Blood Stained: Chapter 2: Mistakes


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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Mistakes

(Beta-ed version coming)


Blood Stained


Chapter 2: Mistakes


She was probably so pissed off right now, that she would sit him for hours.


Inuyasha had caught a drift of her scent over an hour ago; yet, he had found himself unable to leave Kikyo's side. Nevertheless, it wasn't as if he abandoned her; after all, she had just come home from one of these eggs-hams, and therefore was not in any kind of danger. She was minutes away from Kaede's village, and she was smart enough to find her way there without him.


However, there was the possibility, she was still by the well, waiting for him to come? Of course, she probably already knew that he had been with Kikyo. For some unexplainable reason, she always seemed to know. He could try to explain to her the situation, but she wouldn't listen nor understand. When Kagome was angry, she didn't try to reason with anyone, so, now wasn't the right time to tell her that this was the last time he was ever going to see Kikyo.


He had made that decision a few weeks ago, but it had taken him forever to find the courage and bring it up to the clay miko. Kikyo had been his first love, and the first woman to whom he showed some of his weaknesses. He couldn't help but think he was responsible for her death, and he had wanted to make it up to her. However, he had realized with the time that, every day, his heart belonged more and more with Kagome.


Maybe it was the vibe coming from her since unlike Kikyo, she was alive; her cheeks would sometimes be covered in a blush, and she could breathe. She had devoted herself, and sacrificed a lot just to remain by his side, and they had been traveling together longer than he had known Kikyo. Kagome truly cared about his life and his well-being.


He wanted to live, and be with her more than anything. He had decided that it was time to show Kagome just how much she meant to him, and there was only one way to do it.


Severing the link between him and Kikyo was the only way to prove that to her. Kikyo had actually taken the statement very well compared to what he had expected. He had been prepared for a long fight, and big arguments, yet nothing. No further than a year ago, she was convinced to take him to hell with her. He couldn't help but wonder what caused the change of mind? All she had requested was some time alone with him, which was why he didn't leave when he sensed Kagome. After all, they had forever to be with each other, while that had been the last time he would ever see Kikyo. In addition, they had done nothing wrong; all he had done was hold her.


The only other time he would ever see the dead miko would be when the time would come to put an end to Naraku's reign for good.


It would be useless to explain this to Kagome right now, since she would be ticked off at him. He would deal with it, plus it wasn't as though he wasn't used to being sit anyhow. He kept repeating to himself this had been worth it. Surely, even Kagome would be able to see pass this one incident? He could take a few sits in the account of Kikyo one last time, after all, he had hurt Kagome more than once.


As Kagome's scent became more prominent, he felt himself getting excited, and he sped up even more to reach her faster. As soon as he reached Kaede's hut, he spotted Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo sitting outside around a fire, and his heart warmed up at the thought of seeing her, although she would probably be very angry at the moment. He winced as he tried to scan her face only to find out...


Kagome looked happy?


She was smiling, and there wasn't a hint of anger on her angelic face. He found himself holding a breath back, confused on how he should even act. Kagome had never been happy about encounters with Kikyo, and it left him perplexed. Maybe Kagome hadn't discovered where he had run off to, or maybe Sango and Miroku had kept their mouth shut about the whole deal? No, it was impossible, Kagome could simply sense it when Kikyo was around, and she knew it was the only time he ever ran off on his own.


Something was off.


Inuyasha couldn't help but stare at her. This was strange. She should have been waiting for him, ready to dig him into hell. He slowly made his way towards them, being careful since she didn't look like her regular happy self. Something looked different, maybe even forced, as if she was trying really hard to make everyone believe she was happy. He was getting the same cool chill that he had when she gave him that fake smile of hers.


Something about it was scarier than anything he had ever encountered.


Oh yes, she would have his head on a platter.


Kagome was very well aware of Inuyasha's eyes on her, and she was trying to act as normal as possible. Honestly, it wasn't as if she could come out and say, hey I saw your brother in the woods, and he didn't look like himself. Oh yeah, we also had a weird sexual experience. Not only would it provoke an intense and stupid reaction out of Inuyasha, and he would probably act extremely reckless.


