Blood Stained: Chapter 7: Torture


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Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Torture


Blood Stained

Chapter 7: Torture


Kagome slowly raised her head, a vivid sensation of pain going down the nerves of her neck. It was then that she took conscience of her surroundings. Apparently, she had fell asleep outside, pressed against the tree and nobody had moved her. Anger rose inside of her, but she quickly pushed it aside; if Sesshomaru had been in her situation, she wouldn't have moved him either, so it was fair.

She blinked a few times, trying to bring herself back completely from her slumber. As she took a glanced around, she noticed the sun had just risen leaving the sky a pink color laced with blue. The small cool morning breeze was still lingering around, the air slightly humid and it gave her chills. Kagome wrapped her kimono tighter around her body before finally standing up, her toes extremely cold. She rubbed her eyes slightly, before her shiny grey eyes were finally wide open. Once again, she had woken up feeling drained, but this time it was from the tears she had shed the whole night.

Kagome slowly pushed open the door and entered the castle. As soon as she took a step her stomach growled, letting her know it was time for some food. Kagome remembered she hadn't eaten much the previous day and with a sigh she made her way to the kitchen. She had a feeling her stomach would not tolerate heavy food and she prayed nobody else was in the kitchen so she could cook herself something.

She had no desire to be surrounded by people, or to be glanced up and examined by his staff that all wonder why Sesshomaru had picked a human mate. In addition, they seemed fine with the fact that their union was not desired.

Fortunately for her it seemed that luck was on her side since when she entered the kitchen it was completely empty. A tiny smile appeared on her face as she walked over to a counter. She had no idea where anything was, thus she started to glance around, opening drawers. Finally after some digging around, she found some vegetables and a knife. Slowly, she began cutting the vegetables, her mind wandering.

Kagome glared at the bracelet hanging from her thin pale wrist. She cursed the damn thing as it reminded her of her current state of weakness. She wasn't a fighter like Sango, nor did she have a special attack like Miroku and the only power she ever had was her Miko powers and now, she was back to being a regular defenseless human.

It was true that for years, she had no idea she was a Miko, but in her time, she did not need to defend herself like here. Now things were different, especially since she was stuck with Sesshomaru for an undetermined amount of time. She bit her bottom lip, as she vowed to find a way to break the spell on her bracelet. The instant that would happen, she would make a run for the well, and never look back.

Kagome was well aware that she would only have one shot at this, and she could not mess it up.


She jumped slightly, not expecting the intrusion. Not thinking, she immediately sharply turned around and before she knew it, the razor edged blade of the knife scrapped against her arm, cutting through her flesh. She winced in pain, and dropped the knife to the ground, the agonizing pain stabbing through her. Instantly, Rin rushed to her side, her eyes open broad and extremely distraught for the Miko.

“You're bleeding!” she screamed as she observed the blood pour out of the cut.

The blade had dug fairly deeply in her skin and Kagome slowly became aware that she had to put pressure on it.

“Don't worry Rin, I'll be fine,” said Kagome as she held on to her arm.

In one swift movement, she was standing straight up and she started to jog in direction of the room Sesshomaru had assigned her. It was the only room where she knew where some things where. As she ran, she left a trail of blood behind her, but she did not care for it as it happened, since her mind was focus on other things.

When Kagome finally reached the door, she released her hold on her injured arm, to be able to open the door with her bloody hand. Once inside, she rushed to the pile of towels and quickly picked one and began applying pressure on her open wound.

Kagome realized she should feel pain but she couldn't feel anything, the only emotion flowing through her body was nervousness. Soon enough it was as if she was going to break down from the rush of pain. Perhaps she couldn't feel anything because she was losing too much blood.

Death by blood loss?

Rapidly, the towel was soaked in blood and Kagome dropped it to the ground before taking another one. Her little accident made her realized just how out of it and drained she was. Rin had simply said her name and she had reacted as if she was being attacked. Kagome had been so careless and she had paid no attention at all the to knife in her hands. Maybe she did deserve this wound.


Kagome felt her blood freeze throughout her whole body, panic taking over. She closed her eyes, tears threatening to fall; she knew that voice too well. Against her wish, her body started to tremble and she was afraid to turn around and face it. This was the rough, husky voice Sesshomaru had when he raped her. It was still vividly present in her dreams and she would never forget it.

The simple word echoed through her mind as she shook like a leaf.

When she felt his claw hand on her shoulder, she found herself begging. “No.

