Blood Stained: Chapter 4: Honor


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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Honor


Blood Stained

Chapter 4: Honor

To say that the situation had spun out of control was not describing it accurately enough.

Last time such event had happened, Sesshomaru had been blessed with amnesia of the events. This time, he hadn't been granted the same gift. The scent of blood was everywhere: on her, on him, on their surroundings. Also, he could smell fear and shame coming from the Miko. For a second there, he was…astonished that she, out of the two of them, felt shame.

He was a Taiyoukai and what had just occurred was clearly beneath him. Not only for the fact that she was a human, but also because of the act itself. It was below him to rape a human woman. He did not need to perform such lowly act to satisfy his desires; there was plenty of willing females youkais begging for him to take them.

Granted it was common for some youkais to fight their bitch and force the act upon them, to show they were stronger and worthy of mating, but the Miko was human. Such customs was not as familiar unless the family had organized and forced a wedding upon their child.

Now that was where the worst part came in; he had mated the Miko. Sesshomaru had no idea what had possessed his beast to do such a disgraceful act. He indeed had Rin as his ward, but never had he wanted to repeat his father's mistake and downfall by taking a human as a mate. That was also something that was clearly below him.

Any pup emerging from this union would be hanyou. His heir could not be hanyou.

That was when he took noticed of her grey puffy eyes locked on his person. The hatred in her eyes was apparent and shared. He held no interest whatsoever for the Miko who traveled with his half brother, though obviously, that could appear false since he had mated her, but it was not his doing. If he had been in control, he would have never been anywhere near her.

He had nothing against her per say, but he had no desire to have her as his mate.

Also, now came the problem of what he would with the Miko. He found himself in a very tight spot at the moment. He couldn't simply toss her away when he had marked her; his honor was something he held high, unlike his father and Inuyasha. On top of that she was now…his,meaning he couldn't have another mate. He could solve the solution by killing her, but again, not only would that bring him annoying problems he didn't want to deal with, but also, it would reflect badly on him.

Another trouble also was that she was the Shikon no Tama Miko. He wasn't sure if she could play a key element in the defeat of Naraku, or the jewel, which meant he couldn't possibly kill her. The only bright side he could see to this currently was that she wasn't an ordinary human. At least she had some sort of powers. He sighed softly, clearly annoyed. She on the other hand had long turned her eyes away from him and had now her face buried in the ground.

Kagome realized that once he had come back to normal she should have ran off and never returned, but she hadn't been able to. To start, there was a killer pain and soreness in her lower body preventing her from getting up and also there was the exhaustion, but it was not physical, -although her body was tired- it was mental.

Her rape had taken a lot out of her little body and simply opening her eyes to glare at him was draining. Frankly, she didn't know what to do with herself. He had used her, defiled her and now he was probably getting ready to throw her away. He could probably go on with his life has if nothing had happened, but she couldn't. She could already feel a scar forming in her heart, one that would never leave.


He would never want her now that she was mated to his brother. She was disgusting and a disgrace. Kagome felt the tears coming to her eyes once more and there was nothing she could do, but let them out. Her heart needed to drown her in tears to perhaps help her feel a bit better.

Kagome couldn't help but feel as if she had betrayed Inuyasha even if none of this had been her doing. He had finally given up on Kikyo and they had a real future together. Maybe if she had told him about what happened in the forest a few weeks ago, she could have avoided this entire mess. This was her fault.

Although she didn't regret not calling out for Inuyasha. If she had, he would have been killed and she would have still been raped. He still could go back to Kikyo and be happy with her with whatever time she had left. Being with the clay Miko who was pure was better than being with her was it not?

And then, she heard her heart crack, before it fell in pieces.

Kikyo and Inuyasha. Together.

After all the efforts, and emotions she had put into loving Inuyasha, she was going to lose him right after winning his heart. It was unfair. This was all Sesshomaru's fault. She despised him; she hated him with every cell in her body. He had taken everything from her, even things she had worked hard for.

It had drained her entire energy and spirit to put up with Inuyasha and Kikyo for all those years...

