Why he should never ---be

Posted May 11, 2005, 4:51:45 AM UTC

I was just in the mood for it 's all, XD! I wanted to be Vejiita's #1 most offensive fan-girl picture person so I made this, also it is very much a fact that my new character Maize is his child ^^~! He was so M-preg but i definately wouldn't make a serious story about it, so here's a little spoof joke dedicated to the wicked things I do to Vejiita in my role play. P.S. Please don't kill me all you fans >.< I was very hesitant to post this even though it was a joke, I didn't want anyone to think I was overly-weird x.X But my girlfriend pushed me too it and I showed it to a few of my friends and they weren't weirded out at all so I figured why not? I posted a colored experimental version of it in the scraps so you can view away on that too, but I really screwed up, the markers are just not my friends lately xD Gallery markers = blah.


<a href="http://www.deviantart.com/view/18156946/">Experimental colored</a></code>

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