Kagome was almost terrified to make a movement, but still found the strength to face him. She was not even surprised when she saw his crimson eyes looking straight at her, need and want obvious in them. Kagome was too well aware what it meant and slowly, she backed away, not remembering there was a wall behind her. Every time he had this beast look in his eyes, she knew he wanted one thing only.

“Go away, leave me alone,” she asked, trying to keep a firm voice.

However, she was quickly betrayed by the shakiness of her voice and her body. How could she look tough when she could barely glance at him? She couldn't bring herself to gaze his way because it would fill her mind with all the painful memories he had created within her mind.

Sesshomaru walked in direction of her, planning to have her back into the wall so she would be trapped. He licked his lips, as he could almost taste her blood and it was driving him mad with desire. He slowly picked up her arm, while Kagome tried to yank it away.

After the first pull, she winced in pain and bit her on bottom lip. Sesshomaru took advantage of her distracted state to approach her arm from his face and slowly lick the blood off the wound. Didn't she understand this would help her and ease her sorrow a bit? Since not only did he want to taste her blood again, but also his saliva would help heal her injury faster.

Kagome froze when she felt his tongue on her skin, unsure what to do since her body didn't know how to react in his presence. Of course, she wanted him as far away from her as possible, but it was hard to get away when he had such a hold on her injured arm. From experience, she knew how difficult he made it for her to escape and she didn't wish to inflict further pain to herself.

Hadn't she been wounded enough?

“Stop it,” she demanded. “GET AWAY FROM ME! I don't want you to TOUCH me,” she screamed, as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She would not have him put his hands on her again. She never wanted to live that nightmare again. Never. Never. Never.

Sesshomaru raised his head and growled at her in frustration and pain. Why did she say such cruel things, even when he came to her aid? Why did she still feel such rage towards him?

Kagome could see her blood dripping down his chin and a chill of fear ran down her spine. He resembled a emotionless monster who was on a feeding frenzy. Slowly, he approached his face from her, trying to intimidate her, trying to bring her down. She was his mate now, why did she still challenge him? Why wouldn't she submit to him?

Right away, he went for her neck and nibbled the mating mark as an attempt to remind her she was HIS.

Kagome glued her lips together, holding back a sob. She put her hands on his chest, since her arm was now free and tried to push him away from her body and create some distance. Her little strength did nothing against him; he never bulged. Every attempt she made to push him away only made his anger grow.

Now that she belonged to him, she should have submitted, she should have been feeling more joy than pain. Why did she fear his touch? If she had behaved he wouldn't have hurt her: it was all her doing. Sesshomaru grabbed her wrists, and pinned her hands above her head.

Kagome felt her back being pressed against the wall and she could no longer hold the scream in her throat. “NO! DON'T! YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS, YOU DON'T WANT ME!”

Angry at her words, Sesshomaru pressed his lips against hers, shutting her up at the same time. His mate was seriously annoying him; he desired her every second she was around him and her blood was very appealing to him. Why would she scream such lies? Why was she trying to hurt his feelings when he only wanted to bring her happiness?

Why couldn't she understand what it did to him to hear her say such things? He needed her close to him, to leave, to breathe. Didn't she feel the same way? He could feel her still protest against his lips, so he pushed his tongue against her lips, separating them.

Kagome felt as if she was going to gag once she felt his tongue enter her mouth. When it was against her own tongue, she only had one solution crossing her mind. It would probably piss him off, but she wanted it out of her mouth. She moved her tongue away and quickly bit down on his. It did not do much damage, but it did manage to make him pull away, although, his rage had hit a new level.


She felt his hand come in contact with her cheek and then all she could experience was a burning sensation on her skin. Involuntarily, tears appeared in her eyes, caused by the pain and she was hopeless to cease them. Once again, she could hear Sesshomaru growling and before she could do anything, she was violently thrown on the bed.

Because of the way he flung her across the room, her head hit the wall, bringing her more suffering than she already had.

Sesshomaru was then walking in direction of her, like a bloodthirsty monster.

He was very displeased with her. Why did she challenge his authority all the time! He wanted her to crave his touch; he needed to show her just how much she needed it. He stared at her lying form before proceeding to undress himself. He didn't wish to put her through this, but she still couldn't understand she belonged to him.

Sesshomaru would love her more than that hanyou ever could have.

Kagome, who had just raised her head, gasped in panic. She immediately tried to make it to her feet so she could leave the room as fast as possible. Unfortunately, before she had a chance to even make it off the bed, Sesshomaru grabbed her leg, and threw her on the bed again.

