Blood Stained: Chapter 5: Failure


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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Failure


Blood Stained

Chapter 5: Failure

Kagome's entire body was overtaken with a feeling of death. Her head was pounding as if she had just awoken with a hangover and a feeling of dizziness took over. Not that she knew what a hangover was supposed to feel like, but she deducted it was something like this. She felt extremely nauseous and her vision was blurry, bringing even more confusion upon her..

When Kagome finally opened her eyes, she realized that she had spend quite an amount of time sleeping since the sun was slowly rising, the color of orange and pink clashing together. However, it felt as if she hadn't slept at all, her body still drained.

For the first minutes of her awakening, the events of the previous day were in the back of her mind, as if they had never happened. It was only when she sat up and took a glance around that everything came back crashing down at her, making her heart sink in her chest.

Sesshomaru. His gestures, his words, his roughness.

As the tears stung her eyes, the last thing she could recall was being youkai-handled, and herself passing out from the exhaustion. Suddenly, a sharp pain went through her brain and she rubbed the side of her head, trying to ease the suffering the memories were causing.

Just the thought of how he abused her brought tears to her eyes. It shouldn't have happened that way.

It was as Kagome raised her arms to bury her face into them that she noticed an object she didn't use to possess.

A bracelet.

Intrigued she touched it, wondering where it came from. She did not have it the previous night, leading the only explanation to be that it came from Sesshomaru. Her eyes immediately started to burn with tears at the thought that he would give her a gift. Did he think it would make it all better?

If he did, he was clearly mistaken since she did not want anything from that cold-hearted bastard! She took hold of the bracelet and pulled as hard as she could, trying to break it off her wrist. Unfortunately for her, she quickly met a resistance. Kagome's eyes opened wide when the bracelet wouldn't go past her wrist.

She couldn't remove it? It began to remind her of Inuyasha's subjugation beads and how she was the only one who could take it off. Was this the same thing? Did he have a word he could say that would make her obey him? Hadn't he ripped away her soul enough that he needed complete control over her?

Why would he do this? Why would he take away her will, which was the only thing she had left? For the first time in a while Kagome felt helpless and she did not enjoy the feeling. He had really taken everything he could from her. Did he enjoy breaking her down? Did he take pleasure in her suffering?

He was nothing but a sick bastard. He act almighty but he should be ashamed of himself.

Thinking about him reminded her that she had yet to see him, which made her guts twist. Slightly panicked, she raised her head and glanced around her. Quickly, it appeared that nobody was there, yet she knew Sesshomaru wasn't far since he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of carrying her just to dump her somewhere all by herself.

He must have left, while somehow keeping watch on her. There was only one problem; she could not feel his aura. In addition, now that she thought about it, she had the feeling something was missing inside of her. Her gaze moved to the bracelet and mentally she cursed Sesshomaru.

He had deprived her of her powers!

She didn't need to be told to know it was missing: it was obvious. She didn't have the greatest control on her powers, but she knew they weren't there. There was a void inside of her heart, as if she wasn't whole anymore. Her breathing accelerated as her rage grew stronger.

He robbed her of her virginity, he took her away from her friends and he pushed everything away. Now he also had to take her power? She despised him: he was a power-hungry monster. Why did he need to be on top, why did he need to soil her even more?

One night of abuse and she could no longer return to the life she used to have. How could she ever be the same Kagome again? She hadn't expected a first time with songs and candles, but she had wanted love. Had it been too much to ask? He had been rough and he had acted like a beast, treating her like a worthless bitch. Tears came to her eyes as she recalled the void of feelings in his eyes.

Kagome refused to stay with him. She knew the promise she made to fix the broken jewel, but now she needed to disappear for a while. Kagome had to run away from this era and hide in her own. She had never been a coward, but this situation was overpowering her.

She would come back, but… not now. She needed to escape somewhere where nobody could reach her, or harm her. Although, Inuyasha could go in her time and he was one person she had no desire to see. He might have hurt her feelings a few occasions, but this time he had created deeper wounds in her heart.

Inuyasha had gone with Kikyo behind her back a few times, but she had always forgotten and moved on. This time, she knew it would be harder. Yes, she was a fighter, but how could she trust him? Not that she wanted to trust him. Also wouldn't she become suspicious of any man?

She was all alone, in every sense of the word.

However this time, it might be a good thing.

Kagome bit her bottom lip; she knew Sesshomaru and his pack were probably near, but she could not feel them. She had to take a chance and make a run for it. Kagome knew they weren't that far from the well and that if she hurried and if he didn't notice she was gone, she could make it.