But because of whatever selfishness he had, he had stolen it away from her. Her light was gone because of him and she couldn't forgive him.

Quickly though, Kagome was ripped away from the desperation of her thoughts. She gasped silently when she saw his bare feet beside her. Immediately she curled up into a fetal position, tears coming to her eyes. It made her appear pathetic, but it was the only way she had to defend herself at the moment, or at least the only one she could think of.

"No," she begged in a whisper. Why was he coming for more? She thought he was back to normal by now. Could it be she had been wrong the whole time?

However there was another possibility: maybe he was there to bring her sweet relief; maybe he was going to get rid of her?

"Miko, get up," he ordered, his voice nothing but kind.

He didn't approve of his own action, thought nothing was wrong with it, but he wasn't going to feel pity for the human. After all, it wasn't an uncommon act, and even she should be aware of such things. Males' roles were to take their females and care after them. It was normal custom.

Nevertheless, he had to admit her reaction was a bit different than what he was used to. Many females weren't as broken after such events. Perhaps some experienced a bit of sadness, but eventually got over it. It was life and they moved on, accepting their new status. Kagome on the other hand seemed ready to break down.

Kagome's whole body started to shake and she couldn't stop herself. "I can't," she said in such a small voice that if he hadn't been a youkai, he wouldn't have heard.

He sighed in annoyance before grabbing her arm and pulling her up. Kagome immediately yanked out of his touch and covered herself with her arms. Her whole body stiffened as soon as he had made contact with her skin.

"Don't touch me," she said backing away from him.

If he wanted to she couldn't stop him, but she refused to ever give in.

Sesshomaru had to admit he had expected such a reaction from her. Considering how pathetically foolish she looked, it as clear her human mind couldn't comprehend what had happened to her.

"Miko, you will cease this behavior this instant."

Kagome's eyes opened wide, not believing his words. He had raped and abused her body and she had to behave? Didn't he understand how much he had crushed her soul? Couldn't he comprehend that he had selfishly ripped away something important to her?

"Wh-what?" she asked, tears threatening to fall down. Right now, she was a train wreck and did not know how to deal with her emotions.

Crying so much was making her feel sick but it was the only way she had to express herself. Her words of anger would be lost on him, but her tears were her own salvation, the one thing that could clearly be seen.

"This Sesshomaru does not like to repeat himself," he said rubbing his forehead slightly.

She was already giving him a headache and it had only been a few minutes, which led him to make one decision. He would not put up with her disrespectful attitude for very long.

"You raped me," she said, choking on her sobs, "and I have to pretend like nothing happened?" Kagome felt as if her body was going to give up, so she leaned on a rock behind her.

Obviously, she didn't understand youkais, and their laws. Apparently, he had been wrong to think she even had knowledge about such event, even though her own people did it.

"This Sesshomaru does not approve of what happened, but you haven't been wronged in any way nor raped. It would have looked bad on this Sesshomaru to take you like this and throw you away like a common whore, but nothing of the such has been done. This Sesshomaru mated -God it killed him to say that- you, reestablishing his honor in taken a… human and by the same occasion, blessing you with a privilege."

If she had understood everything correctly, he thought that since he didn't use her as a whore but mated her, it erased all the pain and suffering he caused her? Although tears were rolling down her cheeks, all that filled her was anger.

What kind of world was this? How could this whole thing not faze him? No matter where, and when, rape was never something that could be dismissed. She refused to believe that even in the Feudal Era it was perfectly fine: it couldn't be. It was a disgusting act that took away someone's life.

"Being stuck with you is a privilege?" Right now all she wanted was to crawl in a corner and cry until there were no tears left in her body. Yet, she couldn't help her fighting spirit; it was keeping her going.

"Onna, do not over estimate yourself. You are but a human and being mated with you is a disgrace. However I cannot simply throw you away without having you tarnish my status."

This was all that mattered to him? He had ravaged her and soiled her and none of it held any kind of importance to him? "I don't want you near me," she said, backing up in the rock even more, feeling the sharp edges dig in her back.

