Quest: Rebuilding

Published Sep 14, 2005, 4:07:22 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 20, 2005, 6:43:30 AM | Total Chapters 47

Story Summary

Maintaining sequel. Goku & Vegeta have enemies everywhere-first Frieza, then the Kais. Will they survive to become mates? Yaoi Yuri GxV, CCxRezu(OC)

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Chapter 33: Rebuilding

Chapter 33 - Rebuilding

Gohan rose to his feet and prepared to leave. “Are you sure it is okay to leave them alone now?” he asked, running his hand through his hair. “Dad seemed kind of freaked.”

Piccolo, still hovering, uncurled from his meditation pose. “They’ll be fine. They just need to recover. Your father and Vegeta have had a rough time.” He could feel the Saiyans’ kis – they actually seemed calm and almost relaxed for the first time in days. “Go home, kid. I’m sure Videl would like to see you.”

Gohan gave a sheepish grin. “She wasn’t too happy when you dragged me off for guard duty. We had a date that night.”

“Sorry. I wouldn’t have called you if I didn’t need you,” he said. Gohan had been spending more and more time with the girl – he seemed much happier and more confident since they had begun seeing each other. After those difficult years since Goku’s death it was nice seeing the boy actually looking forward to things.

“It’s okay. She complained because it’s expected, but she understood. Videl’s a lot like Mom that way – gripes, but she doesn’t really mean it.” Gohan grinned. “I’m supposed to take her out on the town to pay her back. She always looks so hot when we go dancing.”

==Is that what they are calling sex now?==

~~Go away Nail.~~

==Calm down, Piccolo. I think it is nice the boy has such a willing lover.==

Piccolo scowled. It was difficult enough to accept this boy – this young man - he considered his son having sex without having Nail rub it in.

“What’s wrong?”

Piccolo shook his head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

Gohan grinned. “Poor Piccolo. Who’s bugging you? Kami or Nail?”

He smirked; Gohan had seen him do this too often. “Nail, who else?”

“What about?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

==Why not tell him? You know, Piccolo, I have never understood why you never made the young man your lover.==

~~He’s like my son, you asshole!~~

“Piccolo, what’s wrong? You look really pissed,” Gohan asked with concern.

“I think you should leave, kid. Nail and I are about to have a discussion,” he growled.

“Sure,” Gohan laughed, rising from the ground, “kick his butt for me.”

Piccolo waited until his student was out of sight, seething at the damn-fool stuck in his head.

“What in the fuck is wrong with you!?” he finally shouted, so angry he couldn’t maintain any kind of mental speech. “It’s bad enough when you give me crap about Goku and Vegeta, or anyone else who catches your roving eye, but you leave Gohan out of it!”

==You’re just mad because you know you missed your chance.==

~~I didn’t miss a chance, you asshole. It was never a possibility.~~ He could never think of Gohan that way. As far as he was concerned, Gohan was more his son than Goku’s. ~~He trusts me; I’m his teacher. The kid is more important to me than anyone else - I would never risk that friendship.~~

He could hear Nail’s sigh. ==You’re too human sometimes, Piccolo. But believe it or not, I do understand – and agree with - your reasons.==

~~So why do you keep saying stupid things like that?~~

==Fine. I won’t ask you about Gohan anymore.==

~~Or Goku. Or Vegeta.~~

==Do you have to eliminate all of the good-looking ones?==

~~Nail…~~ he growled warningly.

==Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Saiyans are off-limits. Got it.==

~~Good.~~ Piccolo returned to his meditating.

A few minutes later, the pest renewed his efforts to slowly drive him insane.

==Piccolo…I have a question – a serious question.==

Piccolo sighed. Nail apparently wasn’t going to leave him alone today.

==I know you haven’t been around any Nameks but Kami, Dende and I…you know we normally live in colonies, right?==

~~So I’ve been told,~~ he answered grudgingly.

==So how can you stand being alone all of the time? Doesn’t it bother you? I grew up surrounded by friends and family – a Namek who lived alone was rare. We are meant to have others around us.==

~~Kami lived alone for years…~~

==Kami is weird,== Nail laughed.

