PaperDemon Art RPG

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Interactive Event: Saving the Crystal Heart

  1. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 2:08:56 AM UTC
    ID: 44074 | #41
    Level 1

    On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 23:48:11 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44073:

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 03:16:59 GMT, Daffu said in post id 44064:

    On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 15:09:24 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44045:

    On Tue, 11 Jul 2023 23:53:52 GMT, Daffu said in post id 44016:

    Abaddon is startled when the infected gallop into sight, the feathers of his wings fluffing up in disagreement with the situation. He turns to face off against the infected, and is inmediately stuck in what he can only guess is a nightmare!

    An Umbrum had noticed the pegasus' approach and locked eyes with him, the glow menacing and eerie as it approached.

    (To take another action, simply start your action with a link to an art or writing piece exploring what Abbadon saw in his fear illusion.)

    Darkness Take You

    After a struggle, Abbadon breaks free from the nightmare, wings spreading, pupils on the eyes there pinpricking to focus on a nearby Umbrum. Rather than fight them one on one, he flies into the air, and using the mental calmness he has gained, beats his wings and zooms around, attempting to keep the Umbrum's attention on him. He may not be strong... but if the Warped are distracted, then perhaps those strong can do something to take them down!

    He opens his mouth and lets out a loud neigh, hoping that and his zooming around will be a worthwhile distraction.

    He also rolls a 1, and breaks free from all illusions. For now.

    Roll a CHA Stat Check to see if his antics can draw enough attention! 1-3 They all ignore him, 4-7 one is distracted until hit, 8+ two are distracted until hit. It seems he doesn't quite have the skill to get ALL of their attention...

    Abbadon rolls a 7!

    He notices at least one of the Umbrum have its on him and he grins to himself, happy to have managed offer a good opening for anyone on the ground. He hopes his dashing about has managed to catch the attention of someone other than the Umbrum so it can be taken advantage of. For the time being though, he decides to try and swoop down to one of the Umbrum not watching him and attempt to smack him with a hoof on his way away. Hopefully that'll get their attention!

    He also rolls a 10 and avoids getting stuck in nightmares again.

  2. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 5:09:24 AM UTC
    ID: 44076 | #42
    Level 2

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 04:09:43 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44066:

    On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 16:08:39 GMT, Neonsparks said in post id 44056:

    On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 21:17:17 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44047:

    On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 05:45:19 GMT, Neonsparks said in post id 44040:

    On Mon, 10 Jul 2023 05:46:34 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 43972:

    On Sat, 08 Jul 2023 22:10:28 GMT, Neonsparks said in post id 43947:

    boho bloom had been in the heart area trying to cheer up spirits by being creative and decorating the palace. the last thing she expected to run into was a bunch of possessed skeleton creatures. stunned at first she did little to stop them from charging past. however, upon realizing where they were headed she ran after them, hoping she wasn't too late to help the others. As she ran into the fray she aimed to attack with her horns, lowering her head to run into one of the infected. 

    WIS rolled a 9 and has dodged the illusions

    Roll a DEX Stat Check to see if her charge hits, 1-5 being a miss, 6+ hitting the warped infected! If the hit lands, roll a STR Stat Check to see damage done, your roll x 10=damage.

    DEX rolled an 8, and hit lands!
    STR rolled a 13, x10 = 130 damage dealt


    The charge unbalances the Umbrum, shoving it away, and it stands up hissing, turning its full attention on Boho. It has noticed the fact his brethren are having a hard time; it has seen at least one take a significant hit, and after turning a particularly spiteful glare at Boho, it raises its head into the air and bellows loudly.

    The sound carries through the air, ringing with potency. It's calling for help.

    Roll WIS to check for nightmares and figure out what you're going to do next!

    Boho rolled an 8!

    she's startled by the sudden screaming, taking a step back before gathering her courage to buck at the screaming umbrum. perhaps if she could knock the wind out of it..?

    The Umbrum is indeed quite distracted, and while it will be easy to hit... the damage is done. The bellow has been acknowledged and heard at this point.
    Roll STR to see the outcome of the attack!
    1-7 you hit it, but it's not enough to stop its bellow; the Umbrum staggers back a bit! x1 damage
    8-12 you land a solid hit! It stops bellowing and coughs, x10 damage!
    13-14 Not only do you land a solid hit, but the Umbrum falls to the ground coughing! x10 damage

    Remember your WIS save for nightmares due to contact with the Umbrum!