On top of that, she wasn't comfortable with the events that happened; she couldn't chase off the feeling of shame. When she paid more attention to Inuyasha, she noticed that he looked confused, and as if he was trying to figure out something.




She had totally forgotten; Inuyasha hadn't been there when she came out of the well!


When she observed him more closely, she could see how nervous he was and there would be only one reason for him to be this way; he had been with Kikyo. Of course, like the idiot she was she had expected him to be there to rescue her. Oh what a fool she was, it was obvious Kikyo would always be his first choice, and she had always been aware of that. It was more important to have a secret rendez-vous with Kikyo than pick her up; she didn't care. The little pinch she felt in her heart had nothing to do with this.


The urge to sit him appeared, but faded as soon as one thought hit her mind. Sesshomaru. How could she sit him for being with Kikyo when she had been in a very complicated situation with his brother? Although, there was a difference! He had been with Kikyo by choice, while Sesshomaru had captured her. Nothing had been done willingly, and she had tried to fight him off.


She felt herself blush when the memories hit her. Although, she had been trapped, how could he have made such contact with her body, and why didn't she fight harder? Surely, she had tried, and couldn't escape only because he was much stronger! She belonged with Inuyasha, and felt absolutely nothing toward Sesshomaru. The Taiyoukai was cold, and heartless for crying out loud! How could anyone ever love him? He was made of ice, incapable of any type of feelings, plus He walked around acting as though he owned the damn place.


Well, he did own some of it.


"Inuyasha," she said, acknowledging him; this awkwardness was killing her.


When he didn't respond immediately, she felt herself become tense. Could it be that he smelled Sesshomaru on her? When she had come back to her sense, she had carefully washed herself in the nearest river. Kagome had also taken the precautions of changing her clothes; she didn't always carry a second one, but she surely was glad she did this time. Obviously, Inuyasha would have smelled his brother on her.




Her voice wasn't angry, but something was different about her. He hadn't miss how tensed she had become. Wasn't he the one who was supposed to feel that way? It was as if she were trying to keep something from him, which made it clear that something had happened, but he wasn't sure what it was.


Why would Kagome keep a secret? Maybe he would let it slide for tonight and question her tomorrow; he wasn't one for patience, but this required it, since he didn't want the Kikyo issue to be brought up. Her mood wasn't right just yet, and something was obviously bothering her already.


In one last attempt, Inuyasha sniffed the air, but nothing different came up. Hold on. He sniffed again, trying to determine a scent. He couldn't determine the smell since he hadn't come in contact with it before, but it had a familiar feel to it. Quickly, Inuyasha was brought out of his thoughts when Kagome turned her head and locked eyes with him.


She was giving him one of those death stares, and he chose to look away to avoid being sit. Kagome knew the look on his face, and she was aware he had caught a smell. However, it couldn't possibly be Sesshomaru right? The one thing he should have smelled about anything was her blood. She had been very careful about everything else. She had made sure the cut on her leg was slightly open since she had planned on using the blood to distract him if any smell lingered on her body. Kagome couldn't let Inuyasha see she was nervous, hence, why she had acted angrily.


Kagome had this feeling she had failed though. The look in his eyes told her he was looking for something, but as long as he didn't have any hints to work with, she would be fine. There was no possible way for her to explain to Inuyasha what his brother had done in the forest and truth to be told, she wasn't even sure herself of what happened.


Sesshomaru generally hated humans, and she was pretty sure he despised her for being his half-brother's miko. Moreover, his actions had been puzzling; it felt as if he weren't himself, and somewhere deep down, she knew she couldn't blame him for it. Sesshomaru had been another person during their meeting. How could she hold his actions against him? It wasn't as if he had hurt her, since had had came back to his senses in time.


Kagome also couldn't get his voice out of her mind. It had sounded so different from usual, and very possessive. If she recalled properly, he had called her his. She almost wanted to chuckle at the thought. It would never be possible for her to be with someone like Sesshomaru. He was powerful, deadly, and most of all, heartless.