Oh Kami, let me go home.

She took a deep breath before slowly getting up, while her movements were slow because of her injured self. Her whole body felt a little weakened by what she mostly blamed on the bracelet. Once she felt herself getting her balance back, she ran as fast as she could. Kagome wouldn't dare look back because she knew if she saw him, she might get even more nervous. No the only solution was to keep running until she reached the well.

Desperate times called for desperate measures.

She could feel branches scratching the sides of her legs, while she tried to prevent herself from falling. She kept staring straight ahead of her, dying to experience the anxious feeling she would got once the well would come in view. From what Kagome had gathered, she wasn't very far, hopefully, she wasn't wrong. Also, at this point, Sesshomaru still hadn't caught her, which meant he didn't know. Or at least, she hoped he didn't know.

After all they both were aware that if she tried to outrun him, she never stood a chance. Kagome felt like her heart was up in her throat and stomach cramps started to appear as her level of stress grew. It wouldn't be much longer… She was biting her bottom lip so hard that she drew blood. She mentally cursed herself; the last thing she needed was to give herself away with the scent of blood.

She had to admit thought that deep inside, she was shocked that Sesshomaru hadn't yanked her arm off already. He was a powerful youkai and surely he could feel her aura. Maybe he was letting her run away? However, what reasons would he possess to do such a thing? Did he really intend on giving her back her freedom, or was he messing with her? A voice deep inside of her begged that he came to his senses.

All she needed was a few more seconds.

Kagome's steps were wider and faster, as she started to recognize the familiar forest surrounding her. Yes, only a few more instants and she would be out of this nightmare forever. Every part of her body ached in pain, but she pushed herself. The simple thought of the events that occurred sent shivers of disgust through her whole body.

She wanted to bury herself under her blanket at home and cry to her heart's content. She even wished to have her mother wrap her arms around her, caressing her hair to soothe her, to tell her everything would be fine. Kagome felt the tears rolling down her cheeks, but she decided to ignore them.

The pain in her heart was immense, but she couldn't let it over take her desire to run. Her priority was to make it to the well; the rest could wait. All of the regrets, and tears and pain would come out later. Her body was tired since her powers had been cut off and she never gotten a chance to recover from the previous events.

Her breathing was getting shallow as her adrenaline slowly ran out; her body didn't have any energy left to give her. She didn't have much stamina left in her and that damn well had better be close by.

And it was.

Through the trees, and branches, Kagome could see the familiar sigh of the wooden well. Instantly, she felt her heart get lighter with hope and for the first time since the previous night, a certain joy filled her. Sesshomaru hadn't come! She was free! She was going home!

This time, the tears came pouring through like a river, but they were tears of relief. Both her body and mind were shifted through a wave of happiness and a tiny smile appeared on Kagome's face. A last burst of energy went through her and her hope gave her what she needed to continue.

Kagome had put all of her faith into this, wishing to escape this darkness and for once she hadn't been disappointed. Feeling like her body weighted half its weight, she ran the little distance remaining between her and the well. When she reached it, she slid her fingers around the edge, before taking a hold.

I'm going home.

She jumped over and into the well, waiting for the familiar feeling to take over her body, as she would travel five hundred years into the future. Her eyes were closed as the feeling of falling appeared. Soon it would smell like home and she would be safe. She was just waiting for…


Panic took over her whole body as she felt her feet touch the ground. She immediately knew something wasn't right and she opened her eyes in a rush. Vines, bones…She quickly raised her head in fear. Blue sky. Kagome couldn't help as she choked on her sobs. Oh Kami. She tried jumping up and down but nothing occurred. WHY?

And her worst fear hit her like a whip.

She was stuck; she couldn't go through the other side anymore.

But why? She licked her bottom lip, tasting the dry blood, trying to make some sense of the events. She doubted the fact she was not a virgin anymore had anything to do with it. Maybe it was the mating mark? No. Those two things shouldn't have anything to do with whether or not she could use the well!

Then she understood.

She slowly raised her arm and glared at the metal bracelet around her wrist. Her powers. She could no longer use her Miko powers! Could that be that the pureness of her powers running through her body was what connected her to the well? Now that they were blocked, she could no longer go through! The truth affected her a lot more than she thought, as she slowly let her body fall to the ground.

A storm began within her and since it had nowhere to escape, it unleashed itself inside of her.

