PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1304 Members

ALPHA TEST - ARPG Battle: Swamp Beast

  1. Posted on Jul 30, 2020, 10:38:50 PM UTC
    ID: 29631 | #1
    Level 6 MOD

    PD ARPG Test Battle 1.0


    Welcome to the fray!

    Participants, please remember to follow this thread for notifications!


    This is a closed, basic level alpha test of PaperDemon’s upcoming ARPG Battle system! If you’re interested in participating in ARPG alpha tests or have questions, please send a private message to Shyftlock Shyftlock . Please do not comment on this thread unless you were personally invited to the alpha test.



    Over the next months, we will be implementing a battle system for you to use to pit your characters against a wild variety of denizens of the Paperverse. Here we will be testing attack power and player engagement. We want to make this mechanic as fun and interesting as possible,so feel free to hit us with comments and suggestions.


    To thank you for your time in helping us test this battle, you will receive a gold reward that you will be able to use later to purchase equipment for your character.

    Your Fighter…

    For this test challenge, you will be using the character you submitted for the Character Creation Challenge. You will need to choose an element for your character to fight with.







    Choosing an element for this battle does not lock you into that element, but you can only use one element for this battle so pick wisely. You can make this choice official later if you wish by participating in the Latent Element Challenge.


    How To Fight…

    You have two types of attack that you can choose from and two potential boosts. Be sure to test out different combinations for different outcomes!


    -Attack- Solo Element Attack: In a solo attack, your character will use their element to attack the miniboss.


    -Attack- Duocast: To duocast, you will need to agree to team up with another player with a character of a different element and attack together. This might have an interesting effect on your elemental powers. Only one of the Duocasting players needs to submit the form, but it counts for both players’ attacks that day.


    Duocasts available for this fight…

    Water + Earth = ???

    Fire + Sky = ???


    -Boost- Art Bonus: To gain a significant bonus to your attack power, you may add a simple black and white sketch of your character fighting the miniboss (feel free to get creative with what the miniboss looks like, the avatar below is just a suggestion). Upload it to your gallery here on PaperDemon and use the thumb code to make it show up in your forum post. Each piece of art can only be used as a bonus once. You can make a new piece to add a bonus to any attack. To add an art bonus to a duocast, both characters fighting must feature in the art but only one piece needs to be submitted. It doesn’t need to be perfect, have some fun with it!


    -Boost- Weakness: The miniboss is weak to certain types of attack. Be sure to try different things to discover what elements cause more damage!


    All elements also have a Healing Support Ability, which you can use on yourself or a comrade if your health is getting too low. You may also add an art bonus to healing requests by drawing a simple black and white sketch of your character patching up themselves or another character.

    The Enemy…


    0 / 1,000

    The surface of the murky water shivers as you stare through the trees towards the swamp. Before you can decide what to do, a ragged beast with a slime slicked coat bursts out towards you. The thick trees and mud prevent you from escaping-- your only choice is to attack!


    Element: Earth


    Weaknesses: Sky, Shadow, Lightning


    Your Allies…

    Here is a list of players, their characters, their elements, and their HP. You can use this to help you pick who to Duocast with and see who might need Healing Support!


    Alexandria Alexandria - Art thumbnail - Earth - 85/100 HP 

    ReneeScarted ReneeScarted - Art thumbnail - Fire - 85/100 HP 

    SchwarzerAlptraum SchwarzerAlptraum - Art thumbnail - Water - 90/100 HP 

    Salindrai Salindrai - Art thumbnail - Earth - 85/100 HP 

    TeitoEmperial TeitoEmperial - Art thumbnail - Water - 85/100 HP 

    EylianaStudio EylianaStudio - Art thumbnail - Earth - 100/100 HP 

    AidenHighope AidenHighope - Art thumbnail - Fire - 100/100 HP 

    Kassuna Kassuna  - Art thumbnail - Sky - 70/100

    SmirkCatsTales SmirkCatsTales - Art thumbnail - Sky - 60/100 HP 

    Ready, Set, Fight!

    Make sure that you are following this topic so that you are notified as the battle progresses. You may make one attack per 24 hours.


    Delete the notes in parenthesis and fill out the following form and reply to this thread to make an attack…


    Character: (link the ARPG character you made for the Character Creation Challenge.)


    Attack: (Element attack or Healing Support? If healing, note who the healing is meant for-- your character or another player’s character.)


    Element: (Fire, Sky, Earth, Water. Choose only one for this test battle.)


    Duocast?: (yes/no. If yes, note which character you are pairing up with. Make sure that you get permission from that character’s owner first! Only one of the Duocasting players needs to submit the form, but it counts for both players’ attacks that day. You can only duocast if you are making an Element Attack.)

    Art Bonus: (if applicable. Use thumb code to make your art show in the forum post.)

    Last edited by Shyftlock on Aug 22, 2020, 4:04:30 PM UTC. 21 total edits.

  2. Posted on Jul 31, 2020, 12:39:18 AM UTC
    ID: 29633 | #3
    Level 6 MOD

    On Jul 30, 2020, Salindrai said:

    Character: art thumb

    Attack: Elemental Attack

    Element: Earth

    Duocast?: No

    Art Bonus: n/a (might draw it later but just testing 🥰)


    Arianrhod lashes out with an elemental burst of packed mud, hitting the Slime Beast for 10 damage!

    With an impressive show of acrobatics, Arianrhod jumps over the Slime Beast’s head to avoid a snap of its teeth!

  3. Posted on Aug 1, 2020, 12:15:22 AM UTC
    ID: 29643 | #8
    Level 6 MOD

    On Jul 31, 2020, Kassumi-7921 said:

    Character: art thumb

    Attack: Elemental Attack

    Element: Sky

    Duocast?: No

    Art Bonus: No

    Elemental bonus!

    Kassumi charges up a powerful blast of cutting wind and casts it with breathtaking precision, hitting the Slime Beast for 20 damage!

    Kassumi grabs a low-hanging vine and swings out of the Slime Beast’s reach!


    Last edited by Shyftlock on Aug 4, 2020, 3:28:19 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

  4. Posted on Aug 1, 2020, 12:18:25 AM UTC
    ID: 29644 | #9
    Level 6 MOD

    On Jul 31, 2020, SchwarzerAlptraum said:

    Character: art thumb

    Attack: Elemental Attack

    Element: Water

    Duocast?: No

    Art Bonus: No

    Aras lashes out with a burst of ice, hitting the Slime Beast for 10 damage!

    The mud beneath Aras’s feet thickens, dragging them down with a sharp tug as the Slime Beast summons its own elemental power. Aras takes 10 damage.

  5. Posted on Aug 1, 2020, 12:20:32 AM UTC
    ID: 29645 | #10
    Level 6 MOD

    On Jul 31, 2020, ReneeScarted said:

    Character: Theron

    Attack: Element attack

    Element: Fire

    Duocast?: no

    Art Bonus: no

    Theron strikes true, hitting the Slime Beast with a scathing swipe of flame for 10 damage!

    Theron dodges out of the way, evading the Slime Beast’s clumsy attack!

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