    WIS rolled a 2 - sill safe from nightmares
    STR rolled a 9! that's x10 damage for the hit!

    Boho backs off from the coughing umbrum to double-check her surroundings. The others appeared to be holding them off, but were more umbrum coming? She didn't need the answer, she could already hear more of them coming. Too many for a group of random civilians and infected volunteers to manage. She looked to the heart itself and thought, if there's any way to fix this mess it had to be the heart that could do it. after all, it was the most powerful artifact left intact in equestrian right? That's what stories had always said. 
    she turned her attention away from the umbrum and made a run for the heart herself. Hoping perhaps she could tap into the magic inside of it to repel the invasion. Even for just a little while. 

  3. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 1:50:48 PM UTC
    ID: 44082 | #43
    Level 25

     Gold Standard was really really sure he shouldn't be in the middle of all this. He wasn't a knight, a caster... he wasn't really anythng this side of band management... but he'd maybe been spending just a little too much time around Brave, and had put just enough distance between himself and the terrifying struggle with the Bug Bear to be feeling unwisely unable to stuff himself into a small space and hide. 

     Besides he was sort of... large... for most good hiding spaces. And he'd heard the chaos. And the call.  

    It really was chaos when he burst onto the scene, breaking through a crowd of ponies heading the opposite way, and it took moments he wasn't sure they had to try and scan the scene and see where he could do anything. His eyes landed on Abbadon, picked out what he was trying to do, and charged that direction, determined to damn well sit on at least one of the Corrupt if he had to, at least until someone competent could help out.

  4. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 1:53:33 PM UTC
    ID: 44083 | #44
    Level 3

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 07:17:17 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44067:

    On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 16:11:25 GMT, Velnyx said in post id 44057:

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:13:30 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44046:


    The Umbrum snarls, but the sound is cut short when the changeling rams into it with all his strength; it is clear from the expression on the creature, that it was not expecting such force to be used against it. It had not braced for impact, and it staggers away, rebalancing quite soon. It took a lot of damage, but it was not out of commission yet. It turns and focuses glowing eues on Rime, attempting to ensare him in nightmares.

    There can be no distractions; the heart must fall.

    Roll WIS to check for nightmares, and then decide your next move! You have this Umbrum's attention for sure.

    Rime rolls a WIS against the Umbrum's ability and rolls a 1 - he is not snared in a nightmare!

    The attempt causes Rime to stamp a hoof, the sharp crack of crystal on crystal was followed by the shrill screech of grinding glass as he tensed. Their home would NOT fall. After a moment, the changeling burst forth - the rapid droning of his frayed wings behind him as he rushed in for another hit-

    Even though the Umbrum does not manage to ensnare Rime, it does not look at all deterred for some reason. It advances menacingly, mouth open wide, as if screaming silently, albeit no sound comes through.

    It notices the changeling charging and narrows its eyes as it figures out what to do.

    Dex roll 1-5, you miss the Umbrum as it sidesteps you! 6-10 you hit the Umbrum, but it was bracing against you! It takes x1 damage. 11-14 You hit if with all your strength, and it takes full damage heads on (x10 damage)

    Remember to roll nightmare again, having come in full contact with the Umbrum!

    Rime rolls a 1 - the Umbrum sidesteps him easily, causing him to hiss and scrape his hooves on the floor to slow himself to turn back around for another go!

    He rolls a wisdom - having come into close quarters with the creature again.. And rolls a 6 - he isn't snared in a nightmare.

  5. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 3:57:25 PM UTC
    ID: 44087 | #45
    Level 7

    On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 22:27:06 GMT, Bakinaage said in post id 44069:

    On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 05:47:02 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44014:


    The fear is palpable, and poor Mixtus is so stressed he will need to roll a WIS to see if he trips over his own feet! 4 or higher to pass, if he doesn't, he trips, and though he doesn't take any damage, it'll set him back on his goal to catch the others!

    Mixtus rolled a 4! As he scrambled fearfully to what he hoped was safety, he misstepped slightly and kicked his own hoof. He recovered, thankfully, and managed to keep running uninterrupted. It was clear by now that everyone was headed toward the location of the Crystal Heart, and this realization slowed him down slightly. Why would they want to run closer to the very thing the ghost monsters were after!? He understood that the chamber seemed pretty defendable, but what good was that if it was also the target of every single skull creature? It felt a bit like certain doom to him, and he glanced nervously around for better options.