Piccolo chuckled. He had to agree with the pest. ~~You’ll get no argument from me about that.~~

==Seriously, how can you stand it? Aren’t you lonely? Why don’t you ever have bedmates or lovers? Oh, quit growling – you sound like one of those Saiyan monkeys.==

Piccolo suddenly wasn’t sure whether to be enraged or embarrassed – or just plain uncomfortable at his prying. ~~You know why; you were listening when I told Vegeta. My change to adult form was hell.~~

==You plan on staying alone for the rest of your life because of that? You aren’t the first Namek to experience a difficult heat. Why don’t you at least try?==

Damn it – why did Nail keep doing this to him? Why did he let him do this? Nail would bring it up and he would end up spending hours meditating, trying to answer the questions the other Namek asked. And he didn’t have any answers. ~~What do you care anyway, Nail? Why are you constantly giving me crap? Why in the hell can’t you let it go?~~

==I’m not trying to give you crap. Believe it or not, I’m really trying to help you.==

~~You sure as hell aren’t doing a very good job of it. Did Kami put you up to this? He’s usually the one who thinks I need his asinine guidance.~~ He was beginning to believe fusing with these two pains in the ass was a huge mistake. It wasn’t like the power he got from them had done him much good in the long run. Maybe he would be better off weaker but without Kami’s attempts to hen-peck him or Nail’s efforts to turn him into some kind of pervert.

==That chicken-shit old man? I don’t believe his stories about why he left. I think he was so obnoxiously self-righteous he scared away any potential bedmates.==

Piccolo laughed at that, secretly hoping the old pain-in-the-ass was listening. Serve the old bastard right. ~~I swear Nail, you are worse than Vegeta. Have you ever stopped to consider I really might be asexual? Maybe I’m not interested.~~

Nail chuckled knowingly. ==If that were true you wouldn’t be spying on the Saiyans having sex. A lover would do you a world of good.==

Piccolo winced at that memory. Vegeta had noticed and given him a hard time the next day. It was one of the stupidest, most embarrassing things he had ever done. The reason he gave the arrogant prince – curiosity – wasn’t the entire truth. Most of the people he knew were pairing up – hell, even Dende had a girlfriend at the moment – and he was feeling more alone than usual.

~~And whom would you suggest…?~~ he asked sarcastically. After all, he had such a huge selection of potential partners.

==I would be willing.==

Piccolo scowled at the gall of the pest. ~~Sure. Let me just pencil you in. Right after you get the hell out of my head and into a body of your own,~~ he snapped.


Vegeta leaned back against Kakorr’s firm chest, feeling the answering purr of contentment. He felt… well, he wasn’t sure how he felt. The past few days had been emotionally draining – it was almost too much effort right now to react to anything.

Kakorr had held him while he grieved. Vegeta had blamed himself for Rouba’s death for so long – as a child he only knew he had done nothing to save her. It took this journey for him to see the pride Rouba had – in him and herself. Standing up for what she believed in, even though she knew it would cost her life was a price she chose to pay. He knew now she would never have let him interfere – her teachings only ensured that.

No matter what he had said or done, he wasn’t proud of what he had become under Frieza – he hated the lizard for making him into that monster, but there had been no escape. Rouba knew who he was, what he became, and had a vision of what he could be – she knew everything and was still proud of him. Somehow that comforted him more than anything Kakorr could say.

He had never admitted to anyone – including himself – how much he valued her opinion. But in that instant he saw her he realized he didn’t want Rouba to think he was worthless or a monster. The realization that she didn’t – that she valued him enough to fight for him – made him ache with something close to happiness. The feeling was almost solid – something he could cling to and wrap around himself. Rouba was proud of him.

With Kakorr’s patience he was starting to see how much she had done for him and how she had saved him from Frieza after all. Without her teaching and reinforcement, the lizard really would have destroyed him. Rouba was the one who taught him pride. She was the one who gave him the ability to resist the lizard’s mental attacks.

“She gave you the book,” Kakorr said, curling his arms around his waist and chest.

“Rouba gave me the book…” She had been the one to give him the motive to return to the past. Looking back, so many of the things that had anchored him and given him strength to survive difficult years had come from her.

::I wish we could have saved her,:: Kakorr said, wrapping his ki around them like a blanket.

::Maybe we could try again…:: Vegeta said hesitantly. He didn’t think they could – circumstances would be different this time, and the Kais would be sure to be expecting them. But he was torn by wanting to see Rouba one more time and dreading the thought of losing her yet again.

“You want to go back?” Kakorr asked, surprised.

::I want to be mated.:: He had been discouraged at first, but he held a tiny bit of hope now. If Rouba believed it was possible, then he would as well. But it was still frustrating.

“We will be, Vegeta. We have time. We’re not going anywhere.”

Vegeta smiled sadly and twisted in Kakorr’s embrace so he could rest his head on his shoulder. He still felt tired and drained - the arms around him were safe and comforting. With Kakorr keeping guard he could close his eyes and rest.

