You In My Nightmare: The End in the Beginning

Published Jun 5, 2014, 2:29:21 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 8, 2014, 12:19:19 PM | Total Chapters 11

Story Summary

(Complete) Mini-sequel to Lovers and Friends. What if Sessho-maru hadn't chosen Fawks as his mate? With the man she loves mated to someone else, but still unable to let her go, Fawks tries her best to keep their ever growing secrets especially from Sessho-maru's mate Sachiko. But how long can she hold out before those secrets destroy her and everything she holds dear?

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Chapter 11: The End in the Beginning

Sachiko sang softly to her son as she put him down for a nap. Sessho-maru threw open the door, his expression still as death.

“My lord?” Sachiko began.

“Come” he beckoned to her. Pressing a kiss to the sleeping baby’s forehead, she followed her mate from the room.

“Is there some reason you would enlist assassins from your clan to murder the child of one of my guards?” he asked, without looking at her.

Sachiko blinked, “Why, my lord, I have no idea what you mean…”

Sessho-maru gave a snarl, pinning her to the wall by her throat, “Do not lie to me, Sachiko…!”

All the innocence drained from her expression and she glared condescendingly at him, “I think you know the reason, beloved. I saw the girl, she’s your spitting image”

Sessho-maru faltered but he did not release her, “And you think to destroy what is mine?”

“If I do not, she might one day contest my own child for the right to rule the western lands…” she said impassively.

Sessho-maru fought back the urge to rip this woman limb from limb. “You have failed. The girl killed the assassins you sent after her”

The condescending glare fell from her face, he threw her to the ground.

“Fawks is not as foolish as you are. Now that she knows you’re after the pup, and you know she does, you’ll never be able to find her” he turned from her in disgust.

“…her name…”

Sessho-maru paused.

“What is…that girl’s name?” Sachiko growled.

“I named her Tensei…”

She gave a hollow laugh, “Of course you did…you selfish, animal…!”

“…maybe I am…” he said, “But that doesn’t mean I’ll let you harm my daughter…”

“And how will you stop me?! If you kill me it means war with my clan. You may have faith in that little whore of yours but make no mistake, I will find that child and I will kill her…!” Sachiko screeched.

“You can try…” he said shutting the door on her.


“I’m leaving, Sessho-maru…I don’t know where I’ll go but…I should’ve never stayed here” Fawks sighed as she stood outside the ruins of the house she’d shared with her daughter and Itnasha.

Sessho-maru said nothing, watching the stiff outline of her back as the night breeze tossed her auburn curls.

“Is Tensei safe?”

She nodded, “Shippo has her. And if he doesn’t want to be found, no one will find him”

Fawks turned to him with a sad smile, “What a mess we’ve made…”

He reached out, running his claws through her hair, she lightly touched his wrist. “When you asked me to stay as your lover, I should have refused on the spot but…I was never very good as saying no to you…”

Sessho-maru pressed his lips to her forehead, “…I shall miss you…”

“I know…I’ll miss you, too” she sighed, “I’ll never stop loving you, no matter what horrible things you do”

He smiled softly, pulling her to him for a final kiss. Fawks sighed as he parted her lips with his tongue, tasting her fully if only for that moment. They drew apart for breath and there were tears in her eyes. “…My life…hasn’t been what anyone would call pleasant but…when I was with you and our daughter…I was the happiest I’ve ever been…I wanted you to know that” She pulled away from him completely, turning her back, “Goodbye…Sessho-maru…”


“Why did you choose me?”

Sessho-maru looked up from where he was glaring into his plate. Sachiko sat adjacent at the dining table her attention on feeding their son.

“Why did you choose me instead of Fawks-san? You’re obviously in love with her…” she asked coldly.

All of his perfectly maintained reasons swirled around in his head but he couldn’t seem to pin down any of them. His daughter was gone, Fawks was gone and suddenly all the reasons he chose to mate Sachiko over her didn’t seem to matter anymore.

“…I don’t know…”

“You can’t have everything you want without consequences…you’re not a god…”

The words Fawks had said to him so long ago suddenly came back and he wanted to laugh for being so foolish.

“…I wish you had chose her…then I wouldn’t be made to suffer…none of us would…”

Her words were so truthful they stung him to hear them. What had happened to him?

He was taiyoukai, powerful and singular. He shouldn’t care about Fawks leaving him or never seeing his bastard pup again. But he did, and it was killing him.


He could still hear Fawks’ voice calling out to him, it made his heart twist painfully in his chest.

“…Sessh-kun…I’m right here…”

Where? He couldn’t see her anymore…

“…open your eyes, Sessh-kun…I’m right here…”

Sessho-maru woke with a start, Fawks was leaning over him, her beautiful green eyes filled with worry. He glanced around, unsure of where he was.

“It’s okay, Sessh-kun…it was only a nightmare…” Fawks sighed softly, stroking his bare chest. He heaved a sigh of relief, running a hand through his hair, Fawks caught his hand, holding it in both of her own, “…you’re shaking…”

“…Hn…” was all he said. She kissed his knuckles, calming his rapidly beating heart.

A soft wail sounded from the other side of their room and she turned away, “It’s time for Sensuke’s feeding…”

Sessho-maru sat up as she slid off their bed, going over to the crib and lifting the fussing baby into her arms.

“…what did you dream about?” she asked baring her breast so the infant could suckle. “You were moaning a lot, and you called out my name like I was going to leave you…”

“You did”

She glanced at him, he shook his head. “Nothing…come back to bed…”

Fawks smiled at him and he couldn’t imagine his life any other way. Fawks leading the western lands at his side, nursing their infant pup, he couldn’t possible want anyone else. She finished feeding their son, putting him back down to sleep before coming back to cuddle beneath the blankets with him. Fawks sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

“I love you…” Sessho-maru sighed into her hair, more sure then he had ever been of anything else. Fawks tilted her head back to gaze into his eyes, “I love you, too, Sessh-kun”

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