    Instead he saw Umbrum. Lots of them, in all directions, many of which were closer than he would like. In light of this fact, he decided not to change his course after all. Perhaps the ponies surrounding the Heart had some kind of plan. Why would they be here, fighting horrible monsters, if they didn't know what they were doing?

    From somewhere to his right, an Umbrum changes course and turns to look at Mixtus fleeing. It zeroes in on the pony as he scrambles, open its mouth and snarls before charging.

    Roll a DEX to see if Mixtus manages to evade the Umbrum charging him! 1-7 he is charged by the Umbrum and hit for 10 HP points! He must aditionally roll a WIS save to see if he is stuck in nightmares! 8-13 he manages to evade the charge fully, no WIS save needed. 14-15, not only does he evade the charge, but the umbrum skids and falls on the ground, granting Mixtus a chance for a free hit!

  6. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 4:08:37 PM UTC
    ID: 44088 | #46
    Level 7

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 03:09:24 GMT, Neonsparks said in post id 44076:


    WIS rolled a 2 - sill safe from nightmares
    STR rolled a 9! that's x10 damage for the hit!

    Boho backs off from the coughing umbrum to double-check her surroundings. The others appeared to be holding them off, but were more umbrum coming? She didn't need the answer, she could already hear more of them coming. Too many for a group of random civilians and infected volunteers to manage. She looked to the heart itself and thought, if there's any way to fix this mess it had to be the heart that could do it. after all, it was the most powerful artifact left intact in equestrian right? That's what stories had always said. 
    she turned her attention away from the umbrum and made a run for the heart herself. Hoping perhaps she could tap into the magic inside of it to repel the invasion. Even for just a little while. 

    The Umbrum takes a large enough hit while coughing, that the moment it hits the ground, it groans and flops unconscious. This one is down, but there are still two more that are a threat to the crystal, and more on the way! The sounds of their approach are getting louder and louder... Any moment now, reinforcements will get there.

    Boho has an easy enough time getting to the crystal, but... she can't seem to link to it in any way. It pulses with life, and she can feel it, but something seems to be cutting off any attempt at a connection. Perhaps she is just not strong enough, or perhaps she has not attained a level of magic that would allow her to pull off such a feat.

    While connected to the Crystal Heart... Boho starts to feel odd. a small bit of crystal growth starts to creep up through a small section of her body.

    (Boho has gained the Crystal Infection! Where and how much is up to the player! It could be minimal, or it could be a bit more advanced, it's up to you!)

  7. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 4:13:14 PM UTC
    ID: 44089 | #47
    Level 7

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 11:50:48 GMT, Xaotl said in post id 44082:

     Gold Standard was really really sure he shouldn't be in the middle of all this. He wasn't a knight, a caster... he wasn't really anythng this side of band management... but he'd maybe been spending just a little too much time around Brave, and had put just enough distance between himself and the terrifying struggle with the Bug Bear to be feeling unwisely unable to stuff himself into a small space and hide. 

     Besides he was sort of... large... for most good hiding spaces. And he'd heard the chaos. And the call.  

    It really was chaos when he burst onto the scene, breaking through a crowd of ponies heading the opposite way, and it took moments he wasn't sure they had to try and scan the scene and see where he could do anything. His eyes landed on Abbadon, picked out what he was trying to do, and charged that direction, determined to damn well sit on at least one of the Corrupt if he had to, at least until someone competent could help out.

    Abaddon's zipping around had one Umbrum entirely enthralled with him. Its eyes followed the flying pegasus, and it did not pick up on Gold Standard's approach at all; a detriment to itself for sure. 

    But still! This means Gold gets a free hit off, no DEX or Nightmare WIS save required!

    How would Gold like to attack?

  8. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 4:20:15 PM UTC
    ID: 44090 | #48
    Level 7

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 11:53:33 GMT, Velnyx said in post id 44083:

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 07:17:17 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44067:


    Even though the Umbrum does not manage to ensnare Rime, it does not look at all deterred for some reason. It advances menacingly, mouth open wide, as if screaming silently, albeit no sound comes through.

    It notices the changeling charging and narrows its eyes as it figures out what to do.