Sesshomaru didn't want to bother himself with the Miko, but he could hardly leave her with his half-brother. He didn't know what had gotten into his beast but it had caused him more than trouble than anything else. He was going to make sure an incident of the sort never happened again. Although, he had already tried to stop another occurrence like that to occur. He had failed.

To think that him, Sesshomaru hadn't been able to control his beast… He was supposed to represent strength and dignity. It could not be known that he had only mated her because of a loss of control.

There was only one thing he could do; he would keep the Miko close by, until his beast had calmed down. Sesshomaru would not allow himself to lose control again and if he needed to drag an annoying human female around for that, he would do it. In addition, how would it look for him to leave his mate with the hanyou?

"Miko, you are coming with me."

Kagome's eyes opened wide. There was no way in hell she was going anywhere with this monster. "I'm not leaving with you," she said, her voice filled with hatred.

He had to be completely out of his mind to think that she would willingly go anywhere with him after the horror he put her through. Kagome couldn't care less if he thought it was normal, because she didn't. Her soul had been ripped and even though it felt as he held a piece, she wouldn't follow him.

Sesshomaru had already known she would prove to be difficult. The blame though, could easily be put on the hanyou. He hadn't been able to be a true alpha to his pack and the woman had gotten out of control. At the moment, he lacked any time and patience to deal with her.

The hard way would work since her tears mattered very little to him.

"Pitiful human. Do you believe the hanyou will desire you now? You have bedded and mated the being he despised the most next to Naraku. It will only take minutes before he runs back to the dead miko, betrayed. You have no more worth to him."

Kagome felt her heart caught in her throat as desperation took hold of her. Inuyasha wouldn't cast her away like that would he? This hadn't been her fault! Sesshomaru was the one who raped her! But… never would they be able to mate.

Every second he would know she belonged to another, against her wish. Inuyasha would never want her! Her heart sank deeply when the realization hit her. All those years of love and feelings were wasted. No, she couldn't give up on Inuyasha like this. He had proven to her that he could make unpredicted decisions, just like the one he had made with Kikyo.

He would love her and protect her from Sesshomaru.

"I'm going back to Inuyasha, " she said, her whole body fearing his reaction. She slowly walked toward her clothes and put them on as quickly as possible.

Deep inside, Kagome needed to believe Inuyasha would choose her.

The whole time Sesshomaru kept his eyes locked on her, but did not utter a word. This Miko was annoying and dared to defy him. He could feel himself losing control, but decided to see how things would play out. He would let her go to the hanyou. There was no Inuyasha would simply take her back.

Also, the look in her eyes would probably be enough to restore his mood. For now, he would let the Miko believe she was free. As she started to walk away she kept looking at him, afraid that he would go after her.

Sesshomaru wouldn't though. It was too bothersome to chase her when she would come back running of her own will once she would encounter the hanyou. Perhaps he did harbor feelings for the Miko, but they wouldn't matter. His blood, his weak alpha side would feel anger once it would realize its chosen female was taken.

Meanwhile, Kagome was moving as fast as she could. It was too strange that he let her walk away on her own like this and she didn't trust it. The pain in her core was so painful, nearly slicing her in two, but she pushed it aside as she focused on leaving the vicinity.

She had to make it to Inuyasha and keep her faith in him high. Even he could see all of this had been out of her control right? Kagome wanted to remain calm and keep her composure, but once she came across a familiar sight, all hell broke loose.

Before she noticed it, she was running in direction of their campsite, screaming for him. A few seconds later, a blur came beside her and Kagome's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Inuyasha. He was there for her; he would comfort her.

Immediately she threw herself in his arms, seeking his warmth. This was where she could feel safe and protected. God she never wanted to leave his arms. Tears were pouring out more than ever as the feeling of protectiveness finally took over. This was what she had been longing for throughout her suffering.

Inuyasha noticed something was off and was prepared to comfort her when suddenly a scent hit him hard. Actually, more then one scent attacked his sensitive nose. Slowly, he pushed Kagome away from him, his chest beginning to feel heavy as if he was short of breath.

