trial of endurance: hunting

Posted Sep 13, 2020, 10:05:34 PM UTC
Your Aqrion has become fairly good at swimming.  Now it's time to head out of the nest.  Now they are eager to play and race each other.  Several young aqrion will get together with a guide dragon, similar to a school session.  Often hunting inanimate objects, each other or smaller easy to catch prey.
- Draw your young Aqrion learning how to hunt small objects, small prey or even other young aqrion. -

"even other young aqrion." you got it buddy. So Nick, oh boy Nick, he's quiet the the character. He really wants to go hunting for fish, but since he can't he might as well practice. Unfortunately, he and gets way to into itjust doesn't understand that he can actually hurt others. 

I tried, I really tried but it's still pretty bad . I think I might need to take a break, but I already did that so I'm going to see what else I can do.

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