Rise from the Ashes: Beaten

Published Mar 11, 2013, 8:19:16 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 14, 2013, 2:31:14 PM | Total Chapters 16

Story Summary

When Sessho-maru is killed in battle, Fawks and her children become the property of his murderer. But this is not a fate Fawks will take quietly.

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Chapter 5: Beaten

The powerful scent of blood made Fawks stiffen in absolute terror.

“My lady?” Yukine asked.

“Oh my god…Sensuke!” she cried throwing open the door to her room and rushing down the hall, Yukine close on her heals. Throwing open the door to the training hall, Fawks felt as if her heart froze along with the rest of her.

Shinichiro held a beaten and bloody Sensuke up by the front of his robes, his feet dangling in the air as his blood dripped steadily to the floor. Sensuke, unable to move glared menacingly at the older demon.

“Heh, look at you. So weak and yet you still have the gall to glare at me so…” Shinichiro rumbled.

“I think you over did it, boss” one of his lackeys laughed.

“You nearly killed the kid!”

“That’s what happens when he talks back to his lordship!”

“Oh god…!” Yukine gasped. Shinichiro glanced at them, the crazed smile still glued to his face. A malevolent light glinted in his silver eyes.

‘…he’s insane…’ the thought ran through her head, soothing away the red hot flame of her rage with ice cold fear. Fear of what he could do to her children if the mood took him.

Shinichiro tossed Sensuke into his mother’s arms. She caught him, cradling him gently.

“…Mo…ther…” he groaned in obvious pain.

“Shhh…baby…it’s alright, you’re going to be fine…” Fawks murmured.

“I like this kid. He’s got guts…” Shinichiro called. “Though, I do find myself tempted to rip them out”

“Damn you…!” she snarled at him, carrying her wounded son from the room.


Sensuke gave a cry as he was knocked backward, onto his rear.

“Ow…” he groaned.

“…that’s enough for today, young master…”

“No! One more time!” He said getting shakily to his feet.

“That’s enough, Sensuke”

He turned to see lord Sessho-maru observing him from the doorway. Sensuke glared at his feet, embarrassed that his father had seen him fail.

“Come here, pup”

Without lifting his eyes, he wandered over to the older inu.

“Why so eager, my son? You are young still, you have ample time to learn martial arts”

“…father could do it by time he was my age…” he grumbled. A rare chuckle escaped his sire’s lips and he patted the boy’s head.

“You shall learn things at your own pace, my son. You will learn nothing if you try to rush”

“Yes father…” Sensuke nodded, “But…! I promise, one day I’m gonna be as strong as you!”

Sessho-maru smiled softly, “And so you shall…”


“Sensuke…Sensuke can you hear me…?”

Sensuke groaned, opening his eyes, “Mo…ther…?”

“You’re alright now, baby” she smiled but he noticed how her hands trembled as wiped the blood from his face with a damp cloth.

“I’m sorry…mother…” he began. “Yukine-san…told me not to…antagonize that man but…he just made me…so angry…!”

“I know, my love. I’m sorry too, I should have been there to protect you from him…” Fawks’ voice shook.

“No mother…! It is my duty…as the eldest son…to look after you and Tensei…”

“You’re only eight years old, Sensuke. You can’t take on such responsibilities by yourself” she shook her head.

“If I can’t…then how can I…face father in the afterlife…” he sighed drifting back into unconsciousness.

Fawks lower lip trembled and she brushed back his hair, “Isn’t you who won’t be able to face your father…”

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