Unless Sesshomaru removed the bracelet, she was stuck in the Feudal Era, forever. For the first time in the past two days, no tears came to her eyes. It seems the shock was too much to even express it physically and the young Miko did not know how to take it. Her whole world was slowly crashing down and she was powerless to stop it.

Before she knew it, she snapped. Her mind had reached it limit and she needed some way to release all the steam build up inside. Kagome hit the ground with her fists, screaming to no one but herself. She had taken a lot of bullshit so far but this, was sending her over the edge. She rose to her feet, and started to hit her bracelet against a rock, which was embedded in the wall of the well.


Why wouldn't it break? Why wouldn't it go away! Why wouldn't all of this go away?

"I HATE YOU!" she screamed to the top of the well. It was obviously addressed to Sesshomaru, but since he wasn't there at the moment, nothingness would do just fine.


The reminded that he still existed sent a cool chill down her spin. Now that she was stuck in this era, he would surely catch up with her! Kagome knew she couldn't run to Kaede's village; Inuyasha was there. At this point, she almost wondered whom she despised more between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru had violated her and he did not care for her feelings, nor could he treat her like a human being. On the other hand, Inuyasha had only tried to rape her, but it hurt as much, if not more. Sesshomaru had never been her friend, nor did he ever have her love or her trust. Inuyasha stabbed her in the back with his actions.

He hadn't even given her a chance to explain herself. She had sought comfort from him and he had denied her everything.

Why hadn't he noticed how upset she was? Why hadn't he tried to protect her from Sesshomaru? She wouldn't have let him put his life in danger, but she would have liked to know he cared. It had made her open her eyes though; she was alone. She had depended on people for so long and now, she was punished for it.

She had made the decision to not call out for Inuyasha while she was being raped, just so she could protect him, yet he couldn't even care of her in her darkness moments. Had she really been such a fool? Had she believed all the lies again?

Kagome needed to realize that Inuyasha wouldn't be there for her just because she hoped so. He might have saved her in the past, but just as easily, he could try to hurt her. The realization left a bittersweet taste in her mouth and she cringed in horror.

Her abused, tired body was starting to shake, as she slowly closed her eyes. Despite the pain, she would not give up. Very carefully, she raised her hand and touched her mating mark, a main source of all of her trouble. She didn't know much about youkais but she was aware that such a mark was permanent.

There would be no breaking the bond between her and Sesshomaru…until her death.

She was upset, but through the rage, a thought made its way. Why? Why would Sesshomaru mark her? Sure, he had a human ward, but this was an extremely different context. Sesshomaru had always despised his father for taking a human mate and having a hanyou son… Why would he want to do the same? There was simply no logic behind his actions.

It couldn't have been him who took her that night.


Kagome felt her heart skip a beat when she heard his voice. He seemed so cold and detached, as if he had just been waiting for her to get over her tantrum. Could it be that he had been there the whole time? She raised her head, but all she could see was silver hair floating in the wind.

"Leave me alone."

Sesshomaru almost rolled his eyes at her insolence. This Miko was the most annoying creature he had ever encountered. In addition, what was she doing at the bottom of this pitiful well? She was such a strange creature and her actions left him somewhat perplexed. Didn't she know he had no time for her foolishness?

Early in the morning, before she even woke up, he had been bathing removing her disgusting scent and blood off his flawless skin. She had been left alone since that was the time Rin and Jaken went hunting for his ward's food. Sesshomaru had been aware of her attempt running away, but he had no bothered himself with it.

Even if she ran for half a day, it would still only take him minutes to catch up to her. Of course, as she started to head for the village where his half-brother lived, he had been quite curious. Surely, the Miko hadn't wanted to be with Inuyasha considering the events of the previous day.

It was then that he had decided to follow her and see where she was heading. If he could be surprised, he would have been when she had jumped into the well. Had she been trying to hide, or even kill herself? Even a foolish human like her had to know this wouldn't do anything in either case.

Seconds after she had done so, he had been able to smell a lot of emotions going through her, before she finally settled on being upset. He had decided to wait until she calmed down a bit before dealing with her. Once again, she had proven to be annoying, and an enigma. This was the exact reason why he remained away from most humans.

He wanted nothing more but to leave her alone, yet he could not. That didn't mean he wouldn't try to break the mating, but for the moment, she was under his protection -even if it irritated him to no end.

Sesshomaru glanced down the well and saw her staring at him. The last thing he wanted to do was to go down there and retrieve her. Nevertheless like usually she was being difficult leaving him with very little options. He had wasted enough time with this little chase and they had to get moving. He would not travel like this with the annoying Miko thus he had to put her somewhere.