    Dex roll 1-5, you miss the Umbrum as it sidesteps you! 6-10 you hit the Umbrum, but it was bracing against you! It takes x1 damage. 11-14 You hit if with all your strength, and it takes full damage heads on (x10 damage)

    Remember to roll nightmare again, having come in full contact with the Umbrum!

    Rime rolls a 1 - the Umbrum sidesteps him easily, causing him to hiss and scrape his hooves on the floor to slow himself to turn back around for another go!

    He rolls a wisdom - having come into close quarters with the creature again.. And rolls a 6 - he isn't snared in a nightmare.

    The Umbrum sidesteps the charge with ease, veering to the left as Rime passes by, and instantly aims to retaliate at the brazen changeling with a bite of its own. No words pass between them, but a rolling hatred exudes the Umbrum in near waves.

    Roll a DEX! 1-7 the Umbrum hits for 10 Hp! 8-12, Rime evades, 13-14 not only does Rime evade, but he gets a free hit in as the Umbrum losses its balance and stumbles!

    If the Umbrum hits, roll a WIS for nightmares, otherwise there is no need (as the stumble will allow her a free hit!)

  9. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 4:26:41 PM UTC
    ID: 44091 | #49
    Level 3

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 23:20:15 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44090:

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 11:53:33 GMT, Velnyx said in post id 44083:

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 07:17:17 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44067:


    Even though the Umbrum does not manage to ensnare Rime, it does not look at all deterred for some reason. It advances menacingly, mouth open wide, as if screaming silently, albeit no sound comes through.

    It notices the changeling charging and narrows its eyes as it figures out what to do.

    Dex roll 1-5, you miss the Umbrum as it sidesteps you! 6-10 you hit the Umbrum, but it was bracing against you! It takes x1 damage. 11-14 You hit if with all your strength, and it takes full damage heads on (x10 damage)

    Remember to roll nightmare again, having come in full contact with the Umbrum!

    Rime rolls a 1 - the Umbrum sidesteps him easily, causing him to hiss and scrape his hooves on the floor to slow himself to turn back around for another go!

    He rolls a wisdom - having come into close quarters with the creature again.. And rolls a 6 - he isn't snared in a nightmare.

    The Umbrum sidesteps the charge with ease, veering to the left as Rime passes by, and instantly aims to retaliate at the brazen changeling with a bite of its own. No words pass between them, but a rolling hatred exudes the Umbrum in near waves.

    Roll a DEX! 1-7 the Umbrum hits for 10 Hp! 8-12, Rime evades, 13-14 not only does Rime evade, but he gets a free hit in as the Umbrum losses its balance and stumbles!

    If the Umbrum hits, roll a WIS for nightmares, otherwise there is no need (as the stumble will allow her a free hit!)

    Rime roars as he charges the Umbrum, he goes to duck to the side (roll: 4), but he trips over his own hooves as the Umbrum's bite connects (roll: 5) and he is now trapped in another nightmare!

  10. Posted on Jul 13, 2023, 4:27:11 PM UTC
    ID: 44092 | #50
    Level 25

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 20:13:14 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 44089:

    On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 11:50:48 GMT, Xaotl said in post id 44082:

     Gold Standard was really really sure he shouldn't be in the middle of all this. He wasn't a knight, a caster... he wasn't really anythng this side of band management... but he'd maybe been spending just a little too much time around Brave, and had put just enough distance between himself and the terrifying struggle with the Bug Bear to be feeling unwisely unable to stuff himself into a small space and hide. 

     Besides he was sort of... large... for most good hiding spaces. And he'd heard the chaos. And the call.  

    It really was chaos when he burst onto the scene, breaking through a crowd of ponies heading the opposite way, and it took moments he wasn't sure they had to try and scan the scene and see where he could do anything. His eyes landed on Abbadon, picked out what he was trying to do, and charged that direction, determined to damn well sit on at least one of the Corrupt if he had to, at least until someone competent could help out.

    Abaddon's zipping around had one Umbrum entirely enthralled with him. Its eyes followed the flying pegasus, and it did not pick up on Gold Standard's approach at all; a detriment to itself for sure. 

    But still! This means Gold gets a free hit off, no DEX or Nightmare WIS save required!

    How would Gold like to attack?

    Gold is pretty sure he doesn't have the training to pull off a precision maneuver so he's put his head down and shoulder slam it from as close a range as he can get before it notices him. If he can knock it down, so much the better! Finesse is for ponies who have training, this is pure brawl. 

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