True, he did care for Rin, and she was well taken care of, but she seemed to be a case apart. He still treated humans the same way from what she had seen, and only Rin was privileged enough to receive such a good treatment from him. Then, another question arose; why was he in the middle of the forest? Surely, he would have smelled that Inuyasha was nearby, and at least would have passed around, or something. However, it seemed Inuyasha never detected his brother's smell.


The crimson color of his eyes had also been puzzling. He had been acting differently up until his eyes became amber again. Had he been tricked? Had the great Lord Sesshomaru been under a spell? Surely, Sesshomaru was smarter than letting himself fall for such a pity trick, especially if it was a trap by Naraku.


Kagome also wondered if he even remembered what happened during their encounter. She knew he must be able to recall the last part, when he awoke but was she the only one who couldn't unwrap her mind on the event that occurred before that?


To be honest, the thought of her ever getting involved with Sesshomaru had never crossed her mind. She couldn't deny that he looked beautiful, breathtaking, but almost every encounter they had were deadly. He did possess a heart though; She could see it when Rin was around, and that day he decided to not take away Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga once he learned it sealed Inuyasha's demonic blood. But, that still didn't explain anything at all, and that still didn't mean he had feelings.




She jumped slightly at the mention of her name, and turned her head to face Sango. Kagome had been so lost in her thoughts, and Inuyasha that she had totally forgotten the discussion she was having with her friend.


Sango had assumed that Inuyasha had deeply hurt Kagome although, she didn't know the circumstances of the fight. When Kagome had looked at Inuyasha, she had noticed the tension between them, but it was a usual occurring. Inuyasha always damaged Kagome, which was why Sango hadn't said anything when her friend became lost in her own little world. They all knew Inuyasha had been gone to see Kikyo, they had simply hoped he would have been back when Kagome was. Of course, that hadn't happened. Sango had to admit, Kagome was doing a better job than usual of hiding it.


It was almost as if she truly weren't mad.


"I'm sorry Sango, I guess I'm a little tired," she nervously said before chuckling.


Honestly, she needed to get a grip on herself, or they would all start noticing that whatever was wrong with her wasn't related to Inuyasha.


When Sango gave her an apologetic smile, Kagome knew her friend thought this was about Kikyo. Sure, she would have been angry if she had fount out about Inuyasha and Kikyo before the incident, but now... things were different. Guilt was eating her up. Sure, Inuyasha had kissed, and maybe even more with Kikyo, but she couldn't help it. She felt as if she had betrayed him. It felt to her as if she hadn't put up a fight enough, and she had even gotten slightly er, aroused. It was Sesshomaru for crying aloud! She barely knew him, and she intended for things to remain that way.


He could have killed her. Heck, he could have easily snapped her neck in two. How could her body have betrayed her like this? She wished she had pushed him away until no strength had been left in her body, although, there was nothing she could have done; he was more powerful than she was. Which brought her to wonder what Sesshomaru was thinking? After all, he had seemed to come back to his regular self at the end, which Kagome had also assumed to be the reason for his departure.


When he had taken conscience of what he was doing, he hurried to leave, not even giving her the chance to voice a few questions. Kagome was surprised he hadn't killed her over it, although it hadn't been her fault. Sesshomaru would never be involved like that with a ningen. She knew he'd rather die, but, his rushed exit also told her that he had no idea of what was happening either.


"I think I should get some rest," said Kagome looking down at the ground.


Maybe a good night of sleep would make her forget about everything that happened that night. Gosh, she just wish it could be pushed back very far in the back of her mind, and disappear forever. Sango sighed heavily; she wanted to tell her it would be okay, and they would work it out, but she doubted it. At the beginning, things had seemed right for Inuyasha and Kagome, but now she wasn't sure. It was so hard to watch her friend, who she considered her sister, be hurt like that continually.


Kagome had grown out of it, while Inuyasha remained immature. He would hold on to anything, and everything, which was greatly demonstrated by him wanting both Kagome and Kikyo. Kagome wanted devotion, she was sick of being two-timed. Miroku was quite the lecherous monk, and it was angering her, so she imagined it was painful to have the man you love give his whole heart to someone else, and than claim to love you.


"Don't worry, I won't break down," said Kagome when she noticed Sango's internal struggle. She didn't need Sango thinking she was so heartbroken over Inuyasha since right now, him and Kikyo were far in her mind.