"Miko, do not test This Sesshomaru's patience," he warned her. If he had to get her out of there himself, she would not like it.

Kagome pushed away his threat and decided to not give up her ground. If she was going to be stuck with him, he needed to learn that she wouldn't bend to his every desire. "I'm fine where I am."

Sesshomaru might overpower her with his strength, but it didn't mean she would obey him. He treated her like trash, which made her want to go against his wish as much as possible. After all, that she followed his rules or not, she would not remain unharmed, nor would she be happy. Kagome was well aware that her feelings meant nothing to him.

Sesshomaru's expression did not change as decided it was time for him to get the Miko. He had decided he would not disgrace himself by going down, especially since there was other ways. He would settle this foolish argument as quickly as possible to allow them to move on to more important matters.

Kagome gasped when she felt something fluffy warp around her waist. When she peered down, she saw a huge mass of fur around her waist. Hold on. She recognized that thing; wasn't it the fur Sesshomaru always had over his shoulder? She didn't have the time to have another thought before she was pulled out of the well and thrown hard against the ground, brushing her already injured rear.

She held in a yelp of pain as her shoulder hit second. Bastard.

Kagome almost wondered if he had to be this rough, but he had proven that he liked to do hurtful thing for no reason. She managed to get her weight off her shoulder, while keeping in a cry of suffering the entire time. She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing he had hurt her. Once she had stabilized herself, Kagome pulled down at her shirt to look at her shoulder and already a black bruise could be seen.

Apparently, she wasn't marked enough by him yet and he felt the need to prove that he was stronger.

Kagome gazed up at him, hatred obvious in her eyes. She hated him. She despised this place, and she wanted to return home. Why, was she stuck here? She felt as if she was in a dark room by herself and every second, there was less and less light. After every breath she took, she felt herself suffocating as her life was slowly slipping away from her.

"What were you trying to prove by jumping down the well?"

He still didn't understand what was so special about this well. Often he had felt her or his half-brother around it and it simply didn't sit right with him. He wasn't interested in her, but her behavior left him puzzled.

Kagome stiffen slightly. As if she'd ever tell him where she was from; either he would think she was crazy, or he might try to use it to his advantage. "I wanted to see if a jump from that height could free me from you," she said, her tone filled with hatred.

Sesshomaru's response was quick. "Hn."

He could feel that she was lying, and it angered him a bit. The little Miko was bold enough to lie in his face. "It's a shame you cannot even do that right." He wouldn't have cared less if she had killed herself. At least she wouldn't have been his burden anymore.

Kagome didn't mind his hurtful words, since he had stopped asking questions about the well and that was the only thing that mattered. She was almost getting used to his upsetting ways. Meanwhile Sesshomaru, ignoring her attitude, turned his back to her, as if he was ready to leave.

Sesshomaru knew that the Miko wouldn't go anywhere freely with him and frankly, he had better things to do than argue with her. If he left without forcing her to come along, she would not move. Thus, he spun around again and grabbed her wrist, painfully pressing the bracelet against her skin, leaving a red mark.

"Hey!" she said, trying to yank her arm free. "Don't touch me! You're hurting me!"

No matter how much she tried to break away from him, his hold was of steel. Red marks were appearing on her wrist as less and less blood managed to reach her wrist and she winced in pain, trying to remain silent. She could try to fight him but she would only embarrassed herself.

Kagome decided to keep going, not wanting to give him any sort of satisfaction. It might seem like a waste of energy, but never would she want to give in to him. She would rather fight to the death, than to allow him to think he won. She needed to fight. Her spirit was the one thing that kept her going, and she held on to it.

Sesshomaru glanced back at the fighting Miko, a bit annoyed. The woman couldn't do anything the easy way could she? As he observed her more carefully, he really failed to notice what exactly had attracted his beast into this human. She wasn't beautiful, she was annoying and she didn't like to submit. He was ready to blame it on a sickness, because this was insane.

This Sesshomaru was going to lose it very soon.


Silly her.

All those years she thought Inuyasha was pushing them to their limits when they never took any breaks. Compared to Sesshomaru, it was nothing. They had been traveling for half a day and it seemed they were nowhere near stopping. About three quarters of the way, she had to stop struggling because her body simply had no energy left and she had to conserve it.

It still felt as if she was fighting him because even thought she had ceased her protest, she wasn't willingly going with him.

Still at the moment there was only one thought in her mind; had Sesshomaru completely forgotten that humans needed rest… or food? If she wasn't careful, and exhausted herself too much, she might pass out.

