A White Flower: Witch’s House

Chapter 5: Witch’s House

Traveling from afar, Edelweiss is now visiting an unknown area somewhere around the thick woods that is known to be cursed. As an explorer, she is already used to it and proceed without second thoughts. The sky is already dark and the only light she could use as a guide is the moon light. She follows the grassy path that most likely unused for decades. After walking for a while, she is now at the front door of a very old house or to be precise, at the front of a witch’s house.

Getting closer with each step, a child song can be heard louder but it does not stop Edelweiss at all. When she is already at the front door and reached her hand at the door knob, a creeping voice said, “This is my house. This is my brother’s house, his and mine. Strangers aren’t allowed because they’re never strange enough.”

Edelweiss looked at the direction of the voice which is a child. She smiled, not because it was a child but something else.

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