He positioned himself on top of her, right in between her legs. Kagome started to hit his chest with her tiny fists, trying to get him off her. Of course, her attempts were useless as he picked up her hands and held them over her head. He then picked his gold and purple obi and tightly tied her wrists together. Then, he glanced down at her face and licked off the tears on her left cheek.

Immediately Kagome tried to break her hands free, disgusted, but after a few pulls all that she managed to accomplish was increasing the pain in her arm. Her bottom lip was quivering as she hoped he would not repeat the abuse on her body. Not again, not now.

Sesshomaru brought her closer to him by pressing his hard erection against her clothed core. He then proceeded to attack her neck with small nibbles, needing to breath in her divine scent. Kagome's mind was hit with flashback of what he had previously done to her and a heart-wrenching sob escaped her lips.

“Don't touch me, you MONSTER!” she yelled, before kicking him with her legs.

Sesshomaru slowly pulled away from her neck, his fangs showing. He took a hold of her kimono and with one yank he ripped it off her body. Kagome inhaled suddenly, as the cool air touched her heated skin, bringing her chills. This could not happen again.

He licked his lips at the sight of her naked body and howled softly. It had only been a day and yet he had missed her body already. Her warm presence, her soft creamy skin. All of it was addictive; she was perfect. Most of all she was completely his and belonged to no one else.


He advanced his bloody clawed hand to her left breast and cupped it gently. Kagome started to wiggle under him, trying to stop his touch, but it was no use. Quickly, Sesshomaru pinned her in place with his free hand, trying to cease her useless struggles.

Slowly, he inclined his head forward and took her nipple in his mouth, gently sucking on it. At the same time, he started to massage the other breast, being careful not to hurt her. He wanted to make her feel good, just like her body brought him satisfaction. Tonight, he would show his bitch pleasure. He would teach her everything he could make her feel and she would enjoy it. Kagome pressed her lips together trying to hold in her sobs, as Sesshomaru licked and sucked her nipple.

She could feel warmth developing in her lower abdomen, which was only causing her more pain. She would not let her body appreciate his touch; she despised him. Her body might be bending to his will, but she wouldn't let her mind do the same.

How could she feel good when he was the one doing it? How could her body react to his touch? She despised him; she hated him with all the strength she had left inside of her. He terrified her, he injured her and he forced himself upon her. Why was her body warming up?

Sesshomaru lifted his head softly, but only to change breast. He used his other hand to caress her body; it went down her hip, clanging to her skin slightly, before cupping her round ass. He growled in satisfaction, as he felt his bitch's soft skin. His hard cock was pressed against her heated core and it was driving him wild with lust.

Never stopping the attention he was giving to her breasts, he moved away slightly, to give himself some room. His hands reached her womanhood and softly, he ran his claw across it without hurting her. He had missed the sensation of being buried deep inside her tight sheath. Today, he would actually enjoy her pussy while it was dripping wet.

“NO!” screamed Kagome, wriggling under him. “Why are you doing THIS?”

Kagome's eyes were red and puffy as she felt her heart sink deep inside her. Was he trying to make her desire him? Did he think she liked what he was doing to her? Not because her body reacted that she liked it. Didn't he hear her screams of despair?

Sesshomaru ignored her as his finger reached his goal. He rubbed the entrance to her humid pussy and slowly, he slid his finger inside of her. He was being very careful not to hurt her, as his digit went fully in. He could tell she was still a bit sore, which led him to make his movements slow.

Kagome's body buckled under the strange, unwanted touch before she breathed out heavily. Did he think she was seeking foreplay? What she wanted was absolutely nothing at all. If she had to go through this again, she wanted it over as quickly as possible. Nonetheless, she'd keep trying to fight him off.


Kagome closed her eyes, almost begging to escape to her own little world. She did not want to be there right now, pinned under the youkai who was about to abuse her once again. She wanted to be far away from here, even if it was just in her mind. She kept her eyes tightly closed, the tears still pouring, begging for some sort of relief.

Bitch you will stop your useless complains.”

Even now, when her body was responding to him, she kept crying. The scent of tears was beginning to greatly annoy him. He didn't wish for his mate to be sad, but it was as if she didn't know any other emotions. Couldn't she let him make her happy? Why did she refuse to give him a chance to provide her with joy?

Kagome gasped at his tone, surprised that he even spoke to her. Sesshomaru was staring straight at her, demanding submission just with his eyes. Kagome opened her eyes and glared at him, her breathing rather heavy.