In addition, she was tired of everyone worrying so much over her! She wanted them to know she wouldn't be brought down by every little challenge that crossed her way; she had outgrown that attitude, and she dealt with things much better now. That, and she was so distracted right now that Inuyasha was in the back of her mind, out of her focus.


Maybe this was trouble in a certain way because except for Inuyasha, she had never been close to anyone in her life, well not in that way anyway. They had kissed a few times, but nothing more, since it seemed his love for Kikyo had been to important to betray it. Then, all the sudden, Sesshomaru had come out of nowhere, and touched her. She hadn't put up a fight or even pushed him away, which didn't sound so careless since she had known herself to do crazier dangerous things in the past. There was no way she enjoyed Sesshomaru's attentions.


Some sounds did escape her throat, but that totally out of her control. Kagome's breathing accelerated, and before she knew it, she was standing up.


Sango was looking at her, worry filling her eyes. "Kagome?" Sango thought it might be related to Inuyasha, but little didn't she know, she had the wrong brother in mind.


"I'm okay," said Kagome not wanting to worry her further.


Kagome had felt a panic take over her as she replayed the events in her head. What if it happened again? What if the others were around next time it occurred? Had Sesshomaru been in control, or was he being use as a puppet?


As much as she hated it, she saw only one solution to all this; she had to speak with him. There was one problem though; Sesshomaru wasn't one to waste time on ningens, and second of all, it wasn't as if she were in the future, where she would have probably called his secretary, and take an appointment. The only way to locate him would be to ask Inuyasha to track his brother down, but if she did so, it would only lead to them fighting.


He would also probably ask her why she wanted to see his brother and Kagome wasn't sure she'd be able to come up with a plausible excuse, so until then, she wouldn't ask.


Plus, she wasn't sure if it were going to happen again. Really, what were the chances of her running into him again so soon? Kagome had a feeling Sesshomaru would make sure he would stay as far away from her as possible. Once she managed to calm herself slightly, she sat back down.


When she looked at Sango, she bit her bottom lip; how was she going to explain to Sango that she wasn't crazy? She had been zoning out the whole time and acted strangely, surely Sango noticed something was wrong. Kagome didn't think she could tell her the truth; who could believe something this insane? She herself even wondered if she hadn't dreamt the whole thing; as if Sesshomaru would do such things to her.


After all, she had hit her head pretty hard; maybe it was the result of that hit which had convinced her something happened between her and Sesshomaru. Yes, there was no other explaining, it had all been one crazy illusion. After many thoughts, she decided that, if I did occur, the safest thing to do was to keep it for herself for the moment.


Inuyasha would make a big fuss over it, and maybe it was a one-time thing. They rarely ran into Sesshomaru, so honestly, what were the odds? She convinced herself that the right thing to do was to detain the events, and only let the others know if it was necessary.


"Sorry Sango."


She wasn't sure why, but Kagome felt as though she had to apologize to her. Kagome hated to keep something like this from Sango, and it pained her that her friend would probably knew she was lying. Kagome felt a pain deep in her heart. She didn't want to lie to Sango, but right now, it was a secret she needed to keep to herself. She believed they would understand when the time came, well except for Inuyasha.


Sango stared at her for a few seconds, before softly nodding. "Hey, don't worry about it, I'm here for you if you want to talk."


Sango's instincts were screaming that there was something else, but she would drop it for now. She would be the friend Kagome needed, just as she had been to her; if Kagome weren't ready to talk about it, and then she'd wait.


Sango would be there for Kagome when she would feel like sharing.










"Inuyasha, I swear to Kami, if you don't stop looking at me like that I will sit you so hard, I'll break your stupid neck."


Honestly. She was wondering if he could be anymore annoying?


Her sleep had been near horrible, and now it seemed Inuyasha was doing everything he could to annoy the hell out of her. It was obvious he wanted something, so why couldn't he just come out and ask? That was the hanyou's problem; he was a stubborn dog who kept everything for himself, afraid to talk.


