Courtship of Lord Sesshomaru: Bitter Mornings

Published Feb 1, 2014, 10:19:28 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 4, 2014, 7:03:31 PM | Total Chapters 21

Story Summary

(Complete)Sessho-maru had never expect to meet her where he did, Fawks never expected to fall for him so utterly and completely. Unbeknownst to either of them, it seems their union was fated if not planned by two drunk Taiyoukai under a full moon. OC, Futuristic,Slightly PWP Cover Art by sugar0o

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Chapter 9: Bitter Mornings

When Fawks emerged from the bathroom, Sessho-maru immediately noticed something off about her scent. It was worried and somewhat sad, she had been the epitome of calm and happiness when he’d finished with her. She’d pulled on an old t-shirt and pajama pants, her hair still damp from the shower. He was about to ask what was troubling her when her phone vibrated on the floor where they’d left it.

“It’s my cousin…” she said, picking it up, “Hello?”

“You wanna tell me why Jack was here looking for you?” Marquis asked, clearly irritated.

“What?!” Fawks cried.

“MmHm, he was throwing a fit demanding to know where you were, he kept saying he was gonna kill that bastard who was fucking you. I had to threaten to call the police just to make him leave”

“Oh, lord…” she sighed.

“What the hell happened to set him off like that? What did you do?”

“It wasn’t me! It was Sessho-maru!” she cried, shooting the man in question a reproachful glare.

“What…did…y’all…do to him?”

“He…may have answered my phone while we were having sex…?”

“Damn girl…!”

“Sessho-maru did it! He told me it was for me and I thought it was you. Next thing I know Jack’s demanding to know who the guy who’s answering my phone is and Sessho-maru won’t stop…doing…things to me…” Fawks blushed.

“He is a man after my own heart, Chica. How did that asshole even get your number anyway?”

“No idea…look I gotta go, I’ll talk to you tomorrow…”

“Mm…have fun…”

Fawks hung up the phone with a sigh, she glared at Sessho-maru who sat patiently at the table.

“Are you vexed with me?” he teased as she wordlessly took her seat across from him.

“Yes! …no…Maybe!”

He chuckled darkly and she glared.

“Who knows, maybe this time Jack will take the hint and leave me alone” She shrugged.

“One would hope. It would be most unpleasant if I had to dismember him…” Sessho-maru replied casually.

“That’s not funny…”

“…I don’t know of any good places to hide a dead body, let alone pieces of one, on such short notice…”


Fawks hummed to herself as she got off the elevator to her apartment. After a peaceful night of studying and mind blowing sex, she’d woken up to find Sessho-maru gone as he often was in the morning. But he’d left her a note, apologizing for his early departure, wishing her a good day and promising to see her soon. That was one of many firsts for her, even when her previous boyfriends left before she woke up to go to work, they’d never bothered with any of that.

For the time being she decided to put her inner turmoil on how to win his heart on the back burner. Instead she decided to bathe in the warm of, if not his affection, then his favor. An unpleasant scent successfully doused her good mood as she rounded the corner to find Jack waiting outside the door for her.

He had murderous intent in his eyes but Fawks could care less. In the end he was still a human. She wasn’t afraid of him and would never be seeing as she could incapacitate him with a flick of her wrist.

“You’re home late…” he began.

“Actually, it’s early” she grinned unpleasantly. “What the hell are you doing here? You’re acting like a stalker…”

“I…lost my temper last night. I never thought you’d move on so damn quick, we only broke up a month ago”

“Oh please, we’d broken up long before that and you know it. What the hell is this? You suddenly care now that I’ve moved on, ‘cause you sure as hell didn’t when we were together and you were fucking any girl who looked at you twice” she glared crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“Look, I fucked up, I’m sorry. I…I was stupid and I just wanna make up for it. I want you back, baby” he said in a soft tone.

“Yeah? Well if you learned nothing from our little ‘conversation’ last night, I don’t want or even need you” Fawks scoffed finding her keys and sliding them into the lock. “And if you don’t want me to go down to the police station and file a restraining order right now, do us both a favor and lose my number”

“I won’t stop fighting for you…!”

“Fuck you!” she yelled slamming the door in his face. Marquis was standing in his bedroom doorway

“Oh my God is he still out there?!”


“I’m calling the cops” he announced. Fawks gave annoyed sigh, so much for her good mood.

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