He awoke to Kakorr’s gentle mental whispering of his name. Vegeta wasn’t surprised to notice they had relocated. Kakorr must have used his transmission to bring them to a favorite spot by the river.

::We’re being glared at,:: Kakorr said, amused.

Vegeta sat up and looked around. “Trunks?” The boy was glaring at them, arms crossed, tail twitching, an all too familiar scowl upon his face. Standing close behind him was Goten, equally unhappy, but apparently incapable of displaying the anger his own son was.

“I’m mad at you,” Trunks muttered.

“So I can see,” Vegeta said. “Are you going to tell me why?”

“You keep going away and no one will tell me what is going on. Everyone knows but me. I’m not a little kid! I’m almost 10! Why won’t anyone tell me?!” his son protested, frustrated to the point of anger.

“Gohan says someone is trying to kill you,” Goten said in a little voice, staring at the ground.

“Did he say that to you?” Vegeta asked the youngest boy. If Kakorr’s oldest was telling the brats things before they were ready he would kick Gohan’s ass.

“No…” Goten said, kicking at the dirt.

“You brats were eavesdropping again, weren’t you? Listening to private conversations?”

Trunks frowned and came to his friend’s aid. “How else can we find out what is going on? You guys don’t tell us anything.”

::The brats are right, Kakorr. I think we should tell them.::

Kakorr agreed regretfully. ::I just wanted to protect the boys. But you’re right – they need to know. I made the mistake of not explaining everything to Gohan. I’m not going to make the same mistake again.::

Vegeta nodded. “Come here, brats,” he said. “Sit down. We’ll tell you what we can.”

Trunks and Goten sat side by side, tails tangled, a serious expression on their faces. Vegeta studied his son – his sons – and wondered when they had managed to grow up so much. Why hadn’t he noticed?

Trunks was nearly the same age Gohan had been when facing Cell – and a part of him was afraid his son would have to face a similar challenge because of the Kais.

He sighed. Where should he begin? “You boys know Kakorr and I are bonded, correct?”

Goten looked confused for a moment. “Do you mean my daddy?”

Kakorr grinned. “That’s right. Kakorr is a special name that only Vegeta can call me.”

“We have decided we want something more permanent and formal, so we are going to be mated.”

Goten brightened. “Does that mean you are going to have puppies? Can we keep one?”

“Stupid,” Trunks grumbled, smacking the back of his head. “Only dogs have puppies. They would have little monkeys or something.”

“Oh. Can we keep one of them then?”

Vegeta blinked, stunned. Puppies? Monkeys? “What are you talking about?” He looked over at Kakorr who was struggling not to laugh. ::Kakorr? What in the hell are they talking about?::

::Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh,:: he heard Kakorr muttering to himself. Kakorr took a deep breath, flashed a grin, before pasting a serious expression on his face. “Goten… this isn’t like the Celipas and the Chans – they mate and breed dogs.”

“And birds,” Goten added.

“And birds,” Kakorr agreed. ::Don’t you dare laugh, Vegeta.:: “The mating Vegeta is talking about is more like marriage. And Saiyan men can’t have babies.”

“Stupid!” Trunks laughed.

Goten turned and shoved Trunks. “I’m not stupid! You’re the dummy who suggested monkeys! We aren’t monkeys!”

Vegeta growled, instantly ending the argument. Kakorr was right – it was all he could do not to laugh. “You are right boy – we are not monkeys – we are Saiyans. Something you should be very proud of.”

Trunks scowled and snapped his tail at Goten before looping them together again. “Okay…so you guys are getting married-”

“Mated,” Goten corrected.

“Whatever. So why did you go away? And why is someone trying to kill you?” Trunks continued.

Vegeta smiled to himself. His son could be immature at times, but when necessary he could be very adult and direct. He shifted around and got more comfortable. “You know I was very young when my home was destroyed…”

The boys nodded.

“Because of that, I didn’t get to learn everything about Saiyan customs that I needed to. Mating is very rare – almost as rare as Super Saiyan was before. All I knew was it was important to do exactly right – otherwise it is dangerous.”

“Can anyone do it?” Goten asked, glancing at Trunks.

Kakorr hesitated. “No. Everything has to be perfect for it to be performed safely. Once it is done, it can’t be undone – Vegeta and I will be together forever. Mates can’t divorce and they can’t live without each other.”

Goten stared wide-eyed. “You mean… you mean if the bad guys kill Vegeta you’ll die too?”