Kagome sighed heavily for the fifth time in the past hour, while deep inside she couldn't help but wonder where he was taking her. Ever since she had known Sesshomaru he had always been traveling, which lead her to assume he had no fix home since he owned a part of the land anyway. He could stop and rest where he wanted.

Trying to be subtle, she stole a glance. His eyes were cold and he seemed to have little to no interest in her that made the whole situation even more difficult to understand. When he had raped her, his eyes had been red and he had acted completely differently. Now, he interacted with her as if the very sight of her disgusted him. Hadn't he taken her body yesterday? Why would he do such a turn around so quickly?

It appeared that he was two people in one body.

The question was burning her mind, but she wasn't certain if she wanted the answer. She pinched her perfect pink lips together, wondering if she should even dare to inquire about. Though there was no denying that it would definitely annoy him which meant it was worth it.

"Do I disgust you?" she asked, not peering at him, but pretending to glance at the landscape surrounding her.

Sesshomaru gave her very little of his attention. "This Sesshomaru was not aware you had the ability to figure that out on your own.”

Kagome glared at the back of his head, irked to no end. He shouldn't be allowed to keep the rude witty attitude with her; she wanted some answers. After all, it was her body he took without her permission. "Then why did you rape me?"

He could not help but want to wince every time she used that word. Rape. It was so disgraceful. He was a Lord; he did not do such an act. He took a female the rightful way, claimed her and there was nothing else to it. Even she should know such thing. Every time she used that word, she was shaming him.

And of course, it had to be her. And he had to mate her.

Now the idiot human wanted an explanation for his actions. Himself didn't really posses one, but one thing was without a doubt; he would not tell her about his beast. First of all, it was none of her business, but also nobody would ever know he, Sesshomaru, lost control to his beast. It was almost as worst as the rape word she kept using.

Sesshomaru did not desire her and never again he would engage in such activity with her. Her weakness from being a human did nothing but repel him, especially when he thought about the tainted blood they could create. Technically, he could ignore her since he did not have any obligation to answer her, but if he did not, she would not shut that hole she called a mouth.

"You were the nearest person to satisfy this Sesshomaru's needs. The mating was not planned, do not consider yourself special or worthy."

It was not quite the answer, but she didn't need to know more than that.

Every one of his words was filled with venom and it sent a chill down her spine. Special? Never would she think of herself as such! She had a completely happy life planned out for herself, until he came along and ruined it all. Moreover, all she had been to him was a way to satisfy his needs? Oh yes, that did help ease the pain in her broken heart.

She could still feel the way he roughly broke through her barrier and pounded into her, like a beast, not caring that the pain of his abuse had made her bleed. Had he been concerned with the fact that she had felt no pleasure at all when he had released his seed inside of her, his delight overwhelming his body?

Oh Kami.

He had come inside of her! That detail had complicated escaped her mind. Fear quickly appeared in her eyes as she started counting. Suddenly her pain, her suffering disappeared as her anxiety took over. The date was the fourth and she was supposed to have her period the eleventh. Kagome felt her face dropped as her hands went on her stomach. She couldn't be … could she?

Not by him, not like this.

Already she had lost her virginity in the worst way possible, but there was no way she would be able to bear this. She couldn't bring a child into this world, not in such a manner. Tears were burning her eyes as she prayed she could keep her calm. A million more thoughts went through her mind, but before she let panic took her over she decided to ask him one question.

"Sesshomaru?" she asked, her voice very small, almost a whisper. At that instant, she didn't care how civil she sounded towards him. This matter was more important.

The Dayoukai couldn't help but be slightly curious by her new tone. "Hn?"

Kagome breathed out heavily. "Could- Could I be pregnant?"

She choked on a sob after the words left her mouth. She was strong, she could handle certain pain, but a child could not and did not have to suffer this. Kagome could handle her own pain, but how could she protect an innocent child from a monster like Sesshomaru?

A ghost of an expression appeared on his face for a second before disappearing. He remembered her scent being filled with the smell of her heat. For once, he was slightly worried, but then he remembered a specific detail. He didn't tied and knot inside of her. He knew inuyoukais did so with their mate but the Miko hadn't been his mate at the moment. Could it be his beast did not intend to pup her? He simply wanted her marked as his?

"No," he simply answered.

It wasn't as sure as he made it sound, but since most of it probably leaked out and she was a human, he assumed she wasn't pupped. He would still be on the look out in the next couple of weeks, but he did not worry about it. There was absolutely no way.

