Rise from the Ashes: Ruined

Published Mar 11, 2013, 8:19:16 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 14, 2013, 2:31:14 PM | Total Chapters 16

Story Summary

When Sessho-maru is killed in battle, Fawks and her children become the property of his murderer. But this is not a fate Fawks will take quietly.

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Chapter 3: Ruined

Yukine paused outside the bathhouse, towel in hand. The sound of soft sobbing echoed from the other side of the door. The older woman sighed lowering her head, “…I hope you’re proud of yourself”

Shinichiro leaned idly against the wall, “Feh, I didn’t think she’d be so fragile, I barely touched her…”

“You practically forced yourself on her!” Yukine hissed.

“And what business is it of yours what I do with my mate?” He growled towering over the woman.

Yukine sighed in exasperation, “If you keep using force her ladyship will keep pulling away. Contrary to your beliefs, Sessho-maru used tenderness to win her over not brute strength”

“And what makes you think I need advice from an old hag like you?”

“Fawks-sama was forced upon before”

Shinichiro’s eyebrows rose.

“She was just a girl when it happened but she still has nightmares, now you can see why what you did hurt her so much…”

“And here I thought I was getting a wild temptress instead I’m saddled with a frightened girl…” he scoffed.

“Are you truly so blind?” Yukine raised her own eyebrow. “Do you truly think the great Lord Sessho-maru would want a girl who was too weak to stand by his side? Lady Fawks has single handedly led his lordship’s army as well as acting as his personal bodyguard and assassin. Her power rivaled his as well as her…sexual appetites…”

“Then how can I see that woman again?! What do I have to do?!” He demanded grabbing hold of her robe.

“There is nothing you can do…” Yukine said simply.

“What?!” Shinichiro snarled.

“Lady Fawks’ interminable will, her drive to carry on and grow stronger with each hardship, that all came from Sessho-maru. His love for her kept her going when even that impeccable will failed her. The same could be said for Sessho-maru, he became ten times stronger after he took Fawks-sama as his mate. In other words, the female you wanted, the one you killed for, will never exist for you…” Yukine smirked.

Shinichiro growled to himself, releasing the older woman.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, it is time for her ladyship to get out and it would be best if you weren’t around for that” she said, slipping inside the bathhouse and slamming the door behind her.


Sensuke sat by the outside corridor staring out the shoji screen into the garden beyond. His cool golden eyes reflecting the light of the sunrise. Tensei yawned as Yukine set her down in front of the mirror.

“I hate that man” Sensuke growled darkly.

“Hush now!” Yukine whispered as she brushed Tensei’s hair.

“…I miss daddy” the little girl whimpered.

“I know, young ones. But you must keep quiet about such things…” Yukine hushed.

“Where is mother?” Sensuke asked testily.

“She is still sleeping…”

“She wasn’t at dinner either or breakfast…”

“Your mother is in morning. I know it makes you uneasy to have her out of your sight but it is the only for her to cope. She does not like to show weakness in front of you”

Sensuke lowered his head in understanding.

“She will be with you soon but until then I beg of you try not to do anything that will upset that man”

“Yes…” Tensei nodded.

“Sensuke? Promise me, boy”

“Fine…” he snarled.

“Good” Yukine nodded. “Now stop moping around and get to your studies. Your tutors are awaiting you…”

Sensuke snorted, getting up and stalking from the room. Yukine watched him go with a worried expression.

‘…please, young prince, if you care at all for your own safety you will behave yourself…!’

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