You In My Nightmare: Lies Unraveled

Published Jun 5, 2014, 2:29:21 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 8, 2014, 12:19:19 PM | Total Chapters 11

Story Summary

(Complete) Mini-sequel to Lovers and Friends. What if Sessho-maru hadn't chosen Fawks as his mate? With the man she loves mated to someone else, but still unable to let her go, Fawks tries her best to keep their ever growing secrets especially from Sessho-maru's mate Sachiko. But how long can she hold out before those secrets destroy her and everything she holds dear?

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Chapter 8: Lies Unraveled

Sessho-maru sat in the garden beneath the flowering Magnolia tree as Tensei sat in his lap sobbing pitifully into his robes. He smoothed a hand down her back, letting the pup cry. ā€œā€¦itā€™s not fairā€¦ā€ she wept,

ā€œHe wasā€¦the only papa I hadā€¦!ā€


ā€œWhyā€™d he hafta die?ā€

Sessho-maru stroked her hair, ā€œDo you know how he died?ā€

ā€œMommyā€¦mommy said heā€¦died protecting youā€¦ā€ she whimpered.

He breathed in her scent, pressing his lips to the top of her head, ā€œNo, little one. I killed himā€

Tensei pulled back, looking up at him with teary disbelieving eyes. ā€œNoā€¦ā€

ā€œYesā€ he all but hissed. Perhaps it was better this way, if she could grow to hate him, maybe he wouldnā€™t yearn to be her father anymore.

Tensei sat back, wiping her eyes, ā€œWhy?ā€

The question startled Sessho-maru, but he didnā€™t falter, ā€œBecause he touched what was mineā€

She finally broke their gaze but she didnā€™t pull out of his lap, ā€œā€¦thatā€™s a stupid reasonā€

ā€œI do not regret what I have doneā€¦ā€

ā€œAre you my father?ā€

This time he did waver, staring at her in surprised, Tensei looked back up at him, eyes determined. ā€œIs that why you killed him? Because he got to be with me and mommy and you couldnā€™tā€

Sessho-maru wanted to laugh out loud. This pup, barely out of diapers, had a view of the world so much clearer then even him.

ā€œā€¦I suppose soā€¦ā€ he said.

Tensei scrunched up her face in thought, ā€œIf thatā€™s the reason, I guess I can forgive youā€¦ā€

She clasped his face in her small hands, ā€œBut you canā€™t kill anyone else just because youā€™re jealousā€¦!ā€

Sessho-maru sighed, leaning his forehead against hers, ā€œVery well, pup. If that is your wish, I shall obeyā€ S

he smiled, kissing the crescent on his forehead, ā€œI have to go home nowā€

ā€œHnā€ he nodded as she slipped from his arms.

ā€œIā€¦donā€™t think I can visit you again, thoughā€¦ā€ she said over her shoulder. Sessho-maruā€™s heart gave a painful clench but he nodded.


Sachiko paced the halls looking for her husband, the study was still being cleaned of blood and he had taken to wandering the castle aimlessly. Remembering that dreadful day, she shuddered visibly. Sessho-maru had returned to their rooms covered in blood, but one whiff of him let her know it wasnā€™t his.

Then heā€™d stripped out of the bloody clothes and taken her again. Instead of the gentle lovemaking she was used to, heā€™d been severely rough, thrusting into her with abandon, growling and snarling like a beast. After heā€™d finished with her, he told her Itnasha was dead and then stumbled off to the baths, leaving her spent and moist with someone elseā€™s blood. Since then sheā€™d been extremely worried about him. Sachiko had known Sessho-maru and Itnasha since they were small, they fought a great deal but she never in a thousand lifetimes believed heā€™d be capable of killing his cousin.

She tried to talk to him about it but all heā€™d say on the matter was that Itnasha overstepped his boundaries. The two had been so close, she didnā€™t even know they had boundaries. Even though Sessho-maru had dispatched his cousin, there was no doubt in her mind he was hurting over it. She merely wanted to comfort him, to hold him in her arms and then maybe heā€™d finally let down the walls he had built around his emotions, maybe then depend on her more and show her the same affection she held for him.

Sachiko heard her mateā€™s voice from the garden, ā€œā€¦because he touched what was mineā€

She peeked around the corner, Sessho-maru sat beneath a Magnolia tree and small child in his lap. She was very pretty, Sachiko supposed, with long pale red hair and teary golden green eyes. Perhaps she was one of the servantā€™s children?

This was odd seeing as the only child Sessho-maru showed the least amount of interest in was their own.

The girl sniffled noisily, glaring into her own lap, ā€œā€¦thatā€™s a stupid reasonā€

Sachiko wondered briefly what they were talking about, then she wondered if she should perhaps give them privacyā€¦

ā€œAre you my father?ā€

The question came from nowhere, even Sessho-maru seemed surprised. Sachiko wanted to scoff at the child for her audacity, of course her lordship wasnā€™t her father. The very idea was ludicrous in and of itself.

ā€œIs that why you killed him? Because he got to be with me and mommy and you couldnā€™t?ā€ she asked with conviction.

Sessho-maru hesitated, a sad smile coming to his lips, ā€œā€¦I suppose soā€¦ā€

Sachiko felt the world tilt beneath her feet. Noā€¦there was no way this was possible. Sessho-maru would never have an affair, he would never father a child with another woman. He was her mate, the father of her son and, even if he didnā€™t show it, he loved her.

ā€˜Does he though?ā€™ A small traitorous voice asked in the back of her mind.

Looking at this child now, Sachiko had no trouble seeing the resemblance to her noble husband and she had no trouble figuring out who the girlā€™s mother was.

Sachiko turned away from them, striding on shaky legs back to her rooms. Everything was so dreadfully clear to her now, she wanted to kick herself for being so blind.

The reason why Sessho-maru had made Fawks one of his private guard, the reason why he would work such late nights.

The reason he refused to let their children play together, the reason Sachiko never the girl in the castle.

And finally the reason he had slaughtered Itnasha.

Sachiko wanted to be sick, how many times had he slept with Fawks right under her nose?

The child was four years old and Sachiko had been his mate for five years. All the lies started to unravel around her. She felt like such a fool, she had approved of Sessho-maru making Fawks his bodyguard even when she knew theyā€™d been lovers all because he had told her Fawks had moved on to Itnasha.

She had believed him and when Fawks fell pregnant with what everyone assumed was Itnasha child, that only cemented that belief. Well no more. She was done believing his lies, done trusting that whore.

And the child?

She was Sessho-maruā€™s first born. If she ever decided to contest her sonā€™s right to the throne of the westerns lands, she could and sheā€™d probably win.

No, she was an obstacle, one that had to be gotten rid of. The very thought put a smile on Sachikoā€™s face. Now it was Fawksā€™ turn to lose everything she held dear, to have her life come crashing down around her.

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