A White Flower: Dark Sky

Chapter 9: Dark Sky

After using the godspawn to move out of the well and burning the house and well after, Weiss was still looking at the moonless dark sky. The sky is empty with nothing to show except the darkness of the night. After a while, Weiss decided to take a stroll to the woods. She thought that its not healthy to stay with all the smoke from the burning house. Weiss walks leisurely since burning a house down completely will most likely to take a while. Still, it made her wonder why there is no moon or stars at the sky. β€œIt might be raining soon. Too bad I already burned the house for shelter for the rain.” she thought. She then started looking for a cave near by to take shelter but there is nothing to be found. The only thing on place are trees, trees, and a lot more of trees. β€œLooks like I’m lost.”, she thought.

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