“NO!” she screamed; she refused to give into him. Not now, not ever.

Sesshomaru went for her neck again and bit down on her mating mark. “Mine, you belong to me.

Ignoring the plea look she was giving him, he proceeded to move his finger inside of her core, while avoiding harming her. He wanted her to feel pleasure from him, even if she seemed to dislike him. He grabbed one of her breast in his hand and massaged it gently, sometimes playing with her nipples with his claws, gently grazing them across it.

Against Kagome's will, her body reacted to his touch, slowly getting wetter, which did nothing but bring her humiliation. Kagome's eyes were closed shut, as she felt betrayed by herself. How could her body enjoy his treatment? He was nothing but a rapist monster! Why was he trying to treat her nicely?

And why did he despise her sometimes yet like her some other times?

Sesshomaru inclined forward and softly sucked on her earlobe, while increasing his rhythm. He could not stop himself from watching her face, as she tried to fight off the feelings. He ran his tongue behind her ear and watched her bit her bottom lip. Then it happened; his finger hit a more sensitive spot inside her wet core and he looked at her face while she moaned.

His chest filled with pride, he proceeded to hit the same spot again. Once again, Kagome moaned, but this time it was mixed with a sob. She wanted to hold it back, but failed miserably. Her body was still so new to this kind of experience and it felt so easily manipulated. It only knew his touch and perhaps that thought broke her heart the most. Only that monster would ever touch her?

She despised him, and the only thing Kagome wanted right now was to see him lying in his own blood, dead. Yet, she could not stop her body from reacting to the contact. It was too inexperienced and it was letting her down miserably.

“Don't, please don't,” she begged, her voice extremely soft, as she shook her head violently.

She needed him to stop.

Come for your alpha,” he ordered. She might not want to voice the words, but if she came for him, he would take it as her submission.

Kagome couldn't find her voice and simply shook her head, desperate to fight him. She did not want to open her mouth again afraid she was going to moan again. She didn't want to give him any more satisfaction.

Unfortunately, he wanted to hear her moans again. Sesshomaru increased the pace of his finger, hitting the spot every time. He could see her slightly arching her back as pleasure took over her body. She would eventually give in, although it would kill her to do so.

Her mind was fuzzy as she tried to struggle against his touch. It was hard to fight the pleasure she felt as he roamed his hand over her body, gently caressing it, while the other one was inside her dripping pussy. She could feel her hips moving to his rhythm and tears escaped her eyes. She didn't want this; she didn't want to feel the pleasure of his touch. Why didn't he stop? Why couldn't he leave her alone?

One more time. Sesshomaru hit the spot once again and before she could stop herself, Kagome buckled under his touch.


Sesshomaru had a prominent smirk on his face. “That's it, come for your alpha. Submit to me.”

Once she would give in, she would stop with the rebellious attitude and she'd finally experience happiness.

Kagome shook her head, but she could not hold back her physical feelings any longer and as a sob escaped her mouth, her juices flowed down and drenched Sesshomaru's hand. Once her climax passed, he slowly removed his finger from her wet folds and put it in his mouth, licking it off, enjoying the taste.

She on the other hand was lying on her back, completely breathless, and ashamed of herself. Kagome hated herself for this, and the fact that she had given him exactly what he wanted. She was about to raise her head to show him just exactly what he was doing to her when she felt his hard cock pressed against her entrance.

Her eyes opened wide as she tried to stand up and cease him in his attack, but before she could do anything, he was already halfway in. Her eyes closed, as her face became a representation of desperation. Because of her wetness, it was not as painful as the first time, but it did not make it enjoyable in any way. In addition, Sesshomaru was being very careful as he pushed the rest of his length inside of her.

He could smell the shame on her and it did not bother him. Actually, it did irritate him a bit, but he knew it wouldn't last. Soon she would be craving for more, he just needed to give her more pleasure and show her just how amazing he could make her feel.

Kagome tried to lift her tied up hands to push him away, but she barely managed to lift them up.

“Please,” she begged, her voice a soft whisper.

Sesshomaru as usual, ignored her. Instead of listening to her pleas, he lifted her legs, resting them on his shoulders, which allowed him to go even deeper inside her soaked cunt. He growled in pleasure, as he buried himself inside her. His bitch was tight and warm, squeezing his dick just enough to bring him more pleasure.

Kagome's struggles were only bringing him deeper inside of her, but she kept attempting to fight him off. She was still seeking to catch her breath, as he slowly moved his dick inside of her. Kagome wanted him to hurt her, not bring her pleasure.