He tried to look in her eyes, searching for the truth. There was no way that after everything they went through, she would give herself to his brother. Why was such a feeling of rage stirring up inside of him? Feeling his whole body stiffen, Kagome turned her head, avoiding glancing at him. Was he going to judge her like this? Inuyasha would make his judgment before hearing for her explanation?

When she turned her head to the side, it allowed Inuyasha to see the mating mark on her neck and then it happened. It only took a second for his control to snap, and suddenly something was clawing its way out from within him. Kagome should have been his. Why was someone else? He had hurt her in the past, but that was nothing compared to what she was doing to him right now.

Why him? Why Sesshomaru?

Within, he no longer felt like himself. Never in his life had he been this hurt and damaged. The same out of control feeling that surged within when his demonic side was trying to take over was surrounding him.

"Did you really need it that bad?" he asked, not looking up at her.

The tone in his voice wasn't one she recognized. It reminded her of the one Sesshomaru had used when he ravaged her like a ragged doll and her whole body instantly froze. Inuyasha wouldn't hurt her right?

"What?" she asked, unsure what he was asking her.

He scoffed, before raising his head slowly. His amber eyes were starting to turn red, while a devilish smirk appeared on his face.

"Were you so desperate for a fuck that you open your legs for the first youkai that came along?"

Kagome's whole world came shattering down like a mirror, when Inuyasha spoke those words. This wasn't like him. What had happened to the sweet, hotheaded Inuyasha she was familiar with? Granted he could get angry, but his words were down right hurtful. Did he think she had wanted to spread her legs for Sesshomaru as he so rudely put it?

She could taste her tears in her mouth, as well as a bittersweet feeling. "In-Inuyasha. He r-raped me."

Inuyasha started to walk toward her, as if he hadn't heard a word she said. Kagome smelled like that bastard, she was the possession of that bastard. She wasn't a virgin anymore and she had let him do it to her. As if it wasn't enough, she was his fucking mate.

She betrayed him.

After he gave up on Kikyo for her, that little bitch had betrayed him.

All he could see was a hue of red as his mind refused to let go of the events that occurred between his Kagome and his brother. Hadn't it been enough that Sesshomaru had everything? Did he even have to take Kagome, regardless of his hatred towards human?

Kagome, who wiped a few tears away, could finally see the magenta markings appearing on Inuyasha's cheeks and a panic attack started to manifest itself within her heavy chest. Inuyasha couldn't tell friend from foe when he was in that state, but he had always been able to remember her.

Unfortunately, she had a feeling that this time wouldn't be the same. Quickly enough Inuyasha's clawed hands were on her hips and she prayed to the Kamis once the pain hit her and throbbed through her body. There was no way she would survive two rapes in one day. Her body was already exhausted and falling apart: she did not possess the emotional strength to pull herself through it.

Especially if the one forcing himself upon her was Inuyasha.

Inuyasha meant a lot more to her than Sesshomaru and if he did indeed abuse her, she was conscious that her heart would never recover. Despite her feelings, he violently pushed her against the nearest tree and proceeded to lick her neck, much like Sesshomaru had done to her. Kami no. His rough actions were opening up all the recent wounds Sesshomaru had made on her body.

"Inuyasha, please. You don't want to do this," she said, trying to speak in a soothing voice.

Inuyasha wasn't paying attention since all he wanted was revenge. She had no right to betray him, no right to toy with him. Inuyasha always thought she would be there, waiting for him to be ready. How could she have done this? In his rage, he was about to start his assault on her breast when he was flung against a tree.

Kagome blinked a few times, everything happening to fast for her to comprehend, before seeing Sesshomaru standing in front of her, her yellow bag in his hand.

"Miko, this belongs to you?"

She softly nodded, before dropping to the ground, her whole world shattering to pieces. She was broken from the inside, from the outside. Her soul was pierce and all she was allowed to feel was pure pain. What was she going to do now? Inuyasha had obviously been hurt by what happened, but how could he take it out on her like this? It hadn't been her fault; she had never been a willing participant in her own rape!

