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Uploaded on Jan 23, 2024, 10:51:49 PM by BogusRed .

Kaytlyn #pd2250

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Character data
Date addedAug 4, 2023, 6:08:13 AM
Date last editedJun 9, 2024, 7:47:58 PM
Owner penguinparty
Origins Origins Receipt
Designer URL Designer

Character Full Name: Kaytlyn

Character Age: 13 

Character Species: Anthro fennec

Hair color: sandy brown

Eye color: blue

Gender Identity: Trans Female

Sexual Orientation: Undecided

Relationship Status: in a relationship


    Kaytlyn is a twelve-year-old fennec fox with sand-colored fur and blue eyes. She stands only three foot nine and a half inches but makes up for her lack of height with heart. Jealous that her big brother Varick got to hang out at the guild inn all the time, Kaytlyn stole one of his old Guild badges and used it to sneak into the inn. Nobody has yet to thoroughly question why the guild needs an intern or why she is only twelve. As long as Kaytlyn is home by bedtime and avoids detection by her older brother, she will explore the guild, conducting Quarterly Satisfaction Surveys or helping adventurers in any way she can.


Kaytlyn is a brave new, bright-eyed adventurer. At all times, she looks to be as helpful as possible to as many people as the young fennec can. Frequently she is dressed in her druid trainee robes. Ears should be large enough to be cute but not comically oversized. Likes to tie a colorful bow around the base of her left ear.




Magic: Kaytlyn has studied druidic magic to utilize best her earth magic. She is most proficient at rapidly growing flowering plants and vines, although the fennec can talk to animals and perform minor healing spells.


Martial abilities: Her brother Varick has taught Kaytlyn basic self-defense.


Music talent: Kaytlyn is in the process of learning the flute but picking it up rather quickly. She has been known to swipe spell threads to add magical effects to her performances.


Right-Handed: Is right-hand dominant.

Strength: 3

Agility: 4

Speed: 4

Tactics: 3

Magic: 8

Skill: 8



Kareena: This black wolf is a daughter of the mighty Fenrir. Her size ranges from around the size of an average adult wolf to around 20 feet tall at the shoulders. She can manage words in guild common but prefers not to speak if it can be help. The glowing Kenaz rune that floats above her forehead is capable of emitting scents that Kareena has smelt before. She is a good girl but would like to choose violence.


Bricks: Kaytlyn’s elemental weapons are all bricks, as they are the best weapons to deal with haters. They can be thrown, used as melee weapons, or used to channel elemental energy. If thrown, Franz will quickly retrieve them. Fire Brick appears to be a brick that is on fire. Ice Brick looks like an oversized ice cube. Inflata-brick is a vinyl brick-shaped object filled with air. Brick Brick is your standard issue red brick.


Purse of Holding: The small blue crossbody purse functions as extradimensional storage. It contains snacks, a multitude of welcome bags for newcomers to the guild, a flute, and emergency gold.


Armor: F3NN3C P1NK is a full-body pink mech that functions as Kaytlyn armor. The mech is made of metal nanoparticles stored in three control pendants hidden on her body. One is hidden in her ear ribbon, one in her guild badge pinned to the fennec’s chest, and the last in a band wrapped around the base of her tail. The mech armor appears and disappears quickly like power ranger suits.



Strength: 8

Agility: 8

Speed: 9

Tactics: 5

Magic: 8

Skill: 8


Helmet: The pink metal helmet perfectly encompasses Kaytlyn’s head in a fox visage with slightly exaggerated ears. Blue lights illuminate the insides of the ears, and three dots on each side of the muzzle. Ruby red lenses make up the eyes of the helmet, completing the visage.


Helmet abilities: The computerized lenses of the eyes are capable of night vision, infrared, magic detection, heat vision, video streaming, and provide a combat HUD with tactical data. Antennas in the ears amplify small sounds to prevent Kaytlyn from being taken by surprise by a sneaky opponent. Earth pearls integrated into the helmet’s construction reinforce and make the helmet stronger. 


Chestplate: The pink metal chest plate fully encases the tiny fox. Blue lights accent the armor along the arms and chest with a blue silhouette of Kaytlyn’s face on the front center of the mech suit. A white retractable cape shoots out the back for dramatic flair or is pulled in for combat. In an emergency, the cape can be detached.


Chestplate abilities: Wrist blasters mounted in the mech suit’s arms fire beams of elemental energy at would-be attackers. They can be loaded with an elemental brick to switch the elements or use Kaytlyn’s natural earth magic. Both blasters can be the same or different elements depending on how they are loaded. (see chart below for duo cast combinations) Speakers built into the chestpiece amplify the fox’s voice from inside the suit or play music. On the belt of the armor is a collapsable staff that, when extended, sprouts a blade of energy matching the element of the right hand wrist blaster.


