Blue eyes he couldn’t bring himself to tell her the truth. After everything she has had to endure these past few days it would surely crush her. Goku quickly shook himself from his troubled thoughts and looked at his friends, “Don’t worry you guys, I’ll come up with something. But I’m gonna need your help.”




Cooler grinned as one of his minions rushed into the room excitedly and exclaimed that Trunks’s ship had come into range on the radar.


“Excellent, Captain, open up the access hatch and draw in the boy’s ship at once.” Cooler watched as the soldier hastily nodded and made his way over to the control panel to complete his masters wishes.




Trunks breathed heavily and cold sweat ran down his face as he pressed the button that activated the landing legs of the ship to extend out ready for arrival. A wave of intense nausea swept over him and he slowly sunk down the controls of the ship to his knees. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong. His body felt as if it was giving up. What he found most strange was how he kept slipping in and out of consciousness having various flash backs and images of people he couldn’t quite remember. He lay back on the cold floor and closed his eyes, allowing the darkness to claim him once again. He couldn’t fight it any more he hadn’t got the strength.


Trunks suddenly found him-self surrounded by people who were cheering and clapping him on, he frowned in confusion but when he looked down he found he was sitting in front of an intricately decorated birthday cake. It had his name written on it in colourful icing and 7 candles littered the top of it already lit. He looked up again and glanced around the table to see if he recognised any of these people. But no one seemed to stand out, until he came across a beautiful blue haired woman. Her eyes were full of pride and joy clasping her hands together in glee at him. He somehow felt a connection with her, but he couldn’t quite make out what it was.


Suddenly she began to speak and Trunks felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. “Blow them out and make a wish son.”


Son, did she just say son? Trunks thought to him-self. He quickly looked back up to ask her what she meant, to tell her that he couldn’t possibly be her son, he had never seen her before but quickly found that he was no longer at the birthday party. Everything had disappeared but before he could gain his bearings again he found a giant ship type machine in front of him. Once again he was even more shocked to see the same blue hair woman standing near it. Only this time she was wearing overalls and covered in oil. But somehow he still thought she looked beautiful, even with black smudges across her pale skin. He slowly took a few steps forward and she spoke again.


“She’s ready son, come look!” She sounded excited and he gasped in shock as she ran over and grabbed him gently by the arm. “Come on.” Trunks was pulled toward the spacecraft and he gazed at it in amazement. Had she created this? If she had then he was extremely impressed. “Wow, did you build this?”


She turned to him with slight dismay, “Of course I did, and you helped, remember?” Trunks looked at her in bewilderment. He was about to say no but was interrupted by her pulling him again, around the craft to the other side. “Come here, I want to show you something.”


He watched as she reached up and pointed out some writing on the side of the ship. Trunks narrowed his eyes as he took in the word. “Hope?”  As soon as he had mouthed the word a multitude of images swam through his mind. A tall guy with spiky hair, the blue haired woman again, but holding a baby. The flame haired man he remembered from his earlier dream. A huge building with the words capsule corporation written on it. Training in a strange battle suite, a beautiful blonde girl and a young black haired boy with amazing power levels. A grotesque green bug like creature that could destroy any warrior with a simple flick of his wrist. Image after image flooded Trunks’s mind and he screamed out in pain. It felt as if a floodgate had been opened in his mind and the pain that it caused made Trunks double over. His eyes suddenly snapped open and all he could do was scream.




Vegeta suddenly awoke from his unconsciousness at the sound of his son’s painful screams. He turned his head and was shocked to find Trunks was lying on the floor not so far from him. He watched his son with concern as he battled with an invisible force. It worried him to see his son in pain again but couldn’t find the source of it. Vegeta’s eyes suddenly widened, “ The Nanites! The woman’s Nanites! They must be working!” He out-stretched a hand toward his fallen son, “Trunks, you have to fight it! Don’t give up!” Trunks slowly turned his head toward his father and just as he acknowledged the saiyan Prince his vision faded to black again and his mind was forced yet again into more confusing flashbacks.


Suddenly Trunks found himself in what looked like an abandoned graveyard. He wondered aimlessly past various gravestones trying to make out the writing on some of them. Some were almost crumbling away with age and covered in moss. Heavy raindrops began to fall, but he didn’t care, Trunks carried on walking slowly until he heard a soft whimpering coming from the left of him. He turned to find a small lavender haired child kneeling by a particular grave. Trunks could her the child whimpering and gradually walked over. As he reached the child he could hear what he was saying. It was a boy, no older than 5 years old and Trunks frowned in sorrow for the poor grieving child before him. He bent down and gently placed a hand on the young boys shoulder. The little boy immediately jumped out of his skin and turned around to face him. “Jees’, are you trying to give me a heart attack buddy?” Trunks gasped as he took in the boy’s features, he looked exactly like him just a younger version of him. “I-I’m sorry kid, but where’s your mom and dad? Graveyards aren’t very nice places to be on your own you know.” The small boy looked down at the floor and began to speak with clear sorrow to his tone.


“My mom is at home, working. And my father……..he’s there…” Trunks swallowed hard as he watched the small boy point to the gravestone in front of them. Rain lashed down heavily now and his clothes clung to his skin. Thunder rumbled in the sky as he looked at the gravestone. It wasn’t a very old one and trunks knelt down onto the soggy earth to get a better look.


“Vegeta…..killed in battle 12th may. Missed by his family.” Trunks swallowed again as he read out the message on the headstone. “Vegeta? Killed in battle? What battle was this kid?” Trunks turned to the small boy who was now standing soaked through to the bone. The rain continued to pour and the two lavender haired boys stood there before one another in complete silence.


“Well?” The small boy looked up at the older boy and began to speak, “ The battle with the androids. They killed him. I don’t remember him much, I was just a baby when they murdered him.” Trunks stumbled backwards in shock. The androids? Suddenly two very vivid images flittered through his mind. 17 and 18.


The small boy began to walk toward Trunks, “Don’t you remember? You were there too! They killed our father, Vegeta.”




“Come on, who are you kidding? Vegeta, the guy you have in your ship right now, the one that you vowed to travel back in time to protect. The one that you are taking back to a crazed Ice-Jin ruler to be slaughtered! That’s your FATHER! You need to wake up Trunks, you need to save him, before its too late!!”


Trunks stumbled over old gravestones trying to escape the child that stalked after him. The small boy’s message echoed through his mind and suddenly he stopped. He couldn’t walk anymore. The graveyard that surrounded him melted away and he slumped to his knees. “Father!! Oh Kami, what have I done?!”



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