As Inuyasha noticed her angry expression, he realized he somehow preferred this angry Kagome to the one she was last night. At least, he knew what to expect when she was angry; many threats of death, and a lot of sitting. For some twisted reason, he felt a lot safer with the knowledge of knowing what would happen, then the unknown.


Inuyasha wanted to ask her about the previous night, and all the mixed signals he had gotten, but it would have to wait because he had to tell her what happened between him and Kikyo. He did not intend to lose Kagome, especially not now when he was so close to making her his. He had made the mistake of letting her go in the past, and he wouldn't repeat it. Especially now that things were clear between him and Kikyo, it was time to fix things with Kagome.


"Kagome, please, just hear me out all right?" He almost pleaded, which was unusual for him.


She sighed heavily; she had no desire to hear those words again, or to listen to him express how much better Kikyo was. She had heard all his reasons and excuses, and she failed to see the point of hurting herself like that. Kagome was already trying hard enough to come to term with the fact that he had chosen the dead miko over her, and she didn't need him to shove it in her face every time.


"Inuyasha…" she said, her voice extremely threatening.


Inuyasha shook his head, he had a feeling she might react that way, so he decided to simply come out, and say it. "We were saying GOODBYE! That's all!"


She bit her bottom lip, but a smirk crept up on her. "Inuyasha, sit."




He would be lying if he said he hadn't seen that one coming. However, he was grateful it was one sit, which meant he easily got back up. Kagome had already started walking away but he caught up to her pretty quickly.


"Look, I just held her Kag. I'm not going to see her anymore," he said, before grabbing her hand in his.


Kagome slightly flinched at his touch before she looked up at him, trying to search his eyes. She was easily able to tell whether he was lying or not, and after a few seconds she determined he wasn't. Had he really given up on Kikyo?


Knowing him, and his feelings towards her, it was probably hard for him to give up on Kikyo like that, and she wasn't sure what to tell him. Actually, she couldn't even believe this was actually happening.


"I didn't mean to abandon you like that. I promise Kagome, I won't be seeing her anymore."


She didn't know whether she should believe him, even if it looked truthful because he had lied often before when it came to Kikyo, but then again, what would be the reason now? It was an understanding that he was free to see Kikyo, and that they had no commitment presently.


Although it hurt like hell every time he left for her. Surely, that was good for her considering what happened with Sesshomaru.


Which is something I'll never think about again. Ever.


It hadn't meant anything. it simply troubled her so much because it was her first time in such a situation. Gosh, why was this memory still so present? She wanted to erase it! Oh how she had wished that sleep had fixed everything.


Then, Inuyasha pulled her out of her thoughts by grabbing her other hand and pulling her closer to him. "Kagome, just give me a chance."


Kagome found herself frozen; maybe she was crazy because she could have sworn Inuyasha had actually stepped it up, and proposed some kind of commitment. It had been off-limits with his promise to Kikyo, but now, he was going forward? It was hard to believe that everything was coming crashing upon her all at once.


She found herself at lost for words and she wasn't even sure there was a right answer for this. Kagome had wanted to be with him as long as she remembered, but he had always hurt her. If she said yes, she could be hurt again. Was it safe to take that risk again? Did she want to be broken again?






But, he was her first love, the man who she had devoted herself to for years, the one she had wanted to be with for so long. Oh how she had wanted him to pick her over Kikyo, and he had just done it. Maybe she could give it a chance, after all it would be silly not to give their relationship a chance, and to try to make things right since it was all she ever wanted.


She nodded her head softly, and a bright smile illuminated his face. She hadn't seen him this happy in a long time, so she decided it was worth it. She too deserved a shot at happiness right? What she had dreamed off what finally coming through, how could she not be happy?


Inuyasha stood in front of her, feeling a little awkward. So, what was he allowed to do? On which ground did they stand? Slowly, he got a little closer to her, but stopped before he stepped into her personal space; he would let Kagome do the first move. She looked into his golden eyes, and smiled; he was clearly uncomfortable, and it was adorable.


Kagome decided to give him the extra push he needed, and closed the distance between them. She felt herself slightly blushing when he wrapped his arms around her waist. Sure, Kagome was a seventeen years old girl, but a very inexperience one, and she couldn't help but be slightly embarrassed. She buried her face in his chest, and let herself drown in his smell.