::Damn it, Kakorr. You shouldn’t have said that.::

Kakorr frowned. ::I know – but I just wanted to tell them the truth. Besides, it is already true because of the bond. I can’t live without you.::

“Then… then I don’t want you to mate, Daddy,” Goten sniffed.

Kakorr pulled his son into his lap. “I understand, Goten. Really I do. But don’t you want me to be happy too?”

“No,” the boy said in a tiny voice. “Not if it means you are going to die again.”

“Brat,” Vegeta growled, “What makes you think I am that easy to kill?”

Trunks glared at Vegeta, arms crossed. “’Cos when you came back you were nearly dead – again.”

Vegeta sighed. “Trunks – that was an unusual situation.”

“I don’t believe you,” Trunks said angrily. “You’ve got bad guys trying to hurt you and you won’t let us help. We can fuse! Goten and I are really strong! Gohan is a big weenie, but you tell him what is going on! It’s not fair!”

“Hey! My brother is not a weenie!”

“Yes he is! You’ve said it yourself! He wears all those dorky outfits and doesn’t want to fight. We’re the ones who kicked butt when the ship came, not him!”

“Guys,” Kakorr said, “It really wasn’t normal. Vegeta is the strongest fighter there is. It’s just that where we were we couldn’t get anymore ki, okay? That isn’t going to happen again.”

“I don’t believe you,” Trunks muttered.

“I told you brat,” Vegeta said, “We want to be mates. The only way to learn how was to go to the past. That’s where we were and why we couldn’t get any more ki.”

“The past? Really?” Goten asked, grinning. “That’s cool.”

“No lie?” Trunks asked.

“No lie,” Kakorr said. “We went back to Vegeta-sei before it blew up.”

“And there were bad guys there?” Goten asked, suddenly serious.

Vegeta scowled. “Yes. They were there and took us by surprise. We aren’t going to let that happen again. We will be ready for them this time.”


The last few days had been spent in exhausting and intensive training. The boys had been eager, throwing themselves into training with a single-minded passion. Their mothers had protested at first, but Vegeta had convinced the women the brats would be better able to protect themselves this way.

Vegeta realized secrecy was only helping the Kais, and even though he found the decision difficult he decided to share what they had learned about the bastards with those who might be impacted by their actions. He had called something like a war council and once they had compared stories, the anger and disbelief was amazing.

Chichi had raged at the absent Kais, her ki rising to – for her - impressive levels. Bulma had started calmly sketching flow patterns and diagrams, but as the evidence grew she began muttering and cursing under her breath until even Vegeta was amazed at her language. They still didn’t have any real answers about what had happened to the room, but a still shaken Piccolo was positive it had been caused by the Kais. The Namek had confirmed what he suspected – the lizard had dealings with the damn bugs.

It bothered him to see Kakorr so worried, especially since he didn’t totally share his concern. He tried to explain this to Kakorr – they were the strongest Saiyans who ever lived; even Brolli would be nothing to them now. An Osekkai had been killed with ease – the Kais were no challenge. But Kakorr fretted and seethed - beings many considered gods were after ‘his prince’.

It was difficult for Vegeta to explain how he felt. For the first time in his life, he couldn’t seem to tap that rage and anger that had driven him to do so many reckless things in the past. He didn’t feel the immediate, insistent need to take the fight to them – which would have been impossible anyway.

Was this how Kakorr felt before? The foolish thought kept passing through his mind that if the Kais would only apologize, or just leave them alone, he could go through life content. He didn’t seem to have that insane urge to go and destroy them.

Kakorr on the other hand…he was raging. The clearer a picture they got of the conspiracy, the angrier he got. First the Kais lied to Dende and didn’t tell him Frieza was alive and on his way to Earth. It explained why they refused to help remove the brainwashing – they wanted Vegeta dead, either by his own hand or someone else’s. They had even tried to make Kakorr kill him on New Namek.

Vegeta was worried about one thing, though. What would the Kais do to Kakorr if he died? Kakorr was special to them before – at the very least he was a prized pet. But that had changed. Kakorr had gone against the Kais and sided with Vegeta in all things. He had even gone as far as killing an Osekkai. What would happen to him now? He hated the thought of Kakorr being punished for his supposed disobedience or sent to hell – and he could see no other possibilities.

That was his primary motive for fighting and training now. The bond had linked their lives together permanently. If the Kais succeeded in killing him, Kakorr would die as well. He would not let that happen.

