Rise from the Ashes: Regroup

Published Mar 11, 2013, 8:19:16 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 14, 2013, 2:31:14 PM | Total Chapters 16

Story Summary

When Sessho-maru is killed in battle, Fawks and her children become the property of his murderer. But this is not a fate Fawks will take quietly.

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Chapter 16: Regroup

Fawks woke the next morning in the tall grass, pleasantly sore and delightfully warm in the arms of her mate.

“Good morning…” she sighed as Sessho-maru preoccupied himself with her neck.

“It is a good morning” he whispered in her ear, making her shiver.

“We made love all night and you’re still not satisfied?” Fawks purred.

“When it comes to you, I’m insatiable…” He growled rolling her beneath him. She giggled as he kissed her, her fingers tangling in his silver hair.

“Oi! Knock it off you two! You’ve done enough fuckin’, I can smell it from here” Inu-yasha called. Sessho-maru growled in annoyance.

“He’s right…we should go before someone figures out we’re here…” Fawks sighed. He nipped her chin, “Wait here”

Inu-yasha regarded his naked brother as he came striding toward him.

“It’s a good thing you two stayed away last night” he said, handing his older brother his robes.

“And how is that?” Sessho-maru asked beginning to dress.

“That little shit Shinichiro was sniffing around after Fawks. Luckily the rain erased your scents”

“Hn” Sessho-maru replied retrieving Fawks’ discarded clothes. “I assume you know to avert your eyes while my mate dresses”

“…yeah, yeah” Inu-yasha snorted, turning around. Sessho-maru helped Fawks into her robes.

“You should return to the pups…” he began.

“What are you talking about? I’m staying with you” she replied tightening her obi.

Sessho-maru narrowed his eyes.

“The last time I left you alone you almost got killed…”

“I was taken by surprise, it shall not happen again”

“You’re right, it won’t because I’ll have your back”



“God, stop!” Inu-yasha groaned coming over to them. “Look, what could it hurt to have Fawks-chan in your corner? It’s not like this is the first time she’s fought by your side”

“And who will take care of our pups if they happen to lose both their parents?” Sessho-maru hissed.

“Is that what this is about?” Fawks sighed. “When you fell for me, you knew I wasn’t the type of woman who’d sit back and expect her husband to fight all their battles. You said my being your mate meant I was your equal, it’s time you start acting like it”

Sessho-maru glared but she could see in his eyes he was close to caving.

“…very well. But if I tell you to escape and return to the children you do as I say, understood?”

She nodded as he went on ahead.

Inu-yasha snickered, “Sheesh, it’s so obvious I’m surprised he hasn’t figured it out yet”

“Figured what out?” Fawks began.

“That you’ve got him wrapped around your finger”

“Honestly, Inu-kun, I have no idea what you mean” she sniffed following after her mate.

“Sure you don’t…”


“Good morning, my lord. I trust you and my lady had a good night” Itnasha smirked suggestively.

“Watch your tongue” Sessho-maru replied.

“Of course” Itnasha chuckled. “It is good to have you back”

“Itnasha-san, Fawks and I have set up a home base in one of father’s summer homes. One Shinichiro wouldn’t know about” Inu-yasha ventured.

“Hn…” Sessho-maru nodded. He reached out a hand to Fawks, “Shall we go?”

She smiled gratefully, “Gladly”

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