This was how things were meant to me, and nothing could ruin them. It was hard for Inuyasha to admit or act on any kind of feelings, and she was grateful he could open up this much with her. He rested his chin on her head, and smiled slightly when he felt her heartbeat increase. This was the feeling she had been waiting for these past two years, this was the moment she had been waiting for.


From now on, they could only grow stronger right? This was a big step, and she would cherish it: Inuyasha had picked her. He had put an end on things between him and Kikyo. No more two-timing. No more heartbreak. He was hers, and she was his. For the first time in a long time, she felt extremely light, and her chest didn't feel as compressed.


The only thing remaining for them to do was getting rid of Naraku forever. But, they couldn't do that just yet, there were five shards remaining, including the one keeping Kohaku alive, and the two in Kouga's legs. So, technically two shards were somewhere in the unknown. She shook her head softly; now wasn't the time to feel her mind with such thoughts.


She would simply enjoy this moment and worry later, after all, who knew when Inuyasha would express good emotions again? Kagome chuckled softly, attraction Inuyasha's attention. Immediately, he pulled away; had he done something wrong? Why was she laughing at him?


"Something funny wench?" He said, before crossing his arms.


And there he was, the Inuyasha she was used to. Well it had lasted a good minute, or two, which was better than nothing.


Kagome shook her head. "Nothing."


"Whadda ya mean nothing?" He asked, his temper getting the best of him. "You think I didn't hear you laugh?"


There was only one way to solve this. "Sit boy."




Kagome had a smile on her lips as she walked away from Inuyasha, who was cursing her through the mud. Yes, this was their routine. With her mind cleared, and her spirit high, the event of the previous night was pushed back in the corner of her mind. It was forgotten temporarily, lurking in the shadow, waiting to resurface.




Rin held her stomach with both of her hands as she rode on Ah-Un. She felt close to starvation, but she didn't want to bother Sesshomaru-sama. Since last night, her Lord had been in such a terrible mood that even she had noticed.


He had come back with blood on the corner of his mouth, and his usually so tamed hair was a little bit wild. He usually had the same facade on, which prevented the world from seeing his feelings, but for a while there, it was possible to see emotions going through his eyes.


He hadn't spoken a word since he had arrived, and Rin was almost afraid to ask him whether they could stop traveling for a while. Jaken had almost noticed the change in his Lord, and he was terrified since he had no idea what had happened to Sesshomaru-sama, but he knew better than to ask. It seemed that the Lord had been lost deep in his thoughts, and completely restless.


In addition, he couldn't help but wonder why he had left in a rush last night; without a word, his precious Lord had disappeared in the forest in an unusual speed. Had he sensed Naraku? But, it wouldn't explain the silence…


"Rin, you may go and fetch some food for yourself."


Both Rin and Jaken slightly jumped at their Lord's words, since they hadn't been expecting it. Quickly, Rin recovered, and smiled.


"Yes, thank you Sesshomaru-sama."


Without another word, Rin and Ah-Un started to move away from the Lord, while Jaken was walking toward him. His steps were small, since he feared his wrath. Unfortunately, for him, when he finally reached him, he was cut short.


"Jaken you will accompany Rin." His words were cold, and emotionless.


Jaken immediately froze, and nodded his head although Sesshomaru could not see it, since his back was facing him. Jaken waited a few more seconds, but when the silence remained, he decided the best thing to do was leave. Sesshomaru kept walking further until he reached the edge of the path. He closed his eyes as the wind blew through his long, silky, silver hair. Anger was filling his heart right now, but his face remained neutral.


He didn't know how it happened, since it had never occurred before; his beast had never overpowered him. He would never let his control slip him again, and this mistake would not repeat itself. For three hundreds years he had possessed a perfect control over his beast, yet, last night, Sesshomaru had been overthrown, and he had been completely powerless to stop it.


The Lord didn't know what was worst, that his beast had taken over, or the situation he had been in. He had required almost an hour to regain control, and when he had, damage had already occurred.


