Rise from the Ashes: New Lord

Published Mar 11, 2013, 8:19:16 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 14, 2013, 2:31:14 PM | Total Chapters 16

Story Summary

When Sessho-maru is killed in battle, Fawks and her children become the property of his murderer. But this is not a fate Fawks will take quietly.

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Chapter NaN: New Lord

“We’re so sorry, my lady…”

It took all of Fawks’ strength and resolve not to crumple where she stood as the torn and bloodstained fur was lowered into her arms.

“This was all we found”

She stared down at it blankly, all the while her mind screaming that this had to be a nightmare. Sessho-maru was strong and powerful, she had seen him off to battle many times, there was no way he could just not come back.

Fawks swallowed thickly, steeling herself as she turned to her advisor.

“What happens now?”

The man cleared his throat, “Well…our lordship was defeated, meaning the challenger would inherit his lands and status”

“I understand, we shall clear out at once…”

“That isn’t all, my lady” he began. “…the victor has the right to all of the previous lord’s possessions…including you…”

Fawks felt her knees buckle, and this time, she was unable to keep herself together.

“My lady!”

Itnasha caught her as she fell, “That’s enough for now, I’ll fill her in on the rest”

The others nodded as he escorted her back to her room.

“…There’s…no way…” she gasped.

“…Calm down, Fawks-sama…!” he whispered to her. She pulled out of his grasp, glaring at him with angry green eyes.

“How can they expect me to play mate to the man that killed my love?!”

“…those were the terms, Fawks-sama…I’m afraid you’ve got no choice but to follow them” he sighed.

“But what about our children?! What will happen to them?! They are a threat to this man’s claim on the western lands, there’s no way he’d just let them live…!” Fawks began, becoming frantic.

“Then you must be a mother and protect them…!” Itnasha said clutching her shoulders, shaking her lightly. Fawks’ eyes filled with tears and she looked away, “This…is wrong…”

“I know, my lady” he sighed, pulling her to him so she could sob into his chest.

“Am I really…never going to see him again…?”

Itnasha lifted her face into his hands, brushing away her tears. “My heart aches for you, Fawks-sama because I know, more then anything, Sessho-maru loved you first and foremost. Never, in his wildest dreams could he imagine such a cruel fate for you”

Fawks nodded, lowering her gaze, “I…must see to my children…”


The moment Fawks opened the door to the play room, she was caught in the gravity of her son’s gaze. With his questioning golden eyes and shaggy silver hair, he was the spitting image of his father, Fawks felt her heart give an involuntary clench. His four year old sister held his hand and Fawks could already see the tear tracks on her chubby little face.

“Mother, the servants have been talking they say that…that father is…” he hiccupped, his eyes going glassy. She knelt gathering them into her arms, “Sensuke, Tensei…I’m so sorry…”

“Daddy’s…never coming back…?” Tensei whimpered, into her mother’s shoulder.

“I’m…afraid not…”Fawks swallowed back her tears.

“…They also said the monster who killed him is going to be our new father. That can’t be true…right mother?!” Sensuke demanded as she released them. Fawks couldn’t look her son in the eyes, she bit her lip, unsure what to say to him.

“…no…Mother no!” he cried, throwing his arms around her. “…I won’t let him…I won’t let him take father’s place…!”

“…we have no choice in the matter, at least not now” she sighed. “I promise, I will protect you, no matter what”

‘But…who will protect you, mother?’


“How are you doing, Fawks-sama?” Itnasha asked.

“…I still want to massacre a small village” she sighed taking a calming sip of tea.

“Well…that’s a big step down from wanting to decimate an entire clan” he snorted.

“…is he here yet?”

“He’s at the gate…”

Fawks took a deep breath, setting aside her cup, “Let’s get this over with”


Fawks watched as the carriage approached, trying very hard to keep her rage under control.

“…Why can’t I kill him again?” she asked.

“Because doing so would start another war and we don’t have the resources for a battle so soon. Try and behave yourself, Fawks-sama” Itnasha whispered to her.

“…that’s easy for you to say…” she hissed. The carriage pulled to a stop and out stepped a tall youth with thick jet black hair, held back in a pony tail. His silver eyes took her in and she bowed.

“Welcome to your new home…my lord” Fawks nearly choked on the word. His hand caught her chin and he lifted her head, gazing into her green eyes.

“…You’ve grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw you” He hissed. Fawks bit back the urge to spit in his smug face.

He smirked at her, “I like that expression…and those eyes so filled with killing intent…”

Sensuke growled at her side, the older male glared down at him.

“That’s enough for now, my lord, you’re still out in the open…” Itnasha began.

“I don’t recall asking for your assistance” he growled. Itnasha shrank back.

“You are dismissed, do not return to this castle unless I summon you or else…I’ll have to kill you” he whispered dangerously.

Itnasha snuck Fawks a sorrowful glance, “As…you will…my lord”

Fawks watched silence as Itnasha left her side, Tensei whimpered. The male turned back to Fawks with an unpleasant smile.

“My name’s Shinichiro, let’s get along you and I”

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