Fuck Buddies or Sex Friends?: False Savior

Published Sep 12, 2010, 9:52:01 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 26, 2011, 8:44:53 PM | Total Chapters 19

Story Summary

(COMPLETE)With the quest for the Shikon Jewel and Naraku over, Fawks and Sessho-maru go their seperate ways. But Fawks is filled with regret over the unseemly relationship the two have had. Just as she's starting to move on, Sessho-maru reenters her life and all but turns it upside down!

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Chapter 5: False Savior


Fawks was waiting for him in the lobby, chewing her nails incessantly. Every few minutes her eyes darted to the clock, when the hell was he going to get there?! Visiting hours were almost over. But she knew what he was doing, it was the same when they used to fuck. After a night of intense passion, he would steer clear of her for days, making her want him all the more.

“You really shouldn’t do that”

Fawks fell out of her seat, Sessho-maru raised an eyebrow.

“…What the hell?!” she gasped.

“I was merely advising you not to pick at your claws like that, it’s unseemly”

“Well maybe I wouldn’t have been so distracted if somebody hadn’t kept me waiting!” Fawks snarled.

“I am sure you are aware that I work during the day” he replied nonchalantly.

“Yeah whatever” Fawks rolled her eyes. She then noticed he carried something in an embroidered sword sleeve.

“Is that Tenseiga?”

“Where is your sister?” was all he said. Fawks didn’t push the matter, she knew he’d deliver, especially if he wanted her to keep up her end of the bargain.

She beckoned him to follow her into the elevator, the doors closed and the two stood in uncomfortable silence.

“Is she conscious?” Sessho-maru asked.

“…No…Miyako started her first bout of chemo today…so…she’s kinda out of it…” Fawks swallowed dryly. Her sister had looked so pale and sickly after the treatment. She hadn’t been able to keep any food down, the doctors had said it was buying Miyako more time but Fawks wasn’t so sure. Sensing her anguish, Sessho-maru gently brushed her cheek with the back of his hand.

“Don’t fret, all will be well”

Fawks nodded managing a smile.


The hospital room was dark, the only sound was hollow beep of machines and Miyako’s shallow breathing. In the dim light she was sickly pale, tubes connected to IV bags ran through her arms. Fawks bit her lip to keep from crying again.

Sessho-maru strode into the room, unwrapping the sword as he went. But instead of drawing the blade from its sheath like she expected, he laid it beside Miyako’s prone form.

“Your sister has not yet passed on, the messengers of the underworld have not come for her yet. Tenseiga should scare them off for good” he replied to her unspoken question.

“…Then…Miyako’s gonna be okay…?”

Sessho-maru nodded, Fawks gave a sigh of relief. He paused on his way out the door.

“I will return for Tenseiga on the morrow. At that time we shall discuss the terms of my ‘compensation’”

Fawks shuddered, her body caught between desire and disgust. Sessho-maru smirked, striding past her and out the door.


“It’s astounding, you’re sister seems to have made a full recovery” the doctor said in amazement. He placed a hand on the young woman’s shoulder. “You are free to leave as soon as you get your strength back”

“Thank you so much doctor” Miyako smiled.

“I’m so glad you’re okay, sis” Fawks beamed.

“So am I, I know you’ve missed a lot of school because of me”

“Don’t even worry, I’m so far ahead, I’m practically teaching the class myself” Fawks shrugged. A nurse knocked on the door, “Excuse me, but you have a visitor”

“Visitor?” Miyako began. “Could it be father?”

“I sure as hell hope not” Fawks growled. She instantly stiffened the moment the man entered the room.

Sessho-maru wore a pristine suit, his lengthy midnight black hair was tied back with a simple red cord, in his hand he held a bouquet of roses.

“Excuse me, do I know you?” Miyako blinked. Sessho-maru inclined his head, “Forgive the intrusion, I am Sessho-maru Taiyo, a friend of your sisters”

Miyako glanced at Fawks who was currently trying to make herself small.

“Though we have not spoken for a time, out of grief for your illness, Fawks-chan contacted me” he continued placing the flowers in a vase on the bedside table.

“How kind of you to come” Miyako smiled. “Thank you so much for giving my sister solace”

Sessho-maru grinned unpleasantly, “The pleasure was mine” He kissed her hand. Miyako in turn, blushed modestly.

“…Well, you need your rest if you wanna get out of here any time soon” Fawks said abruptly.

“You’re right, but thank you for coming, Taiyo-san” she smiled wearily. Sessho-maru bowed his head once again, following Fawks out of the room.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” she said in a harsh whisper.

“I told you I would return for Tenseiga” Sessho-maru replied. Sighing, Fawks reached into her duffle bag, pulling out the sword wrapped with in the silk sleeve.

“Here now leave” Fawks growled, holding it out to him. Sessho-maru grabbed her wrist, pulling her to him. Their lips met in a rough, passionate kiss, parting her lips with his tongue. Fawks sighed, her legs going weak as his skillful tongue explored her mouth. His hands traced her hips, breaking the kiss. Fawks panted, trying to clear her head.

“Come to this address tonight. Make whatever excuses you have to” Sessho-maru growled into her ear. When she opened her eyes again, he was in the elevator, he cast her a smug smirk as the doors closed. Fawks pulled her hand across her lips in disgust.

“…bastard…” she muttered, pulling out the slip of paper he had sneaked into her pocket.

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