Courtship of Lord Sesshomaru: Coping

Published Feb 1, 2014, 10:19:28 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 4, 2014, 7:03:31 PM | Total Chapters 21

Story Summary

(Complete)Sessho-maru had never expect to meet her where he did, Fawks never expected to fall for him so utterly and completely. Unbeknownst to either of them, it seems their union was fated if not planned by two drunk Taiyoukai under a full moon. OC, Futuristic,Slightly PWP Cover Art by sugar0o

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Chapter 13: Coping

“Well, I never would have thought the stubborn and headstrong Lord Sessho-maru would disconnect from the world all because of some girl…”

Sessho-maru lowered his newspaper, glaring at the demoness sipping coffee across the table from him.

“What are you doing here and how did you find me?” he began.

“A mother always knows when her pup is in need of guidance” Lady Sachiko glanced up at him with disapproving golden eyes. “Now, tell me about this girl…”

Sessho-maru neatly folded his paper before getting up from his seat at the bistro table. He was in no mood to answer questions or to deal with his mother’s incessant meddling.

“I wonder what your father would think if he knew you’d actually come to care for the girl he chose as your fiancée”

Sessho-maru stopped dead in his tracks, glaring at her over his shoulder. Sachiko gestured to his abandoned chair.

“Just what the hell are you talking about?” 

“One night the Inu no Taisho and Iru-sama were drinking together and decided to merge their bloodlines” Sachiko replied nonchalantly. “Since Iru-sama had no female children at the time, it was decided you should mate with one of his descendents…”

“Ridiculous…not even father would look so far into the future…” he scoffed.

“I wouldn’t lie to you about this, my son. After all, you are getting on in years and you have yet to give me any grandchildren” she glared accusingly.

Sessho-maru gazed contemplatively out at the street, perhaps his mother was right. He was too old not to have sired any pups, that might explained his attachment to Fawkeisha, or why he felt so at peace after having sex with her.

“Well? Are you going to go after her or not?” his mother inquired.

“And why would I do that?”

“Because you love her, even a blind man could see that” Sachiko crossed her arms.

Sessho-maru scoffed.

“Oh, get your head out of your ass once in a while! It’s painfully obvious you’re mad for her, just make up with her already! I want a grandchild by next spring”

“Even if what you said held any weight at all, Fawkeisha decided to absolve our relationship. I am not accustomed to pursuing an unwilling female” He sighed once again rising from the chair. Sachiko pouted as she watched him go, “Honestly, how did that boy ever become so stubborn? It must be from his father…”


“A party?” Fawks blinked at Iru-sama as he took a seat on the edge of her bed.

“Hm, for charity or something like that…” he waved his hand dismissively. “According to my secretary, it’s good press for an aging billionaire philanthropist…”

“…A reclusive billionaire philanthropist with an adopted mixed race child…” she scoffed rolling over.

“You are the one who has been reclusive, child. Some old friends of yours came by to spend time with you but you turned them away…”

“I’m just…getting over a pretty serious relationship…at least on my part. A certain amount of moping is basically mandatory after that happens”

“You’ve been moping for nearly a month. You won’t even take your darling Marquis’ calls. He is worried about you, dear, we all are” Iru sighed, stroking her hair.

Fawks sighed, she hated making Iru and Marquis so worried but her feelings for Sessho-maru still weighed on her. She wasn’t over him by a long shot which made her even more depressed then missing him. The constant remembrances of his kisses, rare smiles even his scent just made her want to curl up and die for never being able to experience them again.

That sure wasn’t healthy. Something had to give.

“Alright…!” She sat up. “Charity…thing…! Let’s do this!”

“I’m glad you approve, Firefly. I’ll call your friends back, they can assist you in choosing a dress” he smiled going to the door. Fawks groaned again, flopping back into bed.

“Come now, dear. It won’t be so terrible to try on pretty things…”

“You don’t know how those guys get about shopping…”

“Get dressed, I have a surprise for you” he smirked, closing the door behind him. Fawks came downstairs to find Iru wasn’t alone.

She blinked at the girl seated on couch opposite him, “Miyako?”

“Fawkeisha-san, it’s been a while” she smiled, she was just as Fawks remembered her. Her warm maternal smile, evergreen eyes that mirrored hers and soft sandy brown hair, hanging about her face, giving her the look of an angel.

“Sis! What are you doing here?!” Fawks cried throwing her arms around her older sister.

“Iru-sama asked I come. He said you were feeling down and could use some sister time” she laughed.

“Thank you grandfather!” Fawks beamed as the two girls hurried out the door to the waiting car.

“Have a good time, Firefly” Iru waved.

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