It would be less painful if he could injure her. She did not want to come for him again; she didn't want him to have his way again. What he was doing at the moment was worst than simply raping her. It was if he was ripping away every part of her extremely painfully and slowly.

He smirked when he remembered where her soft spot was and he slightly moved himself so he could hit it.

“OH KAMI!” screamed Kagome when he hit it full force.

She hadn't been prepared for the sensation and the scream had left her lips before she had a chance to stop it, bringing more heat to her face.

Without giving her a chance to recover, Sesshomaru hit it again, causing her to moan quietly, while she mentally cursed him and herself. Sesshomaru was large and probably a little too big for her, which cause some pain to her still damaged womanhood, but the speed he was using was soothing the sensations. Also, his every stroke was made to give her pleasure, which did not help either, in her point of view.

Keeping her legs up in the air, Sesshomaru inclined forward to nuzzle his face against the crook of her neck, where the mating mark was, trying to bring his hurting mate some comfort.

So tight.

The juices dripping from her cunt every time he slightly pulled out were driving him mad with desire and he didn't know how long he would hold on. Sesshomaru wanted her to find her release first, thus he held it back, but not without great difficulty.

Kagome was shacking her head, whispering no as she felt the same warmth appear in her lower body. Why did he need to drag her through hell over and over again? Couldn't he just get his own satisfaction and leave her be?

Another wave hit her.

Not like this.

She did not want him to give her an orgasm again. She didn't want him to feel accomplish, or pride from what he was doing. Sesshomaru probably didn't see anything wrong with it since they were mated, but to her this was still a violation of her body; he was still raping her. To her no matter the circumstances, as long as one of them didn't desire this it made it wrong.

Why couldn't he see her point of view?

Sesshomaru increased his pace slightly, enough to try to send her over the edge, but not enough to hurt her sensitive womanhood. He lifted one of his hands, and softly started to caress her hair, as if to soothe her pain away. He no longer wished to see tears on her cheeks. Kagome jerked her head away from his touch, but he only tightened his hold on her head, keeping her in place.

Kagome felt her release approaching, and she closed her eyes. Please, not again. She shook her head violently hoping that someone would come out of nowhere and save her even though deep down, she knew no one would come for her.

Not again. She felt herself crumbling down to pieces, and becoming irreparable. No more tears were coming out of her eyes, as if she had no more left in her body. She could no longer cry out her shame.

Sesshomaru knew she was close and picked up some speed again until it happened. Her face was buried in his shoulder, trying to muffle her sounds of pleasures as her orgasm hit her with full force. Male pride filling him, Sesshomaru threw his head back slightly, feeling her juices envelop his dick for the first time. His eyes grew wider as a new type of pleasure took over.

Yes, my bitch,” he whispered in her ear.

Once she lay back down, completely out of breath, he felt his own release coming closer and he knew all he needed was one more stroke.

As soon as his seeds left his still erected cock, his eyes turned back to their regular amber color. Kagome was lying under him, her eyes closed as she felt his warm sperm inside of her, which was completely sickening,

For an instant panic flashed through Sesshomaru's eyes and he immediately wanted to jerk away from her body, only to find he was stuck. He closed his eyes, silently cursing his beast. He hadn't thought about him tying with her since they hadn't last time. Now he would have to remain inside her for a few more minutes and the thought of it repulsed him.

Once he pushed his thoughts aside, Sesshomaru could feel the Miko shacking under him, not knowing she was silently praying he would remove himself from her already. Sesshomaru's face was still buried in the crook of her neck, unsure what he should do next. The Miko was probably wondering why he hadn't pulled himself out of her body yet, but he did not feel for an explanation at the moment.

The only thought going through his mind was that this shouldn't have happened again. Sesshomaru could still painfully remember how his loss of control had occurred and he blamed her once again.

He remembered finding Rin in the kitchen clearly upset. Once she had told him what happened, he had followed the blood trail, which had leaded him to the injured Miko. The scent of blood had been overpowering any other scents around and it had been so powerful, it had made him dizzy.

He could recall his beast howling in lust and trying to break free. He knew that was the moment the beast had taken over. He could remember clearly both times the Miko had came, as if it had been him in control and not his beast. He did not like it.

Couldn't she have been more careful while handling a knife?

Sesshomaru's eyes still had a soft tint of red, but this time, it was caused by his anger. Plus, the scent of fear and shame coming from the Miko was bothering him to no end. It was her own fault she was in this mess. Moreover, how dare she feel shame when she was graced with a privilege?

