Fuck Buddies or Sex Friends?: Realization

Published Sep 12, 2010, 9:52:01 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 26, 2011, 8:44:53 PM | Total Chapters 19

Story Summary

(COMPLETE)With the quest for the Shikon Jewel and Naraku over, Fawks and Sessho-maru go their seperate ways. But Fawks is filled with regret over the unseemly relationship the two have had. Just as she's starting to move on, Sessho-maru reenters her life and all but turns it upside down!

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Chapter 18: Realization

“What’s the matter, Fawks-chan? Why are you so upset?” Reiji asked as he poured her a cup of tea. Fawks glared into her cup.

“I…told Sessho-maru off today…”


Her hands clenched, “…I told him to leave me alone…that I would never love him again…”

Reiji gave her a contemplative gaze, “…But that’s not true is it?”

Fawks looked up at him, “Eh? What do you mean?”

“…Guess I shouda seen this comin’…” he sighed running a hand through his hair. “You’re still in love with him, aren’t you?”

Fawks’ cheeks flared, “…What… the hell are you talking about…?”

“Your reaction is enough…”

“…Don’t be stupid, I love you”

“You want to love me. But I’ll never be able to replace him inside your heart” he said softly.

“That’s not true! Don’t talk like that!” Fawks shouted.

“I see him every time I look into your eyes, Fawks-chan!”

She shrank back.

“…I pretended not to notice but…ever since we first met and you told me about the man who broke your heart, I could see your longing for him every time you looked at me…”

Fawks looked away, Reiji smiled sadly.

“…I wanted to be the one to heal you. So when you looked at me, you would actually see…me…”

“…I’m sorry, Reiji-kun…I never meant to hurt you…” she whispered.

“Nah, it was all me. I wanted you so much I didn’t think about your feelings” he shrugged.

“…That’s not true. You wanted to help me forget…I wanted to forget…”

Reiji smiled at her, “…It was fun while it lasted. You were really great in bed…”

“Gee thanks!!” she laughed.

Reiji smiled at her, “What the hell are you still doing here, anyway? Go and make up with Taiyo-san”


Yamida held open the door as Sessho-maru stepped into the lavish apartment building.

“Good evening, Taiyo-san”

He said nothing as he walked to the elevator.

“…I…haven’t seen Fawks-san in a while…” Yamida continued. Sessho-maru shot him a glare, “What did I tell you about minding your own business?”

“…F…forgive me, sir…”


Sessho-maru loosened his tie as he stepped onto the elevator, he gave a world weary sigh as he rubbed his neck. For the first time in over five centuries, he actually felt his age weighing down on him.

“Well you were right about one thing…I’ve got a boyfriend now. One who doesn’t feel the need to be so damn mysterious about his feelings… So I don’t ever want to see you again”

For some reason, her words cut him deeper then any sword, then any demon’s claws. Stepping off the elevator, he was surprised to find the object of his turmoil leaning against the door to his apartment. Fawks looked up at his approach.

“To what do I owe the honor?” Sessho-maru raised an eyebrow.

“…Can I come in?”

“Why would you want to?”

“…There’s…something else I need to confirm…” Fawks said quietly. Sessho-maru eyed her a few moments before slipping his key into the lock and opening the door for her.

“Come in then”

Fawks followed behind him into the apartment, shutting the door with her foot. “What more could you have to tell me? I thought you never wanted to see me again…”

“…I didn’t” Fawks shrugged. Sessho-maru raised an eyebrow at her.

“…Like I said…there’s something I wanted to confirm”

“And what would that be?”

She grabbed him by the front of his suit, pulling him to her for a kiss. Sessho-maru’s eyes widened as she coyly teased his tongue with her own. He gave a husky growl, shoving her roughly against the door. They pulled apart for air and Fawks shyly buried her face in his chest.

“Fawks-chan…?” He asked breathlessly.

“It’s…like I thought…” Fawks panted. “…I only feel like this…with you…”

She looked at him them, her cheeks a gentle pink.

“…I don’t know if it’s love or just lust but…I want to find out. I want to be with you…”

Sessho-maru’s gaze became cynical, “What about your boyfriend?”

“…Actually…it was Reiji who made me realize how I truly felt about you…” Fawks smiled sardonically. “I tried to hide it. Tried to force this feeling away, but I can’t. I guess…I really do still love you…”

Those words unlocked something deep within Sessho-maru’s heart, he pulled her to him for another kiss, wrapping her possessively into his embrace. Fawks sighed happily melting into his arms.

They pulled apart, gasping for air but still wanting more.

“…Come to bed with me…” Sessho-maru growled huskily.

“Absolutely…” Fawks sighed.

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