Courtship of Lord Sesshomaru: Complications

Published Feb 1, 2014, 10:19:28 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 4, 2014, 7:03:31 PM | Total Chapters 21

Story Summary

(Complete)Sessho-maru had never expect to meet her where he did, Fawks never expected to fall for him so utterly and completely. Unbeknownst to either of them, it seems their union was fated if not planned by two drunk Taiyoukai under a full moon. OC, Futuristic,Slightly PWP Cover Art by sugar0o

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Chapter 15: Complications

Doubling over, Fawks heaved violently into the toilet, her body shaking from the mere force of it.

“…Goddammit…!” she coughed, trying to get the air back into her lungs. She was just starting to get over Sessho-maru, just starting to finally move on when she suddenly caught this weird stomach bug. For the past three days she could barely keep any food down, running to the bathroom every 40 minutes. She refused to go to the hospital, content on letting the whole thing pass, but now, it seemed like she was going to be sick for the rest of her life. Fawks flushed the toilet, closing the lid to lean her forehead against the cool porcelain.

“Fawkeisha-chan…” her sister knocked hesitantly. Fawks groaned in response, Miyako opened the door, kneeling by her prostrate sister.

“This is getting ridiculous, Fawkeisha-chan…! You need to go to the hospital” she said gently, stroking the girl’s hair.

“I’m fine…I can kick this…” she mumbled.

“You said that three days ago…! At first…I just thought you drank too much at the gala you attended with Iru-sama but it’s obviously more then that…”

“Look, Miyako…I’m not human so…I can’t go to a normal doctor…”

“That’s why I called Iru-sama and he gave me the name of a youkai physician. He’ll be here within the hour” she said briskly, rising to her feet.

A sudden wave of nausea gripped her, and Fawks quickly lifted the lid to vomit again.

Miyako watched her hesitantly, “I…know you don’t want to talk about this but…it is a possibility that you could be pregnant…”

“No…the timeline doesn’t fit…I haven’t had sex in a month…” Fawks spat the sour taste from her mouth.

“Yes but…when you were with…‘he who shall not be named’ did you use protection?”

“I’m on the pill…”

“Does that even work on youkai?”

“It’s worked so far…”

“Fawkeisha-chan…! This isn’t like you to be so irresponsible” Miyako chastised.

“Look, I wasn’t thinking about that, okay?! I just…I liked him so much…and I thought…I don’t know what I thought!” Fawks snapped.

Miyako sighed, “The doctor will be here soon so…”

“Fine…” Fawks bit back, getting shakily to her feet. “I gotta shower and brush my teeth…”


“Get out of my sight” Sessho-maru hissed. The woman bit back tears as she practically ran from his office. He gave an annoyed sigh, yet another secretary gone in so many days, he was starting to wonder why he even bothered.

Several days ago, Marika had given herself to him, it was the single worst sexual experience of his life. Not only had he failed to find release but he had called out Fawks’ name, cementing his humiliation. Not surprisingly, Marika had chosen to leave his employ and his side. He had been so irritated by the whole thing, he forgot all about the ‘charity event’ she had demanded he attend. What was the point?

“Having trouble with your employee’s, pup?”

A growl rumbled in the back of his throat as his mother sashayed into his office like she owned the place.

“How did you get in here?”

“There’s no secretary to stop me. All I needed was to sweet talk the guards downstairs” she smiled brightly. Wonderful, someone else he needed to fire.

“Imagine my surprise when I came across Marika all by her lonesome the other day. She told me she had abandoned you” Sachiko chuckled softly, “After nearly a thousand years, what did you do to her, my son?”

“I have her what she wanted but apparently it wasn’t enough” he replied tersely. “Is that all?”

“Here” She handed him a business card. “With Marika gone I had a feeling you were in need of a competent new secretary"

“And why should I accept anything you have to give, knowing you there’s some ulterior motive”

“Can’t a mother dote on her son once in a while? After all, you seem to be having a hard enough time on your own. I thought you could use some help” her smile widened.

Sessho-maru bit back another growl. He hated to appear weak especially before a predator like his mother. There was no telling on how she would try to use it to her advantage.

“Think about it” she said, turning and leaving him alone with his thoughts.


“Well, you’re pregnant” the doctor said lazily.

Fawks blinked at her, from her seat on the bed, “Excuse me…?”

“About a month along…”

“Oh my…!” Miyako gasped.

“That’s impossible. How could I be a month pregnant and only start showing symptoms now?”

“In times of stress, youkai pregnancies can go undetected”

“I…I…can’t be pregnant…I’m…I’m on the pill for christsake!”

“And it works well with human males but not so much with youkai” The woman said gently.

Fawks felt dizzy and her sister steadied her, her hands drifted down to her stomach. Now that they were talking about it, she had been gaining some weight recently but she’d just attributed that to stress eating. “No…I…I can’t be pregnant…”

“I assume all this reluctance to mean you’re no longer with the father”

Fawks buried her face in her hands, she had always been careful, even when she’d slept with human men in the past. She always took her pill on time and she was sure to monitor her cycle. For some reason, Sessho-maru had thrown her off, when she was with him, she didn’t care what happened as long as they were together. Now they weren’t and her life was spiraling out of control.

“…Fuck…” she hiccupped.

Miyako put her arms around her, trying to comfort her younger sister.

“I can give you something for the nausea. When you’re feeling better you should make an appointment with me and we can start discussing…options…” the doctor said softly.

Miyako nodded, taking the proffered pill bottle.

“I’ll talk to her”


“How is Fawks-chan?” Iru asked as he boarded a plane back to Tokyo.

“Fine now, she’s resting…” Miyako replied.

“What a mess that bastard has caused…” he sighed. “We can decide what to do about it when I get home”

“Iru-sama…it may be bold but…Fawkeisha-chan is going to keep the baby”

Iru raised an eyebrow, “And what makes you so certain?”

“Her mother almost aborted her but she changed her mind at the last minute. Fawkeisha-chan would never be able to hurt an innocent child just for being conceived”

“Very well…we shall talk when I return…” he sighed, hanging up the phone. “Well, old friend, I got my wish. Our bloodlines are mixed…whether we like it or not”

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