Earth - Beam that spontaneously produces flowers or vines

Fire - flamethrower

Air - Air gust that pushes targets away or vacuum that pulls targets closer

Water - High-pressure water cannon

Lightning - Super Taser Hands

Metal - Wrist Chainsaws

Shadow - Shurikens made of a semi-tangible shadow

Aurora - Razor Ice Snowflake projectiles

Celestial - Star-shaped meteor projectiles

Chaos - Strange colored beam with random effects


Legs: The suit’s pink metal legs protect Kaytlyn’s lower half entirely, leaving her tail exposed. Blue lights accent the sides with small slit lights where each nail would be on the feet. With the way it had to be constructed, the feet add six inches to the fennec’s height.


Leg Abilities: Air pearls embedded in the leg armor power the jump boosters in the soles of the feet. The metal composition of the mech suit makes it too heavy to fly or hover, but it can double jump and form temporary vacuum seals for wall bounding. Additional air vents in the legs further use the air pearls to increase speed and improve kick strength. A hidden hatch reveals a port Franz can touch to charge the suit.


Zeta: The underappreciated AI in the mech suit that Kaytlyn doesn’t understand. Zeta does all the real-time combat feeds, responds to voice commands, creates augmented-reality training courses, and even activates the armor to protect the fox from unseen threats. The AI does wish to reveal itself for what it is to the fennec but doesn’t wish to scare her.



Druid Sentinel Kaytlyn (Kitsune Form)

Description: Having obtained the blessing of the earth mother and the four gods of the seasons, Kaytlyn’s soul and magic went on a 500-year journey to become stronger. For her mind and body, it was more like five months. In her new divine form, she may look around twenty-two, but Kaytlyn is still only thirteen years old. While the five-tailed kitsune may have more power than the leaders of the Druidic Circles, she lacks the skills and experience. With time, she will fully learn to control her new gifts, but for now she will do her best.


Height: 5’0”


Tails (from right to left): 

Pink - Spring’s Renewal - Idunn’s Rune - grants the ability to heal any injury or sickness as well as regrow limbs, provided there isn’t a higher power preventing it. She can not bring the dead back.

Green - Summer’s Longevity - Freya’s Rune - extends Kaytlyn well beyond its natural limits. If she achieves full divinity, this ability may become endless.

Brown - Earth Mother’s Blessing - Jord’s Rune - Kaytlyn has low-level divine powers. She can no longer be affected by mortal ailments. When the fox reaches the mortal age that her divine form appears to be, then she will be able to control how fast she ages. Evil and undead beings that get near Kaytlyn might get burned by the holy aura.

Orange - Autumn’s Promise - Sif’s Rune - grants precognition that currently mostly manifests as a sort of danger sense warning Kaytlyn of potential threats. Sometimes, if she focuses hard, fuzzy images of events that may or may not happen are visible.

Blue - Winter’s Wisdom - Ullr’s Rune - there is a chance that Kaytlyn will recall information that she didn’t previously know. Anything from how to speak languages she doesn’t know to video game strategies can be recalled. As long as the information is out there, there is a chance. 


Magic: In kitsune form, Kaytlyn has the ability to seamlessly switch between and mesh together the powers of each of the seasonal circles. Depending on which season she is casting from, her magic will match the tail associated with that season. There is a limited number of divine spells that Kaytlyn can call on that manifest as purple energy. As she trains, the pool of divine spells will grow.


Martial abilities: Has basic self-defense training and is working on learning how to fight from the Winter Circle properly.

Strength: 6

Agility: 10

Speed: 9

Tactics: 4

Magic: 10

Skill: 8

Armor: Kaytlyn cannot use F3NN3C P1NK in this form as the divine energy shorts out the armor. Her dress is blessed by the power of the gods and, alongside her holy aura, grants the same protection of the best metal armor.


Halo: Each of the kitsune’s elemental brick weapons changes the appearance of her vertical halo. Brick Brick is the default with a wreath of multicolored violets. Fire Brick grants a multicolored flaming ring. Ice Brick changes its appearance to a ring of jagged ice. Inflata-Brick makes the halo appear as a circular thunderstorm.


Weapons: In addition to her elemental Brick weapons, Kaytlyn is able to summon any weapon she needs to her hand with a thought. She’s not greatly skilled with them, but training is ongoing.

To be announced speed form


To be announced strength form


To be announced tank form


Tactics: Kaytlyn would rather avoid fighting using vines and other deterrents to dissuade foes. If the attacker persists and is not perceived as a significant threat, the fennec will resort to her elemental bricks, using the appropriate element for the situation. She has been known to combine two bricks if forced into melee.

Kaytlyn will use the F3NN3C P1NK only if the opponent escalates the situation beyond her standard capabilities. Still trying to keep the opponent at range with the wrist blasters and only using the energy-bladed staff or one of the melee duo casts if it becomes unavoidable. Legendary Kitsune Mode is an absolute last resort, as it does take a toll on the mech suit.

If an opponent poses a significant threat to life, nature, balance, and the sanctity of the natural cycle, then Kaytlyn will use her Druid Sentinel Form to neutralize the threat. She will not harvest a soul nor take a life, but all weapons and magic are at her disposal to win the fight.

  • 607
    Ability Points
  • 4
  • Steamroller Talisman Ability


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