Her sobbing increased as her bruised rear reached the cold ground.

Kagome didn't even raise her head as Sesshomaru dropped her bag beside her. Unfortunately, he had to prepare himself for a foolish attack. He sensed the hanyou was coming to charge at him, and he wouldn't let him, not because of the Miko, but because the hanyou was powerless and had no right to challenge his authority.

Sesshomaru hadn't push Inuyasha away because he cared about the little Miko. He simply didn't want the hanyou soiling him by taking his mate. He had no intention of taking her again but he didn't want the hanyou's scent on her. Sesshomaru however had to admit he had almost been surprised by the hanyou actions against the Miko. He hadn't expected him to react like such an alpha since he never had in his entire life.

Meanwhile, an unhurt Inuyasha was seeing his brother as a treat and he was aware that he had to be eliminated. His brain was obviously not working properly, or he would have known that he could not defeat Sesshomaru. He launched at him, but before he could ever be anywhere near him he felt his head get extremely dizzy.

Inuyasha realized his own weakness when he concluded that the dizziness came from an attack. He hadn't even felt the hit from Sesshomaru! The Taiyoukai had decided to save himself a headache, from the Miko, and had voted to not kill the hanyou… for now. He had simply hit the right spot, which had knocked him unconscious immediately.

He turned around a tad and gazed down at the Miko. She was sobbing, still sitting on the ground. He didn't know how much more of this he could take. "Miko we are leaving."

When he obtained no reaction out of her, he decided he was done waiting. She had wasted enough of his time and he wouldn't put up with it anymore. Sesshomaru forcefully grabbed the Miko and threw her over his shoulder, as if she was nothing. Then, he grabbed her yellow bag and dragged it behind him.

If someone saw him in such a position that would be a real disgrace, but it was the only way she would come. Sesshomaru could see in her eyes that threats wouldn't do much since she seemed gone, void from the inside.

Kagome let her body feel every bump they walked without a protest. It was not like she didn't want to fight him, but her body was exhausted and all it was craving was a deep slumber. Kagome wanted nothing more than to forget about everything that occurred that day, wake up and realized it hadn't occurred. Was it really too much to ask? Her heart was clenching with pain and her brain was begging for a break.

She wanted to escape from his hold, but after a few useless struggles, her body betrayed her and gave up completely, having no strength left. Slowly, against her wish, her eyes closed and Sesshomaru felt the Miko's breathing become even which warned him that she was finally asleep.

At least he wouldn't have to deal with her for a little while which would soothe his throbbing headache. Truth was, his own rage towards himself made it difficult to care about her. He had promised himself he wouldn't let his beast get control over him anymore and it had been an utter failure.

However he could not ignore that this time it had been a much harder battle to fight than the previous one. In the past two weeks he had felt his beast urges, and he had been able to control them, but tonight…

Out of the blue, his beast had forced its way into control, as if something had been calling out to it. Sesshomaru never stood a chance against it. It bothered the Lord that a human like her brought such feelings within his beast. Even though he never had any intention to mate any time soon, this would have bothered him less if the Miko had been a youkai.

It would be less shameful.

Sesshomaru had never been attracted to the useless fucks. He was powerful and he didn't grace many females with his attentions. In addition, never had he engaged in this sort of activity with a human. Maybe that part was getting to him more than anything else. He was seeing himself walking in his father's footstep and he did not appreciate it one bit.

In spite of that, such useless thoughts were not his priority. Sesshomaru needed to figure out what to do with the Miko quickly. The first part he needed to take care of were her powers, which while she was not quite powerful, her little flares and arrows could prove to an annoyance. Since she would be traveling with him, he would take the necessary precautions to prevent any incident from transpiring.

Barely a moment went by before they quickly reached his camp. His speed had greatly reduced the amount of time they had to travel in that uncomfortable position. Once they arrived, Sesshomaru noticed that Rin was already fast asleep against a tree trunk, while Jaken was dozing off in front of the fire.