Kagome felt herself breathing easier at his answer. She did want children one day, but not only was she too young at the moment, but the situation wasn't right. She would love her child even if it was born because of a rape, or Sesshomaru was the father, but she would always wished her child had been born under other circumstances. Although, it wouldn't change her level of love. Her child was her child no matter what.

She found certain sadness in her heart, against her wish. She did want children in the future, but if she could never escape Sesshomaru, how would she ever become a mother? If he did stick to what he said and never touch her again, she wouldn't be pregnant and she would never have a family of her own.

Kagome couldn't help the tears that escaped her red burning eyes. This should be the last thing on her mind after everything, but she couldn't help it. Although, it might be a good thing, in a way. Nobody should have someone like Sesshomaru as a father. It would be a cruel fate.

She had seen the way he treated Inuyasha and if she were pregnant, it would be a hanyou. The poor child would have to suffer its whole life much like Inuyasha. The thought caused Kagome to stare at the bracelet on her wrist. She needed to trick him into removing it and freeing her. Once her power would be back, she'd be able to go home.

For the first time in a long time, her only definition of home was the future. The pain her heart reminded her of Inuyasha and she was afraid to go back to Edo. She understood how he felt betrayed, but he had no right to molest her like he had. She had now discovered that it ran into their bloodline.

Kagome glared at the back of Sesshomaru's head once more. He was cold, unemotional, cruel and he enjoyed causing pain. She thought that once he had been done with her, he would have released her. Surely, he didn't want her as his mate. She knew youkais had lot of laws and code of honor, but she doubted it included humans.

One thing she truly disliked was how he seemed to totally control her. Wherever he wanted her to go, she seemed to follow. The first time, she had been completely exhausted and the second time, there had been some unplanned errors in her plan. She hadn't thought about Sesshomaru locking her powers away.

Now that she could not even cause a distraction, the young Miko wasn't sure how she would ever escape his grasp.

It seemed he didn't care about her, but yet he wouldn't let her go off on her own either, so she would need to use her brain and try to outsmart him. Her attempt to escape to her time would be useless until the bracelet was removed, thus she could not act recklessly again.

Also, if she couldn't go back to the future, then she'd need a safe place in the feudal era. Maybe she would be able to contact Miroku and Sango in some way? For now though, his hold on her was unbreakable. No matter how much she defied him, he still dragged her along.

She would fight every time, because never would he see her give up. Another thing he wouldn't get from her was her body. He had used her once for his sexual pleasures, but she would be abuse again. Her body was hers and she would fight him to the death on it. Granted he would probably win, but she would not go down without a fight. Never would he have the satisfaction of truly owning her.

Plus, how long would it be until he got tired of her? She was nothing but a human female in his eyes and she wouldn't hold his interest for very long. Kagome closed her eyes, her tired eyelids enjoying the rest. If she focused and did her meditation like Kaede had taught her, it would ease the pain right?

Water gathered in her eyes, but she stopped it. Not now. She had shed enough tears for him. She needed to be strong; she would fight.

Maybe Sesshomaru would dump her somewhere and go back to traveling around. She wouldn't mind that. Kagome would be happy as long as she didn't have to see him. Kami, being near him caused her to be nauseous. He was a monster in her eyes and nothing he could say could fix that image.

Kagome's attention was suddenly drawn to the huge castle in front of her, which caught her eyes as she was glancing at Sesshomaru. It was at least three levels from what she could tell. The walls were light yellow and the roofs, in a gable shape, were a very dark grey, contrasting with the exterior walls. On the left side, there was a waterfall, which lead to an adorable pond-lake.

From where she stood, she could see the heat coming from the water and she heard the silent cry of her body.

After all the harshness it went through, her body was dying for a hot bath to ease the wounds. Suddenly, before she could keep wishing for her bath, Kagome was pulled in direction of the castle and she remained speechless. This was the castle of the West? This was where Sesshomaru lived? But more importantly, this was where he was taking her?

It could have seemed like a good idea, or privilege, but she was scared. Not only was she in his lands, but also now, she would be in his house. He had the advantage here, and everything he said was law. She could already picture in her mind a hard of guards, right in front of her door guarding her.

She was able to hear herself screaming while he took her body against her will again and she could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks, while the guards wouldn't bulge. Why would they? Sesshomaru was the one they obeyed. Kagome pinched her lips together, silently begging for a rest. She shook her head softly, chasing those pictures out of her mind.

She felt so little and insignificant, and all she wanted to do was disappear.


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