The memories of what had happened with his half-brother's human where blocked by his beast, but he had been able to form an idea of what had occurred. On top of that, he could also still taste her blood in his mouth. It was unthinkable that, This Sesshomaru had been found in such a situation with a human. It was below him, and it disgusted him; to think that his lips had even touched her skin was repulsive. He would not involve himself with them the way his father had.


Hanyous were a disgrace.


He could stand humans more than hanyous as long as they remained with their own kind. But, beings like his half-brother weakened, and stained great lines like his. To think that his powerful blood was mixed with human blood was angering him to no end.


Perhaps it was why the event was so upsetting, but an incident like the one of the previous night would never happen again, since he would not lose control again. His beast would be kept in check, and not be allowed out again. Whatever silly thought crossed its mind and got him involved with the miko, it wouldn't happen again.


The good thing was; he knew she wouldn't speak of the event that occurred. She seemed to try to avoid conflict, and she did her best to restore peace. Even she was aware of the hanyou's temper, and how he was hotheaded, and so, she would keep silent. If she didn't, then he'd get rid of her; he wouldn't let a human ruin his reputation. For now, he would remain on his guard and keep his beast lock deep inside.


This would never happen again.








Another day, another hunt.


Inuyasha had woken everyone up pretty early, saying they had wasted enough time. Although, it wasn't as though they had somewhere to go since they had no idea where the remaining shards were. Nevertheless, Inuyasha had insisted that they wouldn't find them by resting, and enjoying life as if nothing was wrong.


So now, they were on the route towards the West, with Inuyasha and Kagome at the front, Shippo on her shoulder, while Miroku and Sango were walking behind them. Kagome couldn't help but turn her head every now and then, just to get a glimpse of them.


They would be perfect for each other, if only Miroku could cure his wandering hand. Like that's ever going to happen. Inuyasha stole a glance here and then, every time she wasn't looking. He had been so relieved when she had accepted, although he probably wasn't showing it that much.


Things between them hadn't really changed since then, but it wasn't as if they were going to jump steps in one day. After all, it had taken them two years to get to where they were now.


Then it happened.


Before anyone could realize what was going on, Kagome was on her knees, grabbing her chest with one hand. Immediately, all of her friends rushed to her side, worried about her.


"Kagome what's wrong?" asked Sango as she rubbed her back.


"Kag? Kagome?" asked Inuyasha, worried as he kneeled in front of her. "Wench, what's wrong with you?" he snapped, when he lost his control.


Kagome wanted to speak, but it felt as if she had lost her voice. A sharp pain was going through her whole body, and it seemed to wrap itself around her heart. She couldn't find her voice, and she felt as though she was choking.


Then, as quickly as it had come, it disappeared.


Kagome pressed her palms against the ground, as she panted slightly. This whole time, she hadn't been able to catch her breath, and now her lungs needed their fill of air. After a minute or two, she finally made it to her feet with the help of Inuyasha. She bit her bottom lip, as she still felt slightly wobbly.


"What the hell was all that about?" inquired Inuyasha when he released his hold on her.


Kagome softly shook her head. She didn't know what happened, but she didn't want anyone to worry about her. They had enough with their own problems, and they didn't need hers. "I just felt light-headed, I probably didn't eat enough," she said, putting on a fake smile for their sakes.


"Keh," was Inuyasha's only response before he started to walk away.


Deep inside, he didn't quite believe her, but he decided to keep it to himself for the moment. Lately, it felt as if she had kept many things from them, and he didn't like it. Inuyasha wanted to find what was wrong her, because he would not lose her, he had Kikyo taken away from him in the past, and that was enough. Kagome would not die on him, like his previous love had, and he would do anything to prevent that.


Kagome gave Sango an apologetic smile before catching up to Inuyasha. Sango sighed heavily as she watched her friend walk off, as if nothing had happened. Every day, her worries for her only grew bigger and she knew it was grand time for them to go bathe, and have girl talk as Kagome called it.


Kagome closed her eyes for a couple of seconds, before taking in a deep breath; she didn't like what just occurred, and all her senses were on alert. She had felt her miko powers struggle within her, and it worried her since she was in unknown territories when it came to her powers.


She hoped it was a one-time thing.


Deep inside, she wished she could erase the last couple of days.




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