Nevertheless it seemed that Sesshomaru's presence was enough to twitch Jaken out of his sleep. The toad rushed to his feet and run in front of his Lord. Immediately he bowed, showing his respect.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" he screamed, oblivious to the young Miko on his Lord's shoulders.

Sesshomaru ignored Jaken as he slowly put Kagome down on the ground. He would have carelessly dropped her, but he did not wish for her to be awakened just yet. Jaken's eyes grew wide when he recognized her as the wench who traveled with the hanyou. Why would his Lord bring such a filthy creature back with him?

"Jaken, you will watch over her until this Sesshomaru returns." And without another word, he was gone.

It was easy to predict that she was extremely exhausted and would be asleep for a few hours. That gave him the required time to fly around the vicinity to seek a dark Miko. Sesshomaru was fairly certain that only they could find a spell to conceal Kagome's powers.

The green toad stood there his mouth slightly hanging as he wondered what had arisen within his Lord. Hopefully, he had not gone insane! Jaken was about to reassure himself when suddenly his yellow eyes traveled upon the sleeping Miko. It had been impossible for him to not notice it. The filthy human was bearing his Lord's mark!

Quickly his breathing quickened and his palms began to sweat. He was sure there was a very good explanation behind all of this, but currently none came to mind. Except that his Lord had lost his mind.

All he aware of was that trouble laid ahead.


He hated himself.

Inuyasha was sitting on the wet grass, his head resting against a tree trunk. His eyes were closed as he cursed himself over and over again. He hadn't meant to lose control like that and attack Kagome in such a manner, but his instincts had gotten the best out of him. His beast considered Kagome their mate and such a betrayal sent him in a frantic rage.

Her words were replaying in his mind and he punched the ground beside him for lack of better option. The bastard had raped her and she had sought comfort in Inuyasha, which he had denied her. Instead of being there for her, he simply tried to do what Sesshomaru had done.

He ran his clawed hands through his long tangled hair, his rage increasing. This time though, his anger was directed toward the right person: Sesshomaru.

Nonetheless there were still a few questions on his mind. The first question being why his brother had done such a horrible act? He had never seen him be interested in any females before, let alone a human. Why Kagome?

Perhaps Sesshomaru was trying to get back at him for Tetsusaiga? However even such thing sounded far-fetched. Hadn't his brother given up on the sword a long time ago? Why would he do this, after so much time had passed? Sesshomaru wasn't one for such petty actions.

One thing was for sure; he knew he had to get Kagome back at any cost. It didn't matter to him that she belonged to his brother. Sesshomaru would never love her like she deserved. Sure Inuyasha had made a mistake, but Kagome would forgive him and then things would go back to normal.

They had to.

She had always forgiven him; this time would be no different.

Inuyasha rose from the ground, determined. He would give Kagome some time to calm down and then he would go after Sesshomaru. He realized it wasn't wise to chase after her now, especially since her emotional state was so fragile. She had appeared broken and exhausted and part of it was his fault.

Some time with Sesshomaru would remind her that he was the good guy, not the bad one. After that, she too would want to come back to him and they could be together like they had planned. Then, he would find a way to make her his instead of Sesshomaru.

Kagome would one day by his mate and he wouldn't let that monster get in his way!

One silent tear rolled down his cheek as he headed for their campsite. He had no idea what he would tell the others, but he might leave some details out, or they would skin him alive.


It appeared that everyone was worthless.

Sesshomaru wasn't a patient youkai and this Miko he had found was testing his patience. Being so powerful had its advantages since he had located what he sought very quickly. Not far from where his pack was resting was a dark Miko by the name of Masuyo, and apparently, she could do what he needed.

He had vaguely heard of her before; just enough to know she could do the job without fail. Of course, she had started to annoy him when she began asking questions that he couldn't care less about. Fortunately for her, she quickly caught on and retreated inside her home, leaving him by himself.

Sesshomaru wasn't much for company.

Unfortunately for Masuyo, his patience was currently wearing thin because she was taking a lot longer than expected. He wished to have it on the Miko before she woke up, or else, it might be difficult to force it upon her. The object would conceal her powers and just like the beads his half-brother wore, only the one who put it could remove it thus in this case, him.