Kagome was softly sobbing, although no tears were coming out. Why was he still laying on top of her? Why wouldn't he go away? Her arms hurt, and were feeling stiff from being stretched like that, and she wished he would just untie her already. The shame and disgust she felt towards herself was immense, and it broke her heart.

How could a monster like him get away with such treatment? How could he win her body like that? How could her body feel pleasure when he touched her? The very thought of him disgusted her, and she wanted him dead. She finally opened her grey eyes, only to stare at the ceiling, clearly avoiding looking in direction of his face.

She tried to wriggle slightly, thinking it would give him the hint. Instead, a very pissed off amber eyes Sesshomaru raised his head, and glared at her.

“Miko, stop moving. This Sesshomaru cannot remove himself at the moment, you will only cause yourself useless pain.”

Once again, Kagome found herself staring at a different Sesshomaru. Every time these things happened, he had a different voice and different eyes, only to be back to his regular self afterwards. Was this supposed to happen? Did their youkai take over when they were mating? It was as if he had a split personality and there were two of him.

Finally, a few more instants past and Sesshomaru felt himself slightly slid out of her letting him know he was free. He removed the rest of his length out of her still wet womanhood and as he did so, only a little amount of his seeds leaked out of her. Sesshomaru closed his eyes, cursing his beast; the Miko was still in heat and if he had doubts before, now they were almost certainty.

He wasn't sure if the fertility rate between human and youkais was normal, but if it was then, this was not looking good at all. He moved away from the Miko, and sat on the edge of the bed, before running his hand through his long silver locks.

As soon as he moved away from her body, Kagome wrapped her arms around her legs, bringing her knees against her chest. She wanted to kill him, she wanted to hurt him the way he had hurt her, but right now, the pain was immense and she felt as if it had taken over her whole mind.

She closed her eyes and tried to free herself from all this suffering by using her mind. For a moment, she pictured herself at home with her mother, her brother, and her grandfather. They were all sitting down at the kitchen table, enjoying a meal her mother had cooked.

Everyone had a smile on their face as they had to listen to another story from her grandfather. There was no pain there, it wasn't real happiness either since it wasn't real, but there, she did not suffer. And most importantly, in that world Sesshomaru did not exist.

The Taiyoukai stood up, still fully naked and bent down to grab his kimono. He noticed the miko's bloody and ripped clothing laying not too far from his and sighed before rubbing the side of his head with his thumb and index. Sesshomaru turned his head slightly and saw that blood was still dripping from her deep cut. He could not allow her to soil his whole castle with her filthy blood, nor take the chance to have his beast awaken again.

"Someone will come bandage your wound and clean you."

Kagome kept staring at the door in front of her and remained silent. She wanted to act as if he wasn't there, as if he didn't exist. Sesshomaru sighed in annoyance when she refused to speak, but kept his calm. As much as she infuriated him, he could comprehend her reaction to the recent event.

"They will bring you a new kimono so you can put some clothes on."

When she still did not utter a word, he decided to leave it be and to simply focus on dressing himself. He did sort of understand where the Miko was coming from with her emotions, but it was still not right for her to be this upset over it.

After all, they were mated, and although it disgusted him, it was part of a mate's duty to satisfy her mate. Only problem was, he did not desire the Miko and it sickened him that he had gotten control back when he had still been inside of her. He had been able to really feel her juice drip down his dick, and his balls. Once again, he was going to need a bath to remove her scent and her blood off him.

The thought made Sesshomaru only half dressed himself since he did not wish to stain his kimono with her filth and dirt.

Kagome felt a sigh of relief escape her dry, bloody lips as Sesshomaru closed the door of her bedroom, leaving her by herself in the darkness of the room. She let her body slid, so she was now lying in the bed in a fetus position, still no tears in her eyes. She was aware of what he had said and she knew the two neko youkais from the previous day would probably come.

She did not mind, nor care; after all, they had tried to do everything for her last time and she had tried to stop them. Not this time; she could barely find it in her to open her eyes. Kagome felt empty in the inside as if someone had taken her heart and ripped it to pieces.

Nothing was beating inside of her; the only thing that remained was the shadow of her spirit, still trying to hold on strong. Her spirit was the only thing keeping her alive, as if it refuses to give up, and let her give up.

Kagome closed her eyes and nodded to herself. She would not let Sesshomaru take her life, she would not let him be the cause of her insanity, but right now she could not fight. For now, she would sleep, and try to let her body rest a little.

Just for a little while…


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