So they trained. Even Kakorr’s oldest – usually so unwilling to fight – was there everyday, sparring with an intensity that was awe-inspiring. The younger boys understood how serious the situation was, but it was their nature to treat it like a game.

More than once he had to stop and stare at the group. It was breath-taking and humbling to realize these people were there for his benefit. When it happened, he could only stare at Kakorr with wonder – how had this happened? How had he gone from being a murderous monster to someone who inspired such loyalty?

The only thing that frustrated him to no end was mating. He wanted it. He needed it. Because of the effects of their bond he couldn’t even say he was delaying it to protect Kakorr. But he still couldn’t understand why they had to wait. He had meditated on it in his spare time, replayed every word Rouba had said. What was wrong? He trusted Kakorr – nothing Kakorr ever did frightened or worried him – so why did she say they weren’t ready?

And worse yet – he was sure Kakorr knew something but Rouba had said he couldn’t tell. He could see it in Kakorr’s brown eyes every time he looked at him. Kakorr saw his silence as a form of betrayal; he didn’t know Vegeta understood – Rouba’s word was law.

Vegeta watched his two youngest sons with pride as they sparred with Kakorr. Sons. The discussion with the boys had ended up continuing late into the night. In the middle of it, he had realized he wanted to formally claim Kakorr’s sons as his own. Goten and Trunks had been thrilled with the idea of being bonded brothers.

He glanced at Gohan standing beside him, studying the boys as well. “You don’t have to accept, you know. You are old enough to choose for yourself,” he told the teenager.

Gohan looked at him, obviously unsure. “I’m just kind of surprised you would want to claim me at all. I’m too much like Mom – too human. I thought I wasn’t Saiyan enough.”

“You don’t know your mother at all, boy – she is more Saiyan than you think.” He still hadn’t made a decision on her latest suggestion. It was a compliment and it was confusion. Kakorr seemed eager, but he was hesitant. The idea was too much to absorb right away.

Vegeta frowned and slashed his tail in frustration. He couldn’t deny being jealous of the brat years ago – but there was no easy way to make the boy understand he had no reason to feel that way any longer. “A lot has happened. I was… wrong.” He scowled when the boy smiled at him for that admission. “Sure – go ahead – laugh.”

Gohan smiled. “The great Prince Vegeta – admitting a mistake.”

He snorted. “Don’t get used to it, boy. I rarely am wrong.”

“Oh, I know, I know,” Gohan laughed. He stopped chuckling and studied Vegeta with the same intense eyes as his father. “Seriously Vegeta – are you sure? I know you and Dad are going to be mated eventually, and it only makes sense for Truten – they are practically brothers as it is… But are you doing this only because Dad wants it? Do you really want to claim me as your son as well?”

Vegeta growled, partly with annoyance and partly with embarrassment. “This is my idea, not Kakorr’s.”

Why did it have to be so difficult to build a family? He didn’t know if it was the bond, his scattered emotions since returning home, or if it was just a normal change, but he was really trying to be less of an asshole. Didn’t the brat realize how difficult it had been just to raise the issue? Why was the kid questioning him about it? Was it so horrible to be his son?

“Look, if you aren’t interested, fine,” he said, turning to walk away. “Don’t worry about it.” This had been a stupid idea.

“Vegeta! Wait!” Gohan caught his arm and stood in front of him. He just looked at the boy, unwilling to let the brat know how much this rejection hurt.

“What is it, boy? I have to get back to training.”

Gohan studied him and he began to wonder if the boy had the same ability to read him as Kakorr did. And then the brat’s face was lit by a smile worthy of his father.

“Vegeta… I would be honored to be your son.”

He couldn’t help himself. He grinned.

Gohan laughed. “You do realize it goes both ways? If you can claim us, we can claim you – which means you are now subject to certain Son family traditions.”

“Such as…?” he asked suspiciously, concerned when Gohan displayed a smirk uncannily like his father’s.

“Well... there’s something I’ve wanted to do for years… To thank you for everything you’ve done for us. And now I can.”

Vegeta could only sputter a half-hearted protest when he was suddenly caught in a bone-crushing hug. “Brat! Brat! I do not hug!”

Gohan released him and grinned. “You do now. Wait until I tell Mom!” He hovered, preparing to leave.

Vegeta smirked. “Maybe I should change my mind.” If the hellcat realized his recent sentimental weakness there would be no refusing her request. And he doubted Kakorr would help him in this.

“Too late now!” Gohan said, flying away.

Too late now. He grinned. Apparently he was stuck with a family whether he wanted it or not.


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