For the moment he did not intend on taking it off since he had witnessed her little outbursts. He was conscious that once she got angry, her temper would get the best out of her and nothing else would matter. Obviously, she couldn't kill him, but he didn't want to be annoyed by her, or injured.

Moreover, since she would sleep around him he didn't wish for her to try sneaking up on him and pull an attack. No, the safest way to do things was to restrict her powers. Even though she wouldn't very enthusiastic about that either, there was nothing she would be able to do. However he had to admit, her screams were quite irritating too, making him wish he had something to either plug her mouth, or his ears.

Sesshomaru was brought out of his deep thoughts when he heard a door open. Masuyo stood in the doorway, her black hair playing with the wind.

"Sesshomaru-sama, it is ready," she announced before safely walking in his direction.

He was a powerful youkai not to be messed with and she could already sense by his aura that she had tested his patience. When she reached his current location, she bowed down on one knee and held up a tiny metal object. The light of the moon was hitting the metal of the bracelet, making it shine through the night.

Sesshomaru picked up the small object, observed it for a few seconds before closing his hand on it. "Is everything set up?"

The dark Miko nodded. "All you need to do milord is to put it around the Miko's wrist and it will work as you desire it."


Without a thank you, Sesshomaru turned his back to the woman, ready to return to his pack. That would at least solve one of his problems. As the thoughts of the previous events went through his mind, he glanced down at his body and a shiver almost went through him.

He would need a bath to remove her horrible scent of his person. It was still hard for him to believe he had engage in such interaction with a human. Something was deeply wrong with his beast, there was no other explanation. The only thing Sesshomaru was certain of was that such a disgusting act wouldn't happen again and he would do everything in his power to stop his beast.

It was true that Sesshomaru had said such a thing about his beast taking control before, but this time, he would hold to his words more than ever. He never thought in the past that his beast could go so far. Also, he didn't think his beast would come out again, at least not so quickly. After all, he had already mated the Miko, what was left?

Quickly enough, Jaken appeared in his line of sight. The toad seemed clearly uncomfortable in presence of the Miko. Unfortunately for Jaken, he had already annoyed Sesshomaru and he wasn't near him. Sesshomaru didn't need Jaken reminding him of the mistake in his life.

Immediately Jaken felt his Lord's presence and turned his head to face him. Maybe he would give him some answers as of why there were now two humans traveling with them! Rin he could somewhat stand, but the Miko?

"Milord," started Jaken, but was quickly shut up by Sesshomaru's foot on his head.

A small bump began to form on his head and at that instant, he decided it was better to remain quiet for the moment. Maybe the Miko would explain things herself in the next morning? He couldn't help the small aggravation he felt, but by respect for his Lord, he hid it.

Sesshomaru bent down beside Kagome before opening his palm, revealing the bracelet. He delicately lifted her arm and slid in the bracelet, taking his time. The whole time Kagome remained completely unconscious, unaware of what was taking place.

Once the bracelet was in place, her whole body began to glow green and her aura was around her like a dark pink fume. After a few seconds, everything disappeared and the bracelet tinged before everything returned to normal.

If this didn't work Masuyo would lose her life, since Sesshomaru didn't tolerate failure. Sesshomaru stood up and walked away to be a little further from his pack. Unlike the hanyou, he wouldn't tolerate the Miko's tantrums and she would learn that very quickly. He did not care for her as his half-brother did and her pain meant nothing to him.

Suddenly, as he attempted to clear his mind from the previous events, a draft hit his sensitive nose; the Miko was in heat. A million thoughts ran through his mind until he finally settled on one; was that the reason behind his beast attacking her?

It would explain a lot, since if his beast had some sort of attraction for her, her heat could make him act drastically. This could prove to be extremely bothersome, especially if it happened too often. If he recalled correctly, human female went in heat once a month. If this truly attracted his beast, there was two ways to prevent this to happen again.

Have the Miko get pregnant, or prepare himself for a fight with his beast the day before her heat each month.

While neither